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hehehe, thanks!! Im a major pro for home care, im a nurse and one could never

pay me enough to EVER work in a facility again, i do skilled care for many ages,

especially children, in their homes, and have been working some with the PAS

council through des moines to get more hlep passed, but with the economy and

9-11 it could be awhile. but some need more hours then just scl or respite,

especially the adults and these would be those overflow hours, and could be

utilized differently then scl or respite, such as could be used for work

transportation or cares needed such as a tube feeding at work or related issues.

anything to help keep disabled individuals OUT of facilities. well ive harped

long enough, lol. sorry. have a good day. shawna.

Re: Group homes



> In a message dated 4/21/2002 6:44:54 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> egg_philosopher@... writes:



> > I have and IDT meeting about this person in the

> > future due to some issue that his Mom has. She

> > apparently came to the house and saw him in a

> behavior

> > and wasn't to happy.


> Hi Devrey,

> Your right about finding a balance. Does he know

> where he is going when he

> gets in the van? Is it someplace he likes to go?

> Is there a lot of walking?

> Smearing feces, yuk. We have that problem

> sometimes but it has to do with

> more experience wiping. If the hands get it, oh

> well. Is this person happy?

> Sorry for all the questions, just some things to

> think about.

> Charlyne

> Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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In a message dated 4/23/2002 9:41:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

greenpak@... writes:

> i would have to concurr with the docs, after anthan starting using his cpap

> his behaviors dramatically reduced, remember they even removed all his

> behavior goals on his iep in december cause he had met them all, and cont

> to be good mostly, just occasional little behaviors easily redirected.

Hi a,

I'm really feeling guilty. I do know that Zeb has major sleep ploblems. I

think I was too involved with day to day life and being lazy to get a sleep

study done. I don't think he will put a mask on, that's for sure, I just

wasn't up to another battle. I had no idea this would cause some of the

behaviors. I need to follow this up asap. I am just upset with myself right

now. Thanks for explaining this.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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I just have to say Charlyne, you are so far from being lazy!!!! You are doing a

great job, so there!!!! Take care, Dawn

Re: a

In a message dated 4/23/2002 9:41:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

greenpak@... writes:

> i would have to concurr with the docs, after anthan starting using his cpap

> his behaviors dramatically reduced, remember they even removed all his

> behavior goals on his iep in december cause he had met them all, and cont

> to be good mostly, just occasional little behaviors easily redirected.

Hi a,

I'm really feeling guilty. I do know that Zeb has major sleep ploblems. I

think I was too involved with day to day life and being lazy to get a sleep

study done. I don't think he will put a mask on, that's for sure, I just

wasn't up to another battle. I had no idea this would cause some of the

behaviors. I need to follow this up asap. I am just upset with myself right

now. Thanks for explaining this.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Hi a,

Thanks for the reminders. I forget sometimes. We just get so involved in all

this day to day stuff. They lowered Zeb's Luvox to 50 mg. and he has been

worse so his problem was not the meds. He needs to go back up to 75 mg.

another thing I need to do.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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charlene, dont be upset with your self, you are a great mom, and do everything

in your power for zeb. Once we put off one of nathan's eye surgeries for almost

a year, the doctor wasnt happy, but we just didnt have the time or energy, he

had had several allready being a toddler, we just wanted time away from the

hospital and somewhat a normal life. And remember the cpap just helped mainly

for dly behaviors he still blows up or has a melt down now and then, he has the

last two evenings in a row, i had to call the doc on call, and were going to

try uping his luvox up to 50mg again. so i gave him 12.5mg this eve to make it

50mg for the day, and then will give 50mg tomarrow morning, just have to give

it a few days and see if this is all we needed. I pray this is it not have to

try a new med combo, this one has worked pretty darn well for nathan for almost

2yrs now, just adujusting the luvox every few months or soo. Also, remember our

children behaviors are like treating any disease, if someone haas diabetes for

instance there is no fixer uupper, it takes ongoing treatment and adjustments,

the ssame goes for our children and their behaviors, ongoing beavhior type

management -treatments and adjusting of meds. HUGS shawna

Re: a

In a message dated 4/23/2002 9:41:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

greenpak@... writes:

> i would have to concurr with the docs, after anthan starting using his cpap

> his behaviors dramatically reduced, remember they even removed all his

> behavior goals on his iep in december cause he had met them all, and cont

> to be good mostly, just occasional little behaviors easily redirected.

Hi a,

I'm really feeling guilty. I do know that Zeb has major sleep ploblems. I

think I was too involved with day to day life and being lazy to get a sleep

study done. I don't think he will put a mask on, that's for sure, I just

wasn't up to another battle. I had no idea this would cause some of the

behaviors. I need to follow this up asap. I am just upset with myself right

now. Thanks for explaining this.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 4/25/02 5:47:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mglover@... writes:

> I think Charlie's had disruptive behavior disorder since he

> was three too. He loves knocking over trash cans and clearing off

> tables. His classmates have been taught to hold onto their juice

> boxes and lunches. I don't know where he gets this behavior, but

> it's good to know that he has some company! Marjorie



Maddie dumps and throws too. Matter of fact, a little while ago, as I

was trying to prepare her dinner, she dumped an entire box of corn starch all

over herself. Yep, in her eyes, hair, clothes, FLOOR....um pretty much

everywhere!! She likes to stand at the top of our three story center hall

that goes all the way down, and THROW things and watch them crash. (um,

once it was a baseball bat that smashed the glass top I had on the cherry

wood table...what WAS I thinking...LOL) I know with Maddie it is definitely

sensory related. When she throws things, she gets satisfaction out of

watching it fall (she giggles hysterically if it make a loud smack sound).

Heck, as her teacher used to say years ago, " Maddie throw EVERYTHING....even

herself " ....;-)


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> nathan has that disruptive behavior disorder too, i think it has

something to do with behavior that disrupts ongoing things, like

tansitions or classes ect. not sure though, he has had it since arond

3yrs old.shawna

Thanks. I think Charlie's had disruptive behavior disorder since he

was three too. He loves knocking over trash cans and clearing off

tables. His classmates have been taught to hold onto their juice

boxes and lunches. I don't know where he gets this behavior, but

it's good to know that he has some company! Marjorie

> Re: Re: Marjorie



> In a message dated 4/23/2002 3:49:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> mglover@c... writes:



> > I'm not sure exactly what the disruptive behaviors dx means

> > either.


> Hi Marjorie,

> I'm still learning everyday myself. I was just curious if they

explained it,

> what, why etc.Did you get advice on what the best supports are

for Charlie at

> home? I haven't heard much from the attorney other than the PPT

was cancelled

> for more time to review records. I think it may take them months

with Zeb's

> records LOL. I don't hesitate to call PPT meetings so... the file

must be

> huge. I am always doubting myself so I am hoping I did the right


> Charlyne

> Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?




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In a message dated 6/10/2002 9:10:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

shananaag@... writes:

> dont worry charlene, we are all stil behind you and zeb!!

Hi a,



Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Hi a,

Cheers for your e-mail, it was lovely to hear from you and I look forward to

getting to know you more in the future.

My son Oliver aged 5 oops! he was six May 16th and I keep forgetting lol, has

Stills. I have been married to Dave for 25 years (26 this November) and have

four children. Tara 24, married with baby Charlie (1 year old), Marcus 21

serving in the Royal Marines, 15 just left school and begins college

in September, she wants to be a Marine Biologist and ofcourse young Oliver

(my last stand for mother hood ha ha).

Unfortunately a I won't be at Wisconsin, I so wish we could be there but

we live in the New Forest in Hampshire, England and its too expensive at the

moment for us all to get there. However, we did sort out a couple of days

ago that we are coming over to the States in two years time less if we can

get the money together.

Take care a and do keep in touch

Look forward to hearing from you soon

a, Oliver and the clan

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Hi again a,

Yes I agree life is wonderful, it does of course have its moment, but on the

whole its great.

I love being a Grandmother although it took me a wee bit of time to get used

to the idea - Charlie is an absolute sweetie.

You are correct about the teenage thing, I have been known to say to Dave 'If

we get the chance to come back and live another life, when I mention the word

'Baby' say 'teenager' back to me and that'll cure the urge' ha ha.

is going through that wonderful stage at the moment whereby there are times

when she is convinced that she knows far more than I could possibly know.

Tara said to the other day. I felt like you at your age, I

was convinced mum knew nothing, but its amazing how much she learned in three

years ha ha.

Take care and look forward to hearing from you

a, Oliver and the clan

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a, WOW! I just realized that we have something in common. We are both

raising 3 " only children " which is what we call our brood spaced so far apart.

30 years of teen agers? What were we thinking? I have a daughter who was 25 in

May, a son 18 and a daughter who just turned 12. My youngest is just going to Jr

High in the fall, my son just graduated, and my oldest daugher just made us

grandparents to a sweet baby girl. Ain't life a kick?

Smiles, Caroline

a <pjohnson@...> wrote: Hello! I've been seeing

lots of emails to a and I don't believe we've

met. I live in Minneapolis, MN and have had Stills for approx. 4 years. I

have 3 boys, ages 24, 18 and 10. Currently I'm taking Oxycontin and

Oxycodone, Celebrex, Trazadone, Prozac and Folic Acid. Will I be meeting

you at the Wisconsin get-together?

a , Administrative Assistant

Faribault Foods, Inc.

3380 Piper Jaffray Tower

222 South 9th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Tele: 612-333-6461

Fax: 612-342-2908

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In a message dated 7/26/2002 5:53:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> heheeh my boys arnt even teens yet and i still have a

> hard time getting on the computer to read emails,

> today there are 238 of them for me, i got them busy

> with dad on the playstation

Hi a,

All is well, thanks for thinking of me. My student is sitting here now

waiting for the computer but he has a long wait tonight LOL


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 7/26/2002 5:53:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> heheeh my boys arnt even teens yet and i still have a

> hard time getting on the computer to read emails,

> today there are 238 of them for me, i got them busy

> with dad on the playstation

Hi a,

All is well, thanks for thinking of me. My student is sitting here now

waiting for the computer but he has a long wait tonight LOL


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 8/9/2002 9:43:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> wholly cow sounds like qutie the visit, but wonderful

> too. cant wait to see the pics!!if and when us

> landlubbers get to see the ocean maybe we will visit

> charlene's too

Hi a,

Your welcome anytime!


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i will keep hoping so. shawna.

--- smilinggail@... wrote:

> In a message dated 8/21/02 7:39:01 PM Pacific

> Daylight Time,

> mashawnag@... writes:


> << i get so sad, often wishing nicolas--nathan's

> little

> brother was at the least in the average sacale for

> learning--even today he brougth back his spelling

> pretest, and its was all i could do top keep from

> crying in front of him. Letters all jumbled, " b "

> " d "

> and " p " >>


> Sorry a. Hope he gets the help he needs this

> year. is very

> advanced, jo is very slow and Seth, well, is

> Seth. Every one of them

> have their problems to deal with. Having a smart

> kid is sometimes just as

> difficult as having a slower learner. Difference

> is, the slower learner

> knows they need to learn and need help, and they

> usually work along with you.

> It's those smarter kids who think they know it all

> and don't need any help

> or advice. Those are the ones you don't cry about,

> they're the ones you

> feeling like putting over your knee! LOL It's

> great that you recognize the

> problem. You certainly have the knowledge to help

> him in all ways. With the

> work, with getting special help, with talking with

> the district and staff.

> You've caught it early and you are right on top of

> it. He will do all right,

> cause he has you to help him.

> Gail :-)



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:) thanks all, HUGS, shawna

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 8/22/02 10:38:21 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> mashawnag@... writes:



> > its a struggle for him but we keep reminding

> > him its not everyhting and it needs to be fun and

> > encourage him that he is doing a good job as long

> as

> > he keeps trying, not to give up. shawna.


> You are a good mom a!! And has

> challenges for sure, but he

> is a very lucky little boy to have your for his

> mommy!!! {{{hugs}}}}

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 1 month later...

Hi a,

Sorry, I hit the wrong button. I just wanted to let you know that Zeb has the

eating obsessions too. He is also on Luvox and Topomax which is supposed to

decrease appetite. He gained 5 lbs. in 2 mos. Zeb is up to 107, yikes. I

actually thought that he was doing very well with the eating and wasn't in

the fridge every 5 min. I was so upset to hear about the weight gain. He is

not the best walker but I have tried to increase the exercise to a place that

he forgets about food. I can't see a weight loss but as long as he doesn't

gain anymore I will be happy. Zeb is also hearing impaired and blasts the TV.

I just have him close his bedroom door. I know with the sensory issues he

would never wear a hearing aid. I hope you can get some answers to help with

the behaviors.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Hi a,

Boy! Do I remember those days when would act up and his dad

would get so embarrased and take him out. I think I've written this

to y'all before how I later found out why had continued to

pull those numbers everytime dad was around because they would take

off to purchase Tacos. Then daddy had to work one Sunday and

wanted to pull one of those numbers on me, but it did not as finally

he would give up and this is how he finally realize, no tacos, until

after mass. Nah, you're not missing anything, besides just making

time to go out to the Women's Bible Study sounds therapeautic to me.

So thats you're cleansing soul secret. Hurray for on him

attending Youth Group. My 15 y/o son has to attend 2 yrs. of

Religious Ed in order to make his confirmation and today I attended

our first PACT meeting, similar to PTA or PTO school meetings and so

I'm having to refresh my memory in learning the ry again and with

the hectic schedule I've had, I believe it has ease my mind.


> i definately know how you feel, we havent been to

> church in a good month because we cant keep nathan

> sitting down, he keeps trying to leave every few, and

> then has a fit when we try to bring him back wont even

> sit through sunday school with us anymore, :( but

> nicholas still goes to sunday school, and youth group

> and i do the womens bible study too, so hopefully were

> not missing out on too much. shawna.

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In a message dated 10/25/2002 5:24:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

> I agree charlene and carol, i push and push and push

> basic academics for nathan every time and they are

> teaching them too as i specify, or with my approval

> first.

Hi a,

I just wanted to add a few thoughts on 's Edmark program. If can

comprehend phonectic awareness make sure you have that and decoding skills

incorporated into the IEP. If our kids aren't taught these skills they will

only master site reading. Site reading is memorizing only. There are many

that can't grasp these skills and sight reading is better than none. The

Edmark program is only stepping stone to read but doesn't contain the

necessary skills to promote reading. I had an ongoing battle regarding this

problem with the school for the past month. No Child Left Behind means every

child. The school has the responsibility to incorporate a full scale reading

program not just a site reading program. Food for thought.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Hi a,

My crew eats like that normally. It sounds like a regular night of snacking

for them. When they are really chowing I actually hate to give you the list

and that's after a meal. Zeb has his days of being hungry and not. He will

come home from school get a drink of juice and ask for a bologna sandwich,

then a bowl of pretzels. Supper is an hour after that and he eats like he

normally does. My husband is the perpetual eater and 10 min after supper he

is in the frig and the crew starts the nightly raid. He just may be a bigger



Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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Hi a,

I have a friend that managed to get her son a rural route for the reminder.

She drives him and he just hangs the papers on the mailboxes. He gets the

money part so it's a great incentive. He is 9 with ppd and has done this for

a year. Just a thought.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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In a message dated 11/7/2002 9:19:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

greenpak@... writes:

> sometimes knowing the money isnt that great,lol nthan isnt perfect with

> money but can identify the different coins and dollars--not count yet--and

> he figured out videogames take quarters, uuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh!!! " erter

> pllleeeeaaaase " cant take him to any kid restaurants anymore,lol. shawna.



Think of it this way. He can play the video games, good hand eye coordination

and fine motor. Zeb knows the soda machine takes quarters but he has no idea

what the value. He can't do the video games yet either.


Mom to Zeb DS/OCD ?

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really? im not sure if nathan is ready, and we would have to take a close

look at our schedule, maybe after the holidays. shawna.

Re: a

> Hi a,

> I have a friend that managed to get her son a rural route for the


> She drives him and he just hangs the papers on the mailboxes. He gets the

> money part so it's a great incentive. He is 9 with ppd and has done this


> a year. Just a thought.

> Charlyne

> Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?




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I wish, im not sure how he can play video games but unalbe to write or

color, and he has been doing this since preschool if not before, even iowa

city says he hasnt developed in palm muscles--very common in ds--it is most

likely that if he cant write yet he probably never will, keep up the typing

etc, and we are stillhaving him pratcie writing his name for ducuments when

he is an adult, and have accomadated him well in the clothing issues so he

can be independant since he is also unable to tie, button or zip with years

of practice. Tooo bad the general clothing and writing of FMS arnt as fun as

vidoe games,lol. shawna.

Re: a

> In a message dated 11/7/2002 9:19:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> greenpak@... writes:



> > sometimes knowing the money isnt that great,lol nthan isnt perfect with

> > money but can identify the different coins and dollars--not count


> > he figured out videogames take quarters, uuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh!!! "


> > pllleeeeaaaase " cant take him to any kid restaurants anymore,lol.


> >


> a,

> Think of it this way. He can play the video games, good hand eye


> and fine motor. Zeb knows the soda machine takes quarters but he has no


> what the value. He can't do the video games yet either.

> Charlyne

> Mom to Zeb DS/OCD ?




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In a message dated 11/17/2002 8:39:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

greenpak@... writes:

> than a word or two, Look at it at least zeb can tell why he did what he did.


Hi a,

Zeb's speech is very good but it sometimes doesn't make a difference.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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