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but can the minerals you add be absorbed by the body?


At 04:09 PM 11/22/2008, you wrote:

>If minerals are the concern, you can add some Azomite Mineral Powder

>to distilled or RO water. http://www.azomite.com/ Thanks for the

>great discussions.





> >

> > Jack is still alive, and I credited my belief to Bragg because I

>certainly cannot prove either side of the argument about water, nor

>has anyone else that I know of.

> > I'm not sure what fasting, juicing and veganism have to do with the

>quality or life force of water. Although we can't live very long with

>out water, I wouldn't drink tap water because I know what's in it.

>What kind of muscle testing do you do? What proof would it give that

>distilled water drains the body of energy? These kinds of statements

>are in my opinion are just conclusions. So to bring in another

>opinion, Dr.Herbert Shelton who conducted over 40,000 fast on mostly

>sick people who had been given up on by the Allopaths said if you eat

>a lot of water based foods you don't need much water. He stated the

>only time you should drink water is when you are thirsty, a far cry

>from the people who carry a water bottle with them all day. But maybe

>they don't eat many water based foods in the first place and ifs

>that's true it won't make much difference what kind of water they

>drink. Your engineer may be correct, but I prefer to believe the

>people who

> > practiced what they preached. I know this topic is not about vaxs

>but is about health as is non-vaxing and a lot on the list may be

>drinking fluoridated, cloridated and loaded with other poisons tap

>water , maybe it would be good to have a one time discussion for the

>benefit of those who have never thought about it. I am 67, was raised

>on junk food, hardly ever drank water, quit smoking at age 40, joined

>the health club, began to change my diet at 40 and today I have more

>energy than most including the teens that work for me. Which just goes

>to show you its never to late.

> > Just an after thought about the depleted soil. I have heard and read

>about that, mostly from people who want to sell vitamins. Yet I look

>around and still see a lot of healthy, strong kids, who don't take

>them and eat a standard American Diet.SAD. Not to mention my mom, who

>never ate anything but a SAD diet and tons of sweets. She took care of

>herself until the age of 90 in which she fell and broke her hip.

>Outside of blood pressure drugs she had no serious disease. Am I

>understanding you correctly that your family was unhealthy because

>they drank distilled water? My hair started graying when I was about

>60 and then just slightly. I think its good to bring our opinions up,

>I knew one man who thought that gray hair was a sign of intelligence.

>I know Bragg had at 80 a beautiful thick head of gray.

> >

> > Jim

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: Sharon <hotmocha@...>

> > Vaccinations

> > Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:53:38 PM

> > Subject: Water

> >

> >

> > Bragg and Jack Lalaine lived in a time when there were far more

> > minerals in the food supply and both of them practiced fasting,

> > juicing and veganism. They were flooding their body with nutrients,

> > unlike the vast majority of people on the planet today who are toxic

> > and won't absorb many, if any, nutrients from their dead food. Even

> > living foods have little nutrients when grown on the over-used, worn

> > out soils of today.

> >

> > I drank distilled water for years. Muscle testing that I've done in

> > hundreds of people shows 100% of the time that distilled water drains

> > the body of energy compared to a more alkaline, mineral-rich water.

> > It doesn't matter what order the testing is done in. Only when a

> > person is severely dehydrated will the acidic water be of any benefit

> > to the body.

> >

> > I uploaded a file about water from Hallelujah Acres, a healing center

> > that uses food to reverse disease. It shows some of the lesser known

> > studies (not a sales document).

> >

> > An engineer once told me he'd never drink RO water. He said it was

> > made for industrial use and is a better solvent than regular water but

> > not fit for the human body. This is when I first started questioning

> > distilled water since everyone in my family was not very healthy. It

> > can cause early graying of hair which can revert after adding minerals

> > back into the body.

> >

> > Sharon Hoehner

> > www.sharethecause. com/detoxqueen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My naturopath told me to add Concentrace in my water.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


> >

> >

> > Bragg and Jack Lalaine lived in a time when there were far more

> > minerals in the food supply and both of them practiced fasting,

> > juicing and veganism. They were flooding their body with nutrients,

> > unlike the vast majority of people on the planet today who are toxic

> > and won't absorb many, if any, nutrients from their dead food. Even

> > living foods have little nutrients when grown on the over-used, worn

> > out soils of today.

> >

> > I drank distilled water for years. Muscle testing that I've done in

> > hundreds of people shows 100% of the time that distilled water drains

> > the body of energy compared to a more alkaline, mineral-rich water.

> > It doesn't matter what order the testing is done in. Only when a

> > person is severely dehydrated will the acidic water be of any benefit

> > to the body.

> >

> > I uploaded a file about water from Hallelujah Acres, a healing center

> > that uses food to reverse disease. It shows some of the lesser known

> > studies (not a sales document).

> >

> > An engineer once told me he'd never drink RO water. He said it was

> > made for industrial use and is a better solvent than regular water but

> > not fit for the human body. This is when I first started questioning

> > distilled water since everyone in my family was not very healthy. It

> > can cause early graying of hair which can revert after adding minerals

> > back into the body.

> >

> > Sharon Hoehner

> > www.sharethecause. com/detoxqueen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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We also drink RO water. We NEVER drink tap water. You can just smell

the chlorine and other chems when it comes out of the tap. People

think we're crazy because we don't even give our dogs tap water. We

don't know, but we used to have a 75 gallon saltwater tank and we had

a 55 gallon trash can that we ran RO water in. We had our own RO

system hanging on the wall. So, it was a great thing. The fish and

corals had to have RO water because they couldn't have the metals and

minerals in tap water. RO systems do a good job of filtering out these

types of items. We had to constantly do testing on the water to make

sure it was okay for them, and for us. :) I totally believe in RO

water and wouldn't go back to tap ever.



> Bragg and Jack Lalaine lived in a time when there were far more

> minerals in the food supply and both of them practiced fasting,

> juicing and veganism. They were flooding their body with nutrients,

> unlike the vast majority of people on the planet today who are toxic

> and won't absorb many, if any, nutrients from their dead food. Even

> living foods have little nutrients when grown on the over-used, worn

> out soils of today.


> I drank distilled water for years. Muscle testing that I've done in

> hundreds of people shows 100% of the time that distilled water drains

> the body of energy compared to a more alkaline, mineral-rich water.

> It doesn't matter what order the testing is done in. Only when a

> person is severely dehydrated will the acidic water be of any benefit

> to the body.


> I uploaded a file about water from Hallelujah Acres, a healing center

> that uses food to reverse disease. It shows some of the lesser known

> studies (not a sales document).


> An engineer once told me he'd never drink RO water. He said it was

> made for industrial use and is a better solvent than regular water but

> not fit for the human body. This is when I first started questioning

> distilled water since everyone in my family was not very healthy. It

> can cause early graying of hair which can revert after adding minerals

> back into the body.


> Sharon Hoehner

> www.sharethecause.com/detoxqueen


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I'm crossposting this to the " OT4VAX " group, to hopefully get it

moved over there. Sheri asked that we take this subject over there.


People think you're crazy for not giving your dogs tap water? Wow,

I'd look at you as a good pet owner! I've NEVER given my dogs tap

water, and when I looked for a doggy daycare for them, that was one of

the things I asked about. They give the dogs and cats RO water, but

if they had stated they only gave tap water, I would have brought jugs

of water for them. The facility, which is also a boarding facility,

stated that is one of the more frequent questions they get. However,

I live in the " great southwest " , where we KNOW our water is as hard as

rocks and full of very untasty, and sometimes even smelly, minerals.

The town I grew up in had water that smelled like sulphur... they

recently got a new well that is much better, but the whole town is

plagued with bladder/kidney infections, which I attribute to drinking

the tap water. ICK! I never drank tap water, even as a kid. I

remember using it as an excuse to drink Coke (don't shoot me, I was

only 10!) If I was at a friend's house or out running around town and

all that was available was water, I'd insist on a Coke instead,

because I wasn't supposed to drink (nor could I stand the taste of)

tap water. :P

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 9:23 AM, <ladams9200@...> wrote:

> We also drink RO water. We NEVER drink tap water. You can just smell

> the chlorine and other chems when it comes out of the tap. People

> think we're crazy because we don't even give our dogs tap water. We

> don't know, but we used to have a 75 gallon saltwater tank and we had

> a 55 gallon trash can that we ran RO water in. We had our own RO

> system hanging on the wall. So, it was a great thing. The fish and

> corals had to have RO water because they couldn't have the metals and

> minerals in tap water. RO systems do a good job of filtering out these

> types of items. We had to constantly do testing on the water to make

> sure it was okay for them, and for us. :) I totally believe in RO

> water and wouldn't go back to tap ever.

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This video has interesting info on water. A friend recently sent it to me. They

show a test on the PH balance of different waters.  Kangen water refers to a

water the Japanese drink that is runs water through a system to make it healthy,

keeps the minerals and the water has an alkaline PH balance.  The video shows

that all other water is acidic at different levels. 



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Azomite is a " superfood " recommended by Weston Price Foundation. Here

is their blurb on it...

" Azomite Mineral Powder: This powdery mineral supplement, containing

montmorillonite clay and many other compounds, comes from an ancient

seabed. It is an excellent source of silica, calcium, magnesium and

the gamut of trace minerals. Clay also has detoxifying effects as the

negatively charged clay particles attract positively charged pathogens

and take them out of the body. Technically sold as an anticaking

compound and available only in 40-pound bags, Azomite is incredibly

cheap when used as a mineral supplement, costing less than one dollar

per pound delivered. Take a heaping teaspoon mixed with water daily as

an insurance of adequate macro- and trace mineral ingestion in these

days of soil depletion through intensive farming. "

You are just adding it to the water to get the powder down. It is

sold in 5 lb bags now as well, not just 40. The original article can

be found at http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/superfoods.html.


> > >

> > > Jack is still alive, and I credited my belief to Bragg because I

> >certainly cannot prove either side of the argument about water, nor

> >has anyone else that I know of.

> > > I'm not sure what fasting, juicing and veganism have to do with the

> >quality or life force of water. Although we can't live very long with

> >out water, I wouldn't drink tap water because I know what's in it.

> >What kind of muscle testing do you do? What proof would it give that

> >distilled water drains the body of energy? These kinds of statements

> >are in my opinion are just conclusions. So to bring in another

> >opinion, Dr.Herbert Shelton who conducted over 40,000 fast on mostly

> >sick people who had been given up on by the Allopaths said if you eat

> >a lot of water based foods you don't need much water. He stated the

> >only time you should drink water is when you are thirsty, a far cry

> >from the people who carry a water bottle with them all day. But maybe

> >they don't eat many water based foods in the first place and ifs

> >that's true it won't make much difference what kind of water they

> >drink. Your engineer may be correct, but I prefer to believe the

> >people who

> > > practiced what they preached. I know this topic is not about vaxs

> >but is about health as is non-vaxing and a lot on the list may be

> >drinking fluoridated, cloridated and loaded with other poisons tap

> >water , maybe it would be good to have a one time discussion for the

> >benefit of those who have never thought about it. I am 67, was raised

> >on junk food, hardly ever drank water, quit smoking at age 40, joined

> >the health club, began to change my diet at 40 and today I have more

> >energy than most including the teens that work for me. Which just goes

> >to show you its never to late.

> > > Just an after thought about the depleted soil. I have heard and read

> >about that, mostly from people who want to sell vitamins. Yet I look

> >around and still see a lot of healthy, strong kids, who don't take

> >them and eat a standard American Diet.SAD. Not to mention my mom, who

> >never ate anything but a SAD diet and tons of sweets. She took care of

> >herself until the age of 90 in which she fell and broke her hip.

> >Outside of blood pressure drugs she had no serious disease. Am I

> >understanding you correctly that your family was unhealthy because

> >they drank distilled water? My hair started graying when I was about

> >60 and then just slightly. I think its good to bring our opinions up,

> >I knew one man who thought that gray hair was a sign of intelligence.

> >I know Bragg had at 80 a beautiful thick head of gray.

> > >

> > > Jim

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: Sharon <hotmocha@>

> > > Vaccinations

> > > Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:53:38 PM

> > > Subject: Water

> > >

> > >

> > > Bragg and Jack Lalaine lived in a time when there were far more

> > > minerals in the food supply and both of them practiced fasting,

> > > juicing and veganism. They were flooding their body with nutrients,

> > > unlike the vast majority of people on the planet today who are toxic

> > > and won't absorb many, if any, nutrients from their dead food. Even

> > > living foods have little nutrients when grown on the over-used, worn

> > > out soils of today.

> > >

> > > I drank distilled water for years. Muscle testing that I've done in

> > > hundreds of people shows 100% of the time that distilled water


> > > the body of energy compared to a more alkaline, mineral-rich water.

> > > It doesn't matter what order the testing is done in. Only when a

> > > person is severely dehydrated will the acidic water be of any


> > > to the body.

> > >

> > > I uploaded a file about water from Hallelujah Acres, a healing


> > > that uses food to reverse disease. It shows some of the lesser known

> > > studies (not a sales document).

> > >

> > > An engineer once told me he'd never drink RO water. He said it was

> > > made for industrial use and is a better solvent than regular

water but

> > > not fit for the human body. This is when I first started questioning

> > > distilled water since everyone in my family was not very healthy. It

> > > can cause early graying of hair which can revert after adding


> > > back into the body.

> > >

> > > Sharon Hoehner

> > > www.sharethecause. com/detoxqueen

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I gave the website to Kangen water yesterday.  As I was browsing through the

earlier emails on water, I saw Sheri's comments that PH balance in water doesn't

matter and the minerals in water are not utilized by the body.  I appreciate

this information and am glad to know that I don't have to worry about the PH

balance or minerals in water.  I regret sharing about Kangen water although

there may be some benefit to this Japanese process and the water it produces.

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Also when water exposed to air becomes more acid - I think its is the

CO2? will have to look at that up


At 08:13 AM 11/24/2008, you wrote:

>I gave the website to Kangen water yesterday. As I was browsing

>through the earlier emails on water, I saw Sheri's comments that PH

>balance in water doesn't matter and the minerals in water are not

>utilized by the body. I appreciate this information and am glad to

>know that I don't have to worry about the PH balance or minerals in

>water. I regret sharing about Kangen water although there may be

>some benefit to this Japanese process and the water it produces.






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  • 1 month later...


I was at weight watchers they said that you should get in at least 64 oz. of

water no matter what your weight. I actually asked this question one

night because I read something similar and I was thinking oh man there is no

way I can drink half my weight in oz. of water. ACK! They said just

get in at least 64 and you are good to go.


is a long battle for sure that I am slowly winning but like you have my trouble



Christ, Judy


Biggest Fan


Mama to


Dorothy, Maxwell and Emma



100-plus [mailto:100-plus ] On Behalf Of kurvasha

Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 1:32 PM


Subject: Water

Hey everyone! I'm new here and I'm wanting to

make some life changes.

I've got a long hard road ahead of me and I'm hoping that with the

support of others I wont have to go alone.

I'm a 30 yr old homemaker in SC. I've gained over 70 lbs since the

birth of my daughter in 2006. I'm trying to find some type of system

that works for me. I'm counting calories and trying to eat several

small meals during the day. But, when all the calories are spent and

its late at night my midnight hunger beast tries to get the best of

me. Sometimes I can fight it off and sometimes I can't. (any advice?)

But now to my major concern... water. Everyone know that we should

drink a certain amount of water just to stay healthy. But I found

this http://www.hydroxycut.com/calculators/water.shtml

I put in my

weight and a little bit of exercise and holy crap 184oz of water....

thats 23 8oz glasses of water. Then, factor in, for one cup of coffee

you need to drink 2 cups of water.

This seems like too much water. Can this water calculator really be




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

We have used both plain tap water, filtered water through a brita and

reverse osmosis water to brew our KT.

The RO water was and is the best that we have tried, we use it now for

all water related comsumption foods and drinks.

As for differences to the brew, there really weren't any, just more for

our own piece of mind about all the contaminants in it.

We drank our KT in all cases, without adverse effects.

Hope that helps


Matt wrote:



> So I got my first mother and made a batch of tea. I boiled some water

> but put filtered water in to fill the gallon jar.


> So, I looked around and noticed everyone saying to use distilled water

> but I couldn't find anything about what happens if you don't.


> Will my culture die? If so, how will I know? Does it shrivel up or is

> it something less obvious?


> Will my culture become contaminated? Will it still brew the drink

> properly but I shouldn't drink it? If this is the case should I get

> rid of my mother and buy a new one?


> Thanks and sorry about the rant. I haven't made it before so I'

> nervous about messing this one up.


> Thanks,

> Matt




It's not how much you accomplish in life that really counts, but how much you

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It's not how high you build your dreams that makes a difference, but how high

your faith can climb

It's not how many goals you reach, but how many lives you touch

It's not who you know that matters, but who you are inside

Believe in the impossible, hold tight to the incredible,

and live each day to its fullest potential.

Barlow Jordan

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In message <h399mf+6i93eGroups> you wrote:

> So I got my first mother and made a batch of tea. I boiled some water but

> put filtered water in to fill the gallon jar.


Matt, that's fine!

If your water is good enough to drink as it is out of the tap (as ours is)

it's also good enough to use directly to top the hot sweet tea up and

thus cool it down. Filtering the water may improve it in areas with a

very high mineral content.

I used to be religious in boiling all the water every time, but come to

realise, that this is really unneccessary (if your water is good enough

for drinking). If you can bring yourself to use your water that way, you are

also saving a lot of time and energy.

My Kombucha brew doesn't mind. If anything, it has improved in flavour.

Sooo, you definitely have not harmed your culture with your method, Matt,

rest assured!

Most kombuchaly,

Margret from the British Islands :-)


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><



A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

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When you don't use boiling water how do you get the sugar to dissolve?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Water

In message <h399mf+6i93eGroups> you wrote:

> So I got my first mother and made a batch of tea. I boiled some water but

> put filtered water in to fill the gallon jar.


Matt, that's fine!

If your water is good enough to drink as it is out of the tap (as ours is)

it's also good enough to use directly to top the hot sweet tea up and

thus cool it down. Filtering the water may improve it in areas with a

very high mineral content.

I used to be religious in boiling all the water every time, but come to

realise, that this is really unneccessary (if your water is good enough

for drinking). If you can bring yourself to use your water that way, you are

also saving a lot of time and energy.

My Kombucha brew doesn't mind. If anything, it has improved in flavour.

Sooo, you definitely have not harmed your culture with your method, Matt,

rest assured!

Most kombuchaly,

Margret from the British Islands :-)


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><



A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

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In message


134.bisx.prod.on.blackberry> you wrote:

> When you don't use boiling water how do you get the sugar to dissolve?


le, you dissolve the sugar in the freshly brewed tea while it

is still very hot, let it stand a while and then add the cold water.



+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><



Rebellion against the Creator is the root of all suffering.

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I just wanted to say thanks to everyone first for your input. That's very

reassuring because when I did some research it seemed that the water made a huge

difference. When I added water, I figured the filter would be good enough.

As for the sugar dissolving... I boiled half the water to make the tea, and

added the sugar to that. Then I added the tap water to fill the gallon jar and

at the same time cool down the tea a little.


> When you don't use boiling water how do you get the sugar to dissolve?

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I use well water which is safe without boiling, but I do boil water for my tea

and that's where I add my sugar after brewing, so that the sugar will dissolve

completely. Then it is strained directly into the big glass container on top

of the cool well water, and after testing, I add the starter and scoby(s). Then

cover and set in a cool stable place for 7-8 days. This is my tenth year of

making KT and this is still the best way for me, tho others have been equally

pleased with their own methods. Norma Pirie

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Norma, would you please give me step by step on how you do your KT, how much

suger, how much tea and what kind of each do you use and how much do you make.

I have been using a gallon jug but I only have room for 3 quarts of new tea and

water together with the started, if you have time I would aprreciate it.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi g_mrrsn

So I wiegh 185 lbs , I Shoud drink 1/2 my wieght in ounces so I should drink

92.5 oz of water in 1 day . woaa . Thats a lot of water , I will have to keep

count tomorrow ,so far I have drank 8 oz of water today & 16 oz of milk . ...

Thanks for the tip

God bless you g_mrrsn ,


For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed But my kindness shall

not depart from you, Is 54:10

On Mon Mar 21st, 2011 10:40 PM EDT g_mrrsn wrote:

>Hi ,


>The general rule for the minimum amount of water a body needs is 1/2 your

weight in ounces of water sipped throughout the day.


>If one consumes any coffee, tea or soda, more water is needed usually 16oz of

water for each serving of coffe, tea and soda which dehydrates the body.


>Hope this helps.




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Thanks gator. Wow, I've not been drinking enough water, except today. Thanks for the info.


Hi ,The general rule for the minimum amount of water a body needs is 1/2 your weight in ounces of water sipped throughout the day.If one consumes any coffee, tea or soda, more water is needed usually 16oz of water for each serving of coffe, tea and soda which dehydrates the body.Hope this helps.g_mrrsn/gator

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I understand how you feel! Water is not easy.

Does it work a little about once a day? If not, you may need to go get an iv.

Are you losing weight each day?



> wish i could drink water.. i would love to drink like 3 glasses of cold water,

it would be so good.. comes right back shoots out my nose...kim




>                        When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes

Duty.... Jefferson                                             








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From my experience, cold water or anything cold was not helpful. Room

temperature water and pureed soups. Nothing spicey.

Last year when I could not keep anything down and just kept losing the weight,

my MD did blood tests and found " nothing " but I was really depleted

nutritionally and basically too dried out. I looked sick. I do recommend liquid

magnesium. There are a number of them on Vitacost online. I was taking

vitamins/minerals in liquid form too.

Whey shakes are OK but not too cold.

Hope this helps.

Eva from Chicagoland


> yes i am loosing each day.have really gone through some clothes... my husband

is an MD but family practice.. he says if i am still peeing (excuse me) i am

getting a little , he checks me .i do get so thirsty though. i just never

realized how blessed i was just chugging water down.. now i can just sip , later

sip, later sip.. i have been living on moca latte frozen, with skim, not much

milk as it clabbers. and whey type shakes, slow sipping. heavier is better i

have found.



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