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Re: Nouss-Ade for CFS---Jan

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Hi Jan:

Please let us know if you find out any more.




> Hi Everyone,


> I just spoke with a GP here in South Australia who is very excited

about this product called Nouss-ade which was developed by an 80

year old called Savva. And according to him the Nouss-ade

capsules are more an " energy " than anything else although it does

contain shitake mushroom. It sounds a bit " out there " . The site

refers to quantum physics. I haven't read it all yet, it was a bit

too much for my bain to take it all in, but I'd appreciate your



> http://www.ewebs4u.com/SampleSites/NOUSSADE/webcontent14.htm


> So this GP says he has a book of testimonials from people who are

taking it and are recovering from their CFS and fibromyalgia.

(which I will check out soon). He stated he is having better

results with this than anything else he has done for people with CFS

and FM, so long as they take the full dose. He is also giving it to

people with cancer because it rebalances the immune system.


> He also said that of all the people who are taking it, all are

delighted and nobody has reported any ill effects other than detox

symptoms. He said the results speak for themselves and relatives

and friends of those taking these capsules have been coming in to

get them too. He said that it detoxes, regenerates the immune

system and glands, normalising hormones etc. He also said it made

other vitamins and supplements etc. unnecessary.(??!!) People had

eliminated allergies, rickettsia, and the other associated CFS

conditions while taking these capsules. All these reports are



> It is available in UK and Australia and will be in US in about 5



> I am feeling rather skeptical, but hopeful. The cost here in

Australia (and in Australian dollars - so halve that for US$) is

AU$67.40 for 60 capsules, or if you buy in bulk (50 bottles)

AU$47.40 for 60. He said it works out at a cost of AU$4.50 per day

and you don't need to keep buying DHEA etc. or having mag or vit

injections anymore.


> Which all sounds like a good sales pitch. But if people are

getting results, I want to check it out. He said it is listed in the

TGA no. 58838.


> So anyone out there, know anything about Nouss-ade or have any

experience with it?


> Thanks,


> Jan.(Aust)









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