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Website recommends Bifenthrin (Talstar) to kill bird mites

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I was wondering if anyone knows or has tried Bifenthrin aka Talstar to

kill bird mites. This website recommends them:


I found some Talstar on ebay for $135.99 a gallon which says would be

enough to do 2500 square feet. that is alot of money but I'd pay it

if it worked. Anyone know about this?

Here is the item on ebay:



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I haven't tried the Talstar but I think I have used an OTC Bifenthrin

(Ortho Brand I think) and it helps but I think the Sevin sprays/powders

work really well, too. (also Cyfluthrin) The Bifenthrin I bought was

under $10 for a spray container from a local hardware store. The

administrator suggested alternating the chemicals to keep the critters

at bay.


> I was wondering if anyone knows or has tried Bifenthrin aka Talstar to

> kill bird mites. This website recommends them:


> http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/mites-rodent-and-bird-mites-in-



> I found some Talstar on ebay for $135.99 a gallon which says would be

> enough to do 2500 square feet. that is alot of money but I'd pay it

> if it worked. Anyone know about this?


> Here is the item on ebay:


> http://cgi.ebay.com/Talstar-One-multi-insecticide-1-Gal-Termite-




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Rotating chemicals, even the next day, is the best course of

action...of course, I am using everything that is reasonably safe and

still have a huge problem - but I have an aviary attached to my house

with 50 birds in 360 sq ft. It is essentially in the house, as it

shares the outer wall, windows & all. And a cat...who brings me

little presnts now & then (mice) which I immediately toss back out.

Actually, the problem is getting better - not so much with me, but

with my birds. I treated all of them with " Scatt " (moxidectin) and

they are doing much better. It isn't yet available for people..but

if I don't get some relief, I will start tweeting.

Oh - alternate chemicals with Kleen Green (kills through drying them

out) or Poultry Shield, which acts the same way but is strictly a

detergent. Diatomaceous earth also acts by mechanical means. I

think overall this makes it all work better, and helps overcome the

resistance problem that develops when you use just one thing.

> I haven't tried the Talstar but I think I have used an OTC


> (Ortho Brand I think) and it helps but I think the Sevin


> work really well, too. (also Cyfluthrin) The Bifenthrin I bought


> under $10 for a spray container from a local hardware store. The

> administrator suggested alternating the chemicals to keep the


> at bay.





> >

> > I was wondering if anyone knows or has tried Bifenthrin aka

Talstar to

> > kill bird mites. This website recommends them:

> >

> > http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/mites-rodent-and-bird-mites-in-

> homes-a-79.html

> >

> > I found some Talstar on ebay for $135.99 a gallon which says

would be

> > enough to do 2500 square feet. that is alot of money but I'd

pay it

> > if it worked. Anyone know about this?

> >

> > Here is the item on ebay:

> >

> > http://cgi.ebay.com/Talstar-One-multi-insecticide-1-Gal-Termite-




> rdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

> >


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