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The Human Population

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I think one of the reasons that it has crossed the border onto humans, is because the human population is becoming more and more multiplied. We are the only host these mites can find sometimes. It's just something I think about. In March, I'll be 52. I have been on this earth for 51 years. Back in the 70's the human population was MUCH lower than it is today. Things were easier back then. This thing threw me for a loop, too, Rita, I also think that "older" people have a difficult time ridding ourselves of this parasite, whatever it is. Mel Rita and Mike Carlson <rcarlson30@...> wrote: Hello, I am glad that the salt is helping. It seems that after I had this for the first 8 months I knew then that I was in for the fight of my life. I knew this was something different and new. Nothing has ever frightened me the way this has. I have read on some Morgellons sites that this is wiping out our wildlife. It seems to be hitting reptiles especially hard. A reptile with this on it's body is a dead reptile. I have had a feeling for some time that our bird population is being decimated by this. I have tried in vain to get environmental groups interested in this but I'm afraid that they won't open their eyes to this until it's too late. I'm so glad that we can use something like the salt on our skin that won't kill us. I have used so many poisons in the past and that has worried me from the beginning. My

hope is to find out exactly what this is one day....I want to know the name of what has almost destroyed my life in many ways. Rita update - I have morgellons I met with Dr. Harvey. He has a hand held microscope that attaches toa laptop. He showed me my "bites" and

found fibers in 2 of them. This is a sign of morgellons disease. What I have is a parasite thatlives in the skin and inside the body. The "bites" are not puncturesbut exit wounds from the parasites. They feel like bites but areparasites coming out. I was prescribed invermectin and after taking 6x 3mg pills for last 3 days I feel better than I have since thisstarted. I plan to super clean my house and try to avoidreinfestation. I still have clothes that are invested. I want tothank Rita C. for all her advice as her posts have been right ontarget. When this is over I plan to write letters to all the docs Ihave seen and let them know how to treat this and beg them to helpfuture patients. My surgeon friend is going to talk with a ID doc at Hosp. herein DC and see if he will talk to Dr. Harvey so he can treat people onthe east coast. I am personal friends with several docs and plan tolet them know about

this. Ivermectin is very safe and has been usedfor years so no reason not to treat us.I think we need to get all our families and go to CDC or NIH and do apeaceful protest. We must get the message out. Its hard to tellpeople you have a parasite but until the truth gets out many willcontinue to suffer. The pride and egos at CDC etc. are getting in theway of relief for those infested.We may be at the tip of new plague. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.0/1268 - Release Date: 2/9/2008 11:54 AM

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