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mercury removal - Doris and all

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Thanks to all for input. Doris, I will take your advice on the Detox

panel, thank you. I have been reading on the list for a while, and

seem to recall during a discussion thread on this earlier that

cysteine could be an issue. I am going to probably start with one

side for now (two amalgams replaced with composite, one is large and

will have to be a crown - probably gold and porcelain), detox per the

test results and Cheney's protocol, and have the other side done

whenever tests show I'm ready. I would like to continue to hear from

those who are using or have used detox/chelating protocols. I agree

that mercury is probably not a lone causative agent in CFIDS,(if a

causative agent at all), but all toxins are suspect, and as we have

heard mercury is problematic in any case, on its own 'merits'. If

there is anyone currently using Metal Free or other stuff, please

keep us posted on your progress. Thanks!


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