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Oats: No Adverse Immunologic Effects in Patients With Celiac Disease

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FEAT DAILY NEWSLETTER Sacramento, California http://www.feat.org

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Oats: No Adverse Immunologic Effects in Patients With Celiac Disease

Friday, March 10, 2000

Reuters Health - Consumption of oats produces no adverse effects on

autoantibody or intraepithelial lymphocyte levels in patients with celiac

disease, researchers in Finland report.

" Wheat, rye, and barley have harmful effects on the small intestinal

mucosa of patients with coeliac disease, whereas maize and rice are

harmless, " Dr. M. I. J. Uusitupa, from the University of Kuopio, and

colleagues note in the March issue of Gut. " However, the place of oats in

the coeliac diet has been debated. "

Two groups of patients were studied, 40 adults with newly diagnosed

celiac disease and 52 adults whose celiac disease was in remission. Patients

in both groups were randomized to a conventional gluten-free diet or a

gluten-free diet containing oats, and they were monitored for autoantibodies

and intraepithelial lymphocytes over a 6- or 12-month period.

In patients newly diagnosed with celiac disease, the disappearance

rates of antireticulin antibodies, antigliadin antibodies, and

intraepithelial lymphocytes were similar, regardless of diet. Similarly, in

patients whose celiac disease was in remission, antibody and intraepithelial

lymphocyte levels were similar between the two study groups.

" These results strengthen the view that adult patients with coeliac

disease can consume moderate amounts of oats without adverse immunological

effects, " the authors write.

However, they suggest that " more clinical studies are needed to ensure

the safety of oats when consumed permanently in a coeliac diet as well as to

determine the effect of larger amounts of oats. "


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