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Just keep in mind that if you have any doubts at all it would be best to wait

and do your research before getting any shots (and hopefully none!). Remember

that you can always add them but once they're in, you cannot take them out.

Have you read any books on this subject yet? There are quite a few that we

could all recommend for you to get started.

Sheri B.

Cheryl <che2you@...> wrote:

What a painful journey to get to the love your life.

You'll find all kinds of information here - the best advice is to read up - and

go with your mommy heart.

Ask questions here, nearly everyone has great sources, personal experience -

" wish I woulda' or " glad I didn't " stories.

Best thoughts for a worry free pregnancy and a wonderful birthing experience.


New Here

Hi everyone,

My name is Cameron and I am 23 weeks pregnant. I am

trying to learn more about the harmful effects of

vaccinations before I make any decisions to vaccinate

this baby.

My first child, Emerson Jade, was stillborn at 32

weeks. She was perfectly healthy but died from an

umbilical cord accident. An amniotic band had

attached where the cord inserted into the placenta and

constricted the blood flow through her cord and caused

her heart to stop beating. The dr's should have found

this on ultrasound and there is no reason that she

should not be here with me today. I then miscarried

my second baby in July of last year due to chromosomal

problems. She was a girl and we named her Jaden


We have no living children and we have lost too much

already. I have just recently started to read up on

some of the effects of vaccinations,i.e. autism, but I

am trying to determine what other harmful effects can

result as well. I just don't want to go through all

this pain to have a living child and then do something

to harm him.




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Hi Cameron,

Welcome to the list. My heart goes out to you regarding your losses.

Wishing you all the best,


New Here

> Hi everyone,

> My name is Cameron and I am 23 weeks pregnant. I am

> trying to learn more about the harmful effects of

> vaccinations before I make any decisions to vaccinate

> this baby.


> My first child, Emerson Jade, was stillborn at 32

> weeks. She was perfectly healthy but died from an

> umbilical cord accident. An amniotic band had

> attached where the cord inserted into the placenta and

> constricted the blood flow through her cord and caused

> her heart to stop beating. The dr's should have found

> this on ultrasound and there is no reason that she

> should not be here with me today. I then miscarried

> my second baby in July of last year due to chromosomal

> problems. She was a girl and we named her Jaden

> Olivia.


> We have no living children and we have lost too much

> already. I have just recently started to read up on

> some of the effects of vaccinations,i.e. autism, but I

> am trying to determine what other harmful effects can

> result as well. I just don't want to go through all

> this pain to have a living child and then do something

> to harm him.


> Sincerely,

> Cameron


> __________________________________________________


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Hello Cameron,

Welcome to the list. It's a good community and a great place to be when you

have any doubts or reservations about vaccines. I am so sorry to read of

your losses - I have had 5 miscarriages myself, although all were early

stage so perhaps not so emotionally devastating as a stillbirth. I too wish

you a safe outcome with this pregnancy and a safe labour and delivery. Are

you hoping for a natural birth?

I have a completely unvaccinated and unmedicated daughter, and made the

decision not to vaccinate before I fell pregnant with her. Like you, I felt

especially protective when I found I was pregnant and by then, I had read

enough to convince me that there was nothing good about vaccines. The

bottom line is that they don't work and that they are dangerous - and imho

will cause a degree of damage to any child (or adult) to whom they are

given, but it is the degree of damage that varies from person to person.

My family emigrated to Australia last August, so I am keeping my head as low

as I can now that I am in a country that strongly advocates vaccination

against everything going. It is not mandatory here, but there is nothing

that anyone can say to make me change my mind, so I just stay away from

doctors then I don't get the hassle. :o)

I think it is necessary to have a modality of healthcare that you feel

really comfortable with when you have children, and for me that has been

homoeopathy. I am now studying to be a classical homoeopath, and rarely see

a doctor. I deal with all the family's health problems homoeopathically

and we are all fitter for it. When you are considering vaccination (or not)

it is worth considering that homoeopathy offers safe and effective treatment

for any of the *childhood ailments* that can be *prevented* by vaccinations

with no harmful side effects and no suppression of symptoms. As such, it is

an excellent *alternative* to allopathic treatment - and vaccination!

Doctors will tell you otherwise, but it isn't in their financial interests

to send patients to a homoeopath.

These two websites http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm and

http://www.whale.to are excellent starts to your vaccine *education*, and

there are many others. Bookwise I would recommend the Vaccination Bible,

published by What Doctors Don't Tell You (not sure about US availability

though), " How to Raise a Healthy Child; in spite of your doctor " by

Mendelson, " Vaccination Roulette " , published by the AVN and available

through their website (www.avn.org.au). There are others but not off the

top of my head. There are several homoeopathic books such as " Homeopathic

Alternatives to Vaccination " (forgotten author just now, something)

which are also worth a look. Sheri N's website (first one listed here) has

a recommended reading list.

Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy - you'll have plenty of

reading to do to while the time away. And if your husband had a bad

reaction to the DPT - think VERY carefully before you get that vaccine for

your child. Can I also recommend that you extend your reading to

breastfeeding management because breastfeeding is probably the most

important thing you can do for your child's immunological health at birth,

and for life.

Love, light and peace,


" As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the

worth of vaccination. " - Bernard Shaw

OT4VAX - Off-topic conversation for

Vaccinations list members

http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm - expansive information about


http://www.whale.to - more expansive information about vaccines!

> Hi everyone,

> My name is Cameron and I am 23 weeks pregnant. I am

> trying to learn more about the harmful effects of

> vaccinations before I make any decisions to vaccinate

> this baby.


> My first child, Emerson Jade, was stillborn at 32

> weeks. She was perfectly healthy but died from an

> umbilical cord accident. An amniotic band had

> attached where the cord inserted into the placenta and

> constricted the blood flow through her cord and caused

> her heart to stop beating. The dr's should have found

> this on ultrasound and there is no reason that she

> should not be here with me today. I then miscarried

> my second baby in July of last year due to chromosomal

> problems. She was a girl and we named her Jaden

> Olivia.


> We have no living children and we have lost too much

> already. I have just recently started to read up on

> some of the effects of vaccinations,i.e. autism, but I

> am trying to determine what other harmful effects can

> result as well. I just don't want to go through all

> this pain to have a living child and then do something

> to harm him.


> Sincerely,

> Cameron


> __________________________________________________


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In a message dated 4/25/2006 1:15:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jchabot@... writes:

everytime she hears someone talk, whether it be a person, or tv, or radio,

she counts the number of syllables

in what they are saying and has to move her body to the number.


I haven't heard that yet on this board (but I've only been here for a month

or so)... I'll be interested in what the others say about it as well. You

mentioned this is her " newest " compulsion -- what are the others? How long has

she shown OCD symptoms? Is she on meds?


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has been diagnosed with ocd at age 5, along with several other

diagnosis. Every doctor I've taken her to, has said something different. For 4

yrs now, her doctors have been treating her for bipolar.(These are all local

doctors, seeing I live in a small town) I finally got her in for an appt in

Hartford, and they said, " definitely ocd " She is having another neuropsych eval

done on May 15,in Hartford, to see if she has any co-morbid disorders, because

everytime I put her on Zoloft, she goes " manic " .Therefore right now, I can't

medicate her until all her testing is done.

She has other compulsions and obsessions also, like doing these,

" self-stimming rocking movements " (only in her room) She would never let anyone

see her doing this!She is extremely obsessed with her hair, her

weight(constantly weighing, etc, etc) Obsessed with her room-I can't touch

anything in there(bureau, desk, bed, etc)

Now, last night, I think she had an anxiety attack. This happened before, and

when I took her to the ER, that is what they said. She was crying over being

nauseas, which she constantly does, and her legs were shaking. I don't know what

to do right now. This is a nightmare!!!!!!

Thanks for listening


Judy in CT

jtlt@... wrote:

In a message dated 4/25/2006 1:15:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jchabot@... writes:

everytime she hears someone talk, whether it be a person, or tv, or radio,

she counts the number of syllables

in what they are saying and has to move her body to the number.


I haven't heard that yet on this board (but I've only been here for a month

or so)... I'll be interested in what the others say about it as well. You

mentioned this is her " newest " compulsion -- what are the others? How long has

she shown OCD symptoms? Is she on meds?


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Hi Judy! Well, counting is common with OCD, and as to the things OCD

has people do, it doesn't surprise me with your daughter!

How long has she had OCD?

I have a son, 17, with OCD. His problems began around age 11.5.

You mention many O's and C's, is she seeing a therapist or on any


My son's OCD began with a lot of touching type compulsions,

some " movement " type things. And I could tell sometimes he

was " thinking " something. He wasn't at all willing to talk about

things so I had to nag/guess and just observe. He also had some

repetitive things. And the list could go on!!

Anyway, after the worst of times, things did get MUCH better! And

now his OCD began " acting up " again with some scrupulosity/religious

type things and bad thoughts. None of the previously more " physical "

type rituals/compulsions that he had the " first go-round. "

Does your daughter want to work on stopping her counting of

syllables? Is she working on any other of her OC problems now? We

never could find a therapist in our area and just ended up managing

on our own, but a slow process that way!

single mom, 3 sons

, 17, with OCD, dysgraphia and Aspergers(autism)




> Hi everyone,

> I'm new to this group, and I have a 9yr old dd with ocd. She has

many obsessions and compulsions, but her newest is very troubling to

me, and I was wondering if any of you have ever experienced this with

your child.

> I have been noticing lately, as well as her teacher, that she is

constantly moving her hands and feet, or her eyebrows up and down.

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I'm a single mom to 3 kids also! Fun huh? especially with a special needs

child or two!

My dd was diagnosed the first time at age 5, but has had so many different

diagnosis since than, every doctor around was calling her a puzzle. Finally I

have gotten her evaluated in the major cities, and so far she still has 2 more

evals to go, but the 2 in Hartford said " definitely OCD " .Now it's just a matter

of making sure she doesn't have bipolar with it, so we can medicate her

effectively, and get her the therapy

she needs. It has been a really rough road for her. She has been difficult

since birth-LOL!

She has been on so many different meds, it's ridiculous! They just could never

come up with the right combination. They kept adding a mood stabilizer, which

always took a toll on her. She desperately needs meds and therapy now, but until

we get her evaluation completed,there is nothing we can do, besides pray she

doesn't need to be hospitalized until than.

Thanks for responding to my post!



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New here

I suppose I might have introduced myself before jumping in, and askign questions and for advice. My name is .Hi , I'm . Glad you're here! I'm from Maine. I'm a Kentucky Gal. I am the married mother of four children. I'm the married mother of 2. I have a boy,22 and a girl 26.And 2 granddaughters. Boy 22, Boy, 22twin boys 21 and girl 17. Yes, I am insane.If you was sane it would't be any fun!:) And, along the path to insanity, it got fat. I think its the law that the two goes hand in hand:) Can't blame it on pregnancy anymore since the youngest is 17 can I? I don't see why not....I still blame my weight on it. It's the cause...truly it is....Really....quit laughing ....I'm serious here.I've been dieting and moving for a month. I cross country ski (not this year, no snow) and am walking 30 minutes most days. I'm counting calories to lose. I've been at it since January 27th. I also am counting calories and walking. I now must take the time to confess....I have been know to cheat on my calories. Although I am still eating way below what I used to I don't stay within my goal calories but I am still working on it.Good luck to us all!Glad you are here. Keep us posted on how it's going with you. Good or bad we'd like to hear it.

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Thought I'd share my niece's story with you - she was dx'd with OCD at

around 11, and then spent a couple years (wasted years, my brother and

sister-in-law will say) with " talk therapy " and every med available at

the time (mid-90's). To them the meds were a nightmare, nothing

worked for her, then all the side effects on top of OCD. They had

given up hope.

It wasn't until they found the right therapist who treated OCD in

children with CBT and ERP that they saw the light at the end of the

tunnel. They got her off all the meds and painstakingly (sp?) worked

at the therapy. They will say that going without meds is very

difficult, but once the child gets the tools to fight OCD, it's a

lifelong advantage, as opposes to meds that " poop out " or have adverse

side effects. I took a couple years, but today my niece is away at

college and a very happy, outgoing, fearless young woman. I think at

times she still needs to " re-train " her brain, but for the most part

her OCD is controlled.

It sounds like it's possible all your daughter's issues are coming

from her OCD; I would think my daughter has ODD and bi-polar if I

didn't know better, I'm sure an outsider would, too, if they saw her

in an OCD moment. I hope you get the evaluations in soon, so you can

start the process needed for your daughter.

Just wondering, why do you need to have 4 evaluations? For insurance

purposes? Seems to me like having 2 already confirm OCD is enough.

I can't imagine what it's like to deal with this as a single mom, I am

drowning as it is, even with a husband who can help with my other

child while I'm with . My hat's off to you!



> Hi

> I'm a single mom to 3 kids also! Fun huh? especially with a

special needs child or two!

> My dd was diagnosed the first time at age 5, but has had so many

different diagnosis since than, every doctor around was calling her a

puzzle. Finally I have gotten her evaluated in the major cities, and

so far she still has 2 more evals to go, but the 2 in Hartford said

" definitely OCD " .Now it's just a matter of making sure she doesn't

have bipolar with it, so we can medicate her effectively, and get her

the therapy

> she needs. It has been a really rough road for her. She has been

difficult since birth-LOL!

> She has been on so many different meds, it's ridiculous! They just

could never come up with the right combination. They kept adding a

mood stabilizer, which always took a toll on her. She desperately

needs meds and therapy now, but until we get her evaluation

completed,there is nothing we can do, besides pray she doesn't need to

be hospitalized until than.

> Thanks for responding to my post!

> hugs

> Judy






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Thank you for the response. I am actually having two more evaluations. She is

going for a study on Monday in MA, than to a neurologist in CT on the 15th.

My dd has actually been diagnosed with OCD once, at age 5, than had several

different diagnosis in the meantime. All the doctors kept thinking it was ODD,

and bipolar. She also had one more diagnosis of OCD at age 7 when she was

hospitalized . The problem is she is extremely inconsistent, and until recently,

she has been a master at hiding what is going on with her. She just told me last

night about this counting syllables in her head. I could never get anything out

of her. The last time she was hospitaized they said, " bipolar and anxiety because

they never saw any symptoms of the ocd.

Now it is coming out full force and she is finally able to say what is going

on. This kid has been on so many drugs, it's pathetic. I finally said, " No

More!!!! " One of the doctors told me I'd be charged with neglect if she has

bipolar and she hurts herself and I rerused to medicate her. I was furious. I

told him, " I'll take my chances " I can't imagine what all these senseless meds

have done to her little body. All these unecsessary mood stabilizers the doctor

insisted I put her on for her bipolar.She was on Depakote for almost a year, and

lost alot of her hair.She is the most beautiful little girl with long blonde

curly hair and blue eyes. When she was on that depakote, she looked nothing at

all like herself. Her liver enzymes were highly elevated, and she gained nearly

30lbs. I don't even think she has bipolar!!!! I will know for sure soon. Like I

said earlier, I live in a small town where these doctors don't know much. I'm

probably going to have to drive 5 hours to get

her the therapy she needs. I bet there isn't one psychologist around here who

knows about CBT therapy.

Sigh!!!! I could just cry!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry to ramble on and on



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In a message dated 4/27/2006 7:45:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, whanscom@... writes:

I suppose I might have introduced myself before jumping in, and askign questions and for advice. My name is . I'm from Maine. I am the married mother of four children. Boy 22, twin boys 21 and girl 17. Yes, I am insane. And, along the path to insanity, it got fat. Can't blame it on pregnancy anymore since the youngest is 17 can I?I've been dieting and moving for a month. I cross country ski (not this year, no snow) and am walking 30 minutes most days. I'm counting calories to lose.

Hi again, ... thanks for telling us a little about you. I am , 38 and single mom of 3 boys: 9, 11 and 13. The two youngest live with their father. I started "my program" of health and well-being last June, basically walking TONS and being more mindful of what I eat. In October, I added Curves to my repertoire (LOL) and have lost about 26 lbs or so and 46 inches.... it's been slow progress, but I would rather take a break here and there for a treat or two so I don't feel totally deprived, ya know....

Keep up the good work~


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wow. Great job. I bet all that exercise makes you feels tons better!


> In a message dated 4/27/2006 7:45:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,


> writes:

> I suppose I might have introduced myself before jumping in, and

> askign questions and for advice. My name is . I'm from Maine.

> I am the married mother of four children. Boy 22, twin boys 21 and girl

> 17. Yes, I am insane. And, along the path to insanity, it got fat. Can't

> blame it on pregnancy anymore since the youngest is 17 can I?


> I've been dieting and moving for a month. I cross country ski (not this

> year, no snow) and am walking 30 minutes most days. I'm counting

> calories to lose.



> Hi again, ... thanks for telling us a little about you. I am , 38

and single mom of 3

> boys: 9, 11 and 13. The two youngest live with their father. I started " my

program " of

> health and well-being last June, basically walking TONS and being more mindful

of what I

> eat. In October, I added Curves to my repertoire (LOL) and have lost about 26

lbs or so

> and 46 inches.... it's been slow progress, but I would rather take a break

here and there for

> a treat or two so I don't feel totally deprived, ya know....


> Keep up the good work~

> Kell



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This is the place to ramble! And cry! I have been crying for 2 weeks

now, just so heartbreaking to see my sweet girl going through this


I am surprised that they give Depakote to such a young person, I have

several bi-polars in my family and know what side effects those drugs

can have, just awful. I don't blame you for steering clear of meds

after such an experience.

Again, though, I'm trying to figure out why you need to wait for all

these evals to start searching for a psychologist. I'm sure there

will be a waiting list, by the time you get to see someone, you'll

have all your results. Can you start searching now? Sounds like you

need help ASAP.

Hugs to you as well -




> nna,

> Thank you for the response. I am actually having two more

evaluations. She is going for a study on Monday in MA, than to a

neurologist in CT on the 15th.

> My dd has actually been diagnosed with OCD once, at age 5, than

had several different diagnosis in the meantime. All the doctors kept

thinking it was ODD, and bipolar. She also had one more diagnosis of

OCD at age 7 when she was hospitalized . The problem is she is

extremely inconsistent, and until recently, she has been a master at

hiding what is going on with her. She just told me last night about

this counting syllables in her head. I could never get anything out of

her. The last time she was hospitaized they said, " bipolar and anxiety

because they never saw any symptoms of the ocd.

> Now it is coming out full force and she is finally able to say

what is going on. This kid has been on so many drugs, it's pathetic. I

finally said, " No More!!!! " One of the doctors told me I'd be charged

with neglect if she has bipolar and she hurts herself and I rerused to

medicate her. I was furious. I told him, " I'll take my chances " I can't

imagine what all these senseless meds have done to her little body.

All these unecsessary mood stabilizers the doctor insisted I put her

on for her bipolar.She was on Depakote for almost a year, and lost

alot of her hair.She is the most beautiful little girl with long

blonde curly hair and blue eyes. When she was on that depakote, she

looked nothing at all like herself. Her liver enzymes were highly

elevated, and she gained nearly 30lbs. I don't even think she has

bipolar!!!! I will know for sure soon. Like I said earlier, I live in

a small town where these doctors don't know much. I'm probably going

to have to drive 5 hours to get

> her the therapy she needs. I bet there isn't one psychologist

around here who knows about CBT therapy.

> Sigh!!!! I could just cry!!!!!!!

> I'm so sorry to ramble on and on

> hugs

> Judy






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In a message dated 4/28/2006 4:46:05 AM Pacific Standard Time, whanscom@... writes:

I bet all that exercise makes you feels tons better!

For the most part, I would have to say "YES" , but this week, I have been trying to think of every excuse in the book to NOT do it... fortunately, I have still met my goals this week ;-)

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Maybe your right. I could at least start searching for a therapist now. . I

just thought I'd have to wait, seeing she'll need medication also. I know

someone mentioned Omega 3 and inositol? I wonder if that would help her until I

can get her on the right meds.I've been using Benadryl to get her to sleep, and

the pharmacist said that it could cause behavioral problems.



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Maybe your right. I could at least start searching for a therapist now. . I

just thought I'd have to wait, seeing she'll need medication also. I know

someone mentioned Omega 3 and inositol? I wonder if that would help her until I

can get her on the right meds.I've been using Benadryl to get her to sleep, and

the pharmacist said that it could cause behavioral problems.



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In a message dated 4/28/2006 8:31:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jchabot@... writes:

I've been using Benadryl to get her to sleep, and the pharmacist said that

it could cause behavioral problems.


I've heard of a lot of parents (for a lot of reasons) using things like

Benadryl to get their kids to sleep. The problem is that there are other


in that sort of medication that your kids just dont need to take. Have you

ever tried Melatonin? I actually take it (at the suggestion of my GYN) to

help me go to sleep. It is what the body naturally produces to make you


It comes over-the-counter in 3mg pills. It just makes you groggy & able to

sleep. It's worked quite well for me.


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In a message dated 4/28/2006 1:53:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mdonlon@... writes:

Again, though, I'm trying to figure out why you need to wait for all

these evals to start searching for a psychologist. I'm sure there

will be a waiting list


I agree with nna - start looking now. Once we found a pdoc, it took

nearly 2 months to actually get in to see her! Find someone & make your appt

now. You can always cancel if need be -- just mark your calendar for 1-2

weeks prior to the appt so you can reconsider your situation at that time.


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Welcome . What part of Maine. I am from southern NH. Today it is sunny here. Waiting for some rain. Good day to walk.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi, Pam, welcome to the group. I am the grandmother of a 13 year old autistic boy. I have worked with him for 10 years. This is a great group; you will find that they are very helpful. Wow, you have your hands full with 9 children. LOL, Pat K

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"Only 6 kids". I guess it is all in your perspective; that still sounds like a monumental task to me. You must be very special people. I know you will have a lot to share. What are you doing with all the kids this summer? Do you have help? Do your grandchildren live near you? My 17 year old granddaughter moved in with us in April. She will be a senior this coming school year. Between her and her autistic brother I sometimes feel overwhelmed; I can't imagine having four more besides. You are an inspiration. Tell me how you manage. LOL, Pat K

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I do have my hands full, but should

explain that only 6 kids still living at home. They are ages 19,

almost 19, 11, 9, 6 and 4. The 5 youngest ones are adopted and almost

all of them have special needs. They bring many joys as well as

challenges to our lives. We are also the grandparents of 3 grandsons

ages 11 mos, 2 yrs, and 4. We only have 1 daughter out of all 9 kids.



> Hi, Pam, welcome to the group. I am the grandmother of a 13 year


> autistic boy. I have worked with him for 10 years. This is a great

group; you will

> find that they are very helpful. Wow, you have your hands full with


> children. LOL, Pat K


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Let me tell you about my boys...

Our youngest birthson is Kelby. He is 19 and is graduating Sunday.

was adopted about 5 years ago. He is almost 19 and graduates

from High School Sunday as well. He has Fetal Alchohol Syndrome,

ADHD, MR, CAPD, and Sensory Integration Dysfunction. He is a

sweetheart and his smile melts the hearts of anyone who sees him.

Randall is 11, almost 12. He is the oldest of 4 brothers we adopted.

They were all adopted about 3 years ago. He remembers a lot about his

birth family and has come a long way. He is finally starting to

accept the changes in his life and trying to only remember the good

things in his past. He has ADHD and is Bi-Polar. We have had many

challenges with him and still some issues but he is adapting very well.

Deonta is almost 10. He is a happy normal 10 year old with lots of


DJ is 6 years old. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and we also

believe he may have Asperger's. He also has sensory issues.

Damarion is almost 5. We have had him since birth except for the 3

times he was returned to his birth parents for 5 weeks each time. He

was only 2 when we adopted him. He has Autism, SID, OCD, Athsma, and

MR. He may also have CAPD.

The summer months are usually filled with sports, but we decided to

take a break from sports this year. DJ refused to play T-ball last

year because " everyone was watching him " . We have some major

difficulties with Damarion in the community. He just can't handle

crowds very well. As a family, we love to camp. All the boys like to

fish as well so this year we have plans to camp and fish more than we

got to last year. In fact, the boys got me a huge cabin tent for

Mother's Day. I get the hint!

Damarion gets therapies at school during school months, but in the

summer he has OT once a week about 30 minutes from where we live and

ST in the same town through Easter Seals. We did have plans to go to

Indiana Beach this year for vacation, but we may have to cancell due

to financial difficulties. The boys think it would be okay if we " do

more camping " . We often go to the lake just outside of town.

Very seldom do we get to go out as a family unless it is camping, to

the zoo, or to the parks. DJ and Damarion don't do well in stores,

resturants, etc. We have to " prepare " them for every outing, even

walks can be challenging. Damarion thinks he has to push a stroller

everywhere he goes and if he sees a sign, any sign, he has to stop,

touch it, chant " 1-2-3 shake " then shake the sign pole. A half hour

walk can take an hour or longer.

I can go on forever but should stop now before I wear out my welcome.


Oh, Yes...2 of my grandsons live just 4 blocks from me and I see them

every day. My 2 year old grandson lives in Okinawa as my son is in

the Air Force. I have only seen him twice and miss him so much. It

will be another year before I see him again. I am so glad there are

digital cameras as I receive pictures of him almost weekly. I think

grandchildren are the most precious gifts.

My husband and our families are our support. My older son (28) and my

daughter (24) are great at helping when we need a break. My daughter

lives just 4 blocks so she is around often. She adores her new little

brothers and is great with them.



> " Only 6 kids " . I guess it is all in your perspective; that still

sounds like

> a monumental task to me. You must be very special people. I know

you will

> have a lot to share. What are you doing with all the kids this

summer? Do you

> have help? Do your grandchildren live near you? My 17 year old

> granddaughter moved in with us in April. She will be a senior this

coming school year.

> Between her and her autistic brother I sometimes feel overwhelmed; I


> imagine having four more besides. You are an inspiration. Tell me

how you manage.

> LOL, Pat K


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Thanks for telling me about your family. You and your husband sound like very loving people. What motivated you to take on such awesome responsibilities? Do you get any kind of financial aid from the government? It is great that you have the support of your family.

How wonderful that your family likes camping. I can't think of anything that would be better or more enjoyable for kids. When we had our four children at home we use to go camping with several other families. It is a special memory.

LOL, Pat k

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