Guest guest Posted December 23, 2000 Report Share Posted December 23, 2000 From: <paleotechnics@...> > A friend was just over who does BVT for MS. He told me a lot about Bee > keeping and BVT and we did a test sting. It didn't hurt much! We iced > the area first, and I barely felt the sting. We only left it in about 3 > seconds, and there was a little pain after a while, but it really wasn't > a big deal. He recommends that I learn more and consult with > knowledgeable people about the meds and supps that I'm taking before > really beginning. I'm definitely interested though, especially since it > wasn't too painful. I get stung by wasps and yellow jackets several > times a year, and it really hurts, so expected it to be more like that. > If I ever get going with this I'll keep everyone posted. My only > hesitation is that I seem to be seeing a lot of benefit from what I've > started recently and won't know how to guage effectivness, but, that > sort of fits in with my recent abandonment of the try one thing at a > time approach; the subject of my next email. E, Aren't you using a beta blocker? If you are, you must decide to wean yourself off before proceeding with BVT. Since there is always a slight chance of anaphylactic shock when using bee venom, an epi pen must always be available when stinging. Beta blockers use the same channels the epi needs in the event (although remote) of a severe allergic reaction. Even though your initial test sting shows that you are not allergic, BVT must be done safely EVERY time you sting!!! As much as I would like to see someone on this list try BVT, I also do not want anyone to take unnecessary chances. I use BVT and have an epi pen -- never had to use it! Personally, I think beta blockers make PWCs worse. I had an adverse experience with Atenolol 5 years ago. I used it for a month (very low dose 1/2 of 25 Mg daily) to complement the Florinef for NMH. I became much sicker and developed MCS while on this drug. My lungs became very congested -- coughed up tons of mucus for a couple of hours each time I was exposed to hairspray, perfumes, household cleaning products etc.-- never had problems with chemical sensitivity before -- body also felt much " heavier " -- dragged myself around even more -- thought they were new CFS symptoms. Thank God my husband made the connection to Atenolol! I noticed an improvement in these " new " symptoms the day I stopped taking this beta blocker. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with a regurgitating Mitral Valve, but I do not take anything for it. So, you need to decide if you are willing to go off the beta blocker in order to try BVT. I strongly urge you to give BVT a try. Bee venom and all the products of the hive have worked miracles for me! You may have read some of the posts about my very positive experience with apitherapy. I have been using honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis and ester vitamin C. for four years. I began another round of BVT 11 months ago (4 full stings every other day) and have been in remission from CFS/FM for 4 months. I have been functioning at 100% capacity all this time and no more crashes!!! Last week I got a head cold -- any viral infection would normally set me back at least three months. I was still able to bake, shop, clean, decorate the tree & house and do tons of other stuff to prepare for Christmas -- no crashes! I haven't been able to keep up with the posts lately -- trying to make up for lost time, and also helping some PWCs getting started with BVT. I planned to write an update to this list after the holidays, when I will have more time to answer questions because I am convinced that it could help other PWC's. Since you brought the subject up, I'm compelled to write something now. It's almost 4:00 AM, and I've had a very full day getting ready for Christmas. I'll just copy some of the messages I sent to this list the last time I wrote about BVT in October and the protocol I use to help you decide. Getting started with BVT: Very Important -- must have epi kit nearby --my experience and what I've read so far -- after initial test sting: Generally for any condition, begin stinging on each side of the spine wit 2 full stings -- leave stinger in at least five minutes) at about kidney height. Work your way up and down the spine -- increase by 2 stings each session. Sting 3X a week (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Cool area to be stung with a small metal can kept in the freezer i.e.tomato paste. The spine is a good place to start mainly because there is less swelling. Wait about a month or two before stinging arms or legs -- more swelling. I tried my arms after about two months -- helped with heavy arm symptoms and numbness -- found the swelling uncomfortable. Also found neck (brainstem) and lower spine towards buttocks more uncomfortablein the beginning -- best to wait a couple of months before stinging these areas. Try to concentrate between the shoulder and waist in the beginning. I settled on 6 stings every other day up and down the spine for 6 mos. on my first round. For arm /hand symptoms concentrate on the neck area. For legs sting towards the buttocks . Helped with all symptoms, got rid of Fibromyalgia pain -- never came back! Energy level way up. I wake up refreshed instead of feeling like I was hit by a truck each morning. Brain fog lifted. Required less sleep and naps. Bladder problems gone, etc.. In the beginning swelling a lot -- good sign -- Herxheimer reaction 2nd week about 8 hrs. after I sting -- fever etc. 3 or 4 times lasting about 24 hrs. -- good sign -- felt good the next day, This period is rough! Could reduce number of stings but try not to stop -- do not want to stop the momentum -- immune system is responding. Use Preparation H for swelling and itching -- do not use cortisone -- do not use ibuprofen. Do not sting near swollen areas from previous stings -- wait until the swelling goes down -- you will notice tha swelling decreasing as you progress. I think this is a very good start. Some Experimental posts 10/00: I've been using Bee Venom Therapy (using live bees) on and off for almost four years, and I haven't developed a tolerance to it yet. Ever since I began BVT, and using bee products (pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and honey) I have steadily improved. Every time I begin another round of BVT, I experience a Herxheimer reaction after one week -- fever and all symptoms getting worse lasting 24 hours. This happens 3 or 4 times at first -- then symptoms gradually improve and some disappear. The first symptom that improved was my energy level, then I got rid of the FM pain and also noticed that I woke up refreshed and did not feel like I was hit by a truck. I started this last round of BVT in February, so I've been stinging every other day for almost 9 months (my longest round) and am still stinging because I think I stopped too soon the other times. Since I did not expect BVT to be a total " cure " for CFS, I was very satisfied with the level of improvement and resumed stinging when I relapsed. This time, I am continuing even though I am symptom free and functioning at 100% capacity. I don't know if it will last or not, I'm still experimenting. For me, the proof of the pudding came this month with my period -- I always crash -- other women on this list can relate -- this month I breezed through. I understand your skepticism -- I too would question anyone that claims to have a " cure " for CFS. Thank you for your concern, but notice that I stated that I am in REMISSION -- I will not say " cured " until I continue to feel 100% for a long time after I stop stinging. Right now, I'm just enjoying feeling " normal " and if I have to sting for the rest of my life to be able to think and function, it's OK by me! I purposely waited a long time before I posted this news to the list because I did not want to raise anyone's hopes. Presently I take no medication for CFS -- just monthly B-12 shots, probiotics,a multi vitamin, folic acid, vitamin C, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, honey, and bee venom -- that's it! I was able to wean myself from Florinef and abort NMH episodes in 15 minutes with 4 bee stings on my spine in February. I have been taking thyroid medication since '91 for Grave's Disease. I just watched the TV program on the Learning Channel, and a woman with CFS talked about her " cure " with BVT. I also get my bees by mail -- 60 for $12.50. Some get theirs free from a local beekeeper, but I prefer to buy them because they're cheap, and know that the bees haven't been sprayed with insecticides and are disease free. The box is smaller than a pack of cigarettes -- very convenient when traveling. Yes, BVT is very effective for MS and a host of other diseases and chronic illnesses. When I decided to experiment with BVT, I didn't know if it would work for CFS. Since I had neurological, viral, bacterial, hormonal, visual, urinary and bowel symptoms along with pain and fatigue that mimic MS symptoms, I decided to give it a shot -- or should I say sting! Since then I have read in an Apitherapy journal about two other PWCs that have been helped by BVT. Last night another PWC talked about her recovery frm CFS by using live honeybees, on the TV program I mentioned. So far that's only four PWCs that I know about. Ask your friend with MS what symptoms you have in common and which ones have been helped with bee venom so far. I have done a lot of research on bee venom and all the products from the hive for almost four years. There is a lot of information on the internet, and I hope that some list members will research it to fully understand how/why bee venom is so effective in treating various chronic illnesses. Bee venom is composed of 30 different components. The main anti-inflammatory pharmacological components are peptides: melittin, apamin, peptode 401(or MDC peptide) adolapin, and protease inhibitors. Medline has lots of studies on these bee venom peptides. Since whole bee venom is a natural product, it cannot be patented; therefore, no pharmaceutical company is interested -- there is no money in it for them! Besides anti-inflammatory properties, bee venom also has powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-coagulant properties. Studies conducted on rats and dogs indicate that it also stimulates the pituitary to release ACTH which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, without the undesireable side effects of the synthetic form. M-H Kim, MD from the International Pain Institute, USA has been conducting a Randomized Active Controlled Trial in Korea using Apitox (dried bee venom in injectable form) for Osteoarthritis. Here's what Dr.Kim has to say about bee venom: Just why bee venom seems to diminish symptoms (most of these illnesses are incurable) is not entirely understood. In general, say apitherapists, bee venom appears to stimulate the immune and endocrine systems. Bee stings increase circulation and warm the area stung; such activity tends to remove localized toxins. In addition, laboratory analysis of bee venom has found that it contains components that trigger the body's anti inflammatory defenses. Curiously enough, it also contains a potent anti inflammatory agent of its own. In fact, according to Kim, animal studies show that bee venom is 100 times more anti inflammatory than hydrocortisone, a steroidal anti inflammatory drug typically used to treat arthritis. Along with its anti inflammatory properties, bee venom is thought to have antibacterial and antifungal properties and is also thought to affect the transmission of messages along the nervous system. A lot of this stuff makes a lot of sense to me now in light of all the research that has been conducted on CFS since I became ill six years ago. I never expected it to work as well as it has for me. The only symptom that I have now is dry eyes, all other symptoms are gone! I no longer need to pace myself in order to avoid a major crash -- and I have tested my boundaries a lot this month! That's my definition of 100% functional. Now I am convinced that other PWCs can also be helped by using bee venom and other bee products to assist the body to heal itself. I buy fresh (frozen) royal jelly, propolis tincture, fresh pollen (Willamette Valley) and honey from 1-800-456-7923. Their prices are cheaper than anyone else I've found -- especially the fresh royal jelly $33.95 for one kilo. Watch out for the shipping costs on the royal jelly. Since it's perisheable, it has to be shipped overnight ($35) or 2 days ($17) I use two day delivery and it's still cheaper than -- Theirs was $75 plus shipping. The other products I have shipped by UPS. I don't use tablets or capsules, fresh is much better for all bee products. Royal jelly has many nutritional properties, Propolis AKA Russian pennicillin also has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that have been studied extensively in Russia. I suggest you add fresh pollen to your regimen because it contains all the necessary nutrients to sustain life except Vitamin D. I find Glorybee's Willamette Valley brand to be superior to others I've tried because it has a variety of colors -- not just yellow and brown -- the quality of pollen is judged by lots of different colors. I buy a five pund bag and keep it in the refrigerator so it won't spoil. Here's the guidelines from Theo Cherbuliez, MD, President of the American Apitherapy Society who taught me how to use BVT and all the products from the hive to help me heal for free: Ideally --2 months -- prepare body to receive BVT Morning and afternoon: 2 tsp. fresh pollen dissolved in liquid (I use pineapple juice)--refrigerate 12 hours--rinse out glass and drink that also. Most pollen passes through undigested if it is not soaked overnight. I only take 2 tsp. in the morning. 5 grams (one tespoon) fresh royal jelly every morning (I mix in a jar 1 part royal jelly to 2 parts honey -- honey will prevent royal jelly from spoiling -- tastes better--make a big batch -- honey is a preservative, so this mixture doesn't need to be refrigerated -- take 1Tb. of this mixture) (Note: he just revised that to 2 grams if it is to be taken for prolonged periods) 10 drops propolis tincture every morning on a piece of bread (I add the propolis to the 1 Tb royal jelly/honey mixture -- tastes better) Ester Vitamin C 1000 mg. 3X daily (needed by the body to make cortisone when using BVT I only take 1000 mg. in the morning) Continue taking for at least two years. I've been using this protocol for four years to complement the BVT. I order my bees from Ferris Apiaries 1-800-787-4669. Yes, when I first started, I had lots of swelling and itching, at first, but that is considered a very good reaction -- your immune system is kicking in. The only dangerous reaction is an allergic reaction which could lead to anaphylactic shock if it is not treated promptly. It is estimated that 1-5% of the population is allergic to bee venom. Dr. Cherbuliez gave me a test sting to make sure I was not allergic and also gave me a prescription for an epi-pen that I always keep nearby whenever I sting. Swelling and fever in the beginning is a good indicator that the BVT is working. After a while, when your body becomes used to the venom, you don't experience these symptoms anymore. It still burns like heck though, but it's worth it -- it only stings for a short time and I chill the are before which helps a lot. See the post I sent to Sandy about reactions to bee venom. The only dangerous reaction to bee venom is anaphylactic shock. It is not damaging anything at the same time. I have been doing this on and off for four years, and I am better than ever! Don't just take my word for it, there are thousands of people that have been doing it much longer than I have and they are still alive and kicking. Dr. Cherbuliez keeps records of any adverse reactions to bee venom. Some beekepers have reported that they experienced adverse reactions while taking NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Advil etc.) so, it is now recommended to refrain from using them with BVT. Most people that use this therapy gradually stop taking, most medications when they begin to feel better, and also because BVT works better when no other drugs are present that may block the beneficial effects of the venom. There are doctors in the US that use dried bee venom in injectable form for many ailments, but it is only approved by the FDA to desensitize people allergic to bee venom. It is also believed that some volatile substances may be lost during the process. I Know Dr. Klinghart uses bee venom injections for various ailments and have heard his name mentioned on this list. His website is Besides the extra cost of injectable bee venom, it still cannot be given in one shot, and it burns just as much as live honeybees. I think some doctors add something that helps the stinging sensation. I cannot think of any other doctors right now, but if you're really interested, I could find out. It sure is worth a try for a lot of PWCs! The one thing that appealed to me was that no one has a hidden agenda. There are volunteer apitherapists all over the US and the world that will teach anyone interested in this therapy for free. I get my bees from Ferris Apiaries because they're located on the east coast. Please see my previous post to Sandy for their website. 's Bee Ranch @ is located in California (530) 221-1458. This round, I've been doing 4 stings every other day. I have done 6 stings every other day for six months. I have done most of my stinging on my spine (99%), because it is the least painful area -- less muscle, and less swelling. I also like to sting on the spine because it gets the venom in the central nervous system. Most people begin their therapy there and experiment from there. Arms and legs swell the most, so it is best to wait a couple of months before stinging there. I also have experimented with acupuncture points -- it is supposed to boost the effect of the venom. I have a book by Amber Rose called Bee In Balance that explains how to use Bee Acupuncture. She has a web @ If you or anyone else is intewrested in trying BVT, I could help you locate an apitherapist in your area. Please read my post to Steve on how often and how many stings. Yes BVT does hurt, especially in the beginning, but it gets better over time. That is the main reason most people discontinue this therapy even though they see improvements. There are remedies that help you through the initial period. Preparation H and ice packs help with the swelling and itching. I always chill the area BEFORE I sting which helps with the initial burning sensation of the venom. I use a frozen tomato paste can for this purpose. I also do some deep breathing to relax me before, during and after stinging. The stinger itself does not hurt because it only penetrates the skin. A clinical trial for the use of bee venom is presently being conducted in town, Washington DC by Dr. ph Bellante. In 1999, Bee Venom was granted a new Investigational Drug Approval status by the FDA to begin a Phase I study sponsored by The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America in conjunction with town University Medical Center. It is being conducted as a result of all the MS patients that have been helped by this treatment, and by the dedicated efforts of the American Apitherapy Society (AAS) . They are a non profit organization whose mission is to assist and provide information to doctors, researchers and the general public, about the incredible healing powers of apitherapy (the medicinal use of ALL honeybee products) and BVT. Unfortunately it cannot be done as a double blind study because bee venom is so distinctive in its reactions. The Phase I study was conducted to determine any adverse effects of the venom. According to the television program on TLC, they are in the next Phase of the trial to determine the efficay of bee venom for MS. 16 people with MS that are using no other medication are receiveng 10 intradermal injections ( the equivalent of 10 bee stings) 2X a week. This Phase will last one year. If all goes well, more trials will follow. Thousands of anecdotal reports from MS and arthritis patients have promoted the use of BVT; but it is also effective for a multitude of minor and chronic ailments. Cancer, Lyme and AIDS patients are also experimenting with it. Melittin, one of the many healing components of bee venom, exhibited powerful in vitro inhibitory effects on the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorfer in a recent study. The abstract appeared in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases (Clin Infect Dis 1997 Jul;25 Suppl 1:S48-51). Melittin is also presently being researched by a team of scientists in Australia ( $1.3 million project) for its potential to kill cancer cells. Melittin is a molecule that kills cells by slicing through the cell membrane, destroying the cells. Their aim is to produce immunotoxins by attaching melittin to an antibody molecule that specifically recognizes cancer cells. Information on this study is available @ . I joined this list almost a year ago to inform the CFS community about this alternative therapy. I have posted a few times about my success with BVT, and have been lurking most of the time. This may answer the question that was asked a few months ago by listmembers: What are " cured " PWCs doing? This is what one PWC is doing -- stepping up my efforts to promote the use of Apitherapy and BVT to the CFS community. That is also the reason I joined the CFSME_Cured Booklist -- hopefully we'll get something started there in the near future. WARNING TO ANYONE CONSIDERING BVT-- DO NOT BEGIN STINGING BY YOURSELF! Yes 's Bee Ranch is a good choice for anyone living on the west coast -- the bees will survive the trip to SF by mail. I'm happy to hear that you're eager to begin this therapy. But don't order any bees yet! As I mentioned, there are certain precautions that need to be addressed in order to SAFELY proceed on your own. Even though you said that you're not allergic to bee stings, you ALWAYS begin with a test sting ( stinger is left in for 10 seconds and scraped out without using tweezers to prevent all the venom from being released.) You must wait at least 15 minutes to make sure. Then you can proceed with the actual stinging (usually begin with 2 full stings and increase by 2 stings each session. The number of stings is different for everyone --depends on the illness, how many you can tolerate etc.. Alternating days is recommended to give the body a chance to recover, and also so the body does not depend on the venom to do all the work and starts to relearn how to function. Most people sting 3X a week -- Mon. Wed. and Fri. My most recent round,I chose to do it every other dayand use only 4 stings. You also need to get a prescription for an Epi-pen from your doctor and learn how to use it in case of an emergency. Members of the AAS can get one from Dr. Cherbuliez. Another very important warning is that anyone using BETA BLOCKERS should NOT use BVT because they use the same channels that the Epi needs in the event of a severe allergic reaction. I strongly advise you to contact a volunteer apitherapist in your area that will give you a test sting, show you how it's done, where to sting ( painful trigger points, acupuncture points etc.) provide support and teach you how to safely proceed on your own free of charge. Some will help you on the phone only. I found three volunteers from California: Louise Estupinian (415) 453-6777752 Joe Grant (805) 682-2674 Shi-Jun Wang (408) 996-9816 You can also contact the people from the Pine Street > Chinese Benevolent > Ass. > > They are excellent apitherapists -- I don't know if there's a fee involved with them. > > Here it is the address you need: > > ****************************************** > McCulloch, L.Acup., Brofmann, L. > Acup. > Pine Street Chinese Benevolent Association > (Established 1983) > 124 Pine Street > San Anselmo, CA 94960 > Direct Tel: (415) 407-1357 > Fax: (415) 485-1065. You may be able to find more apitherapists on the Apitherapy Data Base @ . They have a list of apitherapists from almost every state and other countries. Dr. Stefan Stangaciu from Romania also has a list of apitherapists @ He recommended the Pine St. Association on an Apitherapy List I belong to. Anyone can join this List at the Data Base site. Doctors, scientists, apitherapists, and patients from all over the world share information and ask and answer questions. Don't worry it's not a busy list, but the information is invaluable from all sources. The American Apitherapy Society also has a web site @ . I know this is information overload, but for starters, I suggest that you read Dr. Cherbuliez' conference report on Bee Venom in the Treatment of Chronic Disesases which has a good overview on BVT, his protocol, reactions etc. @ This is the paper that convinced me to try this therapy -- lucky me, I happen to live about an hour away from his office! I strongly urge anyone interested in BVT to learn as much as they can in order to make informed decisions. Liquid bee venom injectons can only be given by doctors. You cannot get a prescription filled out from a pharmacist-- injectable bee venom can only be purchased by doctors and scientists. Doctors that use injectable bee venom charge a fee and will not ship it to patients. Yes, there are doctors in the US that use it, but the problem is trying to locate a doctor near you that is experienced -- not to mention the cost and inconvenience of traveling at least a couple of times a week for a quite a while. Before I used BVT, I was unable to leave the house that often. I don't know if PWCs need to sting forever, there aren't enough people that have tried it for CFS/FM, so it's too early to tell. From my experience so far, I don't think so, but no one knows --everyone is different. I can tell you that for most chronic systemic conditions you need to sting for at least 6 months 3X a week. Dr. Kim is located in Redbank, New Jersey. The doctor on the show that treats his wife with bee venom injections is Dr. Sam Farrel and is located in rural Missoury. Dr. Klinghardt is in Seattle. Please read my post to Steve today for websites to help you locate a Dr. in your area and also how to join the Apitherapy List. You could write to the List and maybe someone could help you locate a doctor in Connecticut. If you're willing to try it with live bees, I have three people in Connecticut that will teach you for free. Barry Finch (203) 438-6575 Kim MicHalewicz (860) 653-0137 Weiss (203) 762-3538 It really isn't such a big deal, much cheaper and much more convenient. Since you watched the show, you know that you don't have bees crawling all over you. They are picked up with tweezers, and sting as soon as they make contact with your skin. We are conditioned to think that it's normal to be injected with needles, but if you think of a bee as a " natural " needle, delivering powerful chemicals to help you heal, it doesn't seem so strange. You could also contact Dr. Theodore Cherbuliez, President of AAS, @ 1209 Post Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583 phone & fax # (914) 723-0920 e-mail: tcherbuliez@... He may also know a doctor in your area, but since you live in Connecticut, you're not very far from his office. You could make an appointment with him for a consultation. His apitherapy appointments are on Saturdays. He spends one hour with each patient, takes a complete health history, and only if you feel comfortable, he will give you a test sting, and up to two stings on your first visit (he uses bees.) He also gives you his home phone number to use in an emergency -- all for free! If you decide to go this route, it is best to go with someone that will be able to sting you at home, so that they can learn about it and also be given a test sting. I only went to him twice -- and now my husband stings me -- definitely worth the trip! Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner -- I'm still feeling " normal " -- just very busy lately!! There are no doctors listed in Connecticut @ on the Apitherapy Database. I checked for you Try Dr. Stefan Stangaciu's site @ (go to LEFT screen -- scroll down -- click on Practitioners, then click on Medical Doctors -- scroll down on RIGHT screen to United States) I just checked Dr. Stefan's site -- no doctors from CT ( Go to these two sites anyway, and contact the MD's that are listed -- they may know if there's a doctor near you. I read somewhere (?) that there are about 200 doctors that use injectable bee venom in the US. My suggestion to you is to FIRST get in touch with Dr. Cherbuliez. I know he uses live bees; but, you can ask him if he also uses injectable venom. He also may be able to help you locate a doctor in your area. Here's his info again: Dr. Theodore Cherbuliez, President of the American Apitherapy Society (AAS website: ) 1209 Post Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583 phone & fax # (914) 723-0920 e-mail: tcherbuliez@... You could also join the Apitherapy List and ask if anyone there knows a doctor. Instructions for joining the list are on the Apitherapy Database site -- scroll all the way down on the FIRST website in this message -- click on Home -- scroll down, click on Apitherapy Discussion Forum -- an e-mail will come on your screen with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line -- click SEND (no message.) It is not a very busy list and it's very informative. There are quite a few doctors and scientist there, and lots of patients and apitherapists. All are very helpful -- like this GREAT List we belong to! ( THANK YOU MODERATORS & ALL!!!) Heres the answers to you questions: [] Im trying to find out more about the bee venom injections it seems like it would be easier for me if anyone has info let me know. Also I called this place that sells bees and they gave me pat wagners phone number to ask here info but i did not her from here yet i did here from the doc in Ny I forget his name his last name starts with a C. he said if i could come there he would talke with me for an hour and tell me all about this but I told him i cant drive. Still looking for someone in Connecticut that does this. [] Pat Wagner is the Apitherapist (woman with curly hair) you saw on the TV program. She has MS and was a total vegetable before she used Bee Venom Therapy. She uses live bees and stings people in her home 2X a week for free. I just read that she just came back from India to teach a Diplomat's wife with MS how it's done with bees. She may be able to help you locate a doctor. Eventually she'll get back to you -- she always does! Pat Wagner " The Bee Lady " 5431 Lucy Drive 301.843.8350 Waldorf, MD 20601-3217 E-MAIL: beelady@... WEB PAGE: [] Thanks for checking this out for me ill keep on it still have not heard from pat wagner i called and left a message. Are you thinking about trying this out? [] You're welcome! Keep trying! [] sorry I asked if you are using the bees I thought you where someone else who wrote back to me lol my memory is shot with this cfs. [] I know what you mean, I used to have Jello brain -- not anymore! There's hope for all PWCs. I only use live bees because I didn't have to drag myself to a doctor's office ( need to go 2-3X a week for at leat 6 months to give it a fair trial for any chronic systemic illness) and they're available to me NOW!! I'm 51 years old, and lost many precious years to this disease. They're easy to use and very convenient -- it's no big deal to me now. I can control the amount of venom by the number of stings and by timing each sting without using needles. Besides, they're cheap, sterile and I don't need a doctor/perscription. Even if it was easily accessible, I still prefer to use bees because it is believed that some beneficial volatile substances may be lost in the process of converting it in injectable form. I'm not trying to dicourage you to use the injectable venom -- it is very effective also -- only you, can decide what suits you! [] I talked with Dr C the other day he said he did not no anyone in Ct but he wanted me to come see him but i cant drive he mentioned he new someone in canada that he could get the bee venom injections from but did not say his name do you know who this might be? also it sounded like you can do this yourself but you would also need a doc to presribe the needles tho. He said he will be away until dec 2nd tho. not sure if i can get anyone to bring me to him. [] Dr. Theodore Cherbuliez, is the president of the American Apitherapy Society. He's the BEST source of information on BVT. I know he is very busy and travels a lot for apitherapy. He's also an MD (psychiatrist with his own practice) and an associate professor at Cornell University. I mentioned in previous posts that he is the one I used (went only twice) and urge anyone interested in this treatment to make an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION. He devotes one hour on Saturdays to each BVT patient, then you can contact him by phone -- NO CHARGE NO STRINGS ATTACHED! I can vouch from my experience. I think I know the person in Canada he's thinking of. His name is Simics who supplies dried bee venom to doctors and scientists only. He's also a member on the Apitherapy list I asked you to join. Maybe Dr. C can prescribe it for you (?) but, he needs to see you to take your medical history, make sure you can safely do it on your own, etc.. Make an appointment now and try to get someone to drive you there -- you can always cancel -- there's a long waiting period to see him. He's located about one hour from Danbury, Conn. in Westchester County, NY. [] Who was the doc that was in the show? I wish i could contact the lady who had cfs in the show . Do you remeber who they used the injections on? [] Dr. Sam Farrell from rural Missouri is the the one you saw on the TLC show that treated his wife with MS with the injectable bee venom. The other doctor was Dr. ph Bellanti from Washington DC. He's conducting the clinical trial for MS at town Medical Center with injectable bee venom. The lady on the show with CFS used live honeybees, her name is Beverly Pollock Pettit(?) not sure of last name -- first time I heard about her. [] ill try to join not sure if it would work I have my mail through not sure how to use my snet mail that comes up when I click on that site to subscribe, its hard when your confused and your memory is not well oh well keep in touch thanks [] Don't worry, no need to explain to anyone here about brain fog etc.. To join the Apitherapy Discussion Forum List: Send an e-mail to Apither-L@... Type SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and send it. That's it! No words in the body of the message. If there's any problem, you can contact the moderator, Durk Ellison, @ Durk.Ellison@... Take your time, it's a lot of new information to digest even without the brain fog! It took me a year from the time I heard about BVT and actually doing it -- didn't know about the internet in '95! When you have the time, check back in the archives and read the other messages I sent last week starting on Oct,18. Little by little it will all begin to make sense to you -- I'm still learning after 4 years. If you want, I could send you the original post I sent to this list when I first introduced myself and BVT on 12/20/99. Found this today on " about Lawrence Cohen, a doctor in Danbury, Connecticut, who treats terrible pain with the venom of ordinary honeybees. At first, Cohen gave the 84-year-old widow several injections of bee venom weekly, but eventually reduced the dose to one injection every two or three weeks. " Read the whole article @ Don't know anything about him -- check him out! Also check out Related Sites at the bottom of the page. I will be vacationing in Quebec next week -- taking advantage of my 7 week 100% " recovery " ?!! Taking my little friends along for insurance. Keep me posted -- will get back to you when I return. > > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 23, 2000 Report Share Posted December 23, 2000 Just a few notes, and we can just start this dialog up again after the holidays when everyone has more time. I am already off of Beta Blocker (pindolol only 5 mg. didn't like it either) thanks to your warning about it in previous posts. I got an epipen already. My friend scott recommended using the thighs to start and less time than you recommend. I will probably go with the slower approach. I know that you are supposed to take a lot of vit. C for adrenal support. According to Cheney, this is contraindicated in Glutathione replacement via whey protiens (which I plan to continue) I think he said up to 2 grams a day is OK?? So I guess I can take 3 as a compromise, and maybe there is some substitute. has been at this for awhile, and I think he will be a good mentor. He has had improvement in his lesions shown by MRI scans due to BVT. I am very inerested in anything CFS specific. Like experiences of other CFS/FM people and where they sting, how often etc.. Remember, I'm not starting until I learn more and check out meds with experienced people etc.. E. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 25, 2000 Report Share Posted December 25, 2000 E, Glad to hear that you're going ahead with the BVT. If you tell me what state you live in, I can give you names and phone numbers of volunteer apitherapists in your state from the list in my AAS journals. They can also help you with any questions you may have. Local support is very important in the beginning, so I'm glad you have a friend to help you get started -- the more the merrier! The only suggestion I can give you right now is not to start on the thighs in the beginning. The arms and legs swell up too much at first -- hands and feet are the worst. All apitherapists suggest that you wait at least a month or two before you sting the extremities. The spine sounds painful, but it's not -- less muscle in that area, so less swelling and itching. It also gets the venom in your CNS. It's a little different for people with MS because they have more numbness. They do not feel the initial reaction as much as others. You mentioned that your test sting was not as bad as you expected -- that's true. But when you do a couple of full stings, it will be uncomfortable in the beginning. You really want this to happen -- the body is waking up! My experience and that of an e-friend (CFS/FM) that started last month: test sting and first 2 stings, not a lot of reaction -- second sting session, big reaction -- lots of swelling itching etc.. Do not use cortisone -- use preparation - H -- helps with swelling and itching. Although it's uncomfortable, you want this to happen -- it's a good indication that the BVT will be effective. Some experience a " Healing Crisis " (herxing) which generally occurrs around the second week -- for some much later. Flu like symptoms etc. -- some get fevers. You may be tempted to take something for the flu like symptoms, but you really don't want to smother this awakening of the immune system. Most quit at this stage, but it's an excellent indicator that your immune system is kicking in. You could cut back on number of stings, but should not stop -- don't want to stop the momentum!!!! Some experience this one time -- my e-friend and I, 3 or 4 times -- usually about 12 hrs. after sting session. It only lasts about 24 hrs. After about a month, the reaction is much milder at the sting sites -- no more itching and just a little swelling right after stinging, so it's very tolerable once the rough period is over. I actually look forward to my sting sessions because it makes me feel so much better. I'm so happy that you're willing to research BVT on your own. If you decide to try it (and I hope you do) you must commit to doing it at least six months, even if you don't notice any improvement! It takes that long for some with MS, but I'm certain that you'll notice some very positive improvements much sooner than that! I can't give you any guarantees, but if you start to prepare your body now, by using all the bee products (see yesterday's post I sent to Steve and continue to use them for al least two years and ester vitamin C you will notice a lot of improvements in all your symptoms. I don't know how long you need to continue with the BVT -- again, everyone is different! I think I could probably cut way back on my stinging now, but I won't. During Thankgiving week, my bees died and I did not sting for a week. I had no problem keeping up with all the preparations and extra work involved in preparing a great meal and entertaining guests that spent the long weekend at my house. I actually had more energy than my husband. This is so unusual! I could never keep up with his extraordinary stamina even when I was much younger and healthy!! The same thing is happening this week. I've been so busy with houseguests and all the Christmas preparations, that I haven't had the time to sting for about 5 days -- still no problem!! I'ts now 2:00 AM, everyone is sound asleep, and I'm fine. A lot of people using BVT report that they require less sleep. I know from experience that my body can handle all this right now -- it took me a long time to reach this point!!! I always said that I needed some " speed " -- never tried it, but I can honestly say that it does not make me hyper or jittery and that bee venom is not addictive. I do know what hyper is like because I was diagnosed with Graves' disease in '91 (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) and I don't have any of those symptoms. Other important precautions: Whenever anyone stops stinging for a few weeks, one must always do a test sting! When you're ready to begin BVT, do another test sting, then proceed with 2 stings. Wait at least a couple of days before stinging again and increase by 2 each session. It is highly recommended to wait at least one day between sting sessions to give the body a rest, and also so the body does not depend too much on the venom and learns how to balance itself once again. My e-friend tried to rush things and ramped up to 8 stings too soon. She had to stop last week because she was itchy from head to toe and her eyes were puffy! PWCs are much more sensitive to everything! She'll be able to resume as soon as the itching stops -- this time she will have to be extra cautious -- try one sting at a time -- and slowly ramp up. I suspect too much histamine for her body -- too fast!!! I think most PWCs don't require more than 10 stings per session 3X a week -- but again, everyone is different!!! BVT works best when no medications are being used that may block it's effectiveness. Most wean off as they begin to feel better. Dr. Cherbuliez stressed the point that, as a physician, he is careful to tell people using BVT to stop taking their medications. It's a decision that must be considered by each individual -- hopefully with a supportive MD. Off the record, BVT is much more effective when no other drugs are used. Ibuprofen should never be taken while doing BVT-- some beekeepers reported anaphylactic reactions while on this drug even though they were immunized for years from the inevitable multipe stings they constantly receive. Another PWC e-friend will be starting after the holidays (former Cheney patient). I've asked her and others I'm helping to get started to keep me posted so I could gather more data on the use of BVT for CFS/FM. I have the names of three PWCs that have also had very positive results with BVT. I am also corresponding with the editor of the AAS journal who is willing to help me get in touch with them and any other PWCs that have tried BVT. The data is scarce on the use of apitherapy for CFS/FM -- most apitherapists don't know much about this dreadful disease! I am actively trying to change that in the near future so we all could compare notes. Generally, for any chronic illness, once the body becomes accustomed to the venom, people begin to experiment by stinging on painful trigger points, acupuncture points (supposed to make BVT much more effective) or just follow their instincts on where they need to sting. The object is to spread the wealth all over the body. When I started, I had no one to help me with this -- too tired and brain dead to be able to digest the information in the book Bee in Balance by Amber Rose www,,so I decided to follow one of her suggestions of getting the venom to travel through nerve pathways via the spine. I've experimented, but not a lot because I found this method very effective. Recently the numbness in my hands started to come back. I experimented on my neck, shoulders arms and wrists -- it worked -- no more numbness!!! Is Cheney saying that bee venom is contraindicated with whey, or the vitamin C? Please clarify. I never used whey, so I can't help you in that area, I guess you'll be our guinea pig! Got to get some sleep now -- Merry Christmas to all!!!!! Bzzz... ----- Original Message ----- From: <paleotechnics@...> > Just a few notes, and we can just start this dialog up again after the > holidays when everyone has more time. > I am already off of Beta Blocker (pindolol only 5 mg. didn't like it > either) thanks to your warning about it in previous posts. > I got an epipen already. > My friend scott recommended using the thighs to start and less time > than you recommend. I will probably go with the slower approach. > I know that you are supposed to take a lot of vit. C for adrenal > support. According to Cheney, this is contraindicated in Glutathione > replacement via whey protiens (which I plan to continue) I think he said > up to 2 grams a day is OK?? So I guess I can take 3 as a compromise, > and maybe there is some substitute. > has been at this for awhile, and I think he will be a good > mentor. He has had improvement in his lesions shown by MRI scans due to > BVT. > I am very inerested in anything CFS specific. Like experiences of > other CFS/FM people and where they sting, how often etc.. > Remember, I'm not starting until I learn more and check out meds with > experienced people etc.. > E. > > > > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 25, 2000 Report Share Posted December 25, 2000 Great response , I guess you must be bursting with energy! I'm sure many on the list besides me are finding this dialogue intriguing. <<< E, Glad to hear that you're going ahead with the BVT. If you tell me what state you live in, I can give you names and phone numbers of volunteer apitherapists in your state from the list in my AAS journals. They can also help you with any questions you may have. Local support is very important in the beginning, so I'm glad you have a friend to help you get started -- the more the merrier!>>> I live in Mendocino County California. About 100 miles N. of the bay area. <<<The only suggestion I can give you right now is not to start on the thighs in the beginning. The arms and legs swell up too much at first -- hands and feet are the worst. All apitherapists suggest that you wait at least a month or two before you sting the extremities. The spine sounds painful, but it's not -- less muscle in that area, so less swelling and itching. It also gets the venom in your CNS. It's a little different for people with MS because they have more numbness. They do not feel the initial reaction as much as others. You mentioned that your test sting was not as bad as you expected -- that's true. But when you do a couple of full stings, it will be uncomfortable in the beginning. You really want this to happen -- the body is waking up! My experience and that of an e-friend (CFS/FM) that started last month: test sting and first 2 stings, not a lot of reaction -- second sting session, big reaction -- lots of swelling itching etc.. Do not use cortisone -- use preparation - H -- helps with swelling and itching. Although it's uncomfortable, you want this to happen -- it's a good indication that the BVT will be effective.>>> I did have a pretty good local reaction by the next day. about 5 inch diameter swelling with a 2 inch red circle in the center that is persisting. Not too bothersome, although 10 of them might be! I do a lot of IM shots on my thighs, so I probably should avoid them to save space for them. <<<Some experience a " Healing Crisis " (herxing) which generally occurrs around the second week -- for some much later. Flu like symptoms etc. -- some get fevers. You may be tempted to take something for the flu like symptoms...usually about 12 hrs. after sting session. It only lasts about 24 hrs.>>> Actually I think I already had a small one. I've been doing pretty well lately, but a lot of cycling back and forth between feeling pretty good with a bit, to a lot, more energy and what I think is a kind of detox mode. The day after the sting I had a pretty good " Herx " which seems to have cleared up after about 36 hours. I think I was kind of poised for it because of the other stuff I have been doing, and the one sting pushed me right over. I was overjoyed! and consider this a good sign too. <<< must commit to doing it at least six months, even if you don't notice any improvement! It takes that long for some with MS, but I'm certain that you'll notice some very positive improvements much sooner than that! I can't give you any guarantees, but if you start to prepare your body now, by using all the bee products (see yesterday's post I sent to Steve and continue to use them for al least two years and ester vitamin C you will notice a lot of improvements in all your symptoms.>>> My BVT guide ( Wolland) said the same- commit to six months. I missed that post to Steve B. because egroups is not sending me all my mail or regularly, but I'll look it up in the archives. I tried about a half teaspoon of honey, and it made me feel horrid right away. I just cannot deal with the sugar. I do want to look into propolis, and am already taking bee pollen. I am curious about the effect of Bee venom and propolis on the TH1 and TH2 immune response systems. said that propolisis is mainly antibacterial and antifungal. I thought that it was an immune stimulant too for some reason. <<<... I can honestly say that it does not make me hyper or jittery and that bee venom is not addictive. I do know what hyper is like because I was diagnosed with Graves' disease in '91 (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) and I don't have any of those symptoms.>>> Good, I've always had a problem with getting hyper and jittery even pre illness. I'm currently hypothyroid. <<<Other important precautions: Whenever anyone stops stinging for a few weeks, one must always do a test sting! When you're ready to begin BVT, do another test sting, then proceed with 2 stings. Wait at least a couple of days before stinging again and increase by 2 each session.>>> The plan for me was to increase the time that the stinger is left in for a while instead of increasing the number of stings. recommended doubling the time it is left in until we get to several minutes before going on to 2 stings. This seems to be a more cautious approach and I will probably use it. I also already knew about starting back with a test sting after being off for two weeks. <<<Off the record, BVT is much more effective when no other drugs are used. I have a difficult time accepting such a banket statement since there are so many different acting pharmaceuticles (sp?). What about herbs? and other potentially powerfully acting supplements? I also am hesitant to quit the stuff I'm on now, as it actually seems to be helping for once. One though that I think may be a problem is the Doxepin which is supposed to be a potent antihistamine. I understand that the histamine reaction is not necessarily something that you want to suppress?? <<<Another PWC e-friend will be starting after the holidays (former Cheney patient). I've asked her and others I'm helping to get started to keep me posted so I could gather more data on the use of BVT for CFS/FM. I have the names of three PWCs that have also had very positive results with BVT. I am also corresponding with the editor of the AAS journal who is willing to help me get in touch with them and any other PWCs that have tried BVT. The data is scarce on the use of apitherapy for CFS/FM -- most apitherapists don't know much about this dreadful disease! I am actively trying to change that in the near future so we all could compare notes.>>> Great, I too will stay in touch if I continue with this. Have you heard any negative or neutral stories, or just good ones? It's always good to try to maintain some objectivity. <<<Is Cheney saying that bee venom is contraindicated with whey, or the vitamin C? Please clarify.>>> No absolutely not what I meant. I probably didn't word it right. There is some reason not to take excessice C when on undenatured whey protiens for glutathione replacement. I don't remember why, but I remember that it was ok to do up to 2 grams or so. said that the reccomended range for BVT is 3 to 6 grams for adrenal support. so, I figured that I would go with 3 as a sort of compromise because I do not want to stop the Immunepro. One last note, I wrote to Dr. Stefan Stangaciu with a list of what I'm taking now and whether or not these things might be contraindicated in BVT, and an inquiry about BVT's effect on TH1 & TH2 immunity. I will post something if I get an interesting response. Thanks again for your great response and your dedication to bringing BVT to the CFS/ME/FM etc... community. E. 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Guest guest Posted December 27, 2000 Report Share Posted December 27, 2000 From: <paleotechnics@...> Great response , I guess you must be bursting with energy! I'm sure many on the list besides me are finding this dialogue intriguing. [] I still am -- I never thought I would ever be able to feel this good again! I see that others on this list are also researching BVT and asking questions -- something I've been hoping for ever since I joined this extraordinary list. I live in Mendocino County California. About 100 miles N. of the bay area. [} I found three volunteers from California: I suggest you contact as many of these people as possible. Each will contibute valuable information, help you get started and provide local support. Louise Estupinian (415) 453-6777752 Joe Grant (805) 682-2674 Shi-Jun Wang (408) 996-9816 >Dr. Stefan recommends the Pine Street Chinese Benevolent Ass. > Here is the address you need: > > ****************************************** > McCulloch, L.Acup. (former editor of " Bee Informed the AAS " > journal) E-mail: chinamed@... > Brofmann, L. Acup. E-mail beehaven@... > Pine Street Chinese Benevolent Association > (Established 1983) > 124 Pine Street > San Anselmo, CA 94960 > Direct Tel: (415) 407-1357 > Fax: (415) 485-1065. I don't know if there's a fee for some of their services, but if they use LIVE bees, all apitherapists are do not charge a fee. They are not listed as volunteers in the AAS journal, but Dr. Stefan highly recommeds them. Dr. Cherbuliez told me to find an acupuncturist that was willing to show me where to sting on acupuncture points (perhaps mark the spots on my body) It's called apipuncture or BVT with a bang! I did have a pretty good local reaction by the next day. about 5 inch diameter swelling with a 2 inch red circle in the center that is persisting. Not too bothersome, although 10 of them might be! I do a lot of IM shots on my thighs, so I probably should avoid them to save space for them [] That's an excellent reaction! Question: Did your friend scrape the stinger out or did he use tweezers? When stings are timed the stinger must be scraped out with any straight edged object or a clean fingernail. If tweezers are used, the remaining venom is squeezed out. One minute --90% of venom is released -- all venom is released after about 5 minutes, or when the bulbous part of the stinger stops moving back and forth. Just wondering because that's such a big reaction for leaving the stinger for only about three seconds! Actually I think I already had a small one. I've been doing pretty well lately, but a lot of cycling back and forth between feeling pretty good with a bit, to a lot, more energy and what I think is a kind of detox mode. The day after the sting I had a pretty good " Herx " which seems to have cleared up after about 36 hours. I think I was kind of poised for it because of the other stuff I have been doing, and the one sting pushed me right over. I was overjoyed! and consider this a good sign too. [] I'm overjoyed also!!!! You'll probably continue cycling for a while if you proceed with the BVT. Everyone that uses bee venom notices increased energy. I just checked my notes when I first began BVT and wrote that I was surprised to wake up feeling rested and had more energy about 36 hrs after my first Herx (flu like aches and fever 101.5) My BVT guide ( Wolland) said the same- commit to six months. I missed that post to Steve B. because egroups is not sending me all my mail or regularly, but I'll look it up in the archives. I tried about a half teaspoon of honey, and it made me feel horrid right away. I just cannot deal with the sugar. I do want to look into propolis, and am already taking bee pollen. I am curious about the effect of Bee venom and propolis on the TH1 and TH2 immune response systems. said that propolisis is mainly antibacterial and antifungal. I thought that it was an immune stimulant too for some reason. [] I believe the bee venom activated my TH1 (fever etc. every time I started a round of BVT). Prior to using bee venom, I was TH2 dominant (fluctuated from slightly above to slightly below normal bod temp.) A very good place to learn about all the products of the hive is the FREE BOOK ONLINE, Value Added Products from Beekeeping can be downloaded @ -- tons of objective/scientific/ information on Honey, pollen, propolis, bee venom and royal jelly. Glad to hear that you're already using bee pollen. Recommendaton by Dr. Cherbuliez: Morning and afternoon 2 tsp. fresh pollen. Pollen should not be taken in the evening -- gives energy -- might keep you awake! Place 2 tsp in a glass -- add juice or any liquid -- refrigerate at least 8 hrs -- drink -- rinse glass and drink that also. If pollen is not dissolved, about 90% is not absorbed and is excreted. You could also chew it to break up the granules. Propolis aka Russian pennicillin (studied extensively in Russia) has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is also an immune stimulant, and is used as an anesthetic in dentisry. Propolis also boosts the effect of antibiotics. More studies on propolis and all the bee products can be found on The Apitherapy Data Base @ Excerpt fromAAS web site on propolis: Immune System Perhaps the most broadly investigated and widely accepted attribute of bee propolis is its immune-boosting activity. It is a natural, broad-spectrum antibiotic that activates the thymus gland. Bee propolis not only prevents infectious diseases, but clears them from the system, as well. As demonstrated in numerous experiments, propolis has the ability to directly destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi, even penicillin-resistant staphylococcus. Bee propolis is formidable against viruses. This trait is attributed to the bioflavonoids present in propolis, which have a protective effect against viral infections. Viruses are enclosed in a protein coating. As long as it remains unbroken, the infectious and dangerous material remains imprisoned and is harmless to the host organism. Unfortunately, within the host there are enzymes which remove the protein coating, thus releasing the harmful material to wreak havoc within the system. With the presence of bee propolis in the system, however, this doesn't occur. The bioflavonoids inhibit the enzymes from removing the protein coating, keeping the viral material locked inside. These same flavonoids maintain the protective coating around the virus, thus rendering it inactive. With the presence of the bioflavonoids, the host virtually becomes immune to the virus Another way in which propolis aids the immune system is its ability to strengthen phagocyte activity. Phagocytes are cells that are able to surround, engulf, and digest microorganisms and cellular debris. This increase in activity with the introduction of bee propolis was observed and documented by a number of Soviet and European scientists. The Power of Propolis The power of propolis is wide-ranging and of immense benefit to humans, as well as to its creator--the little honey bee. People suffering from high levels of blood fat can benefit from taking bee propolis. At the Worker's Hospital of Lian Yun Gang, Jiangsu Province in the People's Republic of China, Dr. Fang Zhu chose 45 patients suffering from hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and coronary heart disease and gave them 300 mg of bee propolis three times a day for 30 days. At the end of that period all patients showed a significant reduction of blood fats and improvement in related disorders. Another benefit of propolis is its inhibitory effect on certain prostaglandins, which it accomplishes by blocking the enzymes that form specific prostaglandins. This can be of immense benefit to those suffering from aches and fever, which are caused by prostaglandins. Bee propolis acts in nearly the identical way aspirin does by blocking the same enzymes, yet without the negative side effects you can get with aspirin. This enzyme-blocking, prostaglandin-inhibitory effect is also beneficial to the mouth and throat. For instance, a leading cause of dental problems is the erosion of the gums and tissues that line the tooth sockets. Inflammation and infectious bleeding can cause a weakening of the bone structure and tooth loss. But propolis, by blocking specific enzymes, prohibits the formation of the prostalandins which cause the inflammation, bleeding, and eventual decomposition. At the same time, propolis actually stimulates other specific enzymes which strengthen the walls of the blood vessels in the gums, thereby having a twofold effect on the mouth. When inflamed and sore, the throat responds favorably to propolis, and for the same prostaglandin inhibition reasons. By inhibiting prostaglandin formation, inflammation recedes and diminishes. Another attribute of bee propolis is its ability to correct and stabilize proper protein metabolism. A team of physicians at the Institute of Radiology i & Serajevo, Yugoslavia treated patients who were suffering from radiation complications. These patients had serious liver damage caused by improper protein metabolism and X-rays. The patients were given bee propolis for two months. Another group of patients, also suffering from radiation complications, were given a placebo. At the end of two months, those taking bee propolis had significantly improved, with some patients' symptoms completely disappearing. No improvements were observed in the group given the placebo. [] I also recommend that you take 2 grams of fresh royal jelly daily. It also has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties and is an excellent supplement, especially for chronic illness. I buy fresh (frozen) royal jelly, propolis tincture, fresh pollen (Willamette Valley) and honey from 1-800-456-7923. Their prices are cheaper than anyone else I've found -- especially the fresh royal jelly $33.95 for one kilo. I mix a small batch of royal jelly with honey and keep it at room temperature. The rest I keep frozen. Honey is a preservative, so the royal jelly will not spoil. If you cannot use honey, and object to the sour taste, you could mix some royal jelly in yogurt . Watch out for the shipping costs on the royal jelly. Since it's perisheable, it has to be shipped overnight ($35) or 2 days ($17). I use two day delivery and it's still cheaper than -- theirs was $75 plus shipping. The other products I have shipped by UPS. I don't use tablets or capsules, fresh is much better for all bee products. I find Glorybee's Willamette Valley brand pollen to be superior to others I've tried because it has a variety of colors -- not just yellow and brown -- the quality of pollen is judged by lots of different colors. I buy a five pund bag and keep it in the refrigerator so it won't spoil. Good, I've always had a problem with getting hyper and jittery even pre illness. I'm currently hypothyroid. [] I know that thyroid problems can be treated with BVT. Something should be on the Apitherapy Data Base site or Dr. Stefan's site Too late for me -- I became severely hypothyroid since my gland was treated (destroyed) with radioactive iodine in '91. I began having CFS symptoms that were dismissed by doctors since then. I suspect that even though I was on a full replacement dose of Synthroid, my body was not converting T4 to the more potent T3. I pushed myself until a stomach flu in '94 totally incapacitated me. The plan for me was to increase the time that the stinger is left in for a while instead of increasing the number of stings. recommended doubling the time it is left in until we get to several minutes before going on to 2 stings. This seems to be a more cautious approach and I will probably use it. I also already knew about starting back with a test sting after being off for two weeks. [} Most apitherapists will begin with a test sting, wait at least 15 minutes and proceed with 2 full stings. I'ts safe -- but you're in the driver seat -- you could proceed at your own pace. I have a difficult time accepting such a banket statement since there are so many different acting pharmaceuticles (sp?). What about herbs? and other potentially powerfully acting supplements? I also am hesitant to quit the stuff I'm on now, as it actually seems to be helping for once. One though that I think may be a problem is the Doxepin which is supposed to be a potent antihistamine. I understand that the histamine reaction is not necessarily something that you want to suppress?? [] Some drugs may block the effectiveness of BVT (ie synthetic cortisone will prevent the body from producing cortisol). Anything that is helping you now should be continued, but anyone doing BVT needs to learn what drugs should not be taken that prevents the bee venom from doing its job. Antihistamines will prevent the body from reacting to the venom . You need to decide if you are willing to discontinue the Doxepin or you may be defeating the purpose -- you want yor body to react without going into anaphylactic shock of course. Most wean off other drugs as they begin to feel better. Herbs and other supplememts that complement the BVT can be incorporated in your regimen. I used Florinef (another adrenal hormone) until February 2000 because it helped me stay upright. Although I knew that bee venom stimulates the adrenal glands, I was not willing to chance more near fainting episodes. Since endogenous hormones are suppressed when exogenous hormones are administered, it's possible that I'm in remission because I stopped taking Florinef and now my adrenal glands are producing the aldosterone I need. Great, I too will stay in touch if I continue with this. Have you heard any negative or neutral stories, or just good ones? It's always good to try to maintain some objectivity. [] Please keep me posted. I've only heard of a few good ones, but I am also looking for others with negative or neutral stories, and will keep you posted. Hope, a member of this list last year, wrote that she tried bee venom for a year (I think only 1 or 2 stings a week). She experienced an increase in energy but not much else and stopped. No absolutely not what I meant. I probably didn't word it right. There is some reason not to take excessice C when on undenatured whey protiens for glutathione replacement. I don't remember why, but I remember that it was ok to do up to 2 grams or so. said that the reccomended range for BVT is 3 to 6 grams for adrenal support. so, I figured that I would go with 3 as a sort of compromise because I do not want to stop the Immunepro. [] Dr. Cherbuliez recommends 1000 mg ester vitamin C 3X daily (I don't know how many grams that is) When I first started BVT, I didn't know how much to take, so I've been taking only 1000 mg in the morning -- works for me! Take whatever amount is safe for you. One last note, I wrote to Dr. Stefan Stangaciu with a list of what I'm taking now and whether or not these things might be contraindicated in BVT, and an inquiry about BVT's effect on TH1 & TH2 immunity. I will post something if I get an interesting response. Thanks again for your great response and your dedication to bringing BVT to the CFS/ME/FM etc... community. E. [] You wrote to one of the best sources -- knowledgeable and very kind doctor. You'll hear from him -- he always answers. He's a frequent contributor on the Apitherapy Dicussion List. You should join if you plan to use BVT -- doctors, scientists, apitherapists and patients -- all very helpful. Very informative, and not busy like this one.(thank God!) To join, send an e-mail to Apither-L@... Type SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and send it. That's it! No words in the body of the message. If there's any problem, you can contact the moderator, Durk Ellison, @ Durk.Ellison@... WARNING: If you want to introduce yourself or send a message, make sure it's in PLAIN TEXT ONLY -- it will be sent back to you. Guess who did that on the first try? Good luck!! Bzzz... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 29, 2000 Report Share Posted December 29, 2000 <<[] That's an excellent reaction! Question: Did your friend scrape the stinger out or did he use tweezers? When stings are timed the stinger must be scraped out with any straight edged object or a clean fingernail. If tweezers are used, the remaining venom is squeezed out. One minute --90% of venom is released -- all venom is released after about 5 minutes, or when the bulbous part of the stinger stops moving back and forth. Just wondering because that's such a big reaction for leaving the stinger for only about three seconds!>> () He scraped it out with a knife. I already knew this too, since I'm so often stung by " yellow jackets " (ancient mine enemy). It was a pretty good reaction I guess. The 2 " area in the center turned a purple color and lasted about 3 or 4 days i guess. It's just a faint bruise now. <<[] I believe the bee venom activated my TH1 (fever etc. every time I started a round of BVT). Prior to using bee venom, I was TH2 dominant (fluctuated from slightly above to slightly below normal bod temp.)>> (steven) Any other reasons you thought you were TH2 dominant before? like lab tests. My temp is always below normal. Yesterday I felt really " herxy " (eating fresh olive leaves and lot's of propolis) and it climbed to 98.1. I can't remember the last time it was that high. I am on Armour thyroid for about a week now though, maybe it's kicking in. <<<Glad to hear that you're already using bee pollen. Recommendaton by Dr. Cherbuliez: Morning and afternoon 2 tsp. fresh pollen. Pollen should not be taken in the evening -- gives energy -- might keep you awake! Place 2 tsp in a glass -- add juice or any liquid -- refrigerate at least 8 hrs -- drink -- rinse glass and drink that also. If pollen is not dissolved, about 90% is not absorbed and is excreted. You could also chew it to break up the granules.>> (steven) , my BVT friend, said that pollen should be soft if it's fresh. would you agree, and is this true of the stuff you get from Oregon? What I'm using now is refrigerated, but pretty hard. <<[} Most apitherapists will begin with a test sting, wait at least 15 minutes and proceed with 2 full stings. I'ts safe -- but you're in the driver seat -- you could proceed at your own pace.>> By two full stings do you mean that the stinger is left in for 5 minutes? Question: just what is the purpose of taking royal jelly in our situation? I joined the apitherapy list see you there! E. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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