Guest guest Posted May 30, 2000 Report Share Posted May 30, 2000 This Is - Los Angeles Published in The National Forum - Winter 1998/99 By Jay A. Goldstein, M.D. No, this is not the wraith of R. Morrow reporting to you as if from the London blitz, but this is Jay Goldstein reporting to you from the floor of the Los Angles Convention Center after attending five days of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, the largest and most important conference in the world which is held every year. I try to attend whenever I can, and on this occasion I definitely am reporting from the floor of the Convention Center, where I am lying after being blitzed by 12,000 experiments in five days. This averaged out to about 1,200 experiments every morning and 1,200 experiments every afternoon. This meeting marks a watershed in my association and study of neuroscience. Back in the early 1980s when the Society for Neuroscience was fairly small, I taught a course in medical neurobiology for psychiatry residents. I had to invent this course because there were no textbooks on neuroscience at that time, at least not that I knew of, whereas now there are 12,000 experiments. The last Society for Neuroscience conference that I attended was two years ago, at which time there were about 5,000 experiments in the same number of days. I was able to absorb this amount of information, although with great difficulty due to the time involved and due to the increasing complexity of the material. At the current conference, I realized that I was no longer able to encompass the totality of neuroscience, if indeed I ever had been. My confidence in my knowledge of neuroscience previously may have been somewhat delusional. I was encouraged, however, by the number of findings that were presented at this conference that reflect hypotheses that I had made in my earlier books about how the brain worked and how it malfunctioned in neurosomatic disorders, of which Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one. Strangely enough, there were no members of the board of the AACFS at this meeting. One would think that these worthies had realized that the brain didn't work right in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and they might want to learn more about why this was so. However, they must have been overwhelmed with the enormous information overload received at the AACFS meeting in Boston two weeks previously, although at the moment I can't recall any information that was presented that would overload circuitry. Reviewing the program and the abstracts, I was reminded of the song, " Let's Do the Time Warp Again. " If it had been played at the AACFS, I might have been induced to attend, because at least I could have had a little bit of fun dancing. The continued emphasis on cognitive behavioral therapy as perhaps the only treatment aside from the checkered performance of Ampligen reminded me of an earlier song by Dr. Feelgood and the Interns in 1957 called " You've Got the Right String, Baby, But the Wrong Yo-Yo. " Cognitive therapy done pharmacologically, as I have suggested in the past, is tremendously more effective in my practice than cognitive behavioral therapy done by psychologists. At one time, we had two psychologists doing cognitive behavioral therapy with my patients, one of whom was my wife, Gail, and both had to leave the practice as I became more adept at pharmacologically manipulating signal-to-noise ratio and perception of saliency of information so that it could be gated properly in the patients that I was seeing. I would like to review for you what I consider to be the most important presentations related to neurosomatic disorders at this conference. I will, of necessity, omit the vast majority of the experiments that were presented since I can hardly allude to 12,000 experiments in this article. I will be referring to the pages in the Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience of the 28th Annual Meeting when I discuss the experiments. If you would like to obtain the abstracts, which I must wam you are extremely technical but are very interesting to me, you can call the Society for Neuroscience, I I Dupont Cr. N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036. Ask for the Societyfor Neuroscience Abstracts Volume 24, Parts I and 11, 1998. 1 would assume that in the first four meetings they had not published volumes of abstracts and begin with meeting number five. I have had difficulty obtaining abstracts before when calling the Society over the phone and so, at this meeting, I met the person who is in charge of sending out the abstracts. Her name is Marcia Pool. She is a very nice person who wants to make the abstracts available in an efficient manner. If you call to get the abstracts, speak to her. Let's start with Volume 1. There were usually five or six abstracts on each page. I will be mainly focusing on norepinephrine, dopamine, NMDA receptor antagonism, GABA, and the regulation of these substances physiologically and pharmacologically. Norepinephrine is important in regulating sensory and cognitive gating, as is dopaniine and the NMDA receptor. The NMDA receptor is one of the receptors for the excitatory amino acid transmitter, glutamate, and seems to have a central role in much of the pathophysiology. The inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA, which has a significant role in almost every neuronal activity, is also important. I will also be alluding to some of the medications that I use in the treatment of neurosomatic disorders as they were discussed in the context of the neuroscience meeting. Remember that these experiments were primarily done by Ph.D. or M.D. researchers, who rarely, if ever, see patients but rather focus primarily on an extremely narrow aspect of neuroscience. One researcher with whom I spoke, when I discussed my use of thyrotropin releasing hormone in the form of nasal spray and eyedrops, which I will talk about a little bit later, almost had an orgasm right there on the convention floor, " My whole life is TRW " he exclaimed. TRH is a very small polypeptide molecule that is cleaved from precursor polypeptides. This man's whole life was TRH and that exemplifies the focus of those involved in research. No one that I spoke with at this meeting had very much of a conception of how to integrate his research with the health and illness of an entire person conversely. Few clinical researchers know enough basic science, and the average practicing physician knows very little basic science at all. -Page 353: Prolonged stress may decrease dopamine in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc), an extremely important structure in neurosomatic disorders. It mediates reward and pleasure. Most of my treatments, when effective, end up increasing dopamine, and turn on norepinephrine, especially in the NAc. -Page 355: Very early life events can be extremely important in the predisposition to develop neurosomatic disorders. Newborn rats separated from their mothers for 180 minutes on days 2-14 had markedly elevated norepinephrine (NE) secretion from the locus cerudeus, the main nucleus in the brain for NE secretion. After a while, at least in humans, this elevated response can become fatigued, can " poop out, " or be dysregulated by inappropriate perception of the salience of sensory or cognitive information. -Page 357: Carbemazepine (Tegretol) and valproic acid (Depakote) do not increase dopamine levels in the NAc. They are also not very good atments for neurosomatic disorders. -Page 357: The primary source of doparnine secretion in the areas of the brain involved in neurosomatic disorders is called the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Dopamine secretion from the VTA to the NAx and prefrontal cortex (PFC) is regulated in various ways. One of them is by muscarinic and nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine (Ach). That's how medications like Cognex, Aricept, and nicotine patches can make some patients feel better, depending on whether these circuits are working properly (no response), too much (worse), or too little (better). -Page 491: Rats that are bred to have too little GABA in their dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) appear to develop panic attacks. Almost everywhere there is glutamate, the excitatory amino acid (EAA), there is GABA to balance its effect by inhibiting it. In this case, infusion of an antagonist to the N-methyl- daspartate (NDA) receptor for glutamate prevented panic attacks caused by the infusion of lactate. This medication helped to . restore the balance. Fibromyalgia patients, but not normals, are much more likely to have a lactate-induced panic attack. -Page 504: Alpha-I agonists (like midodrine or ProAmatine) cause the secretion of oxytocin. NE is also an Alpha-I agonist. On the relatively few occasions when midodrine helps a patient to feel better, I bet oxytocin (OCT) is involved. -Page 507: As measured by H2 150 PET, which can be done rapidly, the right prefrontal cortex is critical in maintaining attention to a task when distractors are present. If your right PFC does not work right (see Betrayal) you'll be easily distracted, i.e., your concentration will be poor. -Page 528: If you briefly injure a neonatal rat you can increase the rat's pain sensitivity for the rest of its life. There is a critical time window for this fairly mild injury to produce this effect. -Page 529: Emeran Mayer has become the leader in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) research. I got to know him and invited him to speak at one of my conferences when he was fairly new at this research, and introduced him to the role of the brain in 113S. He presented PET scan studies of IBS patients and normals. They fail to activate the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC -- more about this later) and abnormally activate the left dorsolateral PFC when anticipating and receiving rectal distention with a balloon. He followed up this work at the Neuroscience meeting. Moderate non- noxious rectal distention caused PFC activation in patients but not normals. After sensitzation with repetitive painful balloon distention, the IBS patients activated the ACC following nonpainful stimulation, not seen in normals. Emeran suggested that normals inhibit pain better from an area of the brain stem called the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and so they aren't sensitized (develop " hyperalgesia7> I'm not so sure this is the way it works (higher centers are involved in regulating the PAG and interpreting painful visceral stimuli), but his work is the closest to mine of any researcher. I'm trying to feed him as much neuropharmacology and cognitive neuroscience as I think he can handle (he's a gastroenterologist). The next steps are for him to understand why IBS occurs, and then how to treat it. -Page 592: 1 have suggested that endothelin in excess can make neurosomatic patients feel sick. The effects of endothelin on sensory gating have not been studied, but activation of the endothelin A receptor (there are A & B regulators which work quite differently) caused reduction in a potassium channel response caused by activation of the mu opioid receptor (done also by morphine-like drugs). The effect of endothelin was mimicked by arachidonic acid (AA), produced by the enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLPA2) which is the main constituent of honey bee venom, one of my treatments, which works on a few people. The biochemistry is too complicated to discuss here, but AA is an indirect NMDA receptor antagonist, as well as a stimulator of dopamine secretion. This experiment suggests that endothelin might be good for you, at least in some people. -Page 601: Amerge (naratriptan) is a migraine headache medicine like Imitrex (sumatriptan), Zomig (zolmitriptan), and Maxalt (rizatriptan). What makes Amerge different is that it has no side effects or drug interactions and has a much higher affinity for the serotonin (5HT1B) receptor, which is related to the 5HTIO receptor which they all stimulate. The triptans as a group block the release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and can decrease (I have found) the symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis when nerve roots and the spinal cord are being compressed, with the release of (particularly) CGRP. But Amerge can help more than migraines and spinal cord problems. The 5HT IB receptor is crucial for the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRI) antidepressants to work. If you block it, they are ineffective. So you can see how directly stimulating the 514TIB receptor might be a good thing. It sometimes alleviates fibromyalgia and helps CFS patients feel better in general. It also might be the best migraine medicine for them, too. It may specifically increase 5HT in the PFC, one of the places you really want it, working better than SRIs. -Page 707: If neurosomatic patients are hypervigilant, they should be more easily stressed, particularly when they perceive the stressor to be uncontrollable. And such is the case with many. Blocking the NMDA receptor in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), where most of the serotonin in the brain is made, ameliorates this sort of stress in rats. If the NMDA antagonist had been infused elsewhere (lots of other places) the amelioration would have been greater, but the neurotransmitters all work together, like an orchestra. Some play louder and longer than the others in certain situations. -Page 708: When you are stressed, you have neuronal overactivation in numerous areas of your brain. This overactivation is not good for your brain and so it makes more adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter like GABA to decrease the activation. Adenosine can make you feel fatigued and sleepy. It undoubtedly plays a role in CFS symptoms, particularly when acting in regions that subserve fear and defensive behavior. -Page 709: Exercise decreases the amount of norepinephrine in the PFC of stressed rats (and people?), one reason for exercise-induced relapse. There are others. The complexity of the brain is beyond imagination. *Page 709: Scalding rats (a stressor) releases endothelin-I (there are three kinds) from the hypothalamus into the bloodstream. -Page 711: This one will be a little complicated. NMDA receptors in the PFC constantly ( " tonically " ) inhibit dopamine release. If doparnine levels in the PFC are too low, as they probably are in neurosomatic disorders, then blocking the NMDA receptors for glutarnate in the PFC will increase PFC doparrime, suggesting that glutarnate neurons in the brains of neurosomatic patients were hyWfunctionin & since if their PFCs sent more glutamate to the VTA, they would get more dopamine back. Interestingly, schizophrenia has been postulated to be a hypoglutamateric disorder, but one that increases dopamine secretion in the PFC the opposite of what happens in neurosomatic disorders, which are more akin to Parkinson's disease, if anything. - Page 711: Increasing dopamine in the PFC helps give " working memory " the ability to organize multiple tasks and solve problems. I wish I knew an easy way to increase PFC doparnine. -Page 711: Blocking the NMDA receptor with a systemic drug increased PFC dopamine (DA), NE, and acetylcholine (Ach). Infusing this drug into the PFC increases DA and NE, but not Ach, which is independently regulated. All three are involved in increasing attention (focusing), a basic CFS problem. -Page 711: Talwin (pentazocine) could be an antidepressant. A related drug, igmesine, is. -Page 712: Lamictal (lamotrigine), one of my favorite medications, inhibits the release of glutamate, Thus, it decreases glutamate's effect at all its receptors. Rilutek (riluzole) has this effect also. -Page 746: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has no side effects and might help some patients with CFS. Probes were implanted in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and dorsal hippocampus of rats, which were then given rTMS. Increases in glutamate, taurine, aspartate, serine, and serotonin were noted. -Page 771: As I have written previously, Marino] (delta-9-tatrahydrocannabinol) is a very useful agent in neurosomatic disorders. It stimulates AA release and inhibits glutamate reuptake, thereby increasing glutamate levels. Other experiments find different results, especially that cannabinoids are NMDA antagonists. -Page 854: Dopamine, acting as the D, receptor (there are at least five of them) acts on L-type calcium channels, the same ones that are blocked by drugs like Nimotop (nimodipine). D] receptor activation can cause GABA release and can rapidly change neuron discharge, noise to signal, and neural plasticity in the PFC. Calcium channel blockers can " fine tune " these effects. -Page 861: Pinolol increases DA and NE, but not 5- HT, in the PFC of rats. This effect helps many CFS patients. I don't understand why it doesn't help more of them. -Page 892: Analgesia produced by TENS is blocked by opioid antagonist naloxone in anliritic rats. *Page 893: Improgen, an H2 receptor antagonist like Tagamet or Zantac, relieves pain by a " non-opioid " mechanism. It is an NMDA receptor antagonist, but these experimenters were apparently unaware of this fact. -Page 949: OXT increases enkephalin and hence doparmine levels in the NAc. Opioids increase DA in the NAc. That's why some of you have all your symptoms relieved when you take a Vicodin. I don't know why OXT doesn't work in everybody, either. -Page 1021: The muscarinic Ach receptor couples to PLPA2 to release AA which is an L-type calcium channel blocker, like Nimotop. -Page 1109: Pindolot potentiates SRIs. It is known to be a 5HTIA antagonist, but its 5HTIB/10 antagonism might be more important in the potentiation. This result is sort of the opposite of what I wrote about Amerge. -Page 1131: Many patients with FMS have temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), manifested by jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Often, TMD is a precursor to FMS. As seen on PET, post-clench jaw pain was associated with activation of the thalamus and cingulate gyrus, structures thought to mediate the increase in pain. -Page 1134: The amygdala is a structure involved in fear and other defensive and aggressive emotions. It is also involved in the pain relief produced by morphine. Infusion of a cannabinoid into the amygdala of rats produced potent pain relief. -Page 1135: In a very complex way, patients with FMS pay more attention to stimuli they perceive as painful. When a person attends to something else, the same stimulus should be perceived as less painful, but FMS patients have difficulty switching attention due to their hypervigilance and altered perception of saliency of sensory and cognitive information. The main cortical region which processes painful input is called the primary somatosensory cortex (S I). When normal subjects studied with water PET attended to or did not attend to painful stimuli, the activation of S I differed, decreasing when they did not pay as much attention to it. -Page 1160: NE can act as an NMDA receptor antagonist by enhancing the effect of inhibitory interneurons. The circle has been closed. -Page 1172: AA increases NMDA-evoked brain blood flow. An agonist in some situations, an antagonist in others. -Page 1193: Brain alpha- I receptor stimulation (by NE or ProAmatine) is a protective factor during stress but only at a low range, above which adverse effects predominate. - Page 1193: Parnate and Nardil work better than Eldepril or meclobemide in an animal model of anxiety. I've found this in people, too. -Page 1198: OXT injected into the PVN stimulates nitric oxide (NO) and causes penile erection. NMIDA infused into the PVN also causes penile erection, but by a different mechanism. -Page 1245: Marinol, acting at the cannabinoid, (CB) receptor, increased PFC DA, probably a good thing in many neurosomatic patients. -Page 1252: The dorsolateral PFC selects, or g=, visual and spatial information, selecting salient stimuli from irrelevant ones, as shown by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). -Page 1253: Cannabinoids inhibit wind-up a centrally mediated increase in the response of spinal cord dorsal horn neurons to successive stimuli. Windup can be a precursor to chronic pain conditions. -Page 1319: Norepinephrine enhances GABAA receptor mediated synaptic transmission in rat hypothalamic paraventricular neurons. Thus, norepinephrine can have an inhibitory effect by stimulating gabaergic interneurons as discussed previously. Norepinephrine also has a direct effect on the cell membranes by hyperpolarizing them and making them less apt to be depolarized and activated by weak stimuli. Thus it can raise signal - to-noise ratio. This neurophysiologic effect translates in neural networks to a patient being less distractible and more able to concentrate. -Page 1392: For those patients who have cervical spinal stenosis, which could also compress spinal nerve roots exiting from the spinal canal, CGRP and substance P are secreted in excess in this situation and enhance pain. These substances can be inhibited by one of the triptan drugs that are used to treat migraine. CGRP and substance P are also inhibited by gabapentin, which acts as well on the thalamus and the anterior cingulate cortex as discussed in an article by Ness, et al. in the November, 1998 issue of the journal. -Page 1438: Thyroid status differentially affects behavior of the depression prone Wistar Kyoto rat. Wistar Kyoto rats show hyperresponsiveness to stress in depression and anxious be havior. They are more likely to become hypothyroid but are not helped by being given thyroid hormone. -Page 1430: A precursor to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) has antidepressant behavioral responses in the rat. TRH itself also appears to have antidepressant and antineurosomatic properties in the human being when given intravenously in a dose of 500 units and also when given by nasal spray in a dose of three units in each nostril. It can also be given as an eyedrop. -Page 1491: An agent like Talwin, called igmesme, increases extracellular levels of both NMDA but not 5- HT in the brain. Talwin and igmesme are sigma I stimulators or " ligands. " Talwin is thought to have many neurobehavioral effects, not just as an antidepressant but also as a potential antipsychotic. -Page 1620: There is a pathway from the lumbosacral spinal cord to the penis which can regulate penile erection in rats. It is originally stimulated by oxytocin at the level of the lumbosacral spinal cord which stimulates the secretion of nitric oxide which releases cyclic GMP, a vasodilator which causes penile erections. Therefore, there is an oxytocin nitric oxide cyclic GMP pathway from the lumbosacral spinal cord to the veins of the penis that can cause penile erection. Since oxytocin may be low in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, giving oxytocin might be helpful. -Page 1628: When rats have pain caused by a nerve injury, it is called neuropathic pain. There are ways to experimentally induce this sort of injury, and it is fairly well known that the effect of morphine on such injuries is somewhat limited, just as it is on central pain. Giving Marinol to rats with neuropathic pain decreased the pain significantly. This pain relief was independent of the NMDA and the opioid systems. Furthermore, in a second experiment on the same page, it was noted that cannabinoids; suppressed pain processing at the level of the medial thalamus, the main switchboard of the brain. They acted there by a non-opioid and non- NMDA mechanism. -Page 1629: Neuropathic pain is relieved by clonidine, a medication which stimulates the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor. Clonidine increases the release of acetylcholine and nitric oxide at the level of the spinal cord. The acetylcholine attached to both receptors for the muscarinic and the nicotinic receptors to elicit nitric oxide production in pain relief. The inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine acting at the Al adenosine receptor works as an NMDA receptor antagonist. It therefore can be analgesic in this situation and also blocks the release of amino acids that occur secondarily to NMDA receptor activation. Amino acids blocked include glutamate, aspartate, and taurine. -Page 1680: The activity of 130 neurons in the locus ceruleus of a monkey were recorded when the monkey had to make rapid choices between salient and non-salient targets. When the monkey performed this task, there was enhanced activity in the locus ceruleus. Since the locus ceruleus is the main nucleus in the brain that secretes norepinephrine, I would expect that neurosomatic patients would perform rather poorly in such tasks. -Page 1681: Another experiment reports that locus ceruleus neurons are selectively activated by attentive stimuli suggesting reward availability as well as other salient events such as loud noises. The part of this response that occurs early when the monkey is performing tasks rapidly that require discrimination between cues is thought to indicate enhanced attentiveness during this condition and may relect sensory gating which would prime the locus ceruleus and many associated structures. Thus, events would be processed more rapidly. Obviously, performance on this kind of test would be impaired in neurosomatic patients. Another experiment on the same page finds that the right prefrontal cortex is necessary to inhibit unattended semantic information. These results support models suggesting right hemisphere dominance for human attention. We have found that there is usually right hemispheric impairment on brain SPECT when we examine patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. -Page 1682: Examines the function of the human anterior cingulate cortex which is involved with executive control of cognitive processes, response selection, conflict resolution, internal monitoring, anticipation and preparatory processes, and affective and motivation aspects of behavior. Although these terms sound rather technical, they are all aspects of behaviors that are often impaired in patients with neurosomatic disorders. These experimenters found that decisions are computed in the lateral prefrontal areas and then channeled to the anterior cingulate cortex for translation into motor output during which selection between alternative responses takes place. On the same page is an experiment which discusses the amygdala in the context of fear learning in previously fear conditioned rats. This experiment would apply to neurosomatic patients who are hypervigilant either due to gentic or developmental factors. If the NMDA receptors in the amygdala are blocked, new fear learning disappears rapidly, i.e., extinction occurs rapidly when the NMDA receptors are blocked. -Page 1926: An experiment on this page again looks at Wistar Kyoto rats and looks for precursors of TRH to understand underlying mechanisms of depression. In Wistar Kyoto rats, two regions that were examined, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis had a lower density of nerve fibers that manufactured precursors to TRH than did regular Wistar rats which were not vulnerable to depression. On page 1928, an important experiment shows that transforming growth factor beta released in the brain by physical exercise causes the sensation of fatigue. Rats that became fatigued were found to have elevated levels of this substance in their cerebrospinal fluid. Their fatigue was suppressed by injecting anti- TGF beta antibody into their cerebrospinal fluid. Injecting TGF beta suppressed their activity. These results suggest that either inhibiting the biosynthetics of TGF beta or blocking its effects in humans might be an effective treatment for fatigue along with adenosine receptor antagonists that do not cause jitteriness like caffeine does. There is no published interaction between adenosine and TGF-beta. Substances that inhibit the action of TGF-beta are not particularly effective in alleviating fatigue in my patients. These include Cozaar, intravenous immunoglobulin, prolactin, and substances that increase it (like haloperidol), tamoxifen, and corticosteroids. Intravenous immunoglobulin is the only agent among these putative TGF blockers that benefits neurosomatic patients, and probably by an unrelated mechanism. Many more experiments were presented at this meeting which I did not discuss due to constraints of space and also because of their complexity. Many of these relate to bow different circuits or neural networks in the brain are regulated, an important concept for understanding neurosomatic disorders. Other complex work was related to attentional mechanisms and the structure and function of the nucleus accumbens and its interactions with other structures. These topics, which are vital to understanding the pathophysiology of neurosomatic disorders, will be addressed in a forthcoming book of mine which I will be writing with several of my colleagues who have particular expertise in certain areas that are relevant to the present and the future understanding and treatment of neurosomatic disorders. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- ABBREVIATIONS USED 5HT = serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine AA = arachidonic acid ACC anterior cingulate cortex Ach acetylcholine CB = cannabinoid CGRP = calcitonin gene-related peptide DA = doparnine DMH dorsomedial hypothalamus DRN dorsal raphe nucleus EAA excitatory amino acid GABA = gamma aminobutyric acid NAc = nucleus accumbens NE = norepinephrine NNMA = N-methyl-d-aspartate OXT = oxytocin PAG = periaqueductal gray PFC = prefrontal cortex PLPA2 = phospholipase A2 PVN = paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus SRI = serotonin reuptake inhibitor TGF-beta = transforming growth factor beta TRH = thyrotropin-releasing hormone VTA = ventral tegmental area Leni bc mailto:las@g... Replies Author Date 489 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS Hud Ramelan Fri May 19, 2000 7:11am 490 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS connie nelson Fri May 19, 2000 8:06am 495 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS Hud Ramelan Sat May 20, 2000 4:40am 498 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS connie nelson Sat May 20, 2000 4:44pm 500 Re: Ketamine nasal spray Hud Ramelan Sat May 20, 2000 11:58pm 491 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS Leni Spooner Fri May 19, 2000 12:57pm 496 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS Hud Ramelan Sat May 20, 2000 5:13am 505 Re: Goldstein summary re: Neuroscience/CFS O'Brien, Ralph Tue May 23, 2000 2:42pm 512 Re: licorice extracts Hud Ramelan Wed May 24, 2000 4:01am * About eGroups | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | No Spam! | International | Contact Us Copyright © 1998-2000 eGroups, Inc. All rights reserved. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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