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Re: Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin'

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Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin'

http://www.local6. com/health/ 15078270/ detail.htmllocal6.comRelated To StoryVideo: 'Skin-Eating' Mystery Disease Reported In Florida; CDC InvestigatesMystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin' Report: Florida, California, Texas Apparent Hot Spots For Condition POSTED: 5:33 pm EST January 17, 2008UPDATED: 11:26 am EST January 18, 2008ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained disease that sufferers say cause overwhelming sensations of bugs crawling, biting and stinging their skin and mystery lesions that never heal is being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------IMAGES: More strange stories, images ------------ ---------

--------- --------- --------- --------- -----------The illness is called Morgellons and Florida, Texas and California are states with apparent hot spots for the condition, Local 6 reported.People who report suffering from the condition identify a range of symptoms including vision loss, mental confusion and fatigue. Some sufferers also said they have experienced tiny fibers that pop out of their skin."They typically describe a disturbing skin sensation such as itching or stinging or pins and needles," Centers for Disease Control Dr. Michele Pearson said.Last summer, registered nurse Casey said the constant lesions on her body forced her to quit working."It's miserable," Casey said. "It feels like you've got splinters coming out."Thousands of people claim to have Morgellons and a foundation has been formed.However, some are not certain Morgellons is

a legitimate disease."The reason we are doing an investigation is to learn more about it," Pearson said.Researchers plan to follow up with 500 people who claim to have the condition.Volunteers will get blood tests, skin exams as well as psychological evaluations.Doctors at Oklahoma State University have been studying Morgellons for years and said they don't know what's causing it.The CDC's year-long study will try to figure out what's causing Morgellons and if there's any way to treat it.Watch Local 6 News for more on this story. http://www.local6. com/health/ 4250433/detail. htmllocal6.comDoctors Debate Credibility Of Morgellons DiseasePatients Say Growth Causes Them To Itch UncontrollablyUPDATED: 1:51 pm EST March 3,

2005HOUSTON -- A health problem has some victims feeling like something is living under their skin.But is Morgellons disease a real problem or just a figment of victims' imaginations? That is the fight that is playing out between some doctors, nurses and government health agencies.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Video From KPRC-TV in Houston: Patients Try To Convince Doctors That Skin Disease Exists Video From KTVU-TV in San Francisco: Part 1: Mysterious Parasite Striking Residents Part 2: More People Reporting Illness Mystery Illness Updates ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Kaye Koeberle told KPRC-TV in Houston that an unexplainable growth caused her to itch uncontrollably before the growth felt like it had crawled out of her skin."When I would get out of the

shower, it would itch so bad I could hardly stand it," Koeberle said. "One day, I was in front of the mirror and I could see these white things, five of them, just sticking out of my shoulder."Nurse practitioner Ginger Savely, who studies Morgellons disease, said she has seen dozens of cases in her office."I think this is like a horrible science fiction movie," Savely said. "First off, all you have is this horrible and scary situation going on in your own body that's different than anything you've ever heard of, so it feels like you've been inhabited by aliens, and then to add insult to injury, no one will believe you."Doctors said they have noticed that many patients who complain about Morgellons symptoms have also been treated or are undergoing treatment for Lyme disease, which suppresses the immune system. The doctors said when the immune system is corrected, the crawling

feelings under the patient's skin is often corrected, too.Some patients said they have even tried to perform their own research to show doctors what is living beneath their skin."I took (a sample) and put it in a petri dish," Koeberle said. "Those filaments would grow and get longer and longer, and curl around the petri dish."Even though many doctors do not recognize Morgellons as a disease, Savely said she thinks the sheer number of people reporting symptoms adds to its credibility. California has the most reported cases, followed by Texas, according to the television station."I can't believe the people from all over, all walks of life, would describe something the very same way if it were a delusion," Savely said.And, if it isn't bad enough that there is no treatment, trying to get the research completed to prove the creepy crawlers really exist has proven to be just

as difficult. There is no funding available to research it because government health agencies do not recognize it as a disease."I always feel that people should keep an open mind and I think there are scientific experiments, what we call evidence-based medicine, that can prove or disprove that an organism is causing this," said Dr. Tucker, a dermatologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.Additional Resource: Morgellons Research Foundation Distributed by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for

Bird Control Seminars Proceedings

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Year 1979



Walter Weber

Indianapolis, Indiana,

This paper is posted at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln.





Walter Weber

Indianapolis, Indiana

Feral pigeons (Columbia livia) are not harmless birds. Many potential infections of

humans silently exist in pigeons which are not apparent. They have the potential for

transmission of over 30 diseases to humans plus another ten to domestic animals. Environmental

pollution from pigeon droppings is quite evident. Air pollution involves more

than noxious gases from automobile exhausts and belching smokestacks. One serious

air pollutant is air-borne fungi, which are agents for infectious diseases. There is much

information written about the problem, but it remains primarily in the professional journals

and technical references, neatly stacked away on library shelves. The objective of

this paper is to provide a brief account of the major diseases and to assess their importance.

Feral pigeons have been identified with mycotic, bacterial, protozoal, chlamydial,

rickettsial, and parasitic diseases as well as dermatosis (Weber 1979).

MYCOTIC diseases are not transmitted from humans to humans. Perhaps this is why

they do not make the headlines. The fungi causing the diseases are acquired by inhaling

the fruiting bodies or spores along with particles of dust. The fungi live saprophytically in

feces and soil.

Aspergillosis is caused by Aspergillus fumagatus. The fungus produces toxins which

poison the victim’s blood. Pigeons assist the spread of the spores in airborne dust.

Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces dermatitidus. It primarily affects the lungs; the

main route of infection is by inhalation of spores. The organism has been isolated from

pigeon manure.

Candidiasis is caused by Candida spp., chiefly C. albicans. Nearly one-fourth of all

mycotic deaths are caused by this yeast. It often affects the mouth, respiratory system,

intestines, and urogenital tract, especially the vagina. Incidence of candidiasis (yeast infection)

in women is an increasing problem. The discomfort of the itching, pain, and

discharge caused by the growth of this fungus is significant enough to warrant the

elimination of pigeons which are one of the three wild birds most frequently infected

with Candida.

Cryptococcosis is caused by a systemic pathogenic yeast called Cryptococcosus

neoformans. No organ or tissue of the body is exempt. It very frequently involves the

brain covering as cryptococcal meningitis. One Indianapolis victim spent 91 days in the

hospital with cryptococcosis. The yeast is carried in the intestinal tract of pigeons and

deposited in their feces (Newberry 1967). One Kansas City survey showed that 93% of

the pigeon coops were infected.

Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. It is interesting to note that the

disease was suggested at one time as a biological warfare agent because of its airborne

route (Furcolow, personal communication, 1960). It is probably the second most

significant fungus disease. The “summer flu†that midwesterners used to get is now

thought to have been histoplasmosis (Personal communication, American Lung

Association, 1974). It is basically a pulmonary disease but may extend to the liver, lymph

nodes, and spleen. The organism may disseminate to the blood and bone marrow and

be fatal. It may lodge in the eye to cause ocular histoplasmosis. Twenty-two cases were

reported to the Indiana Board of Health in 1976. Pigeon feces fertilize the soil in such a

way as to give the fungus competitive advantage over other soil microorganisms. The

largest outbreak ever recorded occurred in Indianapolis during the winter of 1978-79

with over 450 confirmed cases. There were 18 deaths.

BACTERIAL DISEASES identified with pigeons are listed. Erysipeloid generally starts

in a break in the skin and is accompanied with a sensation of burning, throbbing pain,

and intense itching. It is caused by Erysipelothrus insidiosis. Pigeons are involved in its


Listeriosis is caused by Listeria monocytogenes. It causes changes in the cells of the

nervous system. It may cause conjunctivitis, endocarditis, and skin infections. It can

also cause meningitis in newborns, abortions, premature delivery, stillbirths, and death.

The organism has been isolated from pigeons.

Parteurellosis is caused by a highly contagious bacteria, Pasteurella multicida. The


disease may be divided in four groups of syndromes: 1) infection of the upper

respiratory tract as nasal discharge or conjuntivitis, 2) infection of the lower respiratory

tract as bronchitis or pneumonia, 3) infecton of internal organs as appendicitis or inflammation

of the urinary tract, 4) abscessed wound infections. Pigeons can spread the

bacteria through their droppings or nasal discharge. The organism can live as long as a

month in pigeon manure or three months in a dead pigeon.

Salmonellosis is more than food poisoning. Gastroenteritis is the most common

manifestation. Enteric fever or septicemia may follow several weeks later as a relapse.

Septicemias often terminate fatally. Persistent infections are less common but very important.

There may be an abscess or local infection as arthritis, bronchopneumonia, endocarditis,

meningitis, osteomyelitis, or pyeleonephritis. Pigeons are important in the

spread of salmonellae, since the bacteria are left wherever the pigeons defecate (MÃœller

1965). They trample back and forth through their copious excretion on window ledges

and air intake vents. Dusts to contaminate food or homes enter through air conditioners

and ventilators. The most common salmonella Isolated from pigeons is Salmonella

typhimurum var. Copenhagen, which is found in about 2% of pigeon feces (MÃœller


Yersiniosis is a plague-like disease by Yersinia pseudotuberculosos and Y.

enterocolitica. The disease is clinically indistinguishable from appendicitis. Both

diseases cause fever, nausea, headache, hard and painful stomachs. Because of the

similarity, there were 32 school children hospitalized in Oneida County, New York in

September 1976. Fourteen were reported to have had unnecessary appendectomies.

Y.enterocolitica serotype 8 was isolated from the ill children. It was first isolated from

pigeons in 1916. Transmission may be through the feces, eggs, or ticks of pigeons

(Hubert 1972).

PROTOZOAN diseases include American trypansomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and

trichomoniasis. American trypanosomiasis is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. There is no

vaccine, effective treatment, or cure for the disease. It is transmitted through the feces

of infected triatimid bugs, as the pigeon kissing bug (Triatoma rubrofasciata). The bugs

tend to feed at night while the victim is asleep the bug defecates during or soon after

engorgement, and most human infections occur when the bug feces are rubbed into

eyes or mucous membranes following a bite.

Toxoplasmosis may be one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases in the United

States. It is caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It has been shown to cause abortions in

women (W.J. Schneider, personal communication, 1977). The organism seems to have

an affinity for brain tissue; it may cause mental retardation and death. Pigeons

frequently transmit toxoplasmosis through fecal contamination, respiratory droplets,

eye secretions, contact with infected tissue, or through ectoparasites.

Trichomoniasis is caused by Trichomonas gallinae. It may affect the genital tract.

Pigeons are considered the primary host, with about 80-90% of the adults infected.

VIRAL diseases include encephalitis, meningitis, and Newcastle. Eastern equine

encephalomyelitis (EEE) is the most deadly of the North American arbovirus diseases. It

has been known to cause mental retardation, convulsions, and paralysis. The mortality

rate may be around 60%. Pigeons are considered an amplifying host for the virus

(Fothergill et. al. 1938).

St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) affects the nervous system, ranging from complete

recovery to disorganization, paralysis, coma, and death. The mortality rate is usually

5-10%, in some cases up to 33%. Pigeons, English sparrows, and house finches are the

three birds labeled as main reservoirs of SLE.

West Nile encephalitis ranges from mild to fatal Infections. The virus has been

isolated from pigeons.

Western equine encephalomyelitis is much more present and dangerous than most

people think. The fatality rate has been between 5 and 15%. Children under one year of

age may never recover from an infection of the virus, often becoming total vegetables.

Pigeons are one of the amplifying hosts (W.F. Rathel, personal communication, 1977).

Meningitis causes as inflammation of the brain and its covering. Pigeons are subject

to meningo-encephalitis. Newcastle disease often involves conjunctivitis, lacrimation,

and a mild influenza-like infection. Pigeons are the third largest common carrier; the

virus has been detected in their feces.

CHLAMYDIAL and RICKETTSIAL diseases. Chlamydiosis, caused by Chlamydia psittiaci,

is a generalized infectious disease that causes a flu-like respiratory infection with

high fever, severe headache, and generalized aches and pains. Mortality is usually


restricted to the old, the weak, or those with concurrent disease. Pigeons are the most

common and consistent source of all known hosts (Terskiph 1961). Over half of the

pigeon population is or has been infected.

Q fever is caused by iella burnetti. It is characterized by a sudden onset of

pneumonitis, sometimes causing death. Pigeons are involved as carriers (Syrcuek et al.

1956). Investigators have isolated C. burnetti from the Kidneys of a large number of

pigeons. The disease can be transmitted by infected ticks, ingestion, or by inhalation of

dust contaminated with the organism.

PARASITIC WORMS include cestodes and trematodes. Taeniasis by large tapeworm

is caused by Taenia saginata, with specimens up to 50 feet having been recovered.

Pigeons have been incriminated as potential vectors. Schistosomiasis, one of the most

prevalent diseases throughout the world, is caused by a water-borne trematode.

Pigeons are associated with flukes in the watery areas where they exist. Other pigeonassociated

trematodes include Echinoparyphium paraulum, Echinoparyphium recurvatum,

Echinostoma revolutum, Haplorchis pulimio, and Hypoderaeum conoideum.

DERMATOSIS. Acariasis is caused by infection of mites. Bird mites were responsible

for a case of pruritis in a North Carolina hospital. The mites originated in a pigeon nest in

the ventilator.

Literature Cited

Fothergill, LeRoy D., H. Dingle, Sidney Farber, and M.L. Connerley. 1938. Human

ecephalitis caused by the virus of the Eastern variety of equine encephalomyelitis.

New England J. Med. 219: 411.

Hubbert, W.T. 1972 Yersiniosis in mammals and birds in the United States. Am.J. Trop.

Med. & Hyg. 21: 458-463.

Müller, G. 1965. Salmonella in bird faeces. Nature 207 (5003): 1315.

Newberry, Marcus W., Jr., Jinks E. Walter, W. Chandler, Jr., and Fred E. Tosh.

1967. Epidemiological study of Cryptococcus neoformans. Ann. Int. Med. 67:


Syrucek, L. and Raska. 1956. Q fever in domestic and wild birds. Bull. World Health

Organziation. 15(1/2): 329-337.

Terskikh, I. I., A M. Chel’tsov-Bebutov, L. N. Kuborina, and A. A. Keleinikov. 1961. Study

on ornithosis in birds and its natural focal occurrence. Vopr. Virusol (transl.) 6(2):


Weber, W. 1979. Health hazards from pigeons, starlings and English sparrows. Thomson

Publications, Fresno, California. 137 pp.

From: fritolay66 <fritolay66@...>Subject: Re: Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin'bird mites Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 9:08 PM


Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin'

http://www.local6. com/health/ 15078270/ detail.htmllocal6.comRelated To StoryVideo: 'Skin-Eating' Mystery Disease Reported In Florida; CDC InvestigatesMystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin' Report: Florida, California, Texas Apparent Hot Spots For Condition POSTED: 5:33 pm EST January 17, 2008UPDATED: 11:26 am EST January 18, 2008ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained disease that sufferers say cause overwhelming sensations of bugs crawling, biting and stinging their skin and mystery lesions that never heal is being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------IMAGES: More strange stories, images ------------

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------The illness is called Morgellons and Florida, Texas and California are states with apparent hot spots for the condition, Local 6 reported.People who report suffering from the condition identify a range of symptoms including vision loss, mental confusion and fatigue. Some sufferers also said they have experienced tiny fibers that pop out of their skin."They typically describe a disturbing skin sensation such as itching or stinging or pins and needles," Centers for Disease Control Dr. Michele Pearson said.Last summer, registered nurse Casey said the constant lesions on her body forced her to quit working."It's miserable," Casey said. "It feels like you've got splinters coming out."Thousands of people claim to have Morgellons and a foundation has been formed.However, some are not certain

Morgellons is a legitimate disease."The reason we are doing an investigation is to learn more about it," Pearson said.Researchers plan to follow up with 500 people who claim to have the condition.Volunteers will get blood tests, skin exams as well as psychological evaluations.Doctors at Oklahoma State University have been studying Morgellons for years and said they don't know what's causing it.The CDC's year-long study will try to figure out what's causing Morgellons and if there's any way to treat it.Watch Local 6 News for more on this story. http://www.local6. com/health/ 4250433/detail. htmllocal6.comDoctors Debate Credibility Of Morgellons DiseasePatients Say Growth Causes Them To Itch UncontrollablyUPDATED:

1:51 pm EST March 3, 2005HOUSTON -- A health problem has some victims feeling like something is living under their skin.But is Morgellons disease a real problem or just a figment of victims' imaginations? That is the fight that is playing out between some doctors, nurses and government health agencies.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Video From KPRC-TV in Houston: Patients Try To Convince Doctors That Skin Disease Exists Video From KTVU-TV in San Francisco: Part 1: Mysterious Parasite Striking Residents Part 2: More People Reporting Illness Mystery Illness Updates ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Kaye Koeberle told KPRC-TV in Houston that an unexplainable growth caused her to itch uncontrollably before the growth felt like it had crawled out of her skin."When I would

get out of the shower, it would itch so bad I could hardly stand it," Koeberle said. "One day, I was in front of the mirror and I could see these white things, five of them, just sticking out of my shoulder."Nurse practitioner Ginger Savely, who studies Morgellons disease, said she has seen dozens of cases in her office."I think this is like a horrible science fiction movie," Savely said. "First off, all you have is this horrible and scary situation going on in your own body that's different than anything you've ever heard of, so it feels like you've been inhabited by aliens, and then to add insult to injury, no one will believe you."Doctors said they have noticed that many patients who complain about Morgellons symptoms have also been treated or are undergoing treatment for Lyme disease, which suppresses the immune system. The doctors said when the immune system is corrected, the

crawling feelings under the patient's skin is often corrected, too.Some patients said they have even tried to perform their own research to show doctors what is living beneath their skin."I took (a sample) and put it in a petri dish," Koeberle said. "Those filaments would grow and get longer and longer, and curl around the petri dish."Even though many doctors do not recognize Morgellons as a disease, Savely said she thinks the sheer number of people reporting symptoms adds to its credibility. California has the most reported cases, followed by Texas, according to the television station."I can't believe the people from all over, all walks of life, would describe something the very same way if it were a delusion," Savely said.And, if it isn't bad enough that there is no treatment, trying to get the research completed to prove the creepy crawlers really exist has proven to

be just as difficult. There is no funding available to research it because government health agencies do not recognize it as a disease."I always feel that people should keep an open mind and I think there are scientific experiments, what we call evidence-based medicine, that can prove or disprove that an organism is causing this," said Dr. Tucker, a dermatologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.Additional Resource: Morgellons Research Foundation Distributed by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Very nice article contribution, very nice.

Mystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin'

http://www.local6. com/health/ 15078270/ detail.htmllocal6.comRelated To StoryVideo: 'Skin-Eating' Mystery Disease Reported In Florida; CDC InvestigatesMystery Disease Gives Sensation Of 'Bugs Eating Skin' Report: Florida, California, Texas Apparent Hot Spots For Condition POSTED: 5:33 pm EST January 17, 2008UPDATED: 11:26 am EST January 18, 2008ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained disease that sufferers say cause overwhelming sensations of bugs crawling, biting and stinging their skin and mystery lesions that never heal is being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------IMAGES: More strange stories, images ------------

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------The illness is called Morgellons and Florida, Texas and California are states with apparent hot spots for the condition, Local 6 reported.People who report suffering from the condition identify a range of symptoms including vision loss, mental confusion and fatigue. Some sufferers also said they have experienced tiny fibers that pop out of their skin."They typically describe a disturbing skin sensation such as itching or stinging or pins and needles," Centers for Disease Control Dr.. Michele Pearson said.Last summer, registered nurse Casey said the constant lesions on her body forced her to quit working."It's miserable," Casey said. "It feels like you've got splinters coming out."Thousands of people claim to have Morgellons and a foundation has been formed.However, some are not certain

Morgellons is a legitimate disease."The reason we are doing an investigation is to learn more about it," Pearson said.Researchers plan to follow up with 500 people who claim to have the condition.Volunteers will get blood tests, skin exams as well as psychological evaluations.Doctors at Oklahoma State University have been studying Morgellons for years and said they don't know what's causing it.The CDC's year-long study will try to figure out what's causing Morgellons and if there's any way to treat it.Watch Local 6 News for more on this story. http://www.local6. com/health/ 4250433/detail. htmllocal6.comDoctors Debate Credibility Of Morgellons DiseasePatients Say Growth Causes Them To Itch UncontrollablyUPDATED:

1:51 pm EST March 3, 2005HOUSTON -- A health problem has some victims feeling like something is living under their skin.But is Morgellons disease a real problem or just a figment of victims' imaginations? That is the fight that is playing out between some doctors, nurses and government health agencies.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Video From KPRC-TV in Houston: Patients Try To Convince Doctors That Skin Disease Exists Video From KTVU-TV in San Francisco: Part 1: Mysterious Parasite Striking Residents Part 2: More People Reporting Illness Mystery Illness Updates ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----------Kaye Koeberle told KPRC-TV in Houston that an unexplainable growth caused her to itch uncontrollably before the growth felt like it had crawled out of her skin."When I would

get out of the shower, it would itch so bad I could hardly stand it," Koeberle said. "One day, I was in front of the mirror and I could see these white things, five of them, just sticking out of my shoulder."Nurse practitioner Ginger Savely, who studies Morgellons disease, said she has seen dozens of cases in her office."I think this is like a horrible science fiction movie," Savely said. "First off, all you have is this horrible and scary situation going on in your own body that's different than anything you've ever heard of, so it feels like you've been inhabited by aliens, and then to add insult to injury, no one will believe you."Doctors said they have noticed that many patients who complain about Morgellons symptoms have also been treated or are undergoing treatment for Lyme disease, which suppresses the immune system. The doctors said when the immune system is corrected, the

crawling feelings under the patient's skin is often corrected, too.Some patients said they have even tried to perform their own research to show doctors what is living beneath their skin."I took (a sample) and put it in a petri dish," Koeberle said. "Those filaments would grow and get longer and longer, and curl around the petri dish."Even though many doctors do not recognize Morgellons as a disease, Savely said she thinks the sheer number of people reporting symptoms adds to its credibility. California has the most reported cases, followed by Texas, according to the television station."I can't believe the people from all over, all walks of life, would describe something the very same way if it were a delusion," Savely said.And, if it isn't bad enough that there is no treatment, trying to get the research completed to prove the creepy crawlers really exist has proven to

be just as difficult. There is no funding available to research it because government health agencies do not recognize it as a disease."I always feel that people should keep an open mind and I think there are scientific experiments, what we call evidence-based medicine, that can prove or disprove that an organism is causing this," said Dr. Tucker, a dermatologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.Additional Resource: Morgellons Research Foundation Distributed by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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That article just proves that pigeons are flying rats! I've come to

conclude that fatal diseases are better than these mites because at

least they have an end.

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