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On enzyme cleaners and biological pest control

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Below is an email from L. Tvedten, author of the Encyclopedia of Integrated Pest Management, regarding the use of enzyme cleaners to control pests.His entire encyclopedia is free to access and download. I noticed we have the first version of his book posted in the files section. The latest version can be accessed at http://www.stephentvedten.com/ According to Mr. Tvedten's website, he lost a son and an uncle from intoxication due to pesticide use. Apparently after that he became an avid supporter and researcher for safer methods for pest control.-------Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2008 4:10:42 PMSubject: Re: Encyclopedia of IPMDear MM,The enzyme cleaner safely kills all mites in seconds on contact. Tickstake up to two minutes to die. The cleaner is not yet registered as anEPA bio-pesticide however.Mite are covered in several chapters: How to kill pests without killingyourself or the earth......There are about 50 to 60 million insect species on earth - we have namedonly about 1 million and there are only about 1 thousand pest species -already over 50% of these thousand pests are already resistant to ourvolatile, dangerous, synthetic pesticide POISONS. We accidentally loseabout 25,000 to 100,000 species of insects, plants and animals everyyear due to "man's footprint". But, after poisoning the entire world andcontaminating every living thing for over 60 years with these dangerousand ineffective pesticide POISONS we have not even controlled much lesseliminated even one pest species and every year we use/misuse more andmore pesticide POISONS to try to "keep up"! Even with all of thisexpensive and unnecessary pollution - we lose more and more crops andlives to these thousand pests every year.We are losing the war against these thousand pests mainly because weinsist on using only synthetic pesticide POISONS and fertilizers Therehas been a severe "knowledge drought" - a worldwide decline inagricultural R & D, especially in production research and safe, moreeffective pest control since the advent of synthetic pesticide POISONSand fertilizers. Today we are like lemmings running to the sea insistingthat is the "right way". The greatest challenge facing humanity thiscentury is the necessity for us to double our global food productionwith less land, less water, less nutrients, less science, frequentdroughts, more and more contamination and ever-increasing pest damage.

National Poison Prevention Week, March 18-24,2007 was created tohighlight the dangers of poisoning and how to prevent it. One studyshows that about 70,000 children in the USA were involved in commonhousehold pesticide-related (acute) poisonings or exposures in 2004. Atleast two peer-reviewed studies have described associations betweenautism rates and pesticides (D'Amelio et al 2005; EM et al 2007in EHP). It is estimated that 300,000 farm workers suffer acutepesticide poisoning each year just in the United States - No one ischecking chronic contamination.In order to try to help "stem the tide", I have just finished re-writingmy IPM encyclopedia entitled: THE BEST CONTROL II, that contains over2,800 safe and far more effective alternatives to pesticide POISONS.This latest copyrighted work is about 1,800 pages in length and is nowbeing updated at my new website at http://www.stephentvedten.com/ .This new website at http://www.stephentvedten.com/ has been basicallyupdated; all we have left to update is Chapter 39 and to renumber thepages. All of these copyrighted items are free for you to read and/ordownload. There is simply no need to POISON yourself or your family orto have any pest problems. L. Tvedten2530 StreetMarne, Michigan 494351-616-677-1261"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time hascome." --Victor Hugo"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things thatmatter." -- Luther King Jr. Encyclopedia of IPM

Dear Mr. Tvedten,Have you had any experience in treating indoor bird mite infestationswith enzyme cleaners ? i.e. Dermanyssus Gallinae or the Northen FowlMite.There is very limited information on treating infestation of these mitesin humans and an enzyme cleaner would be a great approach if it workssince this pest is so difficult to eradicate. My interest is mainly forcontrolling human infestation of bird mites.Thanks you very much for your great work in biological pest treatments.If you are interested in reading more about bird mite infestation inhumans, please visit http://www.birdmites.org

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