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Connecticut for Pediatric Autism Research Legislation / Swim for Autism

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FEAT DAILY ONLINE NEWSLETTER Families for Early Autism Treatment

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" Healing Autism: No Finer a Cause on the Planet "



Connecticut for Pediatric Autism Research Legislation / Swim for Autism

Monday, August 23, 1999

[From Beth Curry]

Dear CT Autism Families:

I wanted to update you on the status of support for the proposed

federal Pediatric Autism legislation among the 8 individuals (six

congresspeople and two senators) comprising the CT congressional delegation.

I have pieced this information together from various sources (especially the

CAN and NAAR web sites - canfoundation.org and naar.org), so you might want

to check them out for the most accurate, and latest, information on the


For those of us heavily immersed in promoting access to effective

treatment, it may be hard to find the time to get involved in this issue.

But especially if you live in one of the only two CT congressional districts

whose representatives still haven't signed on for co-sponsorship, you might

want to try to make the time to write your congressperson a letter. By way

of background, our two Senators (Lieberman and Dodd) are co-sponsors of the

Senate version of this legislation, and four of our six congresspersons

(Larson, Shays, and DeLauro) are co-sponsors of the House version.

Now that Massachusetts Senator Kennedy has agreed (just a few days ago) to

co-sponsor the Senate version, the CT holdouts (both of whom are Democrats)

may be more receptive to changing their positions. Indeed, DeLauro

(another Democrat) changed her position at just about the same time Kennedy

did and it's probably not unrelated.

The two congressmen who currently are NOT supporting the legislation

are 5th district Congressman Jim Maloney (I *think* that's his district

number - he represents the Greater Waterbury area in the western part of the

state) and 2nd district Congressman Sam Gedjenson (who represents the

Eastern part of the state). Below I have copied portions of a sample letter

that appears at the Cure Autism Now (CAN) website to give you some ideas

about what you might say. You can find the exact address for Maloney and

Gedjenson, including the names of the principal contact person in their

office likely to be responsible for monitoring this kind of legislation, by

contacting CAN or NAAR.-----Beth Curry in CT

The Honorable Congressman X

United States Congress

Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Advancement in Pediatric Autism Act, House Bill 997

Dear Congressman X:

We are writing to you today, as residents of your congressional

district (or state, as the case may be), asking that you consider joining

the other members of the Connecticut Congressional delegation ( Larson,

Shays, , and DeLauro) in co-sponsorship of

House Bills HR 997 and HR 274. This important legislation stands to have a

tremendous effect on the future of hundreds of thousands of children, adults

and families living with autism - families like ours.

House Bill 997, " the Advancement in Pediatric Autism Research Act, "

already has more than 143 co-sponsors. A related bill, House Bill 274, " the

Autism Statistics, Surveillance, Research and Epidemiology Act, " has more

than 132 sponsors. In the Senate, the " Advancement in Pediatric Autism

Research Act, which combines the features of both House bills into a single

bill, has 37 co-sponsors, including Connecticut Senators ph Lieberman

and Dodd.

We are the parents of a child with autism - a devastating

neurological disorder. (You might insert here some personal information

about your child or how autism has affected your family's life.) We believe

that, with the help of the government and the scientific community, our

child can and will have a hopeful future.

We aren't alone. Autism currently affects over 400,000 individuals in

the U.S. and 1 in every 500 children born today. The 3rd most common

developmental disorder, autism is more prevalent than Downs syndrome,

childhood cancer or cystic fibrosis - at an annual cost to our nation of

over $13 billion. Yet it receives less than 15% of the funding of other less

common diseases.

To change these figures, we need the support of leaders like you. The

landmark legislation we are asking you to co-sponsor is designed to increase

the current allocation for autism from $15 million to over $40 million per

year for five years. It will establish Centers of Excellence for autism and

provide for a much needed awareness campaign. These are all steps that would

have been unheard of just a short time ago.

For over forty years autism was thought to be an emotional disorder

caused by trauma or bad parenting. This tragic mistake resulted in the loss

of an entire generation of children to medical progress. Now that we know

that autism is, in fact, a medical disorder for which medical

treatments and a cure can and will be found. We don't have another minute -

or another child - to lose.

Please contact your above named Connecticut colleagues, or original

co-sponsors Representative Jim Greenwood or Representative

, for more information on how you can become a co-sponsor of this

critical legislation.

Thank you in advance for your support and for believing, as we do, that

there is hope for a better future for children, adults and families who face

the daily struggles of autism.


* * *

Swimming for Autism ABA Program in NYC

King's Italian Restaurant and Catering in NYC (est. 1938)(5114-5115 Avenue N

Brooklyn NY 11234 718-252-3161) is proud to help sponsor:

1999 Swim for Hope and Supper to benefit Children with Autism

To benefit the Eden II School and New York Families for Autistic

Children (NYFAC)

Event Schedule:


Wednesday August 25 4-8:00 p.m.


$10.95 All you can eat pasta night at King's Italian Restaurant and

Catering in NYC (est. 1938)(5114-5115 Avenue N Brooklyn NY 11234

718-252-3161) All profits will be donated to charity. You will be able to

meet 43 yr. old long distance swimmer, scuba diver, photographer Ben Kramer

who happens to be autistic, and have him personally sign his Nature

photographs now available for sale at Kings, You will also be able to view

videotape of his daring rescue of a baby bald eagle. And lets not forget to

wish him luck with his amazing solo SWIM AROUND MANHATTAN ISLAND

Thursday August 26 6:30 am


Ben will enter the water at Battery Park and begin his swim which will

last 7 to 10 hours. So please come out and help us raise money for a good

cause and wish Ben luck!

Please make your tax deductible check payable to :


83-10 149th Ave.

Queens, New York 11414

A receipt will be available for cash donations if


editor: Lenny Schafer east coast editor: , Ph.D.

schafer@... CIJOHN@...

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