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A Bright Light--While on Adult-Metal-Chelation , I began to

realize that the chelation that I had done under the Hal Huggins protocol had

done very little to help my condition. I had put the " theory " of mercury

toxicity behind me, because I had removed my fillings, chelated and continued

to progress into the abyss of this illness. Now, I feel that I am on my way

to becoming well.

Many of the symptoms that sidelined me are gone for the time being; and I

believe that the recognition of other conditions through Hemex ISAC panel,

viral treatment, bacterial treatment and chelation have helped me arrive at a

point from which I may say with certainty, that I will begin to understand

myself more fully and consequently do what is best for me.

One of the most intriguing examples I found in the work Cutler has

done, is to point out that sulfiting agents have hospitalized me a number of

times, at times baffling doctors. Many symptoms that we experience " being

unable to think " for example, without getting very sick, make sense when read

in the context of the book. What many doctors have done to us is outlined and

shown to be useless.

This book has been introduced to me at a time in my life in which I had begun

to feel that a person that I love the most might very well lose his

outstanding position in the world, and have to rely on mainstream doctors,

mainstream chemicals and mainstream surgery. My son has never had a mercury

filling and has been found to have two standard deviations above a " norm " of

mercury toxicity without a challenge, and he has developed cancer in college.

I urge every patient with CFS/MCS/ME or caregiver of same, to buy this book,

particularly if they are willing to do what the book says to do, and not more

of what they may have been doing.

Mercury as a toxic source is ubiquitous. You do not have to have it placed

into dental caries to become injured by it.

My first filling in fifth grade left me in a daze in which I was able to

learn and score 100% on a test, but could not remember being taught the

material; 13 fillings at age 19 left me with a fainting disorder, rapid

heartbeat, arthritis (diagnosed as " have you ever heard of psychomatic

illness? " ); two fillings placed my freshman year in college caused me to

develop a kidney infection remarked upon by the treating physician " as an

illness (kidney) that I would probably suffer from later in life " . We have

been seeking help from doctors and dentists who are the most likely human

beings on earth to make us worse.

I lived in circumstances in which mercury was used in a laboratory; I worked

in a darkroom, exposing myself to the substance, I was sprayed by pesticides

and grew up with aerial pesticide use. I recognize that it is my own

individual genetic variability that causes me to become ill from these

exposures. However mercury is not good for anyone. We have been exposed to it

in drugs, lotions, potions, as a way to preserve saline solutions, in paints,

in thermometers, in body sprays, and in hundreds of products on the market.

To fail to recognize its effect is to saddle oneself with a set of beliefs

that the ADA and the chemical industry have " brainwashed " us with.

Many of us recall tuning our lives down, reducing our productivity as we

lowered the " bar " earlier in life. Mercury fillings and exposures can cause

this sort of lifestyle in those who are genetically predisposed to injury

from them. In my early twenties mercury toxicity led to default to another

major rather than pursuing " architecture " as my college major due to

inability to conquer structual mathematics. Replacing the fillings in my late

20's (using nitrous oxide forced upon me) caused me to develop sensitization,

caused heart irregularities, abnormal sleep behavior, a balance disorder,

pre-syncope (that I did not recognize) neurally mediated hypotension,

problems coping with the illness, and chronic fatigue, chronic pain and

chronic inability to task-orient myself. Autoimmune and other inflammatory

problems developed as the " disease " progressed. Later, following exposures to

more pesticides, Dursban and anon I recognized that I had developed MCS.

At a point in time, I recall sitting in a car wondering how it was that other

women walked to and from the grocery store, inasmuch as they too were in the

same kind of physical pain I suffered from. I am well past mid-life and I

find my body is not hurting, that I am shopping with my husband all day and

interacting with him in ways that I was simply incapable of just a few days

ago. Instinctively I realize that the continuing chelation will cause

setbacks, but " my gut " tells me that I will be significantly better. Not

everyone will have the money to do what I have been able to do, nor will they

recognize what a valuable resource Cutler's book is.

I developed a life in which I could not stray far from a normal routine;

tolerate normal everyday stresses, noises, odors, startles, light and lists

of other problems. I had begun to recede to such a degree that I knew that

although I did drive great distances to learn from researchers, or try new

environments with less pollution-- each of the efforts I made cost me dearly

in what we all call " payback " resulting in days of sobbing, giving up

emotionally after venturing out of my coccoon, and then retreating to my

limited life.

A few days ago I would say that I had succombed to accepting that I would be

ill for the remainder of my life, albeit, fortunate to have had the help of

many researchers around the country. This particular research is not the

first to try to help me. He is distinguished because he is the first to have

had the same condition and remind me that I may have given up on myself.

With Dr. Cutler's work, I feel completely different about the eventual

outcome of my illness. All of the issues CFS/MCS and ME patients need to know

are explained in a language that can reach even the most brain-fogged of


In Dr. Cutler's book---metabolism is explained, as an example. Phase I and

Phase 2 Liver metabolism and where to get the tests (lab) are explained. His

approach is the one that we have needed. Rather than the cookie cutter design

that mainstream and then " alternative care physicians " used in similar

fashion to each other, Cutler recognizes INDIVIDUAL GENETIC


this book in hand, supplements, drugs and testing are contained within a

simple bound volume in the ways an individual will need to use them.

The book is without egotistical claims and addresses in straightforward

fashion many of the problems we deal with, such as the common paradoxical

adrenal effect.

I have used several of the substances I had on hand, (since I do own the

virtual drugstore in my kitchen) albeit in a different way, including

" ramping " with deltasone, supplementing with what I had on hand in different

fashion, buying what was suggested by Dr. Cuter; and I now believe that I

will be improved significantly (insofar as the mercury injury allows) in a

matter of months. I have significantly improved already, having gone directly

to 8 hour days full tilt.

Because the testing for cortisol is done improperly vis a vis our patient

population, we have tested, paid and then been mislead about the functioning

of the adrenal glands, for example, because the effect of mercury toxicity on

the adrenals has not been taken into account. One simple anecdote from the

book is that while patients are tested for adrenal problems, they are not

tested following exercise. Simple mistakes like that have caused many of us

to live in virtual seclusion.

Not all patients will find the same cause of injury, target organ or resource

to pursue, however, I doubt the book will fail to help anyone who reads it

and absolutely listens to what the book says. It is important to remember

that " brain fog " and other tendencies each of us has developed (I know them

all too well) may cause us to act against our own best interest. With this

book, we need not order supplements because we " heard " they would work. Until

a person has actually tried and failed at what the book says, and unless that

person is NOT mercury-toxic, I feel the book will be the most useful document

to come along in the past 20 years for patients who do suffer from the

effects of mercury toxicity.

The degree of brain injury itself may be limiting factor. Cutler believes

that with proper removal of mercury in the body and through chelation with

substances such as alpha lipoic acid (remembering that due to genetic

variability and individual acquired bichemical distinctions we cannot all

chelate with 100 mg or 50 mg--some may tolerate only 10 mg. of ALA) used in

" courses " patients will improve. I would not endorse his book if I had not

seen the results myself. I am very sensitive and so I have had to remember my

individual genetic variability causes me to have to " rethink " amounts of

substances that I use. Otherwise, patients WILL get sick. The fine art of

chelation is going to bring out extremely upsetting and noticeable

psychiatric symtoms in many or all of us. We are dealing with mercury

toxicity and I now believe that these problems are unavoidable.

The good news is that Dr. Cutler knows firsthand about the symptoms and how

to make yourself feel and act better.

As many know, I have been told that acquired SV40 from my polio vaccine, have

HHV6, develop shingles frequently, and have been found by Gulf War

Researchers to have many similarities to those whose vaccines probably

contaminated them with Thimerosol, formaldehyde, viruses, etc. and who were

then exposed to various hydrocarbon emissions, pesticides and other nerve


The text of the book is straighforward regarding people like myself who have

particular complaints: hydrocarbon emissions such as exhaust cause you to

feel panicky or disoriented for example, take niacinamide. And so forth. None

of us is equipped with the chemistry background to understand why we feel as

we do.

Cutler is the person whom I have been waiting for--what I have often

called someone who is very brilliant who has gotten sick like me.

If one associates his or her illness with the placement of dental fillings,

or having worked in an industry/industries where mercury was also being used,

and have long since abandoned that as a cause of your illness you might wish

to go back to your original gut reaction about what made you develop

arthritis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, brain fog, that extended years into your

life, leading to a hopeless illness with only " trial " drugs and supplements

to keep you afloat.

Dr. Cutler says that he tries to help patients feel better while they get the

mercury out of their body systems--particularly the brain. I find this to be

absolutely accurate. The book is based on research, factual scientific

investigation, rather than " opinion " and the author seems to be a rare

individual possessed of intellect, experience and compassion. He is the the

bright light our community has been waiting for.

However, " approach " is crucial. Knowing your own biochemical distinctions is

crucial. One cannot say that they have done what the Cutler book suggests

when they have not owned the book, had the tests recommended and followed

through with recommendation. The book recommends labs to help you understand

" how your biochemistry works " and for some people this hardship will be

unsurpassable. However, an alternative, " know thyself " approach is offered

using common sense, and some self-experimentation-- for those who cannot

afford what might be very expensive lab tests from Great Smokies and Doctor's

Data, Inc.

Although I have used thousands of dollars and lost unearned dollars ten times

over, throughout the course of my own illness, had I had this book in hand at

age 19 following my toxic overload of mercury through both fillings and

pesticides, I believe I would be a normal, functional human being with minor

health problems, having addressed my mercury poisoning. We can only look

forward, with the help of Dr. Hall Cutler.

I have never found such a concise manual on how to get well, with or without

a doctor. As a sceptical investigational patient advocate, I highly recommend

this book. I will be placing this book in the hands of the research

scientists that I have developed realtionships with over the years. I will

send it to the patients I know who have very little hope left, and little

money to buy a book. After reading it and using it properly, many patients

will begin to link their illnesses to one of its proper causes. Those injured

by pesticides will begin to understand the links to pesticides and other

environmental (industrial ) toxins and mercury toxicity. I will be happy to

talk backchannel to anyone who has questions about Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis

and Treatment, by Dr. Hall, Cutler. Best regards, Jannarone

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