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Hi Doug!

Thanks for your welcome and reply! I will ck into other things. I made an

appointment with a Chiropractor on Monday. I am willing to try other things as

pain killers and nsaids are NOT the way I want to live my life. I've had a very

buzy past couple of days getting my kids ready to go back to school, doing last

minute stuff etc so it's taken me a couple of days to get back online and reply.

I haven't had a chance to read the past messages or even the ones that have

come through in the past few days. Anyway, thanks for the welcome!


dougfromct2002 wrote:Hi . Welcome.

I'll offer the same, general advice I give everyone:

1) Always start with the least-invasive treatments first. More

specifically: stay away from surgery until you've exhausted every

other option and simply can't live with the pain.

2) Do as much research as you can about all the different treatments

and types of doctors there are. For example, don't think that only

an orthopedic surgeon can help. Often non-surgeons are more helpful

for this condition. Try to find a pain specialist, osteopath (D.O.),

doctor of applied kinesiology, doctor of physical medicine,

musculoskeletal doctor. Even a good chiropractor or physical

therapist can be invaluable. The key is to figure out what is wrong

with your feet, knees, hips, back or whatever is causing your knee

pain. You need somebody who will give you a thorough (1 to 2 hour)

exam. Most surgeons spend only 10 or 15 minutes before making their


3) Keep a positive attitude. There are ways of getting you better.

I have 3 kids of my own and I was miserable thinking about how I

wouldn't be able to run around with them. Being miserable didn't

help. You have to have the attitude that you WILL beat this thing.

It will take alot of time and alot of work, but you WILL get better.

Feel free to ask us questions and post more info.

Good luck,



P.S. - We're glad you found us too.

> Hello! My name is nancy, and I'm new here. I'm a 37 yo mother of 4

> and I've recently been diagnosed with chondromalacia patella. I


> to be a very active person, but just walking or being on my feet


> more than a few minutes is a nightmare. I've been having problems

> walking for the last year. Severe knee pain, and the effusion has

> made life miserable. We didn't have insurance till recently (dh was

> self employed) so I had my first vist with the orthopedic 3 weeks

> ago. I've been " sentenced " to do 4 weeks of pt, which hasn't seemed

> to help much at all, and I'm going back to the orthopedic next


> He had prscribed vioxx for me but my insurance denied it so I'm

> taking naprosen instead. I make my own bath products so I've been

> soaking in the tub with bath fizzies (they have sea salts in them)

> which does seem to help the discomfort a little.

> I think the hardest thing is that I have 5 yr old twins and they


> me to go play with them at the park and ride bikes etc. and i have


> tell them that mommy can't do those things. It just breaks my heart

> to tell them that. :(

> Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and I'll go read the past messages

> etc so I won't clog up the list with the same old questions. ;0) So

> glad I found this group.


> nancy

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 9/18/2002 6:27:34 PM Central Standard Time,

jls1995@... writes:

> ,

> I'm just across the river in York!! Heh! Jordan goes to Hershey for all

> her specialists ( I think there's 3 right now that she sees). I'd love to

> get together with you all. You might know a friend of mine. Name's a

> and she's got a little one with DS as well.


> Judi

HI Judi :)

My sister lives in Bethlehem, PA, she also joined us In Lancaster for our DS

weekend :)

I thought I would have won the award for coming the furthest ....... Im in

Memphis TN but Ally flew all the way in from England lol

I have 4 kids, Sara is my youngest, age 10, 4th grade, epilepsy and a real

sassy joy :) Right now she's a sleep in my bed, next to me and she looks like

a teenager with curlers all in her hair ..... picture day tomorrow. Sara's

very vain about her long blonde hair lol

Well I hope to meet you on my next trip to PA :)

Kathy mom to Sara 10

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In a message dated 9/18/2002 9:12:46 PM Central Standard Time,

jls1995@... writes:

> It sounds like you all had so much fun last year!

> Judi

HI Judi :)

Oooh that Lancaster was a learning experience too lol let me share

We all learned:

-Sara can get your hair brush and hide it without you even knowing its missing

- can sleep through anything and will get out of the pool when asked

to by his fav person ME :)

-Kali and can follow specific directions ......... remember we didn't

ask them to call us if Sara left their room lol

- Kate can fit through any slats a patio might have

-Husbands (Larry and Dean) don't need their wives to be entertained

-Austin and Sammy following the typical male stereotype ..... do NOT like

girlie movies

-snow is best enjoyed looking out a window

And the most important lesson I learned was DON'T think you can save English

Chocolate in your bluejean pocket :(

Kathy mom to Sara 10 ................ highlights on our trip to PA, Im sure

others walked away with different insights

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's highlight I'm sure - seeing ralph walk into the indoor pool with his

boots and muck luk hat on!

You are right about the snow - best seen from the heated pool while everyone

else was out in it!

You just about got it all right!

Oh, the breakfast/brunch wasnt too shabby either!

Hey Judi, I'm and I'm the moderator of the winter getaway list - a sub

division of this list - i guess you want me to add you to that list???? You

will be joining us then?

~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY

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Hi Judi. I'm , mom to who is 9 years old. I'm also mom to

(21), TJ (19), Katey (15), Snoop (3 - Golden retriever) and Chiquita (2--Bengal

cat). I'm also wife to Timbo who sometimes makes an appearance now and then.

Whew -- it's mostly then :)

also has epilepsy, apraxia and some behavioral issues. He's really

going through a spurt with speech. His ST told me in January that he had severe

apraxia and would never talk well. Several months later, she said he sure

surprised her! I knew he would :) He's saying up to 6 word sentences now.

is my baby - but he just loves being around babies. Jordan will

probably be a big help to you.

Where in PA are you? Several of us got together in Lancaster last year for a

weekend. We are planning on doing it again in January or February.

New here


My name is Judi and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm a new member here. I have a 6

(almost 7) y.o. daughter named Jordan with DS. She is going to be a big sister

here in about 7 weeks. This is a new experience for her as well as for myself.

She's had me all to her self for almost 7 years so I'm not quite sure what to

expect. I am very active in advocacy work as well as the development of

" proper " IEP's for our kids. I am active in our local support group and next

year plan on holding a buddy walk in my area.

I won't take up too much time on here, but I just wanted to introduce myself

to everyone here.


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I'm just across the river in York!! Heh! Jordan goes to Hershey for all her

specialists ( I think there's 3 right now that she sees). I'd love to get

together with you all. You might know a friend of mine. Name's a and

she's got a little one with DS as well.


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It sounds like you all had so much fun last year!


Re: New here

In a message dated 9/18/2002 6:27:34 PM Central Standard Time, jls1995@...



I'm just across the river in York!! Heh! Jordan goes to Hershey for all

her specialists ( I think there's 3 right now that she sees). I'd love to get

together with you all. You might know a friend of mine. Name's a and

she's got a little one with DS as well.


HI Judi :)

My sister lives in Bethlehem, PA, she also joined us In Lancaster for our DS

weekend :)

I thought I would have won the award for coming the furthest ....... Im in

Memphis TN but Ally flew all the way in from England lol

I have 4 kids, Sara is my youngest, age 10, 4th grade, epilepsy and a real

sassy joy :) Right now she's a sleep in my bed, next to me and she looks like a

teenager with curlers all in her hair ..... picture day tomorrow. Sara's very

vain about her long blonde hair lol

Well I hope to meet you on my next trip to PA :)

Kathy mom to Sara 10

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Hello Judy,

and welcome from another central Pennsylvanian. I'm about an hour northwest

of you in Mt. Holly Springs. I have a son, Nicky, 11 years old, with

DS, as well as a 20 year old son, and a 24 year old daughter. You will

find alot of support here on this list. I'm betting there are more than a

few who have new babies.

Nicky has always loved babies. He has a 5 year old neice and a 3 year old

nephew, who he doted on when they were babies (and still does, though they

are now in Atlanta).

I am betting that your daughter will feel quite proud to be a big sister,

and can even be helpful in many ways, such as fetching things.


Mom of 3,

including Nicky, 11, DS, Hirschsprungs, preteen syndrome

grandma of Zoe, 5, K, and Christian, 3, preschool

Work: www.cumberlink.com

AIM: gabrielaken

ICQ: 890756

New here

> Hello.


> My name is Judi and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm a new member here. I have

a 6 (almost 7) y.o. daughter named Jordan with DS. She is going to be a big

sister here in about 7 weeks. This is a new experience for her as well as

for myself. She's had me all to her self for almost 7 years so I'm not

quite sure what to expect. I am very active in advocacy work as well as the

development of " proper " IEP's for our kids. I am active in our local

support group and next year plan on holding a buddy walk in my area.


> I won't take up too much time on here, but I just wanted to introduce

myself to everyone here.


> Judi




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Hi Judy, welcome. I think you'll be so happy you found this group, it is

great! Where are you from in Pennsylvania? There are quite a few on this

list from PA. I have an 8 year old son with DS, , and a 5 year old

Daughter, Grace. We live outside of Philadelphia.

New here

> Hello.


> My name is Judi and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm a new member here. I have

a 6 (almost 7) y.o. daughter named Jordan with DS. She is going to be a big

sister here in about 7 weeks. This is a new experience for her as well as

for myself. She's had me all to her self for almost 7 years so I'm not

quite sure what to expect. I am very active in advocacy work as well as the

development of " proper " IEP's for our kids. I am active in our local

support group and next year plan on holding a buddy walk in my area.


> I won't take up too much time on here, but I just wanted to introduce

myself to everyone here.


> Judi




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In a message dated 9/26/2002 10:11:42 AM Central Standard Time,

khrysten@... writes:

> We call her scar her " zipper

HI Christin :)

Welcome to the group :) I have 4 kids, my youngest with ds ..... Princess

Sara or Sassy Sara is what we call her (this should explain her personality).

Sara is 10 yrs old and in 4th grade. She also has epilepsy but has been (I

pray) seizure free for a while.

I had to laugh at the scar being called a zipper lol Sara called hers that

for years ... until one child told her, no its a SCAR :(

I hope you enjoy the list, sometimes we get quiet and then sometimes we are

quite chatty. You can laugh, cry, gripe and whine here .......... we all


Kathy mom to Sara 10

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  • 3 weeks later...


> Angie,

You go Girl! I started BFL in May of this year and made it for 5

weeks and was doing great, feeling great, and starting to look

pretty good too....but then my husband had to go to Salt Lake City

(with his job) and they flew the family out for 10 days and I just

lost it. I started again last Monday and I entered it " officially "

this time (not that I think you have to) but I have found a new

determination and am already feeling Soooo much better about myself

just knowing that I am not going to let past failures stop me. I am

already feeling better physically too because I am eating right and

exercising. I know that you can do it and remember that there are

lots of us out here just like you that will encourage and cheer you

along (and you can cheer us too!) and be there to congratulate you

when you accomplish goals. Good Luck!


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Hi Angie,

I've been in the I give up mode, too, but as long as you're thinking

about making a change and truly desire it, all is not lost. The

worse you feel and the more depressed you become, the more you turn

to food for comfort. But the comfort eating junk provides is only

temporary; it's an illusion. You'll always feel worse in the long

run, and the guilt that sets in will only make you binge again. I

know how hard it is to start again. It is much easier to stay on the

wagon, no matter how hard you have to hang on, than to fall off and

have to climb back on. But don't give up! Plan now. Know what you

want. Write out your goals. Buy your food. Just do it!! And keep



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I'm not the Angie that you were sending this to but, boy did it hit home. I

definitely needed. I was slightly out of control last night with the " I blew

that meal I guess I'll just keep on blowing everything " and was heading for the

ice cream when I opened my mailbox and this message was the opening one.

Thanks - you never know who your words of encouragement may help!!


still on the wagon (though too close to the edge sometimes)

Re: New Here

Hi Angie,

I've been in the I give up mode, too, but as long as you're thinking

about making a change and truly desire it, all is not lost. The

worse you feel and the more depressed you become, the more you turn

to food for comfort. But the comfort eating junk provides is only

temporary; it's an illusion. You'll always feel worse in the long

run, and the guilt that sets in will only make you binge again. I

know how hard it is to start again. It is much easier to stay on the

wagon, no matter how hard you have to hang on, than to fall off and

have to climb back on. But don't give up! Plan now. Know what you

want. Write out your goals. Buy your food. Just do it!! And keep



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> Dani,


> I'm not the Angie that you were sending this to but, boy did it

hit home. I definitely needed. I was slightly out of control last

night with the " I blew that meal I guess I'll just keep on blowing

everything " and was heading for the ice cream when I opened my

mailbox and this message was the opening one.

> Thanks - you never know who your words of encouragement may help!!



Great job Angie! I think for me the biggest obstacle I've conquered

(and it's a daily battle at times <G>) is the " not slashiing the

other tires " mentality. The I blew it so I may as well have more ice

cream, chocolate, cookies and a beer while I'm at it. And I no longer

beat myself up mentally over it either. I just move on with the next

meal and try to make sure I stay on track.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> Hi, everyone. My name is

Another ! Welcome!

> I have over 100 lbs. to lose

About 125 for me, but right now I'd be happy losing 40 to bring me back to

the 220 I spent most of my adult life at.

> Thanks so much for allowing

> me to join in and I hope to get to know you all.

Thanks for joining! Tell your friends!

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 11/6/02 11:03:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

housewifey34@... writes:

> I live in central Ohio, in a small town

> on the same street that I grew up on.

Welcome ,

I live south of Dayton, Ohio in a small town called Bellbrook...good to have

another Buckeye in the group!



" The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary "

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Carey welcome. That gazelle machine looks hard. You are so close to being

in another ZONE as I say. 299.... You will find great motivation from this



Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99


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> I'm 28 (b-day monday,

A birthay on a holiday - cool!

>so the helped kick me in the butt to send the email).

Mine was 2 weeks ago (I was 49) and the same thing happened. I do *not* want

to turn 50 looking and feeling like *this*!

> I have an eight year old son who i homeschool.

Boy, we seem to attract a lot of homeschoolers here! I just finished up with

my son this past May and he's now in college for computer engineering on

scholarship. You're doing the best thing ever for your kids by


>I'm married and don't work outside the home.

Same here, going on 20 years at home, married 25 next week.

> I've been heavy since i was a child.

Born at 10 pounds and just kept on going. LOL

>A year ago i lost 60 pounds, some (ok a lot) has crept back on,

I lost around 50 until May 2000 when I hit a plateau and now 20 of them have

come back.

>Right now i'm at 303 lbs.

262 for me.

> When i was 22 i was on blood pressure meds, i was able to get off them

after 2 years,

I ws around 32 when on them, but came off a few months later when my bp kept

dropping too low. Now and then it creeps up again, either from salty foods

or extreme stress, but I get it down without meds.

> and some Walk away the Pounds(got monday) tapes for a Christmas/Birthday

gift. I love both, 1 mile today and yesterday.

Sansone is rapidly replacing as my instructor of

choice. But some days I just *need* to hear , know what I mean? :)

>I guess i was afraid of " reporting " and not ready to give it my all, now i


Notice that a lot of people *don't* do any reporting. It's not that kind of

a group, really. We've very loose and and unstructured here. I don't know if

that's good or bad, but it's working. :)

> Ok, enough babbling.

Aw, :( I *like* babbling! It's one of my favorite pasttimes!

> I would like to say i think this is a wonderful group and i think it'll

help a lot to a part of it.

Thanks for joining! Tell your friends!

Sue in NJ

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> > I'm 28 (b-day monday,


> A birthay on a holiday - cool!



> >so the helped kick me in the butt to send the email).


> Mine was 2 weeks ago (I was 49) and the same thing happened. I do *not*


> to turn 50 looking and feeling like *this*!



> > I have an eight year old son who i homeschool.


> Boy, we seem to attract a lot of homeschoolers here! I just finished up


> my son this past May and he's now in college for computer engineering on

> scholarship. You're doing the best thing ever for your kids by

> homeschooling.



> >I'm married and don't work outside the home.


> Same here, going on 20 years at home, married 25 next week.



> > I've been heavy since i was a child.


> Born at 10 pounds and just kept on going. LOL



> >A year ago i lost 60 pounds, some (ok a lot) has crept back on,


> I lost around 50 until May 2000 when I hit a plateau and now 20 of them


> come back.


> >Right now i'm at 303 lbs.

> 262 for me.



> > When i was 22 i was on blood pressure meds, i was able to get off them

> after 2 years,


> I ws around 32 when on them, but came off a few months later when my bp


> dropping too low. Now and then it creeps up again, either from salty foods

> or extreme stress, but I get it down without meds.



> > and some Walk away the Pounds(got monday) tapes for a Christmas/Birthday

> gift. I love both, 1 mile today and yesterday.


> Sansone is rapidly replacing as my instructor of

> choice. But some days I just *need* to hear , know what I mean? :)



> >I guess i was afraid of " reporting " and not ready to give it my all, now


> am.



> Notice that a lot of people *don't* do any reporting. It's not that kind


> a group, really. We've very loose and and unstructured here. I don't know


> that's good or bad, but it's working. :)



> > Ok, enough babbling.


> Aw, :( I *like* babbling! It's one of my favorite pasttimes!



> > I would like to say i think this is a wonderful group and i think it'll

> help a lot to a part of it.


> Thanks for joining! Tell your friends!



> Sue in NJ


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