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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I am doing Weight Watcher right now, I live in London, Ontario Canada.

Take CareJase4567@... wrote:

Welcome Kathy. What program do you follow? OR are you still chosing. Some make up there own. Any questions just ask away.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

Fischer 255/229/155 for now

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Hi !! welcome to the group. this is an excellent place to

receive support.



> Good Afternoon




> I am new to this group and I am looking for support.


> My name is and I live in Ontario. I have 100 pounds to lose.




> Take Care






> Fischer


> 255/229/155 for now











> ---------------------------------

> FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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  • 2 months later...

Welcome to the group, Mel. I am a newbie myself and I just wanted to

let you know that I am shy too. I have been on many groups over

the years and guess what? I think that in the last two days I have

actually posted more on this group than I ever did on a single other

one. I've been welcomed by this wonderful bunch here so far and they

seem to really be nice. This group will be my salvation, i can just

feel it in the journey I'm undertaking. I think I'm HOME.



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Hi Mel, my name is Jodi and I live in So. Cali. I was dx with diabetes at the age of 25. I am now 31. I know about stress as I stay home and raise two 2 kids under the age of 2. I understand about weight loss being a matter of life & death and what it's like to struggle with the mind games you play with yourself when you want to almost forget that you have the responsibility of watching your blood sugars 24/7. The good news is that it truly is CURABLE as long as you lose the weight and take care of yourself. Think about how many diseases there are where there isn't such a nice way out! You've got youth on your side to help you get thru this. Nice to meet you and good luck on your journey.Melody <melody1181@...> wrote: Hey everyone. My names Melody but usually go by Mel. A few

months before Christmas I found out I was diabetic. No real suprise really. Since the day after that I have lost 34 pounds. Still have AT LEAST 80 pounds to go. I'm 24 and live in Texas.

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Hi Mel, Welcome to the group. I am new here also. I was a caretake for my grandparents for years, You have a very hard job!! I wish you well on this journey. The ladies here are wonderful!!! Myssi

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Hi Mel! Welcome to the group :) It's a great

place to be <GBG>

Are you controling the diabites without insulin?

My hat's off to you - it's hard to watch over

those you love fight that awful disease.

--- Melody <melody1181@...> wrote:

> Hey everyone. My names Melody but usually go

> by Mel.

Live, Love, Laugh

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I'm just on a pill to help control it. The doc said I didn't have

it as bad as I could of if I had continued down my past path.

I hate Alzheimers....so very much. I saw what it did to my other

set of grandparents. My grandpa isn't so bad yet but I know how

hard it will be to a point. I hate the stupid disease.

Thank you!


> > Hey everyone. My names Melody but usually go

> > by Mel.



> Live, Love, Laugh


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Hi Dawn --

Welcome to the group. I'm . I live in NY with my DH and 2 great kids,

(I have a Caitlin too), both partially vaxed.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Health & blessings,

Project MAHMA -- Moms At Home Making A difference...

and a lot of money!





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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome, I'm sure you mean real medicine, not alternative.



> I am new here and I dont vaccinate my kids, ages 2 and 4. We have

done lots of research on

> this decision, and have made it confidantly. We also seek out

alternative medicine, avoid

> antibiotics and see a chiropractor. Im very excited to be here!!


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I am new here too! I just declined my 2 month old little boys

vaccinations today at his checkup. My doctor did not argue so I was

very relieved.

I also have a 2 and a half year old daughter who I did vaccinate

without known complications(thank the Lord) however now I have

learned so much more about our family history due to the fact that my

nephew is has onset autism to mercury poisoning and other

complications with immunizations.

My brother and sister in law created a great site for awareness. You

may enjoy reading through it. www.camsvoice.com

It is nice to know others are becoming more educated and stepping out

of the box for their children.





> I am new here and I dont vaccinate my kids, ages 2 and 4. We have

done lots of research on

> this decision, and have made it confidantly. We also seek out

alternative medicine, avoid

> antibiotics and see a chiropractor. Im very excited to be here!!


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> i am starting th trim spa diet


These are nothing but trouble and have been associated with all kinds of heart problems. You've got to learn to handle your weight without stimulants. As soon as you stop taking the pills the weight pours right back on, because your over-stimulated meatbolism crashes to a halt. You wind up gaining weight on far less calories than before you took the pills!

> i have lost before on trim spa

And if they did any good you wouldn't have regained.

For healthy long term weight loss you have to find a food and exercise plan you can live with for the rest of your life, not a short term solution like fad diets and stimulant pills.

> does anyone know of any good food that can help you loss > weight

Eat a healthy balanced diet and get enough exercise. How much food & sweatin' will depend on your own personal body.

Start with keeping a journal. For 2 weeks write down every bite or sip of food that passes between your lips. Write down not just the food and amount but how you felt before you ate it - Were you really hungry? Thirsty? Or just tired or bored and wanted a pick-me-up? After you eat it, make down how you felt afterwards? Was that what you needed or are you still hungry, thirsty, or tired?

Note the times you usually eat - are you a one big meal a day gal, eat 3 square meals, or do you graze all day long? Do you force yourself to eat 3 meals a day with nothing in-between, but find yourself starving and reaching for candy in the middle of the afternoon? Do you nibble while cooking or in front of the tv set without even thinking?

What kind and how much exercise do you do? If you're not doing any yet, try to find an activity you'll enjoy. Would you prefer to workout at home in front of the tv, at a gym with other people, or walk? Do you feel you're too out of shape to do much of anything right now?

Once you have your journal filled in for a week or 2 you can take an honest look at your eating and exercise habits. Look at the chart worked up for how many calories you should be eating for optimal health but allowing weight loss according to your current weight:


Look at how you eat. Whether you graze or eat 3 meals in one day with no snacks, take that calorie allotment and plan your meals & snacks for the next few days. You can use 's Foodmover as a guide on what food groups should be included and in what amounts:


Our Files/Text files folder has some sample menus that might help. Hit our Files/Recipes section or your library for some fresh recipe ideas.

After you plan them and pick a few low-cal snacks to have around the house for when you get the munchies, go shopping for them all so there's no excuse to stop for a burger instead of making a healthy dinner.

Our Links section has loads of information, too, not just on various food plans but exercise sites. If you like to do videos, we have links to such series as ', Sansone, I think tae-bo, Bliss, and even Chair Dancing, if you need to sit while doing your exercise. Walking is also a good way to start if you don't have any foot problems. Start with just 5 minutes away from your front door, turn around and walk 5 minutes back. Each week increase the time, and by summer you should be able to walk an hour a day, the time recommended by the experts for optimal health. Or just pop a cd on your stereo and dance around the house for a song or 2. Just get moving and start sweating! Once you're used to working out, add some weight training/toning to your routine twice a week. Your library should have a few books that are good for a beginner, listing the basics.

Start drinking more water and less other stuff, like soda (even diet sodas) or juices. Your kidneys will thank you.

And slowly make the switch from foods like white rice and white flour products to whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and brown rice. Add more fruits and veggies to what you already eat - your body will appreciate the increase in nutrition and fiber. Make at least one meal a week a vegetarian one, too, for the same reasons. Beans & legumes are great nutritionally and easy on the wallet and can be as easy as tossing chili, soup or stew ingredients in a crockpot in the morning and having a hearty, healthy meal at dinnertime.

So, welcome to the list. Look over the Files and Links sections for loads of great info, look over the archives if you have time for what other people have already posted about their food & exercise plans, get yourself a blank notebook or open a blank text file on your computer and start your journal, and flush the pills down the toilet.

Sue in NJ

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Welcome Tabatha... Fruits, veggies and other good foods! I am and have lost 30 of who knows how many to go pounds! (LOL) Look forward to getting to know you

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Welcome Tabatha! How much did you lose before? how much did you gain? Since this is a lifetime issue - what are your plans to make the changes? Do you have a diet plan in place? A exercise program? Are you drinking water? All those things that we know we need to do. A balanced diet is the best thing I can recommend. I have successfully lost with RS twice before - with a few years of success each time - but here I am agin - this time I'm just trying to stay under 2000 calories a day.Raven <mysticalraven1@...> wrote: hello i a tabatha a 34 yr. old female from texas i am starting th trim spa diet and ex. i have lost before on trim spa would love to loss 100 or more does anyone know of any good food that can help you loss weight TabathaLive, Love, Laugh

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ok cool that i am doing lmao i have been trying to lose so much just couldn't find a way

but now i am trying look forward to knowing you

-- Re: hello

Welcome Tabatha... Fruits, veggies and other good foods! I am and have lost 30 of who knows how many to go pounds! (LOL) Look forward to getting to know you

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well i was lets say alotttttttttttttttt but down to 375 and i done it all with trim spa i done richard simmons tapes and went to the gym i eat fruits alot and salads cut out all sodas and candy and things like that i have come along way just need to keep it up and lose some more lmao i am proud of myself im like you not over 2000 calories

-- Re: hello

Welcome Tabatha! How much did you lose before? how much did you gain? Since this is a lifetime issue - what are your plans to make the changes? Do you have a diet plan in place? A exercise program? Are you drinking water? All those things that we know we need to do. A balanced diet is the best thing I can recommend. I have successfully lost with RS twice before - with a few years of success each time - but here I am agin - this time I'm just trying to stay under 2000 calories a day.Raven <mysticalraven1@...> wrote: hello i a tabatha a 34 yr. old female from texas i am starting th trim spa diet and ex. i have lost before on trim spa would love to loss 100 or more does anyone know of any good food that can help you loss weight TabathaLive, Love, Laugh

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  • 4 months later...
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Welcome, le!

Public schools or nurseries must abide by your waivers but private entities

are not required. You can probably shop around and find a nursery school or day

care that will accept your decision. Our preschool is cool with our waiver.

Sheri B.


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My son was partially vaxxed and when I sent him to preschool we had to

fill out the health form required by the state. I was claiming

religious exemption, and my Ped still filled out the form and noted that

while he was not fully vaxxed, his vaccinations were adequate for his

age. You should check to see if your state has a religious exemption,

and then just submit that to the preschool and you should have no problems.

I have since chosen not to further vax my oldest, and my 2nd has had no

vaxxes. I am also going to homeschool them both.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi , and everyone on the list!

I am also new to the group and decided not to vaccinate my son. He's 7 mo.

old and perfect! He is crawling already and babbling and has the best

disposition. Not one sickness so far and only one minor cold. My daughter, on

the other hand, was vaccinated before I learned of the dangers. She's now 3 and

is healthy, but has always had skin issues and at least 10 colds in her first

year and a half! She was vaccinated until the age of two, but I have

discontinued them since then, and wouldn't you know, not one cold in an entire


I feel slighted and angry that I didn't know to be concerned about the shots.

It's not like anyone in the Dr.'s office said " you know, there are serious

health risks involved with each injection and your baby could develop all sorts

of problems including, but not limited to, eczema, asthma, autism, and even

death. "

I ALWAYS dreaded shot visits, and found her crying from the needles

unbearable, but I didn't know I had a choice! I blame myself everyday for not

questioning the Dr. and nurses. I have found an open-minded pediatrician for my

children that doesn't hassel me into getting the vaccinations, and respects my

choices as well.

I guess when you know better, you do better, as they say. I became so

irritated with the politics and stubborness of doctors and nurses that I gave

birth to my son at home in complete confidence and peace with two midwives and a

doula. I stay as far away from hospitals and doctors' offices as possible and

my family is all the better for it.

We treat our bodies with the respect they deserve. Our bodies will take care

of themselves if we just let them, and listen to what they are trying to tell


I'm glad to have found this group and look forward to learning and sharing

with you all.

In health and happiness,


wife to Ricky

mom to Zoe (8)--bonus daughter

Lola (3)

and Milo (7 mo.)

Stay at Home Mom in S.C.

Riche <allisonriche@...> wrote:

Hello, my name is and I just joined this group. I am a birth

doula in San , CA, and I also work part time for a chiropractic

kinesiologist in San as well. While working for Dr. Sherry she really

helped to open up my eyes to alternative and holistic medicine. When I was

pregnant with my daughter, Dr. Sherry asked me if I planned on vaccinating

Summer (my daughter). I said, " I guess, why? " She gave me a book titled,

" Vaccinations are not Immunizations " by Dr. Tim O'Shea. I read the book cover to

cover and was shocked!!! OMG, how could I possible vaccinate my child? I decided

to do a little more research on the subject. I spoke with my MD, her

pediatrician, my OB, and a few other docs to gather their thoughts. My husband

and I decided that we would not vaccinate after all the information had been

gathered. I could not have been more happy with my decision! Summer was born (9

days post date...) healthy and beautiful. We have yet to vaccinate

and she is now 13 mo old. She has never been sick, minus a cold or two. All the

other children that we know that have not been vaccinated have never been sick

either. No major health issues, and growing perfectly. The friends that I have

that have vaccinated their children have had nothing but issues. Coincidence??

Two are around 2 years old and not talking (both are going through " testing " for

autism), one has had so many respiratory infections/issues that at 13mo old she

is on an inhaler. Two others have digestive issues that has them taking adult

laxatives!! It breaks my heart to hear all of this and to notice that everything

seems to flare up right around the time of their vaccinations. Again,

coincidence? I beieve that it is your choice whether or not to vaccinate your

child and no one should force you one way or the other, but that you need to be

informed. It is your responsibility to know what you are putting into your

children. Most parents are very

cautious about the food that their kids eat, what toys they play with, etc...So

why would you not be just as selective about what is injected into your child??

Just make sure that you are vaccinating for the right reasons, not because

someone told you to (or not to), or you think that you have to. Be educated

about it...it could determine so much about your child's life ahead. No one can

force you to do/not do anything, please just be aware.

Thank you very much and take care!



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Bravo, Connie! You have so much to be proud of. Please don't linger in the past

when you just didn't know any better. We are in the " here and now " and getting

more informed and smarter everyday; something our children will only benefit

from from this point on. Now that you don't subscribe to vaccinations any more,

your partially vaccinated daughter has been given a chance to overcome the shots

she did receive. Skin problems, though uncomfortable and unsightly, are her

body's best efforts to throw off whatever toxins she has already endured. In

time, and with proper care, this too shall pass.



constance young <connieyounglmt@...> wrote:

Hi , and everyone on the list!

I am also new to the group and decided not to vaccinate my son. He's 7 mo. old

and perfect! He is crawling already and babbling and has the best disposition.

Not one sickness so far and only one minor cold. My daughter, on the other hand,

was vaccinated before I learned of the dangers. She's now 3 and is healthy, but

has always had skin issues and at least 10 colds in her first year and a half!

She was vaccinated until the age of two, but I have discontinued them since

then, and wouldn't you know, not one cold in an entire year.

I feel slighted and angry that I didn't know to be concerned about the shots.

It's not like anyone in the Dr.'s office said " you know, there are serious

health risks involved with each injection and your baby could develop all sorts

of problems including, but not limited to, eczema, asthma, autism, and even

death. "

I ALWAYS dreaded shot visits, and found her crying from the needles unbearable,

but I didn't know I had a choice! I blame myself everyday for not questioning

the Dr. and nurses. I have found an open-minded pediatrician for my children

that doesn't hassel me into getting the vaccinations, and respects my choices as


I guess when you know better, you do better, as they say. I became so irritated

with the politics and stubborness of doctors and nurses that I gave birth to my

son at home in complete confidence and peace with two midwives and a doula. I

stay as far away from hospitals and doctors' offices as possible and my family

is all the better for it.

We treat our bodies with the respect they deserve. Our bodies will take care of

themselves if we just let them, and listen to what they are trying to tell us!

I'm glad to have found this group and look forward to learning and sharing with

you all.

In health and happiness,



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Try testing your 3yo for aluminum poisoning...it causes eczema. You can give

her zinc, which reduces aluminum in the blood, after the test. You can also

test for zinc and copper in her blood...zinc and copper are normally in balance,

but low zinc causes immune problems and high copper causes neurotoxic effects

like aluminum, mercury, etc...it is a heavy metal. Aluminum is an OSHA

regulated (check out what OSHA says about aluminum on their webiste...you will

see a lot of problems that are very common the last 20 years, but which didn't

exist before this, when I was younger) neurotoxin. It is added to your

drinking water, many vaccines, all artificial food dyes and some baking powder.

Anita Durney <mydurney@...> wrote: Constant immune support by way

of purified water, efa's, vitamin C and lots of fresh organic raw fruits and

vegetables would certainly help, but a good classical homeopath would stand the

best chance of offering a real cure. Unfortunately, tea tree oil is suppressive

and not a good treatment for her. You said you have used homeopathics, but only

a qualified Hahnemannian Homeopath would know what single remedy is best. Sheri

N. can make a good recommendation.


constance young <connieyounglmt@...> wrote:

Skin problems, though uncomfortable and unsightly, are her body's best efforts

to throw off whatever toxins she has already endured. In time, and with proper

care, this too shall pass.

Anita Durney wrote: Recent Activity

Thanks for the encouragement! Any thoughts on " proper care " for my 3 yr. olds

terribly itchy outbreaks? I've tried tea tree oil, lavender, calendula cream,

cocoa butter, shea butter, and homeopathics.

Aside from getting to source of the outbreaks, what can I do to help heal the

rashes and provide releif from itching?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



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In a message dated 8/7/06 10:25:19 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, logansauntpatty@... writes:

Hello Patty Welcome. Dust off that food mover and start a journal. We have a gal or two that have done WLS but most are on a program of some sort that can give you advice OR a cheer when down. You can do it.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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on the 1200 card2 fruit, 4 starches, 3 fat, 5 protiens, 5 veggies, 2 dairy,1 bonus

for the 1400 calorie card add 1 starch and 1 fruit

for the 1600 card add 1 veggie,1 protien, 2 starch and 2 fruit

for the 1800 plan add 1 veggie, 1 protien, 3 starches,2 fruits 1 fat and 1 bonus

2000 card add 1 veggie 2 protiens,4 starches, 2 fruits 1 fat and 2 bonuses, I hope this helps Jana

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In a message dated 8/7/2006 7:24:05 AM Pacific Standard Time, logansauntpatty@... writes:

Hello, Just getting started on eating healthy. Dr. has threatened Gastric Bypass if I don't take the weight off in 1 year. I DON'T want to go that route, so I am once agian fighting the fat.

Hi Patty and welcome. I am sure it seems "rush, rush" right now, but remember that slow and steady wins the race. We have to make changes that we can live with for life... I can't remember, did you post later how much weight you are looking to lose? Your doctor should know too, that 1-2 lbs a week weight loss is good average... ok, even at 2 lbs a week, that is about 100 in one year so I will shut my mouth now that I did the math. I have been a slower loser @ almost 30 lbs in a year - but at least I am losing!

Thanks and I look forward to getting to know each of you.

Looking forward to knowing you better too!

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I am currently at 304....I'm sure if I was down any significant

amount say 50 to 75 in a year she would be very happy. Your right

slow and steady and life long changes. Patty


> In a message dated 8/7/2006 7:24:05 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> logansauntpatty@... writes:



> Hello, Just getting started on eating healthy. Dr. has


> Gastric Bypass if I don't take the weight off in 1 year. I DON'T


> to go that route, so I am once agian fighting the fat.


> Hi Patty and welcome. I am sure it seems " rush, rush " right now,


> remember that slow and steady wins the race. We have to make

changes that we can

> live with for life... I can't remember, did you post later how

much weight you

> are looking to lose? Your doctor should know too, that 1-2 lbs a


> weight loss is good average... ok, even at 2 lbs a week, that is

about 100 in one

> year so I will shut my mouth now that I did the math. I have

been a slower

> loser @ almost 30 lbs in a year - but at least I am losing!



> Thanks and I look forward to getting to know each of you.


> Looking forward to knowing you better too!



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