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Re: Introduction-long Hi Kim

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Hi Kim,

I am sorry to hear all the s--- you have been through. Fill in the blanks!!

I live in St. Louis, MO and have lived her my whole life except when I was

attending college in Indiana. You may want to go to www.immed.org and check

out the info. I noticed you got worse during your honey moon. Did you fly

there? According to Dr. Garth Nicolson flying can cause the Mycoplasma

fermentans incognitus to get worse b/c it thrives in an atmosphere of low

oxygen tension. It is a boderline anaerobe. You may have also gotten hit

with another infection or possibly the flight...if there was one...may have

made the mycoplasma come on full force. Also, did you go out of the country

and get vaccines to go out of the country. some relate the onset of their

illness to vaccines. Some say it made their illness worse.

I think everyone with CFS has been at least somewhat depressed or down at one

point or another..of course some more than others. When you think about how

debilitating the illness is, how many loses it causes to a person, and how

much psychological and emotional abuse is inflicted on a person b/c of the

propaganda about CFS I think anyone who never at least got somewhat down

and/or anxious would have to be crazy...literally. I am sure all of us have

felt we would like to escape this physical torture and all lack of

understanding and down right meanness that often comes with this illness.

However, this is what I have concluded through logic and intuition and more

and more this makes sense to me. In daily life when you try to take the easy

way it seems like you always somehow end up paying for it. Like, for

example, if you as a kid never do your homework etc. you may not end up with

a very good job and life in the long run may be harder than if you had just

studied and gotten an education. This is just one example but I am sure you

get the idea/point. And, I do believe that there is much more to reality

than what we know and can see and understand here on this earth. And, I do

feel that by trying to take the easy way out you will not get to a " place "

you want to be. I think in the end. I don't think it is that simple. I do

not think we can just escape when we want to. I DO NOT pretend to know how

all this works but I do believe that we are here to learn certain lessons

(which may be hard for us to understand what they are right now) and that

things happen for a reason and sometimes it does seem like enough is enough

is enough already!!! But, over the past several years or so I have come to

realize that their is true evil in the world. Now this may sound weird, but

this has increased my faith in God b/c the way my brain works is this...if

their is real evil there must be real good b/c in life and nature etc, their

is always the opposite...there is hot and there is cold...there is wet and

there is dry...etc. That may sound silly to you but that's how may brain

works. I am just telling you my thought process. Anyway, I concluded if

there is real real evil (which I concluded after much research) then there

must be real real good and to me that is God. And, evil destroys life and

tries to limit human potential and God is for life and I believe God wants us

to respect life and respect God and the gifts given to us by God including

life. I won't go on and on but this is what I have concluded after learning

many things and having my eyes opened to things I was naive about and

ignorant to before. Well, I don't know if this makes sense to you or others.

I will let you go. You may want to get tested for mycoplasma etc. if you

have not so far just in case. Did you have much contact with any Gulf War

Vets or their family members before you got sick?

Take care,


In a message dated 2/14/00 7:18:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,

gardog@... writes:


Things continued to worsen on a gradual basis until May 1997. Dave and I

were married on the 24th and during the week of our honeymoon I was hit hard

and nasty by this as yet undiagnosed illness. We returned home and over the

course of the next 3 months I got to a point where I could no longer work on

a steady basis and was taking FMLA time off work. I did not return to work

after the end of August. By November I was almost completely bedridden, >>

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