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How to gain weight?

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Hi Dan,

First, I want to apologize for my earlier post. My computer outs my emails in

reverse order and I posted it before reading them all. I would not have made

the suggestion of the FFC to you if I had realized you were on medicaid and I a

limited budget. I know that must be very frustrating to have people tell you

about things that could help you that you can do nothing about. That was

insensitive of me and I am sorry.

As for suggestions, I do have a few. Of course, I am not a dietician like

Blake, so his advice certainly trumps mine, but I will tell you what I have seen

used successfully over the years. First, as to the yeast issue (candida),

definitely you should be doing probiotics. I have had the most success bifidus

powder. If you search the archives, we had a discussion about it a few months

ago. If you can't find it (or are like me and find searching the archives way

too confusing), let me know and I will be happy to get you the information on

it. The second thing for yeast that I have known of some people to have succes

with is the candia diet. I am sure if you google it, you could find a lot of

information on it. It is basically a diet that eliminates all simple sugars and

carbohydrates. Again, if you are having trouble with it, I would be happy to

help you out. I would also encourage you to eat A LOT of yogurt. It contains

many healthy bacteria.

I don't know if you have ever tried any liquid supplements to help you gain

weight? There are a lot of products out there. Such as Boost, Ensure, I know

there are more, but I can't think of the names right now. I am not sure of the

sugar content in these, but it would be worth looking into. Many patients have

great success in gaining weight using these products. Also, I used to make

shakes using egg white protein powder, coconut milk, and fresh fruit. It is

very nutritious, easy to digest, and cal. packed. I know that when I was

pregnant, I had a very hard time eating and had that food sitting in my stomach

feeling you were describing. For me, the thing I found most helpful, was

drinking my nutrition. It seemed to move through my digestive tract sooner,

allowing me to take in more calories in a day.

The last thing I will suggest is one that I know is probably not an option for

you right now, but I will mention it because I know that sometimes medicaid will

cover testing that other insurances won't. It is the LEAP allergy test I

mentioned earlier this month. If you are diagnose with IBS, migraines, or

fibromyalgia, there is a good possibility that your insurance might cover it.

My insurance said they would, but we have a $5000 out of network deductable, so

I ended up paying cash for it. For me, having this test done has already

significantly altered my life (positively). I never believed I would be cured,

but now I think maybe I will and I think this test/ the diet they recommended

for me will play a huge part of it. I think that there is a good chance that

most of your digestive problems are related to food intolerances or allergies.

You can check out the test at www.nowleap.com.

I really hope some of this might be helpful to you. Oh, I thought of one more

thing, have you ever tried anything like creatine or any of the supplements that

are specifically designed to help people gain weight? I will tell you that I

know nothing about those and that you should definately go to to another source

for information on those, but I just thought I would throw it out there.

Take care,

Dawn> Suggestions please? Probiotics, anti-parasite protocols? Specific

vitamins like thiamine (b-1) > or b-12 that stimulate appetite and HCL

production?> > I'm extremely underweight and losing ground. Hope some of you

can offer suggestions that > have worked for you!> > Thanks> > Dan

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Hi Dawn. Thanks for all your suggestions. No need to apologize at all. I have

started a

high-dose probiotic, and eat yogurt. I don't eat sugars, but do eat grains and

some carby

vegetables. I've tried the stricter candida diet, and lost weight big time...my

body needs

more calories, and more carbs, as long as they're healthy ones.

I would be interested in hearing more about bifidus powder -- the brands, the

results you

got when using it.

A year or so back I tried Ensure and/or Boost -- yes, I gained weight, but those


contain a lot of sugar (not to mention bad fats and artificial colors, flavors,

etc) so

eventually had to go off of them. That just confirms to me that I have a

candida problem.

I took the questionaire test: If a male scores over 140 it's almost " certain "

that he has

candida. My total was 302!

Thanks again



> Hi Dan,


> First, I want to apologize for my earlier post. My computer outs my emails in


order and I posted it before reading them all. I would not have made the

suggestion of the

FFC to you if I had realized you were on medicaid and I a limited budget. I

know that must

be very frustrating to have people tell you about things that could help you

that you can

do nothing about. That was insensitive of me and I am sorry.


> As for suggestions, I do have a few. Of course, I am not a dietician like

Blake, so his

advice certainly trumps mine, but I will tell you what I have seen used

successfully over the

years. First, as to the yeast issue (candida), definitely you should be doing

probiotics. I

have had the most success bifidus powder. If you search the archives, we had a


about it a few months ago. If you can't find it (or are like me and find

searching the

archives way too confusing), let me know and I will be happy to get you the

information on

it. The second thing for yeast that I have known of some people to have succes

with is the

candia diet. I am sure if you google it, you could find a lot of information on

it. It is

basically a diet that eliminates all simple sugars and carbohydrates. Again, if

you are

having trouble with it, I would be happy to help you out. I would also

encourage you to

eat A LOT of yogurt. It contains many healthy bacteria.


> I don't know if you have ever tried any liquid supplements to help you gain


There are a lot of products out there. Such as Boost, Ensure, I know there are

more, but I

can't think of the names right now. I am not sure of the sugar content in

these, but it

would be worth looking into. Many patients have great success in gaining weight


these products. Also, I used to make shakes using egg white protein powder,


milk, and fresh fruit. It is very nutritious, easy to digest, and cal. packed.

I know that

when I was pregnant, I had a very hard time eating and had that food sitting in


stomach feeling you were describing. For me, the thing I found most helpful,

was drinking

my nutrition. It seemed to move through my digestive tract sooner, allowing me

to take in

more calories in a day.


> The last thing I will suggest is one that I know is probably not an option for

you right

now, but I will mention it because I know that sometimes medicaid will cover

testing that

other insurances won't. It is the LEAP allergy test I mentioned earlier this

month. If you

are diagnose with IBS, migraines, or fibromyalgia, there is a good possibility

that your

insurance might cover it. My insurance said they would, but we have a $5000 out


network deductable, so I ended up paying cash for it. For me, having this test

done has

already significantly altered my life (positively). I never believed I would be

cured, but now

I think maybe I will and I think this test/ the diet they recommended for me

will play a

huge part of it. I think that there is a good chance that most of your

digestive problems

are related to food intolerances or allergies. You can check out the test at



> I really hope some of this might be helpful to you. Oh, I thought of one more


have you ever tried anything like creatine or any of the supplements that are


designed to help people gain weight? I will tell you that I know nothing about

those and

that you should definately go to to another source for information on those, but

I just

thought I would throw it out there.


> Take care,

> Dawn> Suggestions please? Probiotics, anti-parasite protocols? Specific

vitamins like

thiamine (b-1) > or b-12 that stimulate appetite and HCL production?> > I'm


underweight and losing ground. Hope some of you can offer suggestions that >


worked for you!> > Thanks> > Dan




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I had the same problem for some time. I was so thin that you could count my

ribs easily. This started to happen in 2000 and got worse in time.I started

gaining some weight during this year. Here are the things I had done during

the weight stabilization and gain period.These were not specifically done

for gaining weight but I can not differentiate which one helped me most to

gain weight. So,I am listing them all together. Some of them might give you

a hint.

Regular coffee enemas.

Cleaning intestines with salt water solution and taking good amount of

probiotics right after cleaning.

Betaine hcl


Pancreas tissue

ox bile

Taking zinc and B6 regularly(mostly in P5p form)

At this point I had some appetite and digestion improvement and my weight

was stabilized. loss stopped

Than I increased my probiotic dosage and also started taking healing

sessions from an energy healer. it was at this point that I had some more

appetite increase and even better digestion and started gaining weight.Still

I have problems,my appetite is not at normal level and can not do without

supplements. My ox bile finished today and new order has not arrived me yet.

So,I don't know what will happen until my package arrives.

Hope this helps

best wishes.


How to Gain Weight?

Suggestions please? Probiotics, anti-parasite protocols? Specific vitamins

like thiamine (b-1)

or b-12 that stimulate appetite and HCL production?

I'm extremely underweight and losing ground. Hope some of you can offer

suggestions that

have worked for you!


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There are many causes for this. A good place to start in my opinion is a

complete digestive stool analysis (CDSA) and 3-day stool parasitology from

either Great Smokies or doctors Data. Stomach acid deficiency mcould be an issue


I recall one person on this list said they gained muscle mass after adding in


Maybe your in the same boat as me, i'm 5'11 and weight 128 pounds.


How to Gain Weight?

Suggestions please? Probiotics, anti-parasite protocols? Specific vitamins

like thiamine (b-1)

or b-12 that stimulate appetite and HCL production?

I'm extremely underweight and losing ground. Hope some of you can offer

suggestions that

have worked for you!



This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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HI Dan,

I just remembered one more name! Have you ever looked into Glucerna? It is a

supplement that is made specifically for diabetics, so it is going to be low

glycemic index, which is what you want. I can't tell you how it tastes, as I

have never tried it, but it is worth a try. The shakes I was telling you about

would also be a good idea for you. If you used strawberries (you could freeze

them first if you want it to be more like a milk shake consistency), coconut

milk, and I used Jay Robb's egg white protein powder. Just put them all in your

blender, it is actually pretty good and it wouldn't be too bad for the candida

(I don't think; strawberries have no glycemic index, and I don't think the other

ingredients do either). Just a thought. I just know that whenever I have felt

that feeling you were describing, I really didn't want to eat, so drinking was


This is my story with the bifidus powder. My son is 18 months old. I am still

nursing. I have had countless breast yeast infections (candida in the milk

ducts, which is actually really hard to treat). Every time I would get one, my

OB would prescribe Diflucan. Sometimes they would clear up for a while, but it

always came back. Finally, I went to the health food store and they told me to

take bifidus powder only (I had previously been taking a primadophilus bifidus

capsule). I would mix it in warm water and take it on an empty stomach. I

think I took it like three or four times a day. It worked! I finally cleared

up the infections. I didn't get another one until I had to take an antibiotic

(it was for mastitis, a bacterial breast infection, so it was very strong,

again, hard to reach area. By the way, I got it because I was stupid and didn't

nurse or pump for 36 hours, so this whole thing was really my own fault).

Anyway, my OB called in one dose of Diflucan, which did nothing. So, I tried my

family doctor, she gave me a weeks worth of Diflucan. It was still going

strong. So, I thought, duh, and tried my bifidus powder again. Guess what?

Cleared up in three days! But I do need to tell you this. While it has been

successful at treating my obvious infections, I did recently have a blood test

done that showed that I had systemic candida. But that doesn't mean that there

is no hope for you because I will be honest with you, I love sugar and eat it

daily and I am not faithful about taking any probiotics. I only will if I have

symptoms. So, if you are more dedicated than me, you may have more success. I

will tell you that in 2 months, I will be starting a 3 month course of Diflucan

to treat the systemic yeast and I will be more careful then.

So, I am not sure if that is helpful, but I wanted to make sure you had all of

the information. I will get the name of the bifidus powder the next time I go

upstairs (where my refrigerator is) and I will post it.

Take care,


Hi Dawn. Thanks for all your suggestions. No need to apologize at all. I have

started ahigh-dose probiotic, and eat yogurt. I don't eat sugars, but do eat

grains and some carby > vegetables. I've tried the stricter candida diet, and

lost weight big time...my body needs > more calories, and more carbs, as long as

they're healthy ones.> > I would be interested in hearing more about bifidus

powder -- the brands, the results you > got when using it.> > A year or so back

I tried Ensure and/or Boost -- yes, I gained weight, but those products >

contain a lot of sugar (not to mention bad fats and artificial colors, flavors,

etc) so > eventually had to go off of them. That just confirms to me that I

have a candida problem. > I took the questionaire test: If a male scores over

140 it's almost " certain " that he has > candida. My total was 302!> > Thanks

again> > Dan

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Thanks Nil. I've also heard from others that high-dose (and high quality)

probiotics have

been the thing that helped their digestion improve and thus hellped them gain





> Dan


> I had the same problem for some time. I was so thin that you could count my

> ribs easily. This started to happen in 2000 and got worse in time.I started

> gaining some weight during this year. Here are the things I had done during

> the weight stabilization and gain period.These were not specifically done

> for gaining weight but I can not differentiate which one helped me most to

> gain weight. So,I am listing them all together. Some of them might give you

> a hint.


> Regular coffee enemas.

> Cleaning intestines with salt water solution and taking good amount of

> probiotics right after cleaning.

> Betaine hcl

> Pancreatin

> Pancreas tissue

> ox bile

> Taking zinc and B6 regularly(mostly in P5p form)


> At this point I had some appetite and digestion improvement and my weight

> was stabilized. loss stopped


> Than I increased my probiotic dosage and also started taking healing

> sessions from an energy healer. it was at this point that I had some more

> appetite increase and even better digestion and started gaining weight.Still

> I have problems,my appetite is not at normal level and can not do without

> supplements. My ox bile finished today and new order has not arrived me yet.

> So,I don't know what will happen until my package arrives.


> Hope this helps

> best wishes.


> Nil

> How to Gain Weight?



> Suggestions please? Probiotics, anti-parasite protocols? Specific vitamins

> like thiamine (b-1)

> or b-12 that stimulate appetite and HCL production?


> I'm extremely underweight and losing ground. Hope some of you can offer

> suggestions that

> have worked for you!


> Thanks


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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

Hi all-

Me again! Devyns endoscopy and dilation went well. It's been about 3 weeks now.

He does have quite a few ulcers in the distal esophagus from acid reflux. He

takes Prevacid twice a day, but without the wrap he still gets pretty bad

reflux. If its not improved in 3 months then they will probably re-wrap him.

But I digress! He is an otherwise healthy 12 almost 13 year old boy who is as

skinny as a rail. All he wants is to put on a little meat. He doesn't throw up

food anymore, so that's not a problem, but no matter what I feed him he never

gains weight! I see a lot of weight loss posts in here but mainly due to

vomiting. I'm curious if anyone else has had this issue even though they can

keep food down? Is this common with achalasia? And does anyone have suggestions

on how to help my son gain a few pounds? I'm sure his metabolism doesn't help,

but he is desperate to not be the skinniest kid next year! You can still see all

his ribs.

Thanks guys!

Sent from my iPhone

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Have you tried giving him protein shakes? I think most health food stores

have some type of protein powder that can be mixed with milk or another

liquid. I think body builders have used things like this to build muscle.


-- How to gain weight?

Hi all-

Me again! Devyns endoscopy and dilation went well. It's been about 3 weeks

now. He does have quite a few ulcers in the distal esophagus from acid

reflux. He takes Prevacid twice a day, but without the wrap he still gets

pretty bad reflux. If its not improved in 3 months then they will probably

re-wrap him.

But I digress! He is an otherwise healthy 12 almost 13 year old boy who is

as skinny as a rail. All he wants is to put on a little meat. He doesn't

throw up food anymore, so that's not a problem, but no matter what I feed

him he never gains weight! I see a lot of weight loss posts in here but

mainly due to vomiting. I'm curious if anyone else has had this issue even

though they can keep food down? Is this common with achalasia? And does

anyone have suggestions on how to help my son gain a few pounds? I'm sure

his metabolism doesn't help, but he is desperate to not be the skinniest kid

next year! You can still see all his ribs.

Thanks guys!

Sent from my iPhone


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