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Cathie, welcome!!!

Where do you live? Is recieving cognitive behavioural therapy? Is

there a support group in your area?

If you dont have it yet, get a hold of " Teaching the Tiger " by Marilyn

Dornbush and Sheryl K. Pruitt. It was written for your son!! Its about $40+

but well worth it! (its a teachers resource manual)

I am impressed with how well the tourette groups are organized... I hope

that we will be as helpful to you. One thing I can guarentee is that we are

a wonderfully supportive, informative, and honestly care about one another.

The most important thing to remember is to take care of #1, you!

nice to have you with us,

wendy in canada


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I own two copies of " Teaching The Tiger " . It's an awesome book. One for

my reference, one that stays at the school for all of the teachers to use,

make notes in, and then I pass it on the next year to the new teacher.

We are in the Atlanta, GA area. is not receiving therapy but is in

a social skills class at school for one hour each day. The only support

group meeting I attended was about an hour away, led by Sheryl Pruitt's son.

He was the only one who wasn't talking gloom and doom so I never went back.

The others were going on and on about finding residential placements for

their teenage children. I want to figure how not to have that happen!!!

thanks for your welcome,


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Hi Cathie,

I'm Patti, Mom of Mat. Mat will be 12 this week. You may know me from one

of the Tourette's groups. I've been active on at least three and I moderate

the TSparents list at Onelist.

Mat also has TS, ADHD, ODD, rages and undiagnosed OCD.

Mat takes Luvox and Risperdal. Both have done wonders controlling his

violent rages. Mats tics are mild to moderate, but they are not a big deal

to him or anyone else. His worst problem is his obsessions which trigger


We tried a behavioral psychologist. But were disappointed with him. I

wonder now if he worked for the medical insurance company.

Mat is starting a class for Emotionally Disturbed children in January. This

is a special day class in another school district. The program includes

group therapy for the kids, individual therapy and family therapy. I am

hoping we will be better able to deal with Mat's obsessions. The therapist

is doing a very thoughough evaluation and I do think this will lead to a firm

diagnosis for Mat's OCD.

I'm curious, did the Adderal increase 's tics? I think Mat would

benefit greatly from a stimulant but have been hesitant about it. Mat's

impulsivity has really been getting him into trouble lately and he feels so

bad afterward. Risperdal really helps with the OCD symptoms in kids who have

TS and OCD.


<Hi! My name is Cathie. My son, , has Tourette Syndrome, OCD, and ADHD.

is 7 years old and in 1st grade. The OCD and ADHD cause him more

problems than the Tourettes, at least right now. He used to tic so much that

it really interfered in his life but that's not a big problem now.

takes Risperdal, Clonidine, and Adderall. Since adding the Risperdal about a

month ago, we have seen a huge change in his ability to focus, shorter

rages, and weaker obsessions. Other meds has tried are Prozac, Paxil,

Ritalin, and Zyrtec. I'm also on a Tourette's list but wanted to see if I

could zone in a little more on the OCD stuff right now.



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HI Cathie:

Thanks for introducing yourself and to us. You certainly have quite

a bit of experience with medications for and have achieved success

with controlling the TD. Has he tried any cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

yet? That is the first line treatment for OCD; it can be hard to find.

Perhaps if you let us know where you live someone on the list can share

local resource information with you.

Do you have any specific questions or concerns about the OCD stuff? We have

a son, Steve, now 12 almost 13, whose OCD we dxed about 2.5 years ago. For

him, medication has been more helpful for his comorbid major depressive

disorder than for OCD. The CBT has really helped him to learn to control

his OCD to an amazing extent. He also has PTSD-Type 1. Happy holidays,

take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 09:13 PM 12/18/1999 -0500, you wrote:

>From: " Cathie Coppedge " <wjcopp@...>


>Hi! My name is Cathie. My son, , has Tourette Syndrome, OCD, and ADHD.

> is 7 years old and in 1st grade. The OCD and ADHD cause him more

>problems than the Tourettes, at least right now. He used to tic so much that

>it really interfered in his life but that's not a big problem now.

>takes Risperdal, Clonidine, and Adderall. Since adding the Risperdal about a

>month ago, we have seen a huge change in his ability to focus, shorter

>rages, and weaker obsessions. Other meds has tried are Prozac, Paxil,

>Ritalin, and Zyrtec. I'm also on a Tourette's list but wanted to see if I

>could zone in a little more on the OCD stuff right now.

> Cathie


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Hi Patti!

My son didn't have OCD symptoms or tics until he started Ritalin.

We switched him to adderal several years later, the tics just got worse.

When he was diagnosed with OCD, the pdocs took him off of adderall.

He is not ticing so much now, but the school work really suffers.

Happy Holidays!

mary from La.

PMbeers9@... wrote:

> From: PMbeers9@...


> Hi Cathie,

> I'm Patti, Mom of Mat. Mat will be 12 this week. You may know me from one

> of the Tourette's groups. I've been active on at least three and I moderate

> the TSparents list at Onelist.

> Mat also has TS, ADHD, ODD, rages and undiagnosed OCD.


> Mat takes Luvox and Risperdal. Both have done wonders controlling his

> violent rages. Mats tics are mild to moderate, but they are not a big deal

> to him or anyone else. His worst problem is his obsessions which trigger

> rages.


> We tried a behavioral psychologist. But were disappointed with him. I

> wonder now if he worked for the medical insurance company.


> Mat is starting a class for Emotionally Disturbed children in January. This

> is a special day class in another school district. The program includes

> group therapy for the kids, individual therapy and family therapy. I am

> hoping we will be better able to deal with Mat's obsessions. The therapist

> is doing a very thoughough evaluation and I do think this will lead to a firm

> diagnosis for Mat's OCD.


> I'm curious, did the Adderal increase 's tics? I think Mat would

> benefit greatly from a stimulant but have been hesitant about it. Mat's

> impulsivity has really been getting him into trouble lately and he feels so

> bad afterward. Risperdal really helps with the OCD symptoms in kids who have

> TS and OCD.

> Patti


> <Hi! My name is Cathie. My son, , has Tourette Syndrome, OCD, and ADHD.

> is 7 years old and in 1st grade. The OCD and ADHD cause him more

> problems than the Tourettes, at least right now. He used to tic so much that

> it really interfered in his life but that's not a big problem now.

> takes Risperdal, Clonidine, and Adderall. Since adding the Risperdal about a

> month ago, we have seen a huge change in his ability to focus, shorter

> rages, and weaker obsessions. Other meds has tried are Prozac, Paxil,

> Ritalin, and Zyrtec. I'm also on a Tourette's list but wanted to see if I

> could zone in a little more on the OCD stuff right now.

> Cathie

> >>


> > You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing

> listserv@... .

> In the body of your message write:

> subscribe OCD-L your name.

> The archives for the OCD and

> Parenting List may be accessed by going to

> .

> Enter your email address and password.

> Click on the highlighted list name and then click on index.

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Hi! No, we have not tried CBT. is in a social skills class for one

hour each day of school to help with his social skills. I'm sure we will

eventually look at CBT although I've been told it's less successful with

children who have Tourette's in their diagnosis. Can't remember which dr

told me that (wasn't the neurologist). We live about 45 minutes south of

Atlanta. No real specific ?'s at this point.


Mom to (7 yrs old, TS, OCD, ADHD,

hydrocephalus) and (9 yrs old, mild ADHD, epilepsy,

very mild CP); wife to Bill; living in Peachtree City,GA

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Thanks ,

Mat has never taken a stimulant. Lately his impulsive behavior is really

getting him into trouble. Then add in the excessive guilt and the obsessions

and we have ourselves a big mess! Recently Mat is saying that he is afraid

he will become a criminal because he is " making mistakes. " Doing things on





Hi Patti!

My son didn't have OCD symptoms or tics until he started Ritalin.

We switched him to adderal several years later, the tics just got worse.

When he was diagnosed with OCD, the pdocs took him off of adderall.

He is not ticing so much now, but the school work really suffers.

Happy Holidays!

mary from La. >>

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I have also heard that CBT is not as effective for pure obsessions without

compulsions. Also people with the TS/OCD combo have different kinds of OC





Hi! No, we have not tried CBT. is in a social skills class for one

hour each day of school to help with his social skills. I'm sure we will

eventually look at CBT although I've been told it's less successful with

children who have Tourette's in their diagnosis. Can't remember which dr

told me that (wasn't the neurologist). We live about 45 minutes south of

Atlanta. No real specific ?'s at this point.


Mom to (7 yrs old, TS, OCD, ADHD,

hydrocephalus) and (9 yrs old, mild ADHD, epilepsy,

very mild CP); wife to Bill; living in Peachtree City,GA >>

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<< Do you mean people with the TS/OCD combo have different obsessions than

people with only OCD? One thing that amazed me about OCD is the incredible

variety of symptoms. Take care, aloha, kathy (H)

kathyh@... >>

Yes, people with pure OCD and no TS more often have cleanliness and germ

obsessions. Folks with TS and OCD more often have a need for things to feel

right and are more concerned with symmetry.

Some of the more current research is beginning to lean in the direction that

Tourette's IS OCD. Personally I find that idea easy to accept.

Also rages are supposed to me more common with the TS/ADHD/OCD combo. A

large percentage of folks with Tourette also have ADHD and/or OCD.

My son's violent rages are triggered by his obsessions related to

entertainment. He feels like he MUST have the latest Pokémon thing or he

will die. If he gets the Pokéthing he will be temporarily satisfied and will

not rage. If the OCD cycle is not completed and he does not get the

Pokéthing he will rage. Once he begins raging he has no control and cannot

stop until he is worn out.

So to our insurance company psychologist this looks like manipulation. But I

know it is so much more than that!

Lately he has not been raging. I think this is because of the large amount

of medication he is taking. His new therapy starts soon and I am really

hoping he can get some relief soon!


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Hi Patti:

This is an area where I notice docs have different opinions. Dr. Mark

Freeston has written a treatment manual all about CBT for pure obsessionals,

other docs really question whether pure " O's " really are just that as, when

asked enough questions, most seem to have mental rituals or meta obsessions.

It seems that probably doing CBT for pure " O " is harder both for the

sufferer and the therapist and that may be the reason why it is less

effective. Certainly we found therapist skill to be a very, very important

factor in the success of CBT, even for contamination OCD which is Steve's

primary type.

Do you mean people with the TS/OCD combo have different obsessions than

people with only OCD? One thing that amazed me about OCD is the incredible

variety of symptoms. Take care, aloha, kathy (H)


At 10:59 AM 12/20/1999 EST, you wrote:

>From: PMbeers9@...


>I have also heard that CBT is not as effective for pure obsessions without

>compulsions. Also people with the TS/OCD combo have different kinds of OC





> Kathy,

> Hi! No, we have not tried CBT. is in a social skills class for one

> hour each day of school to help with his social skills. I'm sure we will

> eventually look at CBT although I've been told it's less successful with

> children who have Tourette's in their diagnosis. Can't remember which dr

> told me that (wasn't the neurologist). We live about 45 minutes south of

> Atlanta. No real specific ?'s at this point.

> Cathie

> Mom to (7 yrs old, TS, OCD, ADHD,

> hydrocephalus) and (9 yrs old, mild ADHD, epilepsy,

> very mild CP); wife to Bill; living in Peachtree City,GA >>

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Wow! I had never heard this before, but doesn't fit any of those


has OCD and TS and he has only the germ and cleanliness or contamination


He also is ADD (no hyperactivity) but does not have rages.( anxiety and panic


but never has he had any rages)

He also has GAD which is general anxiety disorder.

Take care and happy holidays!

mary from La.

PMbeers9@... wrote:

> From: PMbeers9@...


> << Do you mean people with the TS/OCD combo have different obsessions than

> people with only OCD? One thing that amazed me about OCD is the incredible

> variety of symptoms. Take care, aloha, kathy (H)

> kathyh@... >>


> Yes, people with pure OCD and no TS more often have cleanliness and germ

> obsessions. Folks with TS and OCD more often have a need for things to feel

> right and are more concerned with symmetry.


> Some of the more current research is beginning to lean in the direction that

> Tourette's IS OCD. Personally I find that idea easy to accept.


> Also rages are supposed to me more common with the TS/ADHD/OCD combo. A

> large percentage of folks with Tourette also have ADHD and/or OCD.


> My son's violent rages are triggered by his obsessions related to

> entertainment. He feels like he MUST have the latest Pokémon thing or he

> will die. If he gets the Pokéthing he will be temporarily satisfied and will

> not rage. If the OCD cycle is not completed and he does not get the

> Pokéthing he will rage. Once he begins raging he has no control and cannot

> stop until he is worn out.


> So to our insurance company psychologist this looks like manipulation. But I

> know it is so much more than that!


> Lately he has not been raging. I think this is because of the large amount

> of medication he is taking. His new therapy starts soon and I am really

> hoping he can get some relief soon!

> Patti


> > You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing

> listserv@... .

> In the body of your message write:

> subscribe OCD-L your name.

> The archives for the OCD and

> Parenting List may be accessed by going to

> .

> Enter your email address and password.

> Click on the highlighted list name and then click on index.

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HI Patti:

Thanks for the explanation. Steve has the " just-so " obsessions and did a

lot of symmetry rituals (tapping, stepping, placing, kissing, spitting,

nudging) and so far he does not appear to have TS. He had so many of these

compulsions that at first the docs though he might have a tic but it turned

out to be rituals. I guess what I understand from your comment is that in

general the population of people with TD/OCD tend to have symmetry and just

so obsessions more frequently than the population of people with only OCD.

We have had problems with rage/anger with Steve but this was associated

either with getting stuck doing rituals or anxiety when he was prevented by

circumstances from ritualizing, or when he was very upset about OCD and we

were not very skilled at helping him to cope. We addressed the rage stuff

with our parenting plan and that was very helpful after a few months of

constant effort.

We also had the problem of observers thinking the anger meltdowns were

manipulation or our poor parenting. I could tell though it was driven by

fear as I could see how hard it was for him to endure the " attacks " as we

would call them. That is great to hear that your son's rages are more under

control with meds. That must be a great relief to him too.

Thanks for the explanations about TD, we are lucky to have someone so

knowledgeable about this disorder on this list. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 03:32 PM 12/20/1999 EST, you wrote:

>From: PMbeers9@...


><< Do you mean people with the TS/OCD combo have different obsessions than

> people with only OCD? One thing that amazed me about OCD is the incredible

> variety of symptoms. Take care, aloha, kathy (H)

> kathyh@... >>


>Yes, people with pure OCD and no TS more often have cleanliness and germ

>obsessions. Folks with TS and OCD more often have a need for things to feel

>right and are more concerned with symmetry.


>Some of the more current research is beginning to lean in the direction that

>Tourette's IS OCD. Personally I find that idea easy to accept.


>Also rages are supposed to me more common with the TS/ADHD/OCD combo. A

>large percentage of folks with Tourette also have ADHD and/or OCD.


>My son's violent rages are triggered by his obsessions related to

>entertainment. He feels like he MUST have the latest Pokémon thing or he

>will die. If he gets the Pokéthing he will be temporarily satisfied and will

>not rage. If the OCD cycle is not completed and he does not get the

>Pokéthing he will rage. Once he begins raging he has no control and cannot

>stop until he is worn out.


>So to our insurance company psychologist this looks like manipulation. But I

>know it is so much more than that!


>Lately he has not been raging. I think this is because of the large amount

>of medication he is taking. His new therapy starts soon and I am really

>hoping he can get some relief soon!



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome. I have 4 kids also. Do you have Taebo for Juniors? My 2 little

ones like it and I teach school and have done it with my class. They have a

lot more respect for me now that they know I can knock them out with a kick.

Just kidding. Though they do think I have a blackbelt.

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Guest guest

Welcome. I have 4 kids also. Do you have Taebo for Juniors? My 2 little

ones like it and I teach school and have done it with my class. They have a

lot more respect for me now that they know I can knock them out with a kick.

Just kidding. Though they do think I have a blackbelt.

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Guest guest

the family that studies & plays together, also gets sick together I guess?

So far, I have avoided any extended illness or injury in the almost 11 months

of doing Tae-Bo and dread getting ill or injured cuz of the loss of TB.

never thought of how homeschooling should also include physical education

until your intro. Great idea!!!

BTW be sure not to use the same muscle groups 2 consecutive days when weight

lifting and be careful of weights with the kids whose bones haven't

completely fused yet.


whose 15 yo son goes out of district to high school cuz of a learning

disorder so has no local peers/friends but from what I have seen of most

teens around here, may be a blessing in disguise

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Guest guest


you are a great role model for you children! I wish

my mom would have focused more on exercise than diet

while I was growing up!!

It sounds like you are doing a great job that your

children will thank you for later!

angie (ree)

--- discovery6@... wrote:

> Hi all,

> I am new to the list and pretty new to Tae Bo.

> My name is Candace and I

> am married with four great kids ages 16, 14, 12, and

> 10. We homeschool and

> seem to do about everything together. And now that

> includes working out to

> Tae bo five times a week. Tae Bo was a great find

> for us as my girls were in

> Goju Karate for 6 yrs, my oldest son and I were in

> it for 3 yrs and my

> youngest was in classes a year, and then our school

> closed. After two years

> of searching for another school we like, and trying

> out a variety of styles

> of martial arts we have finally found a Shotokan

> Karate school that we love.

> But we felt out of shape after being out of classes

> so long. And all of us

> could stand to drop a few pounds too. Even though we

> like running, we live on

> rock/mud roads and it has been a wet and muddy

> winter. (KS!) We were tired of

> starting a running routine only to have the weather

> stop us. I knew from past

> experience that the kids do not like most exercise

> tapes but I thought this

> one would be perfect. And I was right. The kids like

> it and we are determined

> to stick with it. It has been a battle though. The

> flu tried to stop us. I

> have hurt my elbow and that has tried to hinder me,

> but we are determined. We

> also lift weights 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week

> and do a stretching

> breathing routine when we wake up. I am thrilled to

> find this list and hope

> it helps us stay motivated. We were doing the

> advanced tape but when we all

> came down sick with colds/flu we cut back to the

> basic. We are going to stick

> with the basic a bit longer until the colds are

> gone. We rent the basic from

> the library but own the advanced 6 live.

> I look forward to getting to know everyone.

> Candace



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Guest guest


you are a great role model for you children! I wish

my mom would have focused more on exercise than diet

while I was growing up!!

It sounds like you are doing a great job that your

children will thank you for later!

angie (ree)

--- discovery6@... wrote:

> Hi all,

> I am new to the list and pretty new to Tae Bo.

> My name is Candace and I

> am married with four great kids ages 16, 14, 12, and

> 10. We homeschool and

> seem to do about everything together. And now that

> includes working out to

> Tae bo five times a week. Tae Bo was a great find

> for us as my girls were in

> Goju Karate for 6 yrs, my oldest son and I were in

> it for 3 yrs and my

> youngest was in classes a year, and then our school

> closed. After two years

> of searching for another school we like, and trying

> out a variety of styles

> of martial arts we have finally found a Shotokan

> Karate school that we love.

> But we felt out of shape after being out of classes

> so long. And all of us

> could stand to drop a few pounds too. Even though we

> like running, we live on

> rock/mud roads and it has been a wet and muddy

> winter. (KS!) We were tired of

> starting a running routine only to have the weather

> stop us. I knew from past

> experience that the kids do not like most exercise

> tapes but I thought this

> one would be perfect. And I was right. The kids like

> it and we are determined

> to stick with it. It has been a battle though. The

> flu tried to stop us. I

> have hurt my elbow and that has tried to hinder me,

> but we are determined. We

> also lift weights 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week

> and do a stretching

> breathing routine when we wake up. I am thrilled to

> find this list and hope

> it helps us stay motivated. We were doing the

> advanced tape but when we all

> came down sick with colds/flu we cut back to the

> basic. We are going to stick

> with the basic a bit longer until the colds are

> gone. We rent the basic from

> the library but own the advanced 6 live.

> I look forward to getting to know everyone.

> Candace



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Guest guest

In a message dated 4/3/00 12:45:37 AM Central Daylight Time,

discovery6@... writes:

<< Hi all,

I am new to the list and pretty new to Tae Bo. My name is Candace and I

am married with four great kids ages 16, 14, 12, and 10. We homeschool and

seem to do about everything together. And now that includes working out to

Tae bo five times a week. Tae Bo was a great find for us as my girls were in

Goju Karate for 6 yrs, my oldest son and I were in it for 3 yrs and my

youngest was in classes a year, and then our school closed. After two years

of searching for another school we like, and trying out a variety of styles

of martial arts we have finally found a Shotokan Karate school that we love.

But we felt out of shape after being out of classes so long. And all of us

could stand to drop a few pounds too. Even though we like running, we live


rock/mud roads and it has been a wet and muddy winter. (KS!) We were tired


starting a running routine only to have the weather stop us. I knew from


experience that the kids do not like most exercise tapes but I thought this

one would be perfect. And I was right. The kids like it and we are


to stick with it. It has been a battle though. The flu tried to stop us. I

have hurt my elbow and that has tried to hinder me, but we are determined.


also lift weights 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week and do a stretching

breathing routine when we wake up. I am thrilled to find this list and hope

it helps us stay motivated. We were doing the advanced tape but when we all

came down sick with colds/flu we cut back to the basic. We are going to


with the basic a bit longer until the colds are gone. We rent the basic from

the library but own the advanced 6 live.

I look forward to getting to know everyone.






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Guest guest

Candace welcome to the group!!! ITs wonderful that Taebo has become a family

thing for you. Maybe you can expand your video library by shopping for tapes on



<< Hi all,

I am new to the list and pretty new to Tae Bo. My name is Candace and I

am married with four great kids ages 16, 14, 12, and 10. We homeschool and

seem to do about everything together. And now that includes working out to

Tae bo five times a week. Tae Bo was a great find for us as my girls were in

Goju Karate for 6 yrs, my oldest son and I were in it for 3 yrs and my

youngest was in classes a year, and then our school closed. After two years

of searching for another school we like, and trying out a variety of styles

of martial arts we have finally found a Shotokan Karate school that we love.

But we felt out of shape after being out of classes so long. And all of us

could stand to drop a few pounds too. Even though we like running, we live on

rock/mud roads and it has been a wet and muddy winter. (KS!) We were tired of

starting a running routine only to have the weather stop us. I knew from past

experience that the kids do not like most exercise tapes but I thought this

one would be perfect. And I was right. The kids like it and we are determined

to stick with it. It has been a battle though. The flu tried to stop us. I

have hurt my elbow and that has tried to hinder me, but we are determined. We

also lift weights 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week and do a stretching

breathing routine when we wake up. I am thrilled to find this list and hope

it helps us stay motivated. We were doing the advanced tape but when we all

came down sick with colds/flu we cut back to the basic. We are going to stick

with the basic a bit longer until the colds are gone. We rent the basic from

the library but own the advanced 6 live.

I look forward to getting to know everyone.




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As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "

Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/

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Guest guest

Hi Candance-Welcome to the group!

It's great to have another mom who homeschools her children. This

is my last year of homeschooling. My daughter, 15, started college

last fall and is really loving it. My son, 17, will graduate this

year with the other kids in WA state. We homeschooled for a total of

nine years and boy, did time fly.....................

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Guest guest

Hi Candance-Welcome to the group!

It's great to have another mom who homeschools her children. This

is my last year of homeschooling. My daughter, 15, started college

last fall and is really loving it. My son, 17, will graduate this

year with the other kids in WA state. We homeschooled for a total of

nine years and boy, did time fly.....................

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Guest guest

New Here

> Hi all,

> I am new to the list and pretty new to Tae Bo. My name is Candace and


> am married with four great kids ages 16, 14, 12, and 10. We homeschool and

> seem to do about everything together. And now that includes working out to

> Tae bo five times a week.


Welcome to the group! That's so great that your whole family is doing this

with you! What a great role model you are! This is a great place for

support and motivation! I look forward to hearing more from you.

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