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Oxygen Ozone Therapies

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Hi Steve and All,

Steve asked about oxygen ozone therapy. Well, my

Father is away so I have set up the dictation software

to obey me! I have dicatated below some information I

obtained from Dr Khanna's office, it is posted with

her permission. She said that the technique is

totally safe and that she has been using it herself

for 9 years. As for scientific evaluation I don't

know, but it seems popular in Germany. This

information is provided with the usual disclaimer - I

have no connection with Dr K and have not tried this.

Others have suggested this treatment may be



About oxygen :

Oxygen is the element which makes life possible on our

planet. Its found in the air, is found dissolved in

water and contained in solid matter. Oxygen is both

the giver and sustainer of life. Our bodies are

composed mostly of water, which is eight ninths

oxygen. Many nutritional studies get caught up in

small details of biochemistry and overlook our most

abundant and essential element oxygen, and the

fundamental role of its depletion in causing illness.

Our bodies use oxygen through the process of

oxidation, breathing it in and breaking it down like

any other nutrient into a form which can be used by

the blood cells. About 90 per cent of the bodies

energy is created by oxygen. It regulates every

activity of the human organism. In the body of oxygen

is transported by the blood which suppliers all our

organs with this vital element.

Oxygen ozone therapy :

Ozone, as most people know it is the protective layer

(ozone layer) of gas surrounding the earth which

shields us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ozone

is also used to purify drinking water all over the

world. However, ozone has many therapeutic properties,

which were used as early as 1705 in Europe. Ozone ( O

3) is another form of oxygen (O2), it contains three

oxygen atoms and is a highly energetic form of

atmospheric oxygen.

What is it?

Oxygen ozone is the administration of a mixture of

medical oxygen and ozone in an exact concentration and

dosage range.

How was the mixture made?

Ozone (03) is another form of oxygen (O2), which is

created from medical oxygen by electrical charge

through a generator. The mixture then contains pure

ozone and pure oxygen (0.0525 per cent ozone and the

rest is pure oxygen).

How does it work?

Many diseases have as the root cause immense

efficiency of oxygen supply or a disturbance and the

oxygen processing capacity of the body. Oxygen ozone

therapy is extremely effective in contracting this

insufficiency of oxygen and stimulating the oxygen

process plant/factory in the cells.

Oxygen ozone therapy is used to enhance health. Health

of an individual is related to healthy function of the

organs, the supplier the metabolic requirements, and

removal of the metabolic waste. Oxygen in its various

forms enhances these functions and helps in physical

conditions caused by toxicity.

The main difference for health purposes, between

benign micro-organisms and those which cause disease,

is that the latter survive in low oxygen environments

such as those which are Company stagnation and decay.

For the body to have become a growth medium for such

organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungy, parasites) has to

have allowed the oxygen saturation of the bodies

fluids and organs to drop well below the optimum level

required for healthy cell growth and function.

Oxygen ozone therapy overcomes these disease producing

organisms in two ways. Ozone simply oxidises the

molecule in the shell of the virus. Oxygen counteracts

the insufficiency of oxygen that produced this state

in the first place and also boosts the oxygen

processing powers of the body and the flow properties

of the blood. By the same mechanism it benefits people

with circulatory disturbances.

Oxygen ozone therapy thus:

Repleats bodily deficient oxygen

Removes micro-organisms

A enhances circulation and makes it valuable in

revitalising organic function

Activate cellular metabolism

Modulated the immune system

Regulates the anti-oxidative capacity of the

biological system

What conditions as it used in?

Viral disorders for example: herpes, shingles,

hepatitis, *ME*

Fungal disorders, for example *Candida*

Various forms of arthritis

Colon disorders

Circulate three and heart problems

Adjunct in cancer therapy

Hormone disorders

High blood cholesterol

Immune stimulation

Infections, various

What conditions can it not be used in ?

Increased thyroid states and low platalet counts in


How was it administered?

The most effective way is by infusion, called major


50 to 100 millilitres of blood is drawn from the

patient into a vacuum sealed bottle. The blood is

enriched with the desired concentration of oxygen

ozone mixture. Ozone molecules have the property of

dissolving into the blood. As they dissolved they give

up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable

energy and destroying disease producing organisms

while leaving blood cells unharmed. It also at the

same time obstinate the blood. This activated blood is

reintroduced into the patient using a dripped system.

This blood acts as a career for this health enhancing

mixture, which then circulates throughout the body.

How often?

This treatment can be given from twice a week to twice

a day depending on the ailment. Is not a complex

treatment, the only pain is of a needle prick and it

can take 20 to 45 minutes

Other modes of administration:

Intra rectally, through a catheter

Bag insufflation over the skin

Into the muscle

Ozone water and oil for local use

Practitioner use:

In Germany, over 5000 practitioners use it regularly.

It is also used in France, Switzerland, Spain and

Russia. This was the therapy that vastly helps to save

Dr Khanna from a life-threatening illness. She had the

treatment daily for several months to read her

recovery. Doctor Khanna then went on to train at the

Medical Society for ozone therapy in Germany. She was

the pioneering practitioner of this treatment in the


Dr S Khanna, Natural Therapeutics, 232 West Wycombe

Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3AR. Tel: 01494



on in Hampshire, England


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