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Homemade Gookinaid recipe - for Bobby

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Bobby, regarding the recipe for a homemade replacement for Gookinaid, you asked,

" Can someone tell me what exactly is seltzer water please. The spring water,

can this be mineral water or filtered tap water? I guess you use the ratios

below to make up your 3-4 glasses per day, no? Why over ice, is this just so

that we can enjoy our cocktail in style? Is the no salt product pure potassium

salt, I think you can get salt alternatives that have a balance of calcium and

magnesium too, are these OK? "

Bobby, I think the key to this recipe is maintaining the electrolyte balance. I

would make it up as described, with perhaps the addition of stevia and an herbal

tea bag for flavoring.

Seltzer water is simply carbonated water. Spring water comes from a spring,

presumably, and therefore would have trace minerals in it, but I'd use spring

water not mineral water. There may be a reason for these labels, and I'd stick

to the recipe.

And definitely don't substitute other things for the potassium that makes up the

" No Salt " salt substitute. (Unless you have a source of pure potassium without a

few additives.) Don't add other minerals that will alter the electrolyte balance

of the recipe.

I don't know about the " over ice " issue. I assume there's a reason for it


Take care. Carol

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