Guest guest Posted September 20, 2005 Report Share Posted September 20, 2005 A call to all researchers out there! Has anyone come across any more information that suggests taurine helps thiamine metabolism. This was what Kim Allsup - who I mentioned in a previous post - said in her original newsgroup postings. I wrote to her a while ago and asked her which articles she was referring to for her statement (taurine acts likes a switch for thiamine, etc.). Note the information about high energy phosphates along with B1, B6 and magnesium in the abstract for the article titled " Effects of magnesium, high energy phosphates, piracetam and thiamin on erythrocyte transketolase " . I've been following the possibility that taurine and phosphorus are connected in some deeper way and am beginning to think that it might play some kind of regulatory role in the kidney. I have great article that I'd like to post to the Files section titled " Taurine, Analogues and Bone: A Growing Relationship " that suggests that the newest therapies to prevent bone loss may be taurine derivatives. If anyone can tell me how to do this, I'd appreciate it. As a sidenote, there's some interesting research being done on polar bears that is investigating whether or not taurine deficiency plays a role in the development of rickets: Adding to that, there's an abstract that suggests a significant number of people with CFS have phosphate diabetes. Maybe the impaired thiamin metabolism is coming from phosphate depletion brought on by abnormalities in taurine production or from deficiency???? I'd love to hear any one's comments: Kim Allsup pointed me to the following two articles: Vopr Med Khim. 1995 Nov-Dec;41(6):36-42. [On vitamin B1 metabolism in avitaminosis and its correction with thiamine and taurine] [Article in Russian] Chernikevich IP, Gritsenko EA, Lisitskaia IM, Luchko TA. The levels of phosphate esters and the activities of thiamine biotransformation enzymes in the blood and tissues of albino rats were studied during oxythiamine-induced B1 deficiency and after metabolic correction with thiamine and taurine. Among thiamine phosphates, the most informative indicators of thiamine deficiency were shown to be triphosphate esters and free thiamine diphosphate. The biosynthetic enzymes thiamine kinase and thiamine diphosphate kinase played a decisive role in maintaining the initial rate and in recovering the physiologically active forms of vitamin B1. The activation of hydrolytic enzymes of thiamine phosphate esters occurred by producing abundant free thiamine diphosphate and thiamine triphosphate. Within the first hours, taurine favoured the acceleration of phosphoester biosynthesis and, accumulating in the tissues, inhibited vitamin phosphorylation reactions. PMID: 8619301 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] J Am Coll Nutr. 1994 Apr;13(2):144-8. Glycolysis abnormalities in fibromyalgia. Eisinger J, Plantamura A, Ayavou T. Department of Rheumatic Diseases--Centre Hospitalier, Toulon, France. OBJECTIVE: Primary fibromyalgia (FM) is a painful condition, generally treated by analgesic drugs and antidepressants, which has been associated with hyperpyruvicemia and reduced high energy phosphate in muscle. Biological investigations were performed in patients with FM to determine whether this syndrome was related to carbohydrate metabolism impairment. METHOD: Glycolysis was studied in 25 patients with FM, 10 patients with hypothyroidism (HO), 15 patients with osteoarticular chronic pain (OACP), and 36 healthy controls. Laboratory studies were performed on whole blood (pyruvate), erythrocytes (pyruvate kinase, 2-3 diphosphoglycerate, glyceraldehyde phosphodeshydrogenase, adenosine triphosphate), plasma and serum (lactate at rest and after forearm ischemic exercise, lactico deshydrogenase iso-enzymes). RESULTS: Comparisons between study groups and controls demonstrated increased pyruvate and decreased lactate production in FM and HO; adenosine triphosphate and muscular isoenzymes of lacticodeshydrogenase were decreased in FM only; glycolysis was not significantly impaired in OACP. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide support that FM is associated with biochemical abnormalities which require appropriate metabolic therapy. PMID: 8006296 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Here are some more articles by Eisinger that are probably worth a look: J Am Coll Nutr. 1998 Jun;17(3):300-2. Comment on: * J Am Coll Nutr. 1998 Jun;17(3):300. Alcohol, thiamin and fibromyalgia. (full text available at Eisinger J. Publication Types: * Comment * Letter PMID: 10691388 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] J Am Coll Nutr. 1997 Feb;16(1):96-8. Comment on: * J Am Coll Nutr. 1996 Jun;15(3):197-8. * J Am Coll Nutr. 1996 Jun;15(3):231-6. Thiamin and cognitive impairment. Eisinger J. Publication Types: * Comment * Letter PMID: 9013441 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Rev Med Interne. 1994 May;15(6):387-9. Related Articles, Links [Erythrocyte transketolases and Alzheimer disease] [Article in French] Eisinger J, Arroyo P, Braquet M, Arroyo H, Ayavou T. Service de rhumatologie et medecine geriatrique, hopital s-Clemenceau, Toulon, France. Abnormalities of thiamin metabolism have been reported in senile dementia of Alzheimer's type (SDAT). Transketolases (TK) were studied in 21 patients with SDAT, 24 age-matched controls and 12 chronic alcoholics. Erythrocytes were assessed for their TK activity coefficient (TK-AC, normal value 8.4 +/- 12.6%) and affinity for thaimin pyrophosphate (Km TPP, normal value 17.8 +/- 8.3 mumol). Comparison between study groups and controls demonstrated increased TK-AC in SDAT (16.6 +/- 15.7%, P < 0.05) and chronic alcoholism (43.4 +/- 40.6%, P < 0.05), and increased Km TPP (38.3 +/- 25.2 mumol, P < 0.01) in SDAT only. These findings suggest structural abnormalities of TK rather than vitamin B1 deficiency in SDAT. PMID: 8059170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Magnes Res. 1994 Mar;7(1):59-61. Related Articles, Links Effects of magnesium, high energy phosphates, piracetam and thiamin on erythrocyte transketolase. Eisinger J, Bagneres D, Arroyo P, Plantamura A, Ayavou T. Department of Rheumatology, C.H.I. Toulon, La Seyne/mer, France. Erythrocyte transketolase activity coefficient (ETK-AC) and affinity for coenzyme (Km TPP) were assessed in 50 patients with transketolase abnormalities such as fibromyalgia or senile dementia of Alzheimer's type, before and after magnesium (Mg), thiamin+pyridoxine (B1,B6), high energy phosphates (HEP) (phosphocreatinine of adenosine triphosphate), and piracetam. Compared to 12 untreated patients, ETK-AC was significantly decreased with B1,B6 (P < 0.05, n = 10); Km-TPP was significantly decreased with HEP (P < 0.05, n = 20) and piracetam (P < 0.01, n = 5). In nine other patients treated with HEP + B1,B6 + magnesium, ETK-AC and Km TPP were both significantly decreased. PMID: 8054263 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Postgrad Med J. 1998 Apr;74(870):229-32. Comment in: * Postgrad Med J. 1998 Nov;74(877):701. Phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. De Lorenzo F, Hargreaves J, Kakkar VV. Beatrice Research Centre, London, UK. Phosphate depletion is associated with neuromuscular dysfunction due to changes in mitochondrial respiration that result in a defect of intracellular oxidative metabolism. Phosphate diabetes causes phosphate depletion due to abnormal renal re-absorption of phosphate be the proximal renal tubule. Most of the symptoms presented by patients with phosphate diabetes such as myalgia, fatigue and mild depression, are also common in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, but this differential diagnosis has not been considered. We investigated the possible association between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes in 87 patients who fulfilled the criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Control subjects were 37 volunteers, who explicitly denied fatigue and chronic illness on a screening questionnaire. Re-absorption of phosphate by the proximal renal tubule, phosphate clearance and renal threshold phosphate concentration were the main outcome measures in both groups. Of the 87 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, nine also fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for phosphate diabetes. In conclusion, we report a previously undefined relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and phosphate diabetes. Phosphate diabetes should be considered in differential diagnosis with chronic fatigue syndrome; further studies are needed to investigate the incidence of phosphate diabetes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and the possible beneficial effect of vitamin D and oral phosphate supplements. PMID: 9683977 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] And here's another one that might be relevant for fibromyalgia: Rev Rhum Engl Ed. 1995 Mar;62(3):175-81. Adult-onset idiopathic phosphate diabetes. I. Chronic pseudoinflammatory back pain and osteopenia. Amor B, Clemente-Coelho PJ, Rajzbaum G, Poiraudeau S, Friedlander G. Clinique de Rhumatologie, Hopital Cochin, Paris. STUDY OBJECTIVE: to investigate clinical, laboratory test, and bone mineral density abnormalities in 19 adults with phosphate diabetes of unknown etiology diagnosed in a rheumatology department on the basis of a maximal rate for tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TmPO4/GFR) of 0.77 or less. RESULTS: there were 14 males and five females with a mean age of 36.7 years (range 20 to 68 years) at symptom onset and 43.9 years (24-70) at diagnosis. Seventeen patients (90%) had back pain and 13 (68%) had nerve root pain. The pain was nocturnal only or both nocturnal and diurnal in 14 cases (74%). Other manifestations were fatigue (n = 7, 37%), myalgia (n = 6, 32%), fracture (n = 6, 32%), renal colic (n = 4, 21%), and pseudodepression (n = 10, 53%). Laboratory test abnormalities were as follows: serum phosphate, 0.72 mmol/L (0.58-0.89); rate for tubular reabsorption of phosphate, 74% (54-84%); maximal rate for tubular reabsorption of phosphate, 0.58 (0.4-0.76); urinary calcium/urinary creatinine > 0.48 in nine patients (47%); and fractional potassium excretion > 20% in seven patients (37%). Normal values were found for serum levels of Ca++, Na++, Mg++, creatinine, cortisol, T3, T4, TSH, 25(OH)D3, and 1,25(OH)2 D3. Tests for glycosuria and amino aciduria were negative. Bone mineral density measurements showed z-scores of -2.13 (+0.9 to -4.25) at L2-L4, and -1.34 (+1.5 to -3.2) at the femoral neck. Bone histology showed osteoporosis with a mild increase in osteoid deposition. CONCLUSIONS: idiopathic adult-onset phosphate diabetes manifests as chronic back pain and nerve root pain, sometimes with fatigue and depression. Bone mineral density values are decreased and histology shows osteopenia. Differential diagnoses include spondyloarthropathy, disk disease, fibromyalgia, and depression. Determination of the maximal rate for tubular reabsorption of phosphate is the only means of establishing the diagnosis. PMID: 7788334 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] J Am Coll Nutr. 1990 Feb;9(1):56-7. Transketolase stimulation in fibromyalgia. Eisinger J, Ayavou T. Rheumatology Service, General Hospital, Toulon, France. Publication Types: * Clinical Trial PMID: 2407767 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Here is the link again to Kim Allsup's original newsgroup postings: MarkM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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