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Indolplex for hormones, advice please

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Hi everyone

My doctor has recommended that I try a supplement (fairly new on the

market I think) called Indolplex to help my PMS, hormone imbalance,

breast pain and hormone-induced weight gain (if it helps all those I'd

be both shocked and delighted!). It is supposed to help with " oestrogen

dominance " amongst other things.

There is not a huge amount about Indolplex on the net but I've found out

from this article (copied below) that it contains " a natural substance

found in cruciferous vegetables called Diindolylmethane (DIM) which has

a similar structure to our natural hormones and works through the

hormonal system as a powerful promoter of better oestrogen metabolism "

Can any of you clever people please tell me whether DIM is related to

the sulphur element in cruciferous vegetables (I'm another one who is

prone to reacting adversely to sulphur) and whether a sulphur-intolerant

person is likely to react to DIM too? It would be *so* helpful to know

in advance.

Has anyone tried this product?? I'm also a little concerned because I

have got high levels of testosterone (together with high DHEA - similar

syndrome to PCOS) and this product looks as though it may actually raise

these rather than lowering them, though I may be interpreting things

incorrectly. Apparently this product can be used by both women and men

and it is also supposed to help protect against some of the hormone-

induced cancers.

Any advice gratefully received. Best wishes Vicky

<copy from website>

What is Indoplexâ„¢?

Indoplexâ„¢ contains a natural substance found in cruciferous vegetables

called Diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM has a similar structure to our

natural hormones and works through your hormonal system, as a powerful

promoter of better oestrogen metabolism. Scientists have recently shown

that many of DIM's health-promoting effects arise from a beneficial

shift in the balance of the sex hormones, oestrogen and testosterone.

What is the connection between DIM and Hormones?

Because of its similar structure to oestrogen, DIM stimulates more

efficient oestrogen metabolism. For oestrogen to be modified into its

final forms for passage out of the body, oestrogen must be combined with

oxygen as part of aerobic metabolism (the process of using oxygen to

release stored energy). Oestrogen requires a metabolic pathway similar

to the pathway that DIM and other natural indoles use.

Supplementing the diet with DIM and cruciferous vegetables increases the

specific aerobic metabolism for oestrogen, multiplying the chance for

oestrogen to be broken down into its beneficial, or " good " oestrogen

metabolites. When DIM increases " good " oestrogen metabolites, there is a

simultaneous reduction in the levels of undesirable or " bad " oestrogen

metabolites, which can actually cause cancer.

Optimal oestrogen metabolism in women helps to lower the risk of cancer

and decrease the symptoms of oestrogen over-stimulation, or dominance.

Symptoms of oestrogen dominance include breast tenderness, rapidly

growing uterine fibroid tumours, uterine cervix problems, and

endometriosis (a painful condition caused by persistent uterine tissue

growing in abnormal locations within the abdomen).

In addition, a slow metabolism of oestrogen, which leaves too much

unmetabolised active oestrogen known as oestradiol in the body, can be a

problem for both men and women. Elevated oestradiol causes moodiness and

breast pain in women and loss of sex drive in men. By promoting a

healthy oestrogen metabolism, DIM adjusts the balance of oestradiol to

its " good " metabolites, which can also result in a more desirable action

from testosterone.

The Benefits of " Good " Metabolites:


1. Works to support healthy bones and skin

2. Protects the cells, especially of the heart and brain, with its

antioxidant activity and works with other important antioxidants to

protect cells (Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium and Glutathione)

3. Cancer prevention activity

4. Helps regulate cell growth and rid the body of damaged cells (through

triggering programmed cell death) that might

become cancerous.

5. Supports fat metabolism

6. Natural regulators of energy metabolism - they promote

active release of stored fat for better energy during exercise


1. Works to support healthy bones and muscles

2. Lifts energy

3. Improves mood

4. Increases libido

Indoplexâ„¢ has been shown to;

1. Encourage the safe metabolism of oestrogens in men and women.1

2. Reduce oestrogen-dependent over stimulation of cell growth.2

3. Promote breast health.3

4. Promote uterine health.4

5. Support a healthy testosterone to oestrogen in men5

6. Encourage the active release of stored fat for better utilisation and

weight loss.5

7. Inhibit the Phase I activation of some procarcinogens promoting safer

elimination through Phase II detoxification.6

Indoplexâ„¢ provides an important, safe and simple phytonutritional

approach to safer oestrogen metabolism and improved hormonal balance in

both men and women.

Conditions favourable to dietary supplementation include:


Endometriosis / dysmenorrhea

Benign/cyclical breast pain

Cervical dysplasia


Women on HRT

Xenoestrogen exposure (pesticides, herbicides, plastic and polystyrene


Andropause (men especially over 50 who smoke, drink and are overweight)

Prostatic hypertrophy

Women and men with increased risk factors, current, past or family

history of hormonally

dependent cancers, especially breast, endometrial, cervical, prostate

and colon

Obesity and/or high animal fat diet associated with the above conditions

Weight loss program support

NOTE: DIM can be used in conjunction with phytoestrogens. Its use is

cautioned in women taking the oral contraceptive as it theoretically may

reduce effectiveness. Not to be used in pregnancy.

What is the Difference between DIM and Soy?

Unlike soy, DIM has no oestrogen-like activity and does not mimic

oestrogen. DIM interacts with oestrogen by promoting oestrogen's

beneficial metabolism.

Soy is being used increasingly, but their use alone is not enough to

match the benefits that come with oestrogen replacement, such as

healthier brain and protection from age-related diseases. While soy may

reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, their

use alone cannot replace the body's eventual need for oestrogen and


The combined actions of DIM and soy work well together and are

compatible with all forms of HRT. These substances produce both

independent and overlapping actions that promote women's health.

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