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Hi Sue,

You responded to my message, but yours are the only messages I am receiving.

My message never showed up. What's the deal?



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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I'm replying to your email and to the list, just in case you're still having

problems so don't worry if you see this twice.

> You responded to my message, but yours are the only messages I am


> My message never showed up. What's the deal?

This message made it to the list, as did everyone else's messages. If you go



you can see all the messages that were sent to the list, including your last



and 's reply right after it, then Ann, 3 from me (including the

reply about swimming), Cherilyn, then this message that I'm replying to.

You can't be bouncing on , because you can post.

Blame it on the solar flares. We're having a few big ones right now, the

biggest in *years*, and astronomers say they *will* disrupt electronic


Or just blame it on ghosts and goblins. It *is* Halloween week.

Sorry I can't be of much help.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Fall seven times, stand up eight.- Japanese proverb


Hello everyone,I see some of you are doing great and others I'm praying for. I've been doing good on the diet. I've been working hard at it and with the kids and all I've got less time to be online. But I have't forgotten you great bunch.I've lost 7 pounds since this past Monday and feeling great. It's exciting to go shopping in my own closet for clothes I haven't work in a long time.To Laymance hope surgery goes well and Kara hope your doing better.Lots of luck to all, won't be on again till after Thanksgiving for I'll be celebrating it in Germany. Till then,God Bless,Happy Thanksgiving,LillianTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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  • 1 year later...

Hello! I am going to be stating a liquid fast for a week to give it a kick start. Then I figure I will just change my food and water intake and get in more exercise.

Tammymaryannanderic <maryannanderic@...> wrote:

Welcome Tammy. Yes it's hard but it can be done. I hope. :) What sort ofplan do you want to use? AnnI am the most important person I'm losing this weight for. - - "Daily Saying" from ' old web site100-Plus Files page 100-plus/files100-Plus Links page 100-plus/links

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  • 2 weeks later...

--Hi!! And Welcome!!! I have been in this group for only a month or

so, and it already has become a very important part of my life

I think your movement to good carbs and good fats is excellent!! I

try, at least some of the time to nudge myself in that direction.

Congratulations on your weight loss and success in using Food Mover!!!

Both great accomplishments.

Faye from Somerville, MA>

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You did not sign your name so for now Mrs welcome. I to am a sahm. BUDGET is always an issue. I have a 10 yr old who is on the heavy side. She weighs 94 lbs. Would like to see her lose a bit. So are you going to do the foodmover. Dont forget water, exercise, and portions.

NHMom to Abby Liz 10/25/94 Anne 7/1/99

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Do you go by CJ? Welcome! I'm a SAHM too and it's tough with Girl Scout

cookies, Valentine's candy, and other kid stuff around. It's great that you

are trying to get the whole family to eat healthier. My kids are picky but

at least they like fruit and some raw veggies. I think white bread should

be outlawed! :) I was aghast when dh brought that stuff into our house.

It took a little work but now it's gone again.


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--Hi Jana:


I also love videos. I know when I pop one in the VCR,

I'll be able to do it! Can't say that about other videos!



I love to workout to richard simmons tapes I have 19 of them

> and I only use sweatin to the oldies it is my favorite.

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Hi Jana,

We called our youngest daughter Jana for the first few days of her life and

then settled on Vonn. :) I love the name Jana but it was driving dh crazy

that everyone thought we were saying Janet. Vonn is about to turn 5 and

Lynn is 8 so our kids are similar in age.

Sounds like you're off to a great start. It's wonderful that you've found

an exercise that you enjoy.




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I was always called Marissa, Melinda, and .  People still mess

up and call me !!!

Jana wrote:

I remeber when I was a kid I was called Janice Janet

everything but Jana, so when kids would call my house if they asked for

Janice or Janet they would say they had the wrong number and that use

to make me mad.  :) Jana

Just for Today I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I

will have it. I will save myself from two pests; hurry and indecision.

~ Ruth -Bourdon

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hello, and welcome aboard! Congrats on last week's loss.

As for this week, please don't be too concerned with the numbers on the scale.

Are you

eating better? Staying to plan more? Getting in the water and exercise? Then

*THAT* is

BETTER. Remember, it's common to see a bigger lost the first week, and then a

slower 1-2

lbs lost after that. That's not a case of 'better' or 'worse' - it's simply how

our bodies work!


> My name is Traey and I have lost 42 of my 100 lbs! I look forward to

> gettng to know you all! I just re-started last week watching what I

> eat! I lost 4 lbs! I wasn't 100% true to my diet last week..so I

> hope this week will be better!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! Thanks for the welcome. I am following just a healthy eating plan based mostly on common sense....for the first time in my life I realized no magic diet or pill would work. So, 1400 calories a day - 20 minutes of Gazelle Power Gliding, and resistance training 3 days a week is really helping me.

Plus, I use subliminal CDs in the car and before I go to bed at night. Not sure if it really works, but hey - can't hurt right?

For the first few months I used Deal a Meal cards to help me, then I got to where I just knew what I could eat and can't.

I am 47 years old - live in a really remote farm setting, (1 1/2 hr to WalMart), married, no kids but one really spoiled terrier mix dog. And a cat with a weight problem.

Looking forward to talking with all of you, this is the first group I've ever joined so not quite sure how it all works - try to be patient with me.


Jase4567@... wrote:

Welcome Topaz... What plan are you following? Tell us how you lost 110 lbs. Jump in any time.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Welcome to the group. Im Tina and Im from West virginia. You will like this group. its great and there are a lot of wonderful people here. Right now Im at 314 pounds. Started out July 25th of this year at 323 pounds. If you ever need to talk Im always here.



Hello - I am new to the group tonight and looking to meet some new friends who can hopefully help me with my weight loss struggle and maybe I could help them too. I currently weigh 240 lbs and started out a year and a half ago at 330. Been a little ill lately and got off track - now getting back on. Looking forward to talking with other women and getting inspiration and help!

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Hi Topaz!! Welcome to the group. I'm kinda new here too. I really

like this group and I'm sure you will too.

Looking Forward to talking with you.

> Welcome Topaz... What plan are you following? Tell us how you

lost 110 lbs. Jump in any time.


> NH...

> Mom to Abby Liz 10/94

> Anne 7/99



> 100-Plus Files page 100-


> 100-Plus Links page 100-






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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/7/2005 10:34:58 AM US Eastern Standard Time, woolababe@... writes:

So far on my own I've managed to lose 25 pounds.

Hi !

That is terrific! Good going. You can lose even more! This list is a great place to come for support and advice. Sue gave you an awesome reply! I wanted to second her post and welcome you.

Quick and nutritious meals... I am having trouble with that one too.

What about having a large salad ready in the frige and just adding some cooked chicken or ham or something. We do this about once a week. It makes a great meal for not a lot of calories.


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> Hello everyone! My name is and I have just started the foodmover

> program.

Welcome, !

> I have 122 pounds to lose

Why not look at a smaller picture for now, instead of the BIG one, and maybe

set your first goal for something like 20 pounds.

Which Foodmover are you using, the SlimAway Everyday one, with the first 30

days in the looseleaf binder and 1400 calories and the Foodmvoer with 2

different cards (top and bottom of the pyramid), or the older ones, where

you eat 1000 calories for BlastOff week then go to the calorie card for your

weight? Not that it makes much difference, except the SlimAway encourages

writing out that food journal every day. It's a really useful tool for

someone just starting on a wieght loss program. For the first few weeks, at

least, write out everything you eat, drink, and chew. Write down how you

feel both before and after you eat the food, too. Did you grab that cookie

because you were truly hungry? Did it satisfy you? Or was it out of boredom

and now that you ate it you're still bored and looking for more food? If it

was true hunger, and it happens every day at that time, then you'll know to

plan a healthy, low-cal snack for that time every day. There's a link to

some blank journal pages in our Links section.

Be sure to drink your water. The Foodmover allows for 8 glasses of water (or

soup, juice, etc.) a day, but we big gals usually need a bit more, some

" experts " say up to a half ounce of water for every pound of body weight.

That means someone my size, let's say 280 for ease of measurements, should

work up to drinking 140 ounces of water a day. Chemical-laden drinks like

soda and Crystal Lite don't count but usually need extra water to flush them

out of your kidneys.

And start moving each day. If you can do an exercise video, try get in

minimal one 30 minute exercise session 3 to 5 days a week. Many ladies here

can't even do that much, so they have to start a bit slower. There are chair

exercises (See our Links page again), gentle eerises for seniors are usually

easy on the joints (My favorite is and the Silver Foxes, the

one done with celebrity parents, including his own mom Shirley, as well as

some of Sansone's 1-mile Walkaerobic videos). yoga or tai chi,

walking (start slow, walk a little faster for a period, then walk slower for

a cool down), or just popping on some music and dancing around the house!

Whatever gets you up and moving is fine to start. As you get more fit you'll

*want* to do more and can hit your library or video rental store or just

trade with friends until you find the ones you like. Many people our size

like many of ' videos, and he's now putting the finsihing

touches on a few new ones that should be coming out this winter. He

*usually* does a New Year's Eve show one one of the home shopping stations,

but missed last year when he changed companies and didn't have a new product


and desperatly need some support

> (pies and cookies and cakes....oh sigh)

If you use the Foodmover you'll eventually learn how to eat these foods as

long as you have enough windows for them. I strongly suggest you get

yourself a diabetic exchange book from the bookstore, because the booklets

that come with the Foodmvoers don't really have that many foods listed, and

since the Foodmover (as did DealAMeal before it) is based on the American

Diabetic Association's exchange program, the windows and exchanges for foods

are identical.

> So far on my own I've managed to lose 25 pounds.

That's pretty darn good!

> I'm a single working mom so I've gotten pretty used to quick not very

> good for you meals. I'd appreciate any ideas on some " quick " healthy

> meals.

Our Files section has a whole slew of recipes, most complete with Foodmover

windows listed. There's also our sister list, RSDeal

(rsdeal ) that's loaded with Foodmover

recipes. If you're looking for a certain type of recipe (besides quick and

easy) just ask and I'm sure you'll get a bunch of responses.

Sue in NJ

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Welcome ! 25 pounds is great! Keep up the good work. On of my quick meal ideas: I just add cooked chicken (cubed) to some frozen veggies (I like the Green Giant Teryaki mixed veggies). Sometimes I will have a little brown rice with it (depends on how much time).

CherylIt starts with a letter and ends with one too <woolababe@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! My name is and I have just started the foodmover program. I have 122 pounds to lose and desperatly need some support (pies and cookies and cakes....oh sigh) So far on my own I've managed to lose 25 pounds.I'm a single working mom so I've gotten pretty used to quick not very good for you meals. I'd appreciate any ideas on some "quick" healthy meals.Thanks Everyone, (woolababe)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome ! Fischer <catfisch2003@...> wrote:

Good Afternoon

I am new to this group and I am looking for support.

My name is and I live in Ontario. I have 100 pounds to lose.

Take Care

Fischer 255/229/155 for now

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


"Life is more than food." Luke 12:23

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Welcome - you'll enjoy it here - lots of

support. What plan are you following/

--- Fischer <catfisch2003@...> wrote:


> Good Afternoon




> I am new to this group and I am looking for

> support.


> My name is and I live in Ontario. I have

> 100 pounds to lose.




> Take Care






> Fischer


> 255/229/155 for now











> ---------------------------------

> FareChase - Search multiple travel

> sites in one click.

Live, Love, Laugh

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