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Thymic Protein A

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Good morning / evening

I noticed that Dr Teitelbaum uses ProBoost Thymic Protein A in his

treatment. I also read in the Journal of Nutritional & Environmental

Medicine that a study was done on thymic protein A and there were

some positive results.

Has anyone had any experience with this product?

Looking forward to you reponses.



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  • 1 year later...


Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base of

maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate maltodextrin.

Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the maltodextrin?

Many thanks,



BT Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends

21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be.

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That's the same brand that ImmuneSupport.com is selling. They are my

main supplier.





Jan wrote:


>Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base of

maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate maltodextrin.


>Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the



>Many thanks,





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" Is " a hidden source of MSG or can be such a source, please? Thanks.


Re: Thymic protein A


Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base of

maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate maltodextrin.

Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the


Many thanks,



BT Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer

ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be.

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I don't tolerate maltodextrin either and its a filler in a lot of

vitamins as well as medications. I am also very sensitive to

glycerin and that's in a lot of vitamins and " softgels. " I always

have to look at ingredients. For instance, I am very disappointed to

see that the pure phoschol I ordered (the oral form that Kane

recommends) contains not just phoschol but glycerides. I can't

tolerate it which is a bummer.

> Hi,

> Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base

of maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate



> Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the



> Many thanks,

> Jan.




> ---------------------------------

> BT Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today.

Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant

to be.



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Just an FYI, I don't tolerate MSG either, but I have no problem with Pro Boost.

Maybe you can get one pack and try it.


----- Original Message -----

Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base of

maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate maltodextrin.

Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the


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As far as I know, maltodextrin per se does not contain MSG. It is

made from corn starch, and is pretty much pure carbohydrate. MSG is

a compound made up of sodium and glutamic acid, which is an amino

acid, found in protein.


> Hi,

> Just checked out the Pro Boost Thymic Protein A and it's in a base

of maltodextrin, which is a hidden source of MSG. I don't tolerate



> Does anyone know of another souce for Thymic Protein A without the



> Many thanks,

> Jan.




> ---------------------------------

> BT Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today.

Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant

to be.



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Thanks to all who responded with advice. Sounds like it is worth trying some.

Next question: Where's the cheapest source you have found to buy thymic protein

A, like Proboost?

I'm in Australia, and the postage alone usually costs US$20, so any saving will

be much appreciated.




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