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It is very hard to find anyone who has actually recovered to the extent that you

have. Most people consider recovery at 70% of their old lifestyle with a new

moderated life style instead to replace that. I feel that I have come a long

way, but am still missing some pieces to the puzzle-or just more time.

May I ask what infections you had, and if you know, what helped to make them go

away? How long did it take? How long have you both been recovered without


You both are VERY fortunate and give hope for all of us.



> From: Sue <suebackagain123@...>

> Subject: Re: New here


> Received: Monday, November 30, 2009, 10:47 AM







> you got CFS at a great time. they have just discovered the virus that likely

causes it, XMRV. call VIP Dx lab and get them to send you a test kit. if you are

positive, you can wait a few months for the in vitro studies to be done and for

them to suggest some kind of treatment. don't waste your time with other stuff.

i have had this for over 17 yrs....trust me. you don't want that hell.


> [Moderator: There are a number of people that have fully recovered. Most

disappear off the CFIDS lists unfortunately. My wife and I have both fully

recovered (but with a child that has not. Improved but not there - hence

continued involvement in the community). By recover, I mean no problem doing a

14 mile hike with a 3000' height gain in a day, or working 12-14 hr/days without



> Anticoagulants and anti-infection (anti-viral and/or antibiotics) was our path

out of it, with Vitamin D supplementation being a likely component). There is no

magic bullet. I needed antibiotics, the wife needed antivirals. We did

COMPHREHENSIVE PCR panels for all of the dozen or so likely infections and

treated all of those that were found. Seek out those that have recovered and get

as much information as you can of what they did. After trying what worked for

some, then go on to the new experimental treatment (which sometimes have severe

negative side-effects) .]









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Moderator: Do you have a story on how you improved, how long you were sick? It

would be great since I feel so hopeless!



> From: Sue <suebackagain123@...>

> Subject: Re: New here


> Received: Monday, November 30, 2009, 10:47 AM







> you got CFS at a great time. they have just discovered the virus that likely

causes it, XMRV. call VIP Dx lab and get them to send you a test kit. if you are

positive, you can wait a few months for the in vitro studies to be done and for

them to suggest some kind of treatment. don't waste your time with other stuff.

i have had this for over 17 yrs....trust me. you don't want that hell.


> [Moderator: There are a number of people that have fully recovered. Most

disappear off the CFIDS lists unfortunately. My wife and I have both fully

recovered (but with a child that has not. Improved but not there - hence

continued involvement in the community). By recover, I mean no problem doing a

14 mile hike with a 3000' height gain in a day, or working 12-14 hr/days without



> Anticoagulants and anti-infection (anti-viral and/or antibiotics) was our path

out of it, with Vitamin D supplementation being a likely component). There is no

magic bullet. I needed antibiotics, the wife needed antivirals. We did

COMPHREHENSIVE PCR panels for all of the dozen or so likely infections and

treated all of those that were found. Seek out those that have recovered and get

as much information as you can of what they did. After trying what worked for

some, then go on to the new experimental treatment (which sometimes have severe

negative side-effects) .]









> __________________________________________________________________

> The new Internet Explorer® 8 - Faster, safer, easier. Optimized for

Get it Now for Free! at http://downloads./ca/internetexplorer/



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This message is for the moderator. You suggest getting a full coagulation

panel. Hemex has now been bought by another lab. Could you please specify what

tests a FULL coagulation panel would include?

BTW: Does Dr. Berg (old director of Hemex) have any publications on

coagulopathies in CFS and how he addresses them?

Thank you.



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  • 2 months later...

Just to be clear what Meds do you now take?


> Hi everyone and Dr. Grim.

> I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium. After a few years or so

my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but still my potassium was low.

I finally was switched to lisinopril (ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was

low even though this med should make my potassium higher. Finally I went to

see an endocrinologist and one of the first questions he asked after hearing my

symptoms (I was also there for my thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had

my adrenals checked. No.

> So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

> My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

> Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by the renin being normal. I

told him that I had still been taking all my meds when I had the testing done.

I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at

the highest 1.2 and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with


> So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

> So, thats my story so far.

> Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.


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Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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You may be getting too much sodium if you are eating soft

pretzels and store-bought bread.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and

brother have HTN but no hx of low K.


don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We

don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )

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You may be getting too much sodium if you are eating soft

pretzels and store-bought bread.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and

brother have HTN but no hx of low K.


don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We

don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )

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Thanks for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86I am pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My doc is at the Cleveland Clinic. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 6:54 PM, "Valarie " <val@...> wrote:

Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86I am pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My doc is at the Cleveland Clinic. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 6:54 PM, "Valarie " <val@...> wrote:

Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86I am pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My doc is at the Cleveland Clinic. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 6:54 PM, "Valarie " <val@...> wrote:

Bravo from Cleveland

Clinic has written about renin. 1.86

is not too high to still have PA, especially if you are controlling

sodium. The ratio is more relevant

than the absolute value of either aldo or renin.


On Feb 23, 2010, at 3:08

PM, Vicki wrote:


everyone and Dr. Grim.

I am pretty new here. I've been looking around a bit and finally decided to

post a message. After the birth of my daughter almost 6 years ago, my blood

pressure went up. My doc started me on water pills which seemed to help with my

bp but we later realized that I was losing potassium.

After a few years or so my doc switched me to a potassium sparing pill but

still my potassium was low. I finally was switched to lisinopril

(ace inhibitor) but still my potassium was low even though this med should make

my potassium higher. Finally I went to see an endocrinologist and one of the

first questions he asked after hearing my symptoms (I was also there for my

thyroid problems) was had any doctor ever had my adrenals checked. No.

So I left his office with a prescription to have an aldo/renin blood test, a

aldo 24 hour urine and a 24 hour for creatinine.

My aldo was high in both urine and blood (sorry but I don't have the values in

front of me.) but my renin was normal.

Went back to my new endo doc and he was confused by

the renin being normal. I told him that I had still been taking all my meds

when I had the testing done. I am on an ace inhibitor for my high bp. Doc said the renin ratio should be at the highest 1.2

and mine was 1.86 too high to be diagnosed with hyperaldosteronism.

So, I have to have the blood work for aldo/renin done again in 2 weeks. I am

currently on another bp med called verapamil.

So, thats my story so far.

Any insight from anyone would be appreciated.

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Yes, sodium is hidden everywhere isn't it? I will be looking a lot closer when grocery shopping. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 7:20 PM, "Valarie " <val@...> wrote:

You may be getting too much sodium if you are eating soft

pretzels and store-bought bread.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and

brother have HTN but no hx of low K.


don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We

don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )

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Yes, sodium is hidden everywhere isn't it? I will be looking a lot closer when grocery shopping. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 7:20 PM, "Valarie " <val@...> wrote:

You may be getting too much sodium if you are eating soft

pretzels and store-bought bread.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and

brother have HTN but no hx of low K.


don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We

don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )

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You might want to look at Progresso chicken soup, just heat it in muwave, containing 960 mg per serving. (2 servings)

Sneaky - most people eat the whole thing - not many calories.

Yesterday I saw the Kraft mac attack loading shelves with just mac n cheese. Imagine, 4 servings. most of these quick things are 2000 mg in one fell swoop.

And not particularly cheap.


Re: Re: new here

Are you referring to Dr Grim the big bad wolf who has been claimed want to take Kids Lunchables? We fed them to rats and they got HTN in 2 weeks with enlarged hearts and kidneys.

Ask them specifically if they have ever had a low K. There is an inherited form of PA as well. One tip off is strokes in men in the family before 50.

CE Grim MD

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

Already found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and brother have HTN but no hx of low K.

I don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )Sent from my iPod

On Feb 23, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2mac> wrote:

Start to DASH today and you will get all the K you need.

Get the book by Tom and do the 14 day chapter but tell your Drs as your BP may fall a lot.

Any family Hx of low K and HTN?

Two glasses of low sodium V8 will give you about the same amount of K as you get in your K tablets.

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

I am on 137 synthroid, 7 10meq k tabs a day, 180 verapamil once a day.

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You might want to look at Progresso chicken soup, just heat it in muwave, containing 960 mg per serving. (2 servings)

Sneaky - most people eat the whole thing - not many calories.

Yesterday I saw the Kraft mac attack loading shelves with just mac n cheese. Imagine, 4 servings. most of these quick things are 2000 mg in one fell swoop.

And not particularly cheap.


Re: Re: new here

Are you referring to Dr Grim the big bad wolf who has been claimed want to take Kids Lunchables? We fed them to rats and they got HTN in 2 weeks with enlarged hearts and kidneys.

Ask them specifically if they have ever had a low K. There is an inherited form of PA as well. One tip off is strokes in men in the family before 50.

CE Grim MD

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

Already found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and brother have HTN but no hx of low K.

I don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )Sent from my iPod

On Feb 23, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2mac> wrote:

Start to DASH today and you will get all the K you need.

Get the book by Tom and do the 14 day chapter but tell your Drs as your BP may fall a lot.

Any family Hx of low K and HTN?

Two glasses of low sodium V8 will give you about the same amount of K as you get in your K tablets.

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

I am on 137 synthroid, 7 10meq k tabs a day, 180 verapamil once a day.

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So I have been looking at sodium content and was suprised to see that the light English muffins I eat every morning have 180mg of sodium. Thankfully the spray butter I put on it has 0. Of course that has other stuff in it that is bad for me, I am sure. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 24, 2010, at 12:54 PM, "jwwright" <jwwright@...> wrote:

You might want to look at Progresso chicken soup, just heat it in muwave, containing 960 mg per serving. (2 servings)

Sneaky - most people eat the whole thing - not many calories.

Yesterday I saw the Kraft mac attack loading shelves with just mac n cheese. Imagine, 4 servings. most of these quick things are 2000 mg in one fell swoop.

And not particularly cheap.


Re: Re: new here

Are you referring to Dr Grim the big bad wolf who has been claimed want to take Kids Lunchables? We fed them to rats and they got HTN in 2 weeks with enlarged hearts and kidneys.

Ask them specifically if they have ever had a low K. There is an inherited form of PA as well. One tip off is strokes in men in the family before 50.

CE Grim MD

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

Already found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and brother have HTN but no hx of low K.

I don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )Sent from my iPod

On Feb 23, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2mac> wrote:

Start to DASH today and you will get all the K you need.

Get the book by Tom and do the 14 day chapter but tell your Drs as your BP may fall a lot.

Any family Hx of low K and HTN?

Two glasses of low sodium V8 will give you about the same amount of K as you get in your K tablets.

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

I am on 137 synthroid, 7 10meq k tabs a day, 180 verapamil once a day.

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So I have been looking at sodium content and was suprised to see that the light English muffins I eat every morning have 180mg of sodium. Thankfully the spray butter I put on it has 0. Of course that has other stuff in it that is bad for me, I am sure. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 24, 2010, at 12:54 PM, "jwwright" <jwwright@...> wrote:

You might want to look at Progresso chicken soup, just heat it in muwave, containing 960 mg per serving. (2 servings)

Sneaky - most people eat the whole thing - not many calories.

Yesterday I saw the Kraft mac attack loading shelves with just mac n cheese. Imagine, 4 servings. most of these quick things are 2000 mg in one fell swoop.

And not particularly cheap.


Re: Re: new here

Are you referring to Dr Grim the big bad wolf who has been claimed want to take Kids Lunchables? We fed them to rats and they got HTN in 2 weeks with enlarged hearts and kidneys.

Ask them specifically if they have ever had a low K. There is an inherited form of PA as well. One tip off is strokes in men in the family before 50.

CE Grim MD

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

Already found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and brother have HTN but no hx of low K.

I don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )Sent from my iPod

On Feb 23, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2mac> wrote:

Start to DASH today and you will get all the K you need.

Get the book by Tom and do the 14 day chapter but tell your Drs as your BP may fall a lot.

Any family Hx of low K and HTN?

Two glasses of low sodium V8 will give you about the same amount of K as you get in your K tablets.

On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:

I am on 137 synthroid, 7 10meq k tabs a day, 180 verapamil once a day.

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Yeah it is hard to find and I am still looking. We need to so some more organizing here.Sorry.On Feb 24, 2010, at 2:57 PM, MaxJasper wrote:Where can I find this article? Is it in FILES section? Name=? Thanks.[mj] [...] But Dr. Bravo's article is good as well. CEG

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Right the Marie Calander's Chicken pot pie used to have about 1700 mg per serving and each frozen pie is really 2 servings. On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:So I have been looking at sodium content and was suprised to see that the light English muffins I eat every morning have 180mg of sodium. Thankfully the spray butter I put on it has 0. Of course that has other stuff in it that is bad for me, I am sure. Sent from my iPodOn Feb 24, 2010, at 12:54 PM, "jwwright" <jwwrighteastex (DOT) net> wrote: You might want to look at Progresso chicken soup, just heat it in muwave, containing 960 mg per serving. (2 servings)Sneaky - most people eat the whole thing - not many calories. Yesterday I saw the Kraft mac attack loading shelves with just mac n cheese. Imagine, 4 servings. most of these quick things are 2000 mg in one fell swoop.And not particularly cheap. Regards Re: Re: new here Are you referring to Dr Grim the big bad wolf who has been claimed want to take Kids Lunchables? We fed them to rats and they got HTN in 2 weeks with enlarged hearts and kidneys.Ask them specifically if they have ever had a low K. There is an inherited form of PA as well. One tip off is strokes in men in the family before 50.CE Grim MDOn Feb 23, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:Already found the low sodium v8 is great for K. Tastes good too. My mom and brother have HTN but no hx of low K.I don't eat much sodium. I try to cook really healthy for my hubby and kids. We don't even put salt on our soft pretzels! And I don't give my kids Lunchables. ; )Sent from my iPodOn Feb 23, 2010, at 6:21 PM, Clarence Grim <lowerbp2mac> wrote: Start to DASH today and you will get all the K you need.Get the book by Tom and do the 14 day chapter but tell your Drs as your BP may fall a lot.Any family Hx of low K and HTN?Two glasses of low sodium V8 will give you about the same amount of K as you get in your K tablets.On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Vicki Ritchie wrote:I am on 137 synthroid, 7 10meq k tabs a day, 180 verapamil once a day.

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If your aldo/renin ratio is 1.86, you probably don’t have PA

unless you are using a different definition than we are familiar with.  ARR > 20 or 30 is usually suspect for PA.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86

I am

pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I

go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My

doc is at the Cleveland Clinic.

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If your aldo/renin ratio is 1.86, you probably don’t have PA

unless you are using a different definition than we are familiar with.  ARR > 20 or 30 is usually suspect for PA.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86

I am

pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I

go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My

doc is at the Cleveland Clinic.

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Sorry, I guess for some reason I thought my ARR was 1.86 but it was my Renin that was 1.86. Normal for the lab I had it done at is 1.31-3.95It didn't say what the ARR was. I am not sure why my doctor was talking about my ARR not being low enough for me to have Hyperaldosteronism unless he meant my RENIN was not low enough. I am off of the ACE Inhibitor now and will be rechecked next weds. I have also cut way back on my caffeine because I read somewhere that it can also affect RENIN levels. Thanks for your reply . I am glad I went back to look at that. BTW My Serum Aldo was High at 45.9 and my 24 hour urine aldo was High at 28From: Valarie <val@...>hyperaldosteronism Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 1:15:52 PMSubject: RE: new here

If your aldo/renin ratio is 1.86, you probably don’t have PA

unless you are using a different definition than we are familiar with. ARR > 20 or 30 is usually suspect for PA. Val From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldost eronism@gro ups.com] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86

I am

pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I

go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My

doc is at the Cleveland Clinic.

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Sorry, I guess for some reason I thought my ARR was 1.86 but it was my Renin that was 1.86. Normal for the lab I had it done at is 1.31-3.95It didn't say what the ARR was. I am not sure why my doctor was talking about my ARR not being low enough for me to have Hyperaldosteronism unless he meant my RENIN was not low enough. I am off of the ACE Inhibitor now and will be rechecked next weds. I have also cut way back on my caffeine because I read somewhere that it can also affect RENIN levels. Thanks for your reply . I am glad I went back to look at that. BTW My Serum Aldo was High at 45.9 and my 24 hour urine aldo was High at 28From: Valarie <val@...>hyperaldosteronism Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 1:15:52 PMSubject: RE: new here

If your aldo/renin ratio is 1.86, you probably don’t have PA

unless you are using a different definition than we are familiar with. ARR > 20 or 30 is usually suspect for PA. Val From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldost eronism@gro ups.com] On Behalf Of Vicki Ritchie


for the response Val. My Aldo/renin ratio was 1.86

I am

pretty new to all this so I am kinda learning as I

go. I will be rechecked for Aldo renin on March 3rd and if I am diagnosed with hyperaldo, I will have a 4 hour salt test on march 9th. My

doc is at the Cleveland Clinic.

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