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Issels book is very interesting for all chronic diseases. This is

long but good! It was written in the 70's from www.issels.com.

Sunny thoughts,


Cancer: A Second Opinion, Chapter 8, Focus on Foci Focus on Foci

The " focus " has been described as a chronic, abnormal, local change

in the connective tissue, capable of producing the most varied

distant effects beyond its immediate surroundings, and therefore in

constant conflict with local and general defence (Pischinger and

Kellner). By this definition, even a fully-healed scar may sometimes

act as a focus, spreading disease to distant parts of the body. But

the foci we shall now examine will be confined to those of the teeth

and tonsils - in my view, the most lethal of all foci.

The emphasis I place on the removal of devitalised teeth and

chronically-diseased tonsils is one of the better-known aspects of my

work, but also one of the most criticised and misunderstood. I do

not, for instance, recommend that healthy tonsils and teeth be

removed from a healthy person. But I believe if they are diseased,

they cause the body's natural resistance to be lowered, thus acting

as an important contributory factor to tumour development. In these

cases, I insist on their removal.

It is sometimes argued that to carry out such operations on seriously

ill patients is unnecessarily cruel, even irrelevant. There are some

unpleasant side-effects, but in my opinion, the benefits - which I

will describe - more than make up for any temporary discomfort. It is

further argued that in the cancer patient, as much lymphatic tissue

as possible should be preserved, and therefore tonsillectomy should

not be carried out because even a diseased tonsil may retain some

useful defence potential. I used to believe this was so. I do not any

longer for reasons which will be evident.

The beneficial results of tonsillectomy with cancer patients were

first brought to my attention in 1953, and by chance. A tonsillectomy

was performed on an incurable cancer patient in my clinic who had

severe rheumatic pains and a long history of tonsillar disease. The

operation was done to relieve the woman's pain, but it was remarkably

successful in other ways as well: general toxic symptoms disappeared

and, most important of all, her pathologically rapid pulse rate was

reduced. Many cancer patients have a high pulse rate, reaching 140

and even 160, and this always leads to a poor prognosis, but in the

case of this woman, it was almost normalised. Soon her tumour began

to regress, and ultimately she recovered from her cancer.

This unexpected but welcome result encouraged me to arrange for

tonsillectomies on two further patients with tonsillar ailments, who

also had therapy-resistant cardiovascular disorders and toxic

symptoms. In these cases as well, following surgery, cardiovascular

and many other symptoms virtually disappeared. A positive " re-tuning "

of natural defence and a certain inhibition of tomour growth was also

observed. This improved situation naturally allowed more time for

active immunotherapy to work.

These early successes encouraged me to persevere with

tonsillectomies. Before making them virtually obligatory in my

clinic, forty percent of those who died there did so from heart

attacks. Afterwards the figure dropped to five percent. This, I

contend, is incontrovertible proof that tonsillogenic toxins find

their way into the bloodstream and eventually can cause, for

instance, a fatal myocardial disease. This is one reason why more

people die from heart disease than from any other.

In addition, my experience shows a direct connection between dental

and tonsillar foci and many of the illnesses responsible for early

debilitation and untimely invalidising.

It has long been generally accepted that head foci may give rise to

almost all kinds of chronic, and certain acute diseases, such as-to

mention a few-the manifold varieties of rheumatic and cardiovascular

conditions. The removal of such foci is today a routine part in the

conventional treatment of those diseases. However, the fact that head

foci are also a contributory cause in the development of neoplasia,

by lowering resistance, has received all too little acknowledgement.

The extent of the disease-provoking activity of a focus in distant

parts of the body depends on whether the body is able to oppose the

focus with its own defence mechanism. As long as the focal situation

is kept under control by the local defence mechanism, no focus-

induced remote effects will arise. On the other hand, distant effects

will arise when the body's resistance has more or less broken down:

control of head foci will then gradually collapse, and there will be

consequential gradual increase in generalized focogenic intoxication.

This will cause an inevitable deterioration of the body's defence

power with a concomitant promotion of malignant growth.

Nearly everybody is confronted with dental problems at some time in

their life, and even the most scrupulous dental care cannot guarantee

dental health. Endogenous factors, such as prenatal damage to the

embryonic dental tissue, as well as exogenous influences, such as

malnutrition and toxins, must essentially be held responsible for the

great number of dental diseases, be they a weak, susceptible

gingival, or gum; or teeth which are malpositioned, barreled or

impacted; or, worse of all, a disposition to decay.

Despite its porcelain-like surface, the crown enamel of the tooth is

vulnerable to decay. Enamel defects develop especially in the grooves

of the crown or on the adjacent surface of neighbouring teeth which

are difficult to clean.

Decay is not painful so long as it is confined to this nerveless

enamel layer. The onset of a toothache is the first noticeable sign

that the decay has invaded the dentine body of the tooth which,

unlike the enamel, does have nerves. If this decay is allowed to

continue, sooner or later the dentine will be completely penetrated,

and the pulp inside the tooth will then become inflamed.

As long as only the outer enamel and dentine are affected, the tooth

can be preserved. But a tooth with an inflamed pulp can no longer be

saved, and must be extracted without delay.

In an understandable desire to preserve as many teeth as possible, to

maintain the masticatory apparatus and its functions, attempts are

often made to save teeth which are in fact lost. There is a

widespread conviction that this can be done without risk by the

sterile evacuation of the pulp, and then refilling the cavity. For

decades, the erroneous belief was held that, after such treatment,

the tooth is an isolated, lifeless thing, no longer involved in any

of the body's processes. This assumption was originally based on the

premise that the pulp cavity had only one orifice to the apex of the

root below, and by filling, this opening was sealed. However, the

dentinal canal does not end in just one opening; instead, it

resembles a tree with many branches which penetrate the tooth's body

in all directions.

The finer details of the entire dental structure have been

exhaustively studied by Austrian researchers. They have established

that there is a lively metabolic interchange between the interior and

exterior milieu of the tooth, and that this two-way process takes

place along many thousands of hyperfine, capillary canals joining the

pulp cavity to the exterior surface of the tooth.

Very careful conservation measures may possibly seal off the vertical

central-medial-tube of the dentinal canal, but it will never reach

the lateral " twigs " branching off from this tube. Nor can it ever

close off the innumerable capillary canals. Some protein will always

remain in these secondary spaces. If this protein becomes infected,

toxic catabolic products will be produced, and conveyed into the


It was established in 1960 by W. Meyer (Goettingen) that within

devitalized teeth the dentinal canals and dental capillaries contain

large microbial colonies. The toxins produced by these microbes in a

tooth with a root filling can no longer be evacuated into the mouth,

but must be drained away through the cross-connections and unsealed

branches of the dentinal and capillary canals into the marrow of the

jawbone. From there, they are conveyed to the tonsils, and thus the

flow systems of the body. In fact, the conservation treatment may

literally convert a tooth into a toxin producing " factory " .

A devitalized tooth is no longer able to perceive and control

inflammatory processes even when suppuration has invaded the

surrounding bone spaces of the tooth's socket; it rarely gives

warning signals, for instance through pain, and therefore there is

nothing to induce the patient to have this dangerous toxic foci

removed. It then may be left to develop its devastating effect on the

organism for decades or even for a lifetime.

When the inflammation spreads to the marrow of the tooth socket, it

can cause osteomyelitis. Its further course is determined by whether

and for how long the local defence is able to keep the focal

disturbance under control.

If the body's local resistance is intact, the inflammation is

enclosed by a capsule of connective tissue known as the dental

granuloma. This membranous cyst prevents its toxic contents from

spreading into the organism. Radiographs of these teeth show

granuloma cysts as more or less marked transparencies at the apex of

the root. This type of tooth is called X-ray positive.

If the body's local resistance is weakened to such an extent that the

inflammatory process cannot be encapsulated by the granuloma cyst,

the toxins will be able to advance unhindered into the marrow spaces,

the tonsils, and into the body. In this case, it is proof that - as

stressed by Pischinger and Kellner - the organism has become largely

incapable of reaction. Radiographs of these teeth as a rule show no

transparencies, and are therefore called X-ray negative.

In my cancer patients, I have found that such non-encapsulated foci -

that is those who show X-ray negative - were particularly common, as

one would expect from people whose body resistance has been lowered.

Today there is general agreement that dental foci should be cleared

away, and it has become usual to diagnose them by X-ray.

Unfortunately, only some of the dental foci can be discovered by this

means. Encapsulated foci can be recognized only if large enough, and

if not concealed by the tooth's shadow. And definite X-ray signs are

much rarer in non-encapsulated osteomyelitic processes. It is

therefore the most dangerous of all dental foci which most frequently

prove X-ray negative. Even with X-ray positive dental film, only

those foci can be recognized which happen to be situated outside

shadows. Since X-ray negative foci often escape treatment - and they

are the ones the body has failed to resist effectively - they can

continue to develop their destructive effects unhindered.

My clinical experience has produced evidence of a causal connection

between foci and tumour development, and in this respect, the results

obtained with the aid of an infra-red test are especially significant.

Any inflammatory disease focus creates on its corresponding skin

surface a pathological increase of infra-red emission; the higher the

activity of the focus, the more pronounced it is. Using an infra-red

sensitive instrument (Schwamm's infra-red toposcope), the intensity

of this emission can be continuously monitored and measured.

Observation shows a close interrelation between the infra-red

emission of head foci and that of the neoplasial region. That is,

after treatment, a decrease in the infra-red activity of dental foci

was as a rule accompanied by a decrease in infra-red emission over

the tumour areas.

From this it is clear that the advisable treatment for devitalized

teeth is extraction.

But even this is not always enough. My experience has further shown

that also living teeth may sometimes be so damaged that their

pathogenic potential almost equals that of devitalized teeth. For

instance, latent chronic pulpitis may arise in a tooth that appears

outwardly healthy, thus having a focal effect.

The diagnosis and treatment of dental foci remains generally

unsatisfactory. A survey conducted at my clinic found that, on

admission, ninety-eight percent of the adult cancer patients had

between two and ten dead teeth, each one a dangerous toxin

producing " factory " . Very often we are confronted with X-ray negative

dead teeth, root remnants, and residual ostitis which had not been

diagnosed and therefore had not been removed.

Only total, thorough dental treatment will really succeed in giving

the body's defence a chance. In addition to X-ray diagnosis, it is

therefore necessary to use other diagnostic aids, such as infra-red

techniques, tests, to estimate tooth vitality and periosteal

resistance, and other electrometric methods.

The diagnosis of foci in teeth had been greatly improved by electro-

acupuncture. It is now possible to differentiate foci not only with

regard to their type and position, but also to their virulence and

pathogenic efficacy. The result of focus treatment can consequently

be observed and improved, before, during, and after dentistry, to an

extent never known before (Kramer).

If total treatment is to be performed, it is necessary to remove not

only any devitalized teeth but also any hidden dental foci remaining

in the jaw.

Further, total removal of devitalized teeth and their roots must not

be the end of the dentist's activities. Each alveolus - the tooth's

socket in the jaw - should be radically cleared down to the healthy

bone. In that way the development of the residual ostitis or of a

cystoma may be prevented. It is not only the tooth which may be a

focus, the but the adjacent tooth-fixing apparatus as well.

There are four different ways by which dental foci - and indeed all

foci - can affect the organism and contribute to the development of

secondary damages:

1. The " neural " way of affecting the organism.

When a focus develops anywhere in the transit tissues, the

mesenchyme, the process is centripetally projected from the terminal

neural organs around the irritated area, along the neural ducts, up

to the corresponding control cells within the central nervous system.

The irritation originating from a focus can, under certain

conditions, trigger off the mechanism of a neural dystrophy - a slow

degeneration - which may show itself in localized effects in other

areas, but also in a generalized dystrophic disturbance.

In the 1950s it was shown that these manifestations are based on

depolarizing processes in the affected neural cells, and in the

corresponding tissues of the body's periphery (Fleckenstein and

Ernsthausen). By elimination of the focus, the affected tissues may

be repolarised. The most striking example of this repolarisation is

called " second-phenomenon " .

Ferdinand Huneke, the founder of neural therapy whose remarkable

contribution in this regard we shall look at in detail later,

discovered over forty years ago that injection of a local anaesthetic

near a primary focus may immediately remove any symptoms of distant

disease induced by the focus. This effect - the second-phenomenon -

usually takes place only a few seconds after the anaesthetic

injection, and lasts for hours, days, or even for a lifetime.

Naturally the improvement occurs only in those regions influenced by

the injected focus. Nevertheless, the measure has therefore a

remarkable diagnostic value as well.

Since neural therapy only neutralizes the neural effect of a focus,

the focus itself must, of course, be removed after such treatment, in

order to eliminate its latent toxic or allergenetic action.

Conversely, any focal surgery must be followed by desensitizing and

neural-therapeutic measures.

The only exceptions to this rule are, for instance, featureless scars

or other spots with no inflammatory change which produce only neural

distant effects without at the same time causing any toxic,

microbial, or allergic secondary phenomena.

2. The " toxic-way " of affecting the organism.

The toxic activity of odontogenic foci is probably far more perilous

for the organism than their neural effects. The mechanism of this

distant toxic activity, as well as the characteristics of the toxic

compounds involved, have been largely ascertained.

Odontogenci compounds are the gangrenous contents of an inflamed pulp

cavity and its adjoining spaces. It consists of detritus and

decaying, formerly vital substrates which have been necrobiotically

altered - commonly found in tissues destroyed by inflammation,

liquefaction and microbial putrefaction. Thus there can be little

doubt that they are genuine necrogenous toxins, including for

instance autologous proteinic and higher-molecular fission products

resulting from enzyme cleavage and other biogenic conversions.

The identity and chemical struction of certain of the biogenic amines

were mainly clarified in the 1950s by Schug-Koesters, Hiller,

Gaebelein and others of the University of Munich. Following similar

findings in America, the metabolic and exchange processes in solid

dental structures were further investigated by the German researcher

Spreter von Kreudenstein. He showed that drugs injected intravenously

were, four to five hours later, discernible within the intradental

capillary ducts or even devitalized teeth, and in a concentration

only slightly lower than in the blood.

That endodental exchange may also take place in the opposite

direction has been reported by Bartelstone (USA) and Djerassi

(Bulgaria). If radio-iodine, I-131, is deposited in an evacuated pulp

cavity which is then sealed off with a filling, the iodine will

appear in the thyroid some twenty hours later, as can be demonstrated

by taking a scintograph of the thyroid region. Similarly, dyes can be

washed out of a sealed pulp cavity.

All these findings prove conclusively that within solid dental

structures, there may proceed an unimpeded substantial interchange in

either direction. Consequently, odontogenic toxins, wherever they may

have been produced, are able to diffuse and circulate within the


The pathogenic significance of these " endotoxins " has been

investigated by the German study group of Eger-Miehlke. They examined

the changes in healthy experimental animals after injection of

accurately defined, minimal quantities of the endotoxins from an

odontogenous granuloma.

A single injection of a minimal dose seemed to develop a defence-

activation effect. But after repeated injections, there was severe

liver damage, and the animals died within weeks. Apart from the fatal

liver damage, inflammatory and degenerative changes were found in all

other organs, especially in the joints, muscles, and blood vessels.

These results brought clear experimental proof for the first time

that focogenic toxins act as causal agents for severe diseases in

animals corresponding to similar chronic conditions in man.

The most dangerous of all odontogenous toxins are undoubtedly the

thio-ethers, for instance dimethylsulfide. In a series of tests

performed at my clinic, it was observed that patients with

odontogenous and tonsillar foci had a heightened level of

dimethylsulfide in their blood. After intensive treatment of the

foci, this level returned to normal in just a few days.

Thio-ethers are closely related, both in their structure and their

effect, to mustard gas and other poison gases used in the First World

War. The extreme toxicity of the poison gases and thio-eithers can be

attributed to the following properties:

They are weakly basic, therefore " electro-negative " , and thus they

are deposited particularly in " electro-positive " cells such as those

of the transit tissues as well as those of the defensive tissues.

They are soluble in the lipids, and therefore have a pronounced

tendency to enrich themselves in the lipoid-containing cellular

structures, especially in mitochondria.

These subcellular organelles, attached to their lipoid membranes,

contain the enzymatic structures responsible for the maintenance of

aerobic metabolism - a precondition for full functioning power in all

the body's cells and tissues. If these indispensable units are

damaged, the most serious consequences will follow. Because they are

the most vulnerable cellular organelles, mitochondria are a favourite

and almost exclusive target for thio-ethers. The action of thio-

ethers is effected in three main ways:

Since thio-ethers tend to combine with electro-positive metal ions

and many bio-elements which act as co-effectors or activators of

numerous enzymes of absolutely vital importance, and as our present-

day average diet is deficient in essential substrates such as

vitamins and bio-metals, this deficiency is enhanced. Much of the

daily intake of bio-metals, usually deposited in the fluids of a

focally affectd organism, will be made permanently ineffective; the

more foci, the greater will become the deficiency.

Thio-ethers are " partial " antigens, haptens, and thus they also tend

to combine with the normal proteins in the body, " denaturising " them.

Such denatured proteins become " non-self " agents which the body must

deal with as such. The production of antibodies adapted to the

situation will be provoked, and they will home in on the target

antigens wherever they are. The process of " auto-aggression " will be

set in motion: self-destruction of agents alien to the organism.

Extensive structural cellular damage will result, increasing with age.

The famous biologist, Otto Warburg, twice winner of the Nobel Prize,

has shown that aerobically-blocked cells - as caused by thio-ethers -

will increase their anaerobic metabolism in an attempt to maintain

their vigour. In doing so, they acquire the characteristics of

malignant cells. Therefore, chemical agents capable of inactivating

the aerobic process while increasing the anaerobic process are

usually classed as carcinogenous compounds.

Druckrey (Heidelberg) found inter alia that transformation of a

normal cell into a malignant cell requires a certain quantity of a

carcinogen -the carcinogenic minimum dose. It does not matter whether

this quantity is supplied in a single dose or in a number of smaller

doses, because the toxic effects of each dose are stored, and

accumulate without loss. The carcinogens held primarily responsible

for the development of spontaneous cancer in man are those:

Which inhibit the aerobiosis even in minimal quantities without at

the same time immediately destroying the cell, and, which are

constantly present in the organism in this minimal concentration of

either endogenous or exogenous origin; they can therefore accumulate

during the normal life expectancy gradually and unnoticeably until

the total quantity necessary for malignisation is reached.

There is hardly a carcinogen which so completely fulfils these

conditions as do thio-ethers. Incessantly, from the moment the pulp

is removed, hour by hour, year by year, minimal amounts of these most

virulent of all the odontogenous toxins will be released into the

circulation - minimal doses, but nevertheless sufficient to more or

less totally paralyse the aerobic action of the cell.

The nervous system is thus doubly affected by focal intoxication.

Firstly, by the increasing destruction of the neural ducts which

mediate between the control centers and the peripheral areas, thus

sometimes initiating neurogenic dystrophy. And secondly, by the

immediate intoxication of neural cells caused by the toxins spreading

through the liquid vehicles of the flow systems, such as the blood

and lymph.

The more mitochondria a cell contains, the more it will be damaged by

the enzyme-inhibiting effect of thio-ether compounds. Therefore it is

the vital organs - the liver, nervous system, endocrine glands,

heart, and reticuloendothelial system - whose cells may consist of up

to one-fifth of mitochondria, that are primarily affected. Apart from

disturbing regulatory control, odontogenous toxins will also cause

additional damage almost throughout the body. Naturally, the higher

the book-level of focogenous toxins, the more severe will be their


The close interlacing of the lymphatic and endocrine systems in the

head, make it unavoidable that brain cells are more intensively

toxified by the circulating focogenous agents and may suffer

particularly heavy damage. The lymph ducts of the head region join

Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, and if there is such congestion, waste

fluids will be pressed through the porous base of the skull into the

lymphatic spaces of the brain. Toxogenous changes, especially within

autonomic nuclei, are regularly found in cancer patients, as verified

in the 1930s by Muehlmann (USSR), and they may be a consequence of a

life-long inhibition of cerebral aerobiosis due to focogenous


The cerebral damage (diencephalosis) and the subsequent loss of

vitality in cancer patients is accompanied by the number of other

symptoms. The emission of hypothalamic energy impulses, recordable by

a Voll's electro-acupuncture device, are reduced in patients with

focal disease. The autonomic vigour is relaxed, creating " regulation

rigidity " : carcinomas tend to parasympathicotonic derailment; in

sarcomas and systemic diseases, as a rule the opposite is found -

sympathicotonic derailment (Regelsberger, Gratzl-, Rilling et

al). the diurnal, circadian regulation of the acid-base balance is

lost (Sander). At the same time, there will exist a distinct

inhibition of other diurnal control functions, for instance of blood

sugar, cholesterol, and mineral metabolism, and many other metabolic

parameters are greatly restricted (Hinsberg).

The lack of vigour and control efficiency is not, of course, without

effect on the patient's psychic condition. Vegetative disorder is

therefore generally accompanied by neurasthenic dystonia -

characterized by the diminishing vitality and autonomic instability.

3. The " allergic " way of affecting the organism. The toxic effects of

thio-ethers overlap those caused by higher-molecular odontogenous

toxins as already described.

Antibodies are formed to fight these substances, eventually leading

to the destructive processes in toxified cells. Since the organ-

destroying antibodies or defence enzymes are excreted by the kidneys,

they can be diagnosed in the urine by the abderhalden test. In this

way we can precisely deduce, in most cases, which organs have

suffered secondary damage (Abderhalden, Dyckerhoff et all).

The extent of secondary lesions can also be demonstrated indirectly

by vaccine treatment. Using desensitizing vaccines made from

focogenous agents, reactions are caused in regions affected by

distant focal effects which may become evident in regional as well as

general symptoms.

It is thus clear that the development of cancer disease is, in more

ways that one, closely linked with focal events.

4. The " bacterial " way of affecting the organism.

Bacterial dissemination from primary dental foci as a rule takes

place with barely perceptible symptoms, and may be followed by the

formation of " secondary foci " in other regions. These include, inter

alia, foci in the paranasal sinuses, gall-bladder, appendix,

prostate, and renal pelvis.

Above all, bacterial dissemination tends to produce microfoci or

microthrombi in veins, and they in turn have a tendency to thrombosis

or thrombophlebitis, possibly with concomitant embolism.

Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, so common in cancer patients, and

generally regarded as resulting from disordered metabolism, are due

not only to the dyscrasia of those patients, but also to the manifold

effects of dental foci.

Shakow (Moscow), in collaboration with several clinics, has carried

out an interesting investigation involving more the 1200 young pupils

at a boarding school. Over a period of six years, it was seen that

students with devitalized teeth had three times as many illnesses as

those with healthy dentition. By removing devitalized teeth in these

young patients, up to eighty percent of their illnesses were cured.

We have now seen how decisively the entire organism is affected by

dental foci not properly treated, and what catastrophic results

destruction of the pulp may entail. Dentists must, therefore, bear in

mind that there is no root treatment which does not inevitably

produce foci.

The dentists' task is only secondarily cosmetic; primarily it must be

preventive and curative. The over-riding consideration must not be

conservation of the tooth but preservation of its vitality. If this

is impossible, even the most beautiful crown must not delude us that

the lifeless tooth beneath is anything other than a " corpse in a

golden coffin " , whose decomposition toxins slowly but surely are

destroying the organism (Bircher-Benner).

Other foci in the jaw, for instance ostitis, cysts, foreign bodies,

gingivitis, and malposition of teeth may also develop focal effects.

It goes without saying that these foci and centers of irritation must

be removed.

The dentist should always remember that he has a vital role to

prevent the development of chronic illness and, most important of

all, to decisively reduce the hazard of cancer.

Now let us turn to tonsillar foci.

Chronically inflamed tonsils are primary head foci which sometimes

have an even more damaging effect on the organism as a whole than

dental foci. They can participate in the development of chronic

illness, including cancer, by the four ways already described for

dental foci: by neural, toxic, allergic, and bacterial means. There

are also similar connections between the development of cancer and

tonsillar foci as there are between cancer and dental foci. For

instance, after removing the tonsils, there is a decrease of infra-

red radiation over the tumour, and sometimes even a shrinking of the


The three tonsils in man, that is, the naso-pharyngeal tonsil, or

adenoid, and the two tonsils proper, the palatine tonsils in the

pockets between the anterior and posterior palatine arches in the

back region of the mouth, together with other seemingly insignificant

lymphoepithelial organs, form Waldeyer's tonsillar ring.

The tonsils are excretion organs by which the lymphocytes, microbes,

toxin-laden lymph, and other matter, are discharged (Roeder). Even in

healthy people, the tonsils may contain plugs - sometimes wrongly

described as pus - which consist mainly of fatty acids, cholesterol,

and other slag substances clearly characterizing them as excretion.

The pale-coloured plugs form in the shallow depressions on the

tonsils' surface - the tonsillar crypts - and are expelled into the

oral cavity and swallowed. The excretions of the tonsils may also

contain dental toxins.

The tonsillar crypts have been described as the places where the

physiologically obligatory bacterial flora are hatched. This flora

colonises the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and the other

air passages. The tonsils also produce antibodies, and undesirable

microbes and their toxins are rendered harmless. Thus they have an

immunizing or detoxicating purpose and must be regarded as a

functional analogue of the lymph organs of the intestinal mucous

membrane, and, like the latter, as an important part of the body's

defence system.

Healthy tonsils have a pale, pink, surface, and are normally almond

or bean-sized. Their size and reaction capacity are determined not

only by functional demands and loads, but also to some extent by each

individual's inherited constitution. With an inherited disposition to

lymphatic diathesis, due mainly to heavy hereditary infection, there

is regularly found a congenital enlargement or hyperplasia of the

tonsils. This is always accompanied by an increased disposition to

inflammatory reactions. Inflammatory reactions are also caused by

their physiological function. A normally subliminal, and therefore

symptomless tonsillitis, thus belongs to the " normal bodily state of

man " (Leuscher).

Whenever large quantities of toxic and waste substances have to be

excreted, the blood perfusion and inflammatory activity of the

tonsils will increase. This state is often accompanied by painful

swelling and reddening of the tonsils, and is described, depending on

its subsequent course, as acute, sub-acute, or if occurring

repeatedly, chronic tonsillitis.

I shall now concentrate on chronic, and especially on degenerative

tonsillitis, because, under certain conditions, dangerous focal

processes develop from it which are of causal importance for the

origin of all chronic illnesses, including cancer.

Although each case of chronic tonsillitis is due to the same

mechanism, it is possible to distinguish between three different

groups. The first group includes those chronic tonsillitis cases

which arise in healthy tonsillar tissues capable of response,

following frequent attacks of acute tonsillitis, or angina; they have

been called upon to repeatedly react to infective irritation, and to

excrete toxins. Each new attack leads to an increase in volume,

perfusion, and activity. They are then in a high state of readiness

for defence. But if such inflammations occur with increasing

frequency, the tonsils gradually lose their reaction capacity and

defensive power, and atrophy. Too much has been asked of them.

The second group includes those tonsillar foci which develop under

certain conditions from congenitally enlarged or hyperplastic

tonsils. This kind of hyperplasia can be so extensive that the fauces

are completely obstructed. Unfortunately it is still common practice

to reduce their size by partially lopping off these hyperplastic

tonsils. The tonsils are thereby deprived of the shallow depressions -

the crypts - so indispensable to their purpose; the excretory

function cannot take place without an intact surface with open

crypts. After a tonsillotomy lopping-off operation, the remaining

crypts are always narrowed or closed by scar tissue, the substances

to be excreted are cut off from their air supply (Voss), and are

therefore un-aerobically decomposed with the formation of toxic

decomposition products. It follows that lopping-off should not be

performed. These tonsils should be totally removed, even if they are

not yet causing any recognizable distant effects.

The third group of tonsillar foci, in cancer patients the most

common, comprises the seemingly healthy, but small, congenitally

underdeveloped and functionally deficient tonsils. A history of

tonsillar symptoms is usually absent in these patients. Their tonsils

are " unremarkable " , but firmly fused with their base, and cannot

easily be dislodged.

What these three main groups of chronic tonsillitis have in common is

a focal-toxigenic effect progressively increasing with age, and a

tendency sooner or later to atrophy. This process will be accelerated

if there is an additional and continuous passive exposure to

odontogenous toxins.

The close connection between teeth and tonsils was proven when it was

observed that Indian ink injected into a sealed dental cavity

appeared as spots on the tonsillar surface in about twenty to thirty

minutes. These experiments showed that pathogenic substances from the

jaw region, including toxins from devitalized teeth, are conducted to

the lymphatic tonsillar ring, there to be detoxicated and excreted.

Besides their " natural " physiological load, the tonsils are thus

additionally exposed to continuous attack by odontogenous toxins

provoked by the devitalisation of teeth.

We have already seen how dangerous these dental toxins are. It is

inevitable that they eventually have a severe effect on the active

lymphoepithelial tonsillar tissue. So long as the cells destroyed by

dental toxins can be regeneratively replaced, the functional capacity

of the tonsils will not be seriously impaired. But if the destroyed

lymphoepithelial tissue is increasingly replaced by inactive scar

tissue - by tissue unable to execute its defence function - the

excretion, detoxication, and defence capacity of the tonsils will

progressively diminish and eventually be extinguished.

With the loss of reactive lymphatic tissue, the tonsils lose their

ability to give warning signs by inflammation; they not longer offer

this usual signal for trouble. According to Kellner, this lack of

symptoms signifies a definite inability to continue to further

reaction. In such tonsils, the attacking toxins are no longer

excreted; on the contrary, they are channeled into the organism via

the vascular system.

It goes without saying that this development will take place far more

quickly when less lymphoepithelial tissue is still present. In

congenital tonsillar deficiency, there is, a priori, so little active

tissue that its complete destruction can in certain cases be

accomplished in a relatively short time. Normally developed, or

hyperplastic tonsils if not lopped off, will withstand the dental

infection considerably longer. But they too will sooner or later


The final stage of all three forms of chronic tonsillitis is

therefore " atrophically degenerating tonsillitis " . On medical

examination, the findings here are small, atrophic tonsils which show

no sign of inflammation but, unlike healthy tonsils, they cannot be

dislodged by the surgeon's spatula. When removing them, they have to

be dissected from their bed, so firmly fused are they to the

surrounding tissue. Whereas with healthy tonsils the colour of the

anterior palatine arch does not differ from that of the oral mucous

membrane, in atrophically degenerating tonsillitis there is a bluish

discoloration of the palatine arch. The uvula is mostly gelatinously

thickened. The tonsils themselves, however, may still appear

externally healthy.

Even normal-sized or enlarged tonsils may already have extensive

degenerative changes and consist mainly of hardened scar tissue which

of course is unable to neutralize toxins. There then follows the

formation of usually quite latent and painless chronic tonsillar and

retrotonsillar abscesses. Here we find the highly pathogenic beta-

haemolytic streptococci of Group A - responsible for many chronic

illnesses, and whose toxins spread through the organism and

contribute to the development of secondary lesions, of resistance

deficiency, and of the tumour milieu.

Apart from the directly allergenic and toxinic activity of these

products, continuous toxic attack always leads to an alteration of

the tonsillar (lymphoid) cells. Their proteinic structure is so

altered that the organism is induced to form antibodies against

these, its own, cells which have become foreign to it, antibodies

which finally turn against healthy lumphocytes as well, and thus

considerably weaken the lymphatic defence system of the whole


With the decline of the active tonsillar tissue, its biological power

is also exhausted. Active detoxication, toxicopexis, and excretion of

toxic substances and wastes through the tonsils is no longer

possible. In the tonsillar crypts, the physiologically essential

symbionts are no longer hatched. Instead, dangerous pathogenic

organisms are able to spread through the body because the immuno-

activity of the tonsillar barrier is lost with the destruction of the

lymphoepithelial tissue.

When the dental toxins are no longer neutralized and excreted, they

will infiltrate even the last remnants of functioning tonsillar

tissue and cause them to die. This creates high- and low-molecular

necrotoxins which, as we have already seen, are similar or identical

to odontogenous toxins. Toxin formation is inevitably increased.

All these toxins, no longer inactivated in the tonsillar ring or

excreted, have to be conducted to other " vents " by way of the blood

circulation. Toxinaemia and secondary lesions are increased, and the

humoral milieu and the body's resistance deteriorates further. The

process has become a deadly vicious circle.

Since degenerated and chronically inflamed tonsils are such dangerous

toxogenic foci, like dead teeth and other dental foci, they must be

removed. With previously lopped tonsils, there is also a clear case

for tonsillectomy.

The focogenous toxicopathy caused by necrotic-atrophic tonsillitis is

of course far more dangerous than the toxi-infectious effect of a

hyper-reactive tonsillitis in childhood. And if the need for

tonsillectomy is accepted in children, in cases of rheumatism and

other comparatively harmless diseases, should it not be obeyed all

the most urgently in tumour disease, especially as a causal

connection between focal and tumour events can no longer be denied?

During more than twenty-five years of clinical experience, I have

found that painful, enlarged tonsils and other symptoms of chronic

tonsillitis were evident in less than one-third of my cancer

patients. This suggested to me early on that the others might have

silent tonsillar foci in the form of atrophically-degenerating

tonsils. In these patients with subjectively quite unremarkable,

small, featureless tonsils, I examined their case histories, and

searched for silent tonsillar foci with the aid of the infra-red

toposcope, the electrodermatometer, and other methods. These

observations showed that, although most of them had never suffered

from tonsillitis, there were clear findings of a tonsillogenic focal

toxicosis. Whenever this was compatible with the condition of the

patient tonsillectomy was performed.

The findings in these healthy-looking tonsils were incomparably more

serious than even those in the obviously diseased tonsils removed in

usual ear-nose-and-throat practice. The tonsillar capsule always

proved to show callous thickening, and was so firmly adherent that

the tonsils could only be dissected out. In about five percent of the

patients there were fairly large peritonsillary or retrotonsillary

abscesses which had caused no symptoms. Far more frequently there

were several abscesses as well as cysts often the size of cherries,

full of liquid or condensed pus. The tonsillar tissue was spongy,

slushy, and had a putrid smell. Histological examination of these

tonsils always showed severe degenerative changes, and in the

majority of cases, a complete atrophy of lymphoepithelial tissue.

All these " featureless " , clinically unremarkable, small tonsils

proved without exception to be foci of the most dangerous kind which,

like the silent dental foci, had probably been present and

unrecognized for years or even decades.

These pronounced positive effects of tonsillectomy make it mandatory

to always follow dentistry with treatment of the tonsils. In every

tonsillectomy performed in my clinic subsequently, we found through

biopsy severe or very severe destructive tonsillar processes with

more or less virulent tonsillogenic focal toxicosis.

The flourishing of patients after tonsillectomy is impressive and has

been demonstrated to my clinical satisfaction again and again.

Toxins constantly circulating in the blood in degenerative

tonsillitis cause a permanent spasm of the blood capillaries, seen

outwardly in the poorly perfused, pallid skin of many cancer

patients. After tonsillectomy and the consequent elimination of the

toxins and their neural effect, there was frequently an immediate

improvement of the circulation and a simultaneous improvement in the

general condition of the organism.

As already mentioned, before I began paying special attention to the

tonsils, I lost many incurable patients, not as a result of cancer,

but through acute cardiocirculatory failure. After introducing

tonsillectomy, such deaths became much rarer.

Toxic circulatory death, however, is only one of the many dangers

constantly threatening the life of the chronically sick. Phlebitis,

thrombosis, embolism, pneumonia, pleurisy, and cystitis all too often

complicate the course of treatment. In my experience, these, too,

became noticeably rarer with the introduction of routine


Another observation, one I believe very important for cancer

treatment, is that often following tonsillectomy, in a large

proportion of patients, I have found that the tongue, not coated

before the tonsillectomy, later has a marked yellowish, brownish, or

blackish coating. Experience shows that the canalizing activity of

the intestinal mucous membranes is indicated by the surface condition

or coating of the tongue; a change in this coating suggests that a

previously blocked " gut filter " has been opened, leading to the

conclusion that tonsillar foci also disturb the detoxicating and

excretory activity of the gut. Restitution of this function is of

crucial importance in the treatment of cancer because the largest

proportion of the necrogenous toxins which develop during tumour

solution is excreted by this route.

The widespread opinion that degeneratively destroyed tonsils may

still be of importance for cancer patients as detoxicating and

excretory organs and must therefore be preserved at all cost has, in

my experience, been quite clearly refuted. Anyone, having seen the

degenerative destruction in the tonsillar tissue of cancer patients,

will be convinced that, on the contrary, these tonsils have

contributed in potentiating the virulence of the tumour milieu and

the defence deficiency. Tonsillectomy must be followed by

desensitization with vaccines obtained from dental and tonsillar

foci. Neural treatment of the tonsillar bed concludes this treatment.

The increased tendency towards thrombosis in cancer patients has been

reported by many clinicians. It can be assumed there is a causal

connection between the two diseases. My experience is that this

tendency is reduced by treatment of the head foci. I have treated

cancer patients who were being given anticoagulants permanently

because of their thrombosis; after treatment of the head foci, as a

rule, they were able to discontinue these drugs.

In some cancer patients there is a secondary finding of therapy-

resistant hypertension. Here too, following treatment of the head

foci, the blood pressure generally returns to normal.

The growth of the tumour itself is very often distinctly slowed down

by focus treatment. Now and then tumour development stops altogether,

and sometimes even regresses. The head foci therefore seem not only

to contribute to the development of secondary lesions, to the origin

of cancer disease, but also to exert a direct influence on tumour

growth by stimulating it. Many tumours seem to respond to immuno-

therapy only when foci have been removed. The subsequent improvement

in the body's defences clearly shows itself in the response to

immunizing vaccines.

Nevertheless, my own unhappy experience shows that with cancer

patients, foci treatment has generally been left to a very late

state. In the vast majority of the patients I have treated it is

quite clear that foci treatment should have been carried out years

before - and certainly long before the manifestation of the tumours.

That this was not done is a sad reminder that far too many doctors

and dentists fail to recognize a fundamental truism: untreated foci

can be linked to the development of cancer.

There are also other facets of our every day life-style that

indirectly play their part in how the disease can progress.

. © 1995-2005

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Last updated: 1/3/2006Copyright

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