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Amalgams Removal

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Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 9:44 PM

>God!Can you give me some more info on this. My 5 or 6 amalgams were also

>replaced and I was not selective on composite formulations as I did not know

>it had some importance.I have two more to be replaced.So,there are different

>formulations of composites to? Are they as bad as amalgams for us. What can

>we do to select a formulation which would not be harmful.



>Can you give me list of numbing agents?

>Take care.


>BTW, if it is not too involved, what is your detox protocol that you will do

before, during and after?

>Kind regards,


Hi Nil and Trudy-

I will have more info on this when I go see my new DDS in two weeks cause I am

just a curious as you are. I have also corresponded with him via email about

the compatibaility issue. Of course, no metals in the mouth is a given. His

website talks about the Bis-GMA, a commonly used materials for the plastic/glass

composites are shown to act like estrogen mimics in rats. Because of my medical

history, I am SO reactive to any hormones or homone mimics. Even foods like

soy send me into a tizzy. So, I will be very interested in how I test and what

he recommends. You can rest assured that I will research it thoroughly this


I am now taking this so seriously that I have joined a metals list trying to

learn all I can about this. I have 5 amalgams left to go, two more problems

teeth that have a possible onlay issue and cleaning out an old root canal. A

sincere thank to a fellow list member who urged me to call DAMS, Intl.

800-311-6265. They sent me the BEST packet of info that covers just about

everything except the numbing agents and has a list of safe dentists by state.

I realise that the MOST important thing for me is to find the right dentist. I

checked through DAMS (they sent me a list), IOAMT, one of the Holistic Dentist

Assn. and other peoples referrals. IAOMT has a specific protocol that their

members have been trained in and they too have a list by state 407-298-2450.

Since there website is not completed yet, he had to give me the info over the


Thanks to another list member, she found the guy that I am going to consult with

in a few weeks and I have checked him out with all the info that he lists on his

bio. He also incorporates accupuncuture, cranial sacral work and kinesiology

into his practice. In speaking with his nurse, although they do offer the

Clifford test he has found that in general it may not be sensitive enough for

the type of patients that he sees. He does the kinesiology either way...if the

patients does or does not do the Clifford. She says that it happens quite

frequently that the Clifford will says something is ok then he will verify that

with kinesiology and find out that it may not be the case. So, we will see.

Kim posted these below links last month which have been a HUGE help. As you

will see, the Dr Cook site really got me stirred up on this whole materials

thing. I went over to my current dentist office the next day and had a 30 minute

conversation with him about what he used on the two amalgams that he removed.

After looking at the manufacturers website... AHHH!!!!!!!! Within days of

having these two replaced, the shoulder and neck pain started (these two teeth

are on those meridians). About three weeks after wards, my whole

hormone/thyroid thing went wacky. Now that I know what I allowed him to put in

my mouth...DUH! A few weeks ago, after reading the posts on activated charcoal,

I took some for a few day and do feel a little better. Now I know that because

of the way these two were removed, I probably inhaled a bunch of vapors,

swallowed some pieces and had some mercury released in the bood stream.

Perhaps the charcoal bound and carried it out of my body. When I see my new

dentist, I also plan to ask what I should do about these two that I just had


I did an Internet search and found a national assn for dental materials. It

took me about two days to get through all the info on the site. The

associations and those who have been thorough this have told me that this is why

finding the right dentist is key...with Clifford, kinesiology, etc., that

professional should help with the selection of the proper materials.

As far a numbing agents, a fellow list member had brought this up...I had not

even though about that! Another DUH! Anyway, she provided interesting info on

Marcaine which I guess has no preservative or Ephinerphrine (sp?) So, after the

DAMS info came, I called them cause they do not have anything in their packet

about the numbing products. He verbally gave me info about Septocaine not

breaking down into amaline which is a carcinogen and said that most of the other

" caines " do. And I also think has said something about a vasoconstrictor but

can't read my notes to know why I wrote that. He also said some are having good

luck with Ceitanest. Also, Marcaine with Demerol added for the " boost " is also

pretty common. Keep in mind, this in the brain fogged me on a phone call trying

to take notes, so please feel to critcise if I am not correct. But he did say

that this info is best discussed with the right dentist. Funny, that right

dentist thing keeps coming up.

When I placed my CFSN order, I also bought a skinny (my favorite type) book

called Dental Mercury Detox by the two Dr Ziff's and Dr Hanson. It has a heavy

duty supplement program before and during removals, the use of activate charcoal

during and after a minumim of a months wait after removal, a suggested detox

protocol. I plan to use some of the info in this book.

I am really overwhelmed by this whole thing and so sincerely welcome feedback

from others on their experience with this.


Holistic dentistry:

http://www.rmdentalcentre.com/article.cfm?artid=8 & catid=2



Biological Dentistry:



the test for toxins






Root canals and toxins:


The most dangerous of the toxins found in root canal treated teeth

are the thio-ethers which are closely related to mustard gas and

other poisonous gases.


The toxins in root canals:





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