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ph and super greens

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Hi all. I am forwarding this from a group I moderate. It is about the super

greens and has a list of ingredients. Also some great ph info. If you have

any questions for Nina, you can contact her at ninas@... Or you can

chat with her on the excellent things list. Which means you would have to

subscribe by sending a blank message to

ExcellentThings-subscribe Not looking for new members. Just

want you to know I can't really answer any questions but Nina can and this is

how you get her.



----- Original Message -----

From: Nina Silver

Excellent Things

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:33 PM

This Information Could Save Your Life!


Copyright 2002 by

Nina Silver, Ph.D.

Whether you are just beginning to investigate holistic health or are already

very well versed in effective health care protocols as a health care

professional or informed layperson, you may already know -- or might have

heard -- about the importance of keeping the bodily tissues in an alkaline


As I explain in my recently-published Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, most

of the human body is designed to be alkaline. If the blood deviates too much

from its ideal pH -- between 7.35 and 7.45, according to most medical

researchers -- for too long a period of time, the person becomes sick and

eventually dies. It is easy to have an over-acid system in today's world. Acidic

waste products are constantly created during normal everyday metabolic

processes. Pesticides, the fluoride in our water, synthetic food additives, and

other dangerous chemical compounds to which we are exposed daily are inherently

acidifying. Emotional and physical stress create high-acid pH levels, due to the

outpouring of stress hormones. Bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi

proliferate in an acidic environment; and they dump more acid, their mycotoxins

(waste products), into the bloodstream. And animal protein, dairy products,

grains, and even fruit create a systemic acidic condition. (Although fruit forms

an alkaline ash in the body, its high sugar content nourishes pathogenic

microbes, which create more acidity.) Therefore, unless one's diet consists

almost exclusively of raw vegetables and sprouts, acids generally build up

faster than they can be excreted.

The body has ways of regulating the acid-alkaline levels, via the respiratory

tract, the urinary tract, and the chemical and physiological buffering system

(which includes the liver). The kidneys are the most efficient in getting rid of

acids; but even they have their limitations, since the blood transports excess

acid to the kidneys only a little bit at a time, and slowly. So what happens

when excess corrosive acids and acid-forming substances threaten to damage the

bloodstream by building up faster than they can be excreted?

The acids are simply relocated elsewhere in the body to protect the blood. The

wastes get stored in the extra-cellular fluids, the connective tissue, the fat

cells, the joints and organs. This is how a chain reaction of deterioration in

bodily functions starts to occur. It is this autointoxication -- being poisoned

by one's own wastes -- that lays the foundation for degenerative diseases that

include arthritis, allergies, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cardiovascular problems,

kidney stones, obesity, cancer, and bone loss. For instance, most of the calcium

we ingest is not used for bone construction, but freely circulates in the body

for different metabolic processes, including the neutralization of systemic

acid. The pH balance of the blood is so crucial that when no more calcium is

available in the system, the body leaches it from the bones. Likewise, acids are

stored in the fatty tissue to prevent the bloodstream from being poisoned -- a

major unrecognized cause of overweight. As you see, systemic acidity has huge


Surely at some point, either you or someone you know has been plagued by one or

more health problems. Wouldn't you like to feel better and have really radiant

health? (It is true that some people are too alkaline, but this is unusual and

is usually a systemic response to over-acidity.)

In my own quest for better health, I found a remarkable product called Super

Greens, formulated by gifted microbiologist and microscopist O. Young --

who incidentally gave me my first live/dry blood analysis in the 1980s and who

is cited in my Rife Handbook. (Some of Dr. Young's photographs of live blood

samples, documenting marked positive changes in people's blood within weeks of

taking Super Greens, can be found in one of his books called Sick and Tired,

available in health food stores.) This combination of sprouts, grasses, leaves,

steams, and other ingredients is put into a colloidal suspension and then freeze

dried and powdered. Look at what's in this amazing formula:

Green Kamut Grass, Barley Grass, Lemon Grass, Shave Grass, Wheat Grass, Bilberry

Leaf, Alfalfa Leaf, Dandelion Leaf, Black Walnut Leaf, Blackberry Leaf, Plantain

Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Boldo Leaf, Goldenseal Leaf, Papaya Leaf, Strawberry

Leaf, Rosemary Leaf, Soy Lecithin, White Willow Bark, Blueberry Leaf, Slippery

Elm Bark, Marshmallow Root, Pau d'arco Bark, Cornsilk, Beta Carotene, Rose Hips

( canina) Fruit, Echinacea Tops, Couch Grass, Meadowsweet Herb, Oat Grass,

Soy Sprouts, Kale Leaf, Spinach Leaf, Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Fruit,

Cabbage Herb, Celery Seed, Parsley Leaf, Broccoli Floret, Turmeric Rhizome,

Tomato Fruit, Watercress Herb, Alfalfa Leaf Juice, Peppermint Leaf, Spearmint

Leaf, Wintergreen Leaf, Sage Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Mineral Mix, and Aloe Vera Leaf


You may be intrigued to learn about Dr. Young's emphasis on frequency as one

determining factor in whether or not something will help the body heal. " In all

matter, whether human, animal or plant, " he wrote in a personal communication in

the Spring of 2002, " I have found, measured, defined and documented [its]

cellular vibrations and the frequency of [these] cellular vibrations. In

measuring life, I include pH, Mv, oxidative/reduction potential, and MHz.....All

biological transmutations, cellular organizations, metabolism, etc..begin with a

vibration. "

He continues: " Using a frequency meter (I had built) I can measure the

vibrations of matter in Hz (1 cycle per second), MHz (1 million cycles per

second) or even GHz (1 billion cycles per second). For example, roses vibrate at

350 MHz, Super Greens at 250 MHz, the human red blood cell vibrates at

approximately 70 MHz, a live salad at 68 MHz, a tumor at 42 MHz, a hamburger at

5 MHz and chicken at 3 MHz. I find these measurements very interesting and

potential indicators of when matter is organized or disorganized, healthy or

unhealthy -- or should I say alive! Life is a struggle against the fermentation

of matter. It is the force opposite that of entropy which maintains life. "

Imagine, then, what it would mean for someone who is ill to drink Super Greens!

He or she would get better. Someone who is already healthy would positively

glow. " Even the processing or transfer of information (receiving and giving

information) on a computer, " Young points out, " begins with vibrations and the

frequencies of those vibrations. It is common knowledge that the vibrational

frequency of a 1.8 GHz computer receives and gives information faster than a

computer whose vibrational frequency is at 1.2 GHz. "

In my 25 years of experience of personally trying many different products --

from Sannum homeopathic remedies from Germany to practitioner-only supplements

(including MediHerbs, high-quality government-regulated herbal tinctures from

Australia), from ionic minerals to alkaline water made on a very fine water

electrolysis unit that I own, I have never seen the fast and deep results that I

am finding with Super Greens. Initially I bought the product for my dog, who had

a tumor that tripled in size in eight hours (which was very scary). After

emergency surgery -- performed only because the tumor had grown so quickly, and

two more had appeared -- as soon as the dog was able to drink I gave her some

Super Greens. Within two hours this lethargic dog was prancing and jumping

around the house! Impressed, I began drinking the formula myself. I experienced

an immediate cleansing reaction (including the emergence of intense food

cravings, at which point I reduced the amount I drank), then a decrease in

allergies, and now a reduction in weight and even a lessening of pain from

fibromyalgia! Now I wouldn't be without my Super Greens. I have drawers full of

other supplements and remedies that I once took but never felt inspired to

continue taking. But my body craves this drink so I continue to use it. I feel

so energized and balanced that I now consider Super Greens, along with its

companion product Prime pH, a vital part of one's wellness program. After all,

of what lasting benefit is killing microbes if the bodily terrain continues to

support their existence and proliferation?

It is rare for someone of Young's caliber to be acknowledged in mainstream

circles. But his new book, The pH Miracle (included in every Distributor Kit),

has just been published in hardcover by Warner Books. My friend Dr. Ann Szaur, a

naturopath who has worked in several large holistic clinics and is now drinking

Super Greens as well as recommending it to her clients, states: " In our clinics,

we have used injectable homeopathic remedies, saunas, color therapy, chelation,

frequency technology, Far Infrared mineral lamps, lasers, electrodermal

screening, etc. Super Greens is like everything we had at the clinic for our

patients, all in a single bottle. I've never seen anything work this fast. "

In case you're still not quite convinced of how critical it is to have an

alkaline system, I want to mention the unique " chicken heart " experiment (also

cited in my Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing) that was conducted decades ago

by the great French surgeon and medical researcher is Carrel. Normally, the

life span of a chicken is around 5 or 6 years. But Carrell kept a piece of

embryonic chicken heart alive in an alkaline mineral solution -- which had the

same alkalinity as the human bloodstream -- for 28 years, from 1912 to 1940! The

only thing the scientist did was change the solution and oxygen every day. The

tissue died only when the scientist stopped changing its mineral bath.

Super Greens (together with its companion drops, Prime pH) works similarly to

that interstitial (between the cells) mineral solution: it nourishes the bodily

cells and helps eliminates the acidic waste products of cell metabolism. If

cells are given the opportunity to get rid of their own poisonous waste, the

aging process from over-acidification is stopped or slowed substantially. Wouldn

't you like to treat yourself as well as Carrel treated his chicken heart?

Furthermore, once you heal your systemic terrain, microbes will find it very

difficult to transmute into their higher pleomorphic forms and multiply in your

body. This means an absence or huge reduction of infectious disease states.

Think about the implications of healing yourself from arthritis, osteoporosis,

gout, fibromyalgia and other muscle/tissue pain, diabetes, even obesity!

Everyone can achieve greater energy and clarity: you, your friends, family, and

(if you're a health care practitioner or health food store owner) your clients

and customers. The company that markets Dr. Young's many formulas for people's

different health needs is called Inner Light, Inc. This is a very appropriate

name for high-vibration products that really work and allow one's essential

radiance to shine through.

Until the end of 2002 (and possibly into 2003), I am offering these products AT

COST to people on my e-groups. It's my way of thanking the wonderful people who

share their knowledge and offer help to their list-mates. I know you will want

to see for yourself just how much these products can help improve your health as

well as the health of your loved ones. Give yourself the opportunity of a

lifetime -- a lifetime filled with quality, radiant health.

Here are the SPECIAL PRICES. (Inquire about other Inner Light products. I will

give you the same wholesale privilege for the glandulars, hormonal balancers,

etc. )

Inner Light's


These products are being sold virtually AT COST until the end of 2002 to

introduce people to Inner Light's superior supplements. See for yourself how

your health can improve!

Prices below include the highest state sales tax charged in the United States

and do NOT include shipping.


¼ pound . . . . . . . . $30.45 (about 38 servings)

180 grams . . . . . . . $43.55 (about 51 servings)

1 pound . . . . . . . . . $90.50 (151 servings)

One usual serving of Super Greens is 1 teaspoon in 1 quart / 1 liter of water.


1 ounce dropper bottle . . . . .$22.35 (120 servings)

2 ounce dropper bottle . . . . .$38.10 (240 servings)

4 ounce dropper bottle . . . . .$67.30 (480 servings)

One usual serving of Prime pH for the 1 ounce and 2 ounce bottles is 15 drops in

1 quart / liter of water.

One usual serving of Prime pH for the 4 ounce bottle is 5 drops in 1 quart /

liter of water (it's a bigger dropper).


Shipping: $5.00 or $6.00 or higher, depending on size and weight of package and

where product is being sent. Orders outside the United States will cost more to


Wholesale distributorships: Please call Nina Silver for more information.

Everyone in Nina's downline receives free product support from her and from Dr.

Ann Szaur, a licensed naturopath.

Payment: With certified bank check or money order, product ships immediately.

Personal checks must clear before product is shipped. Credit card or Paypal,

order ships immediately. (A nominal real-cost surcharge will be added for CC and

Paypal to pay for the processing.)


For orders and for FREE information, including detailed ingredients lists, some

scientific data, and testimonials, contact:

I wish you all the best of health!

Nina Silver, Ph.D.

Inner Light Representative

Center for Frequency Education

PO Box 952

Stone Ridge, New York 12484-0952

phone: 845-687-0963

email: ninas@...

For internet information on the products while you're waiting to hear from me:


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