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Gulf War Syndrome

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Dear Vilik,

On the list of diseases that ozone successfully treats are :

1) West Nile virus

2) Brucellosis

3) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


5) Anthrax

6) Gulf War Syndrome

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

Gulf War Syndrome

> Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS

> CFS Radio Program

> Dec. 19th, 1999

> G. Mazlen, M.D. Host

> with

> W.

> http://member.aol.com/rgm1/private/transcr.htm

> Dr. Mazlen

> Our guest is waiting from Canada and be with us shortly. We're going to be

> talking with Don W. , the author of the Brucellosis Triangle.

> Interestingly enough, was our guest on the year end show in

> 1998. He was here on the show the 20th of December and we're here again at

> the year end show and we're going to follow up and it's going to be a


> exciting and interesting follow-up. We're going about basically,


> diseases for which our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome audience are particularly

> susceptible, most of them being significantly immunosuppressed and

> vulnerable to just about anything that's contagious that comes along. So

> they should be listening carefully. Now, we're going to talk about the


> Nile Virus, which was present with us here in New York during the late

> summer. The West Nile Virus appeared in New York and then was found in

> Connecticut and New Jersey. It's mosquito-borne. It killed 7 people in


> three states before the summer was over and it's been predicted, and I'm

> quoting from the New York Times in an article published on December 15th,

> they said " The virus would likely re-emerge next spring when mosquitoes


> out of hibernation. " This quote is from health experts testifying before


> United States Senate. So, with that, we're going to kick off and talk to

> W. because he has some news for our listening audience about

> where this West Nile Virus may actually have come from. We're not saying


> know it for sure, and we're not documenting it but we want to present you

> with some facts. Hi , welcome to the show.

> Don

> Good morning, it's nice to be here.

> Dr. Mazlen

> And I'd like you to tell our audience something about the information that

> you have from the Riegle Committee with regard to this West Nile Virus.

> Don

> As you and many of your listeners will recall, when the West Nile Virus


> first identified, official government sources said, " well this is very

> strange because there has never been any West Nile virus in continental

> United States that we ever knew of. " However, if one turns to the Riegle

> Report which was authored and supervised in its compilation by


> who was a senator from Michigan, one will find that on May 21st, 1985, the

> United States had a supply of West Nile virus in the United States and


> they shipped a quantity of that to Suddam Hussein. And that was in 1985 so

> that Suddam could use it against Iran with whom Iraq, at that point, was


> war. So, there was West Nile virus in the United States well before 1985.


> was shipped in 1985. There are still stocks of such a virus in the United

> States and the possibilities are two as to where the current outbreak came

> from. 1. Either accidentally from local facilities such as Plum Island


> was an inadvertent escape of the virus on the mosquitoes or other insects

> or, there is always the possibility that one of Suddam Hussein's agents

> returned to the United States and was able to release a quantity of West

> Nile virus.

> Dr. Mazlen

> Well, I hope everybody's listening because you all have Congressman and

> Senators and public officials that you might know and you might be able to

> ask them about this and ask them to inquire about where this West Nile


> went when it got to Iraq. One thing I want to point out, and , you


> listen to this because this was also recently in the newspaper in New


> it was in the New York Times on the 5th of December and it's a quote. It

> says, " The scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in

> Atlanta using scientific techniques, " I'm paraphrasing that, " have also

> independently determined that the West Nile virus found in New York is


> close to one isolated in 1998 from a stork in Israel " which is not far


> Iraq. So, we have another way that it could have come around and rejoined


> here in the United States because for all we know Iraq found a way to get


> into Israel with whom they have no friendly relations. In fact, they're

> still at war with Israel.

> Don

> Yes, people who know the migrating patterns of birds can infect that

> particular type of bird and release it in such an area that they know its

> migratory pattern would be over a selected country and if your congressman

> or your senator says, " well, give us some proof " tell them to get out the

> Riegle Report, published by the Congressional Printing Office and turn to

> page 47 and check the date, May 21st, 1985 and they will see that lo and

> behold, West Nile virus was shipped from the United States to Iraq on that

> date.

> Dr. Mazlen

> And, of course, we don't even know whether or not is was possibly even


> in the Gulf War which is another subject we'll be turning to shortly. I


> to also point out, that you're the author of the book, the Brucellosis

> Triangle and so we're going to stop next at another agent, that was


> to Iraq and you have evidence of that, also, which was the agent, brucella

> melitensis, and tell us about that, because we also sent that over there.

> Don

> Yes, they did. Brucellosis was a disease known for thousands of years

> actually, but in 1942 Canada, the United States and Great Britain entered

> into a secret agreement to take the brucellosis bacteria and make it more

> contagious and more virulent and to weaponize it, make it such that it


> do serious damage to an enemy and they came up with a variant which they


> tested in a number of places in Canada, the United States and Britain as

> well as other countries and they had indeed weaponized brucellosis. And


> Iraq was at war with Iran, and Iraq wanted biological weapons to use


> Iran who was winning that war, the United States shipped a supply of

> brucella melitensis bio type I and bio type III from the American type

> culture collection in Rockville, land. They shipped that to Iraq and

> said, here you go, let this stuff out over Iran, it won't kill all the

> civilians that you're targeting, but it will produce a disease known as

> chronic fatigue as well as several other serious symptoms. So, in the


> report, lo and behold, that our research was confirmed. Brucella


> was shipped to Iraq from the United States and that evidence is found on

> page 41 of the Riegle report.

> Dr. Mazlen

> Now, just a quick aside. It's labeled as a class 3 pathogen. I presume


> means it's fairly detrimental.

> Don

> Yes, that means it's disabling but not deadly.

> Dr. Mazlen

> OK, for the audience so that they get an idea of how they classify these

> things.

> Don

> Yes, well Riegle spelled it out on page 38 of his report when he

> said, brucella melitensis is bacteria which can cause chronic fatigue,


> of appetite, profuse sweating when at rest, pain in joints and muscles,

> insomnia, nausea and damage to major organs which includes the heart, the

> liver and so on. Now, not only are you describing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

> with that description, you're also describing Gulf War Illness. In other

> words, Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis that had been shipped


> him against the Desert Storm forces in the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

> Dr. Mazlen

> I just want to ask , where do you want people to contact you about

> this topic or about your book, the Brucellosis Triangle?

> Don

> They can reach me at Box 133, Station B, Sudbury, Canada, P3E 4N5. And for

> this particular show's listening audience, I would like to indicate that


> they want a copy of the Brucellosis Triangle which details the development

> of the weaponized Brucellosis bacteria, they can send a $20 check to me,


> , at the address given and that $20 check will get them the


> Triangle which is regularly $21.95, but I will put in, in addition, a copy

> of our new Journal of Degenerative Diseases which covers all of the

> neurodegenerative diseases and especially in a series on Chronic Fatigue

> Syndrome, and I will also put in 10 pages of documents on history from

> congressional records including the June 9th, 1969 congressional meeting

> that may get to speak about, NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum

> 200) by Henry Kissinger and pages from the Riegle report, so they can see

> for themselves why this disease that has existed for thousands of years

> suddenly erupted in two forms, one disabling, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,


> one lethal as AIDS. $20 will get you that whole package because we want

> people to see this for themselves.

> Dr. Mazlen

> And I can understand your willingness to do this to get it out and it's

> appreciated. I want to stop you there because I want to talk to you about

> the reason why, as you had said to me, why the Desert Storm attack was

> halted after 100 hours of amazing progress against Iraqi forces. What

> happened there?

> Don

> Well, when the Desert Storm attack was launched, they were, of course,


> great guns. They would have been in Baghdad in another 12 hours, as

> everybody knows. However, there were a series of scud explosions,


> close to 24 scud explosions, which did not shower shrapnel down upon the

> Desert Storm forces, but instead seemed to emit nothing but kind of a blue

> haze. Well, those scud missiles, plain and simply were armed with brucella

> melitensis as well as some other toxic agents. Now the other toxic agents

> included mustard gas, for example. They weren't trying to kill anybody


> the mustard gas, they just wanted to make sure that the people being

> attacked knew they were being attacked. The people in the intelligence

> branch knew immediately from the 14,000 biological alarms that went off


> up and down the front that they were being hit by brucella melitensis and

> they knew that thousands of veterans in the Desert Storm would become ill

> with Gulf War Illness. However, they also knew something else. They knew

> that back in 1985 and on other dates, the United States had not only

> provided brucella melitensis to the Iraqis, they had also provided


> There were several shipments of anthrax to Iraq for use against Iran and


> allied intelligence forces knew that when this melitensis attack occurred,

> the next volley of scuds would be armed with anthrax unless Desert Storm

> stopped dead in it's tracks, and Bush new this. He phoned


> in the middle of the night and he said " stop where you are, " and

> Schwartzkof--we've got this in news accounts from the period--said " why is

> that Bob, things are going great, " and Bush said " I can't talk to


> about it now, but stop where you are, don't move another foot, " and Desert

> Storm stopped short of Baghdad, left Suddam Hussein in power because if


> didn't stop, the next volley of scud missiles would be armed with anthrax

> and at 10% fatality rate there would be 70,000 dead allied troops on the

> desert within the next week. They stopped Desert Storm dead in its tracks,

> they began to withdraw two weeks later, Suddam Hussein is still in power


> the leaders of most of the allied countries are out of power.

> Dr. Mazlen

> Well, that's a certainly striking story and we'd love to hear more about


> documents or the information as to the phone call, as to what information

> Bush had gotten from national or military security sources. We just have a

> few minutes here but we need to cover a couple of quick important topics

> because mycoplasma are found in between 40 to 60% of Chronic Fatigue

> Syndrome patients and Gulf War patients as well have a huge prevalence of

> it. Where's the connection here and how does it relate to cancer, Don?

> Don

> The mycoplasma is, as you know, a fragment of bacterial DNA and this

> particular fragment varies with the bacteria from which it was derived.


> National Academy of Science, in 1995 in Washington, D.C. received a

> presentation from a group of top line microbiologists who had by


> determined that there is a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans

> incognitus strain and cancer. Now, we did not know of this, even though it

> was back in 1995, the report was made at that time, but for some reason or

> other mainstream medicine and the National Institutes of Health and so on


> not seem to have done very much to make it common knowledge. Now, we have

> secured, as anybody can secure, and we will provide a copy if you want to

> write to us--they'd have to pay the cost of copying--but we have secured a

> copy of the report that clearly links or suggest very strongly that


> a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and cancer. That


> the National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 1995.

> Dr. Mazlen

> That's startling and very important. Just quickly, what is the story in

> terms of the AIDS virus as you see it?

> Don

> Well on June, 9th, 1969 Dr. McArthur of Pentagon Biological Warfare

> research branch spoke to several congressmen in a top secret meeting and


> told those congressmen if they voted him an additional 10 million dollars,

> the Pentagon would have within a 10 year period a new microorganism, one

> which does not naturally exist and for which, these are his words " no

> immunity could have been acquired. " In other words, he promised the

> congressmen that if you give us 10 million dollars and 10 years we will


> you the AIDS virus and you will be able to use that AIDS virus in


> warfare, which means such things as reducing the population of certain

> target countries and that is in the hearings of June 9th, 1969 and that


> is one of the pages that I will provide to anybody that wants to send me


> $20 for the Brucellosis Triangle. I'll send them that page and I'll send

> them other relevant pages so they can see for themselves that AIDS and

> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were both diseases that were engineered in

> biological warfare research laboratories. There's no doubt when you read

> these documents, which are government documents, achieved under freedom of

> information.

> Dr. Mazlen

> OK, now one quick thing. On our last show we mentioned about the


> that were raised and infected. Just very quickly how many mosquitoes were

> raised back when this happened and infected with these biological agents?

> Don

> Yes, the Canadian government agreed to cooperate with the American

> government, and in Belleville, Ontario, the dominion parasite laboratory

> back in the 1950's and 1960's and into the 80's the dominion parasite

> laboratory raised 100 million mosquitoes a month which were transferred to

> certain universities to be contaminated with certain disease agents such


> the disease agent that causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and these were then

> let out in a controlled way in certain communities so the the community

> could be studied to see how effective the mosquito was as a vector.

> Transcribed by

> Carolyn Viviani

> carolynv@...

> Permission is given to repost, copy and distribute this transcript as long

> as my name is not removed from it.

> © 1999 G. Mazlen, M.D.

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Guest guest

So that explains why ozone is not approved in the US!!!! No reason to create

diseases if you give your citizens a way to treat them. This might interfere

with the experimental results of weapons testing.

The problems of today cannot be solved using the same thinking that created

them - Einstein

M. Curtin, Ph. D. - CEO

Integral Partners, Inc.

Re: Gulf War Syndrome

|Dear Vilik,


|On the list of diseases that ozone successfully treats are :


|1) West Nile virus

|2) Brucellosis

|3) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

|4) AIDS

|5) Anthrax

|6) Gulf War Syndrome


|Best of Health!

|Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh


|URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

|email: saul@...


| Gulf War Syndrome




|> Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS

|> CFS Radio Program

|> Dec. 19th, 1999

|> G. Mazlen, M.D. Host

|> with

|> W.

|> http://member.aol.com/rgm1/private/transcr.htm

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Our guest is waiting from Canada and be with us shortly. We're going to


|> talking with Don W. , the author of the Brucellosis Triangle.

|> Interestingly enough, was our guest on the year end show in

|> 1998. He was here on the show the 20th of December and we're here again


|> the year end show and we're going to follow up and it's going to be a


|> exciting and interesting follow-up. We're going about basically,


|> diseases for which our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome audience are particularly

|> susceptible, most of them being significantly immunosuppressed and

|> vulnerable to just about anything that's contagious that comes along. So

|> they should be listening carefully. Now, we're going to talk about the


|> Nile Virus, which was present with us here in New York during the late

|> summer. The West Nile Virus appeared in New York and then was found in

|> Connecticut and New Jersey. It's mosquito-borne. It killed 7 people in


|> three states before the summer was over and it's been predicted, and I'm

|> quoting from the New York Times in an article published on December 15th,

|> they said " The virus would likely re-emerge next spring when mosquitoes


|> out of hibernation. " This quote is from health experts testifying before


|> United States Senate. So, with that, we're going to kick off and talk to

|> W. because he has some news for our listening audience about

|> where this West Nile Virus may actually have come from. We're not saying


|> know it for sure, and we're not documenting it but we want to present you

|> with some facts. Hi , welcome to the show.

|> Don

|> Good morning, it's nice to be here.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And I'd like you to tell our audience something about the information


|> you have from the Riegle Committee with regard to this West Nile Virus.

|> Don

|> As you and many of your listeners will recall, when the West Nile Virus


|> first identified, official government sources said, " well this is very

|> strange because there has never been any West Nile virus in continental

|> United States that we ever knew of. " However, if one turns to the Riegle

|> Report which was authored and supervised in its compilation by


|> who was a senator from Michigan, one will find that on May 21st, 1985,


|> United States had a supply of West Nile virus in the United States and


|> they shipped a quantity of that to Suddam Hussein. And that was in 1985


|> that Suddam could use it against Iran with whom Iraq, at that point, was


|> war. So, there was West Nile virus in the United States well before 1985.


|> was shipped in 1985. There are still stocks of such a virus in the United

|> States and the possibilities are two as to where the current outbreak


|> from. 1. Either accidentally from local facilities such as Plum Island


|> was an inadvertent escape of the virus on the mosquitoes or other insects

|> or, there is always the possibility that one of Suddam Hussein's agents

|> returned to the United States and was able to release a quantity of West

|> Nile virus.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Well, I hope everybody's listening because you all have Congressman and

|> Senators and public officials that you might know and you might be able


|> ask them about this and ask them to inquire about where this West Nile


|> went when it got to Iraq. One thing I want to point out, and , you


|> listen to this because this was also recently in the newspaper in New


|> it was in the New York Times on the 5th of December and it's a quote. It

|> says, " The scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


|> Atlanta using scientific techniques, " I'm paraphrasing that, " have also

|> independently determined that the West Nile virus found in New York is


|> close to one isolated in 1998 from a stork in Israel " which is not far


|> Iraq. So, we have another way that it could have come around and rejoined


|> here in the United States because for all we know Iraq found a way to get


|> into Israel with whom they have no friendly relations. In fact, they're

|> still at war with Israel.

|> Don

|> Yes, people who know the migrating patterns of birds can infect that

|> particular type of bird and release it in such an area that they know its

|> migratory pattern would be over a selected country and if your


|> or your senator says, " well, give us some proof " tell them to get out the

|> Riegle Report, published by the Congressional Printing Office and turn to

|> page 47 and check the date, May 21st, 1985 and they will see that lo and

|> behold, West Nile virus was shipped from the United States to Iraq on


|> date.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And, of course, we don't even know whether or not is was possibly even


|> in the Gulf War which is another subject we'll be turning to shortly. I


|> to also point out, that you're the author of the book, the Brucellosis

|> Triangle and so we're going to stop next at another agent, that was


|> to Iraq and you have evidence of that, also, which was the agent,


|> melitensis, and tell us about that, because we also sent that over there.

|> Don

|> Yes, they did. Brucellosis was a disease known for thousands of years

|> actually, but in 1942 Canada, the United States and Great Britain entered

|> into a secret agreement to take the brucellosis bacteria and make it more

|> contagious and more virulent and to weaponize it, make it such that it


|> do serious damage to an enemy and they came up with a variant which they


|> tested in a number of places in Canada, the United States and Britain as

|> well as other countries and they had indeed weaponized brucellosis. And


|> Iraq was at war with Iran, and Iraq wanted biological weapons to use


|> Iran who was winning that war, the United States shipped a supply of

|> brucella melitensis bio type I and bio type III from the American type

|> culture collection in Rockville, land. They shipped that to Iraq and

|> said, here you go, let this stuff out over Iran, it won't kill all the

|> civilians that you're targeting, but it will produce a disease known as

|> chronic fatigue as well as several other serious symptoms. So, in the


|> report, lo and behold, that our research was confirmed. Brucella


|> was shipped to Iraq from the United States and that evidence is found on

|> page 41 of the Riegle report.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Now, just a quick aside. It's labeled as a class 3 pathogen. I presume


|> means it's fairly detrimental.

|> Don

|> Yes, that means it's disabling but not deadly.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> OK, for the audience so that they get an idea of how they classify these

|> things.

|> Don

|> Yes, well Riegle spelled it out on page 38 of his report when he

|> said, brucella melitensis is bacteria which can cause chronic fatigue,


|> of appetite, profuse sweating when at rest, pain in joints and muscles,

|> insomnia, nausea and damage to major organs which includes the heart, the

|> liver and so on. Now, not only are you describing Chronic Fatigue


|> with that description, you're also describing Gulf War Illness. In other

|> words, Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis that had been shipped


|> him against the Desert Storm forces in the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> I just want to ask , where do you want people to contact you about

|> this topic or about your book, the Brucellosis Triangle?

|> Don

|> They can reach me at Box 133, Station B, Sudbury, Canada, P3E 4N5. And


|> this particular show's listening audience, I would like to indicate that


|> they want a copy of the Brucellosis Triangle which details the


|> of the weaponized Brucellosis bacteria, they can send a $20 check to me,


|> , at the address given and that $20 check will get them the


|> Triangle which is regularly $21.95, but I will put in, in addition, a


|> of our new Journal of Degenerative Diseases which covers all of the

|> neurodegenerative diseases and especially in a series on Chronic Fatigue

|> Syndrome, and I will also put in 10 pages of documents on history from

|> congressional records including the June 9th, 1969 congressional meeting

|> that may get to speak about, NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum

|> 200) by Henry Kissinger and pages from the Riegle report, so they can see

|> for themselves why this disease that has existed for thousands of years

|> suddenly erupted in two forms, one disabling, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,


|> one lethal as AIDS. $20 will get you that whole package because we want

|> people to see this for themselves.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And I can understand your willingness to do this to get it out and it's

|> appreciated. I want to stop you there because I want to talk to you about

|> the reason why, as you had said to me, why the Desert Storm attack was

|> halted after 100 hours of amazing progress against Iraqi forces. What

|> happened there?

|> Don

|> Well, when the Desert Storm attack was launched, they were, of course,


|> great guns. They would have been in Baghdad in another 12 hours, as

|> everybody knows. However, there were a series of scud explosions,


|> close to 24 scud explosions, which did not shower shrapnel down upon the

|> Desert Storm forces, but instead seemed to emit nothing but kind of a



|> haze. Well, those scud missiles, plain and simply were armed with


|> melitensis as well as some other toxic agents. Now the other toxic agents

|> included mustard gas, for example. They weren't trying to kill anybody


|> the mustard gas, they just wanted to make sure that the people being

|> attacked knew they were being attacked. The people in the intelligence

|> branch knew immediately from the 14,000 biological alarms that went off


|> up and down the front that they were being hit by brucella melitensis and

|> they knew that thousands of veterans in the Desert Storm would become ill

|> with Gulf War Illness. However, they also knew something else. They knew

|> that back in 1985 and on other dates, the United States had not only

|> provided brucella melitensis to the Iraqis, they had also provided


|> There were several shipments of anthrax to Iraq for use against Iran and


|> allied intelligence forces knew that when this melitensis attack


|> the next volley of scuds would be armed with anthrax unless Desert Storm

|> stopped dead in it's tracks, and Bush new this. He phoned


|> in the middle of the night and he said " stop where you are, " and

|> Schwartzkof--we've got this in news accounts from the period--said " why


|> that Bob, things are going great, " and Bush said " I can't talk to


|> about it now, but stop where you are, don't move another foot, " and


|> Storm stopped short of Baghdad, left Suddam Hussein in power because if


|> didn't stop, the next volley of scud missiles would be armed with anthrax

|> and at 10% fatality rate there would be 70,000 dead allied troops on the

|> desert within the next week. They stopped Desert Storm dead in its


|> they began to withdraw two weeks later, Suddam Hussein is still in power


|> the leaders of most of the allied countries are out of power.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Well, that's a certainly striking story and we'd love to hear more about


|> documents or the information as to the phone call, as to what information

|> Bush had gotten from national or military security sources. We just have


|> few minutes here but we need to cover a couple of quick important topics

|> because mycoplasma are found in between 40 to 60% of Chronic Fatigue

|> Syndrome patients and Gulf War patients as well have a huge prevalence of

|> it. Where's the connection here and how does it relate to cancer, Don?

|> Don

|> The mycoplasma is, as you know, a fragment of bacterial DNA and this

|> particular fragment varies with the bacteria from which it was derived.


|> National Academy of Science, in 1995 in Washington, D.C. received a

|> presentation from a group of top line microbiologists who had by


|> determined that there is a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans

|> incognitus strain and cancer. Now, we did not know of this, even though


|> was back in 1995, the report was made at that time, but for some reason


|> other mainstream medicine and the National Institutes of Health and so on


|> not seem to have done very much to make it common knowledge. Now, we have

|> secured, as anybody can secure, and we will provide a copy if you want to

|> write to us--they'd have to pay the cost of copying--but we have secured


|> copy of the report that clearly links or suggest very strongly that


|> a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and cancer. That


|> the National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 1995.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> That's startling and very important. Just quickly, what is the story in

|> terms of the AIDS virus as you see it?

|> Don

|> Well on June, 9th, 1969 Dr. McArthur of Pentagon Biological


|> research branch spoke to several congressmen in a top secret meeting and


|> told those congressmen if they voted him an additional 10 million


|> the Pentagon would have within a 10 year period a new microorganism, one

|> which does not naturally exist and for which, these are his words " no

|> immunity could have been acquired. " In other words, he promised the

|> congressmen that if you give us 10 million dollars and 10 years we will


|> you the AIDS virus and you will be able to use that AIDS virus in


|> warfare, which means such things as reducing the population of certain

|> target countries and that is in the hearings of June 9th, 1969 and that


|> is one of the pages that I will provide to anybody that wants to send me


|> $20 for the Brucellosis Triangle. I'll send them that page and I'll send

|> them other relevant pages so they can see for themselves that AIDS and

|> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were both diseases that were engineered in

|> biological warfare research laboratories. There's no doubt when you read

|> these documents, which are government documents, achieved under freedom


|> information.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> OK, now one quick thing. On our last show we mentioned about the


|> that were raised and infected. Just very quickly how many mosquitoes were

|> raised back when this happened and infected with these biological agents?

|> Don

|> Yes, the Canadian government agreed to cooperate with the American

|> government, and in Belleville, Ontario, the dominion parasite laboratory

|> back in the 1950's and 1960's and into the 80's the dominion parasite

|> laboratory raised 100 million mosquitoes a month which were transferred


|> certain universities to be contaminated with certain disease agents such


|> the disease agent that causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and these were


|> let out in a controlled way in certain communities so the the community

|> could be studied to see how effective the mosquito was as a vector.

|> Transcribed by

|> Carolyn Viviani

|> carolynv@...

|> Permission is given to repost, copy and distribute this transcript as


|> as my name is not removed from it.

|> © 1999 G. Mazlen, M.D.







|OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and


|alternative self- help subjects.




|This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

|for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

|information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


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|OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self- help subjects.




|This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

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Guest guest

Dear Matt,

I like the Einstein quote so much, i have added it to my tag line. Thanks!

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

" The problems of today cannot be solved using the same thinking that created

them " . - Einstein

Gulf War Syndrome




|> Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS

|> CFS Radio Program

|> Dec. 19th, 1999

|> G. Mazlen, M.D. Host

|> with

|> W.

|> http://member.aol.com/rgm1/private/transcr.htm

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Our guest is waiting from Canada and be with us shortly. We're going to


|> talking with Don W. , the author of the Brucellosis Triangle.

|> Interestingly enough, was our guest on the year end show in

|> 1998. He was here on the show the 20th of December and we're here again


|> the year end show and we're going to follow up and it's going to be a


|> exciting and interesting follow-up. We're going about basically,


|> diseases for which our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome audience are particularly

|> susceptible, most of them being significantly immunosuppressed and

|> vulnerable to just about anything that's contagious that comes along. So

|> they should be listening carefully. Now, we're going to talk about the


|> Nile Virus, which was present with us here in New York during the late

|> summer. The West Nile Virus appeared in New York and then was found in

|> Connecticut and New Jersey. It's mosquito-borne. It killed 7 people in


|> three states before the summer was over and it's been predicted, and I'm

|> quoting from the New York Times in an article published on December 15th,

|> they said " The virus would likely re-emerge next spring when mosquitoes


|> out of hibernation. " This quote is from health experts testifying before


|> United States Senate. So, with that, we're going to kick off and talk to

|> W. because he has some news for our listening audience about

|> where this West Nile Virus may actually have come from. We're not saying


|> know it for sure, and we're not documenting it but we want to present you

|> with some facts. Hi , welcome to the show.

|> Don

|> Good morning, it's nice to be here.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And I'd like you to tell our audience something about the information


|> you have from the Riegle Committee with regard to this West Nile Virus.

|> Don

|> As you and many of your listeners will recall, when the West Nile Virus


|> first identified, official government sources said, " well this is very

|> strange because there has never been any West Nile virus in continental

|> United States that we ever knew of. " However, if one turns to the Riegle

|> Report which was authored and supervised in its compilation by


|> who was a senator from Michigan, one will find that on May 21st, 1985,


|> United States had a supply of West Nile virus in the United States and


|> they shipped a quantity of that to Suddam Hussein. And that was in 1985


|> that Suddam could use it against Iran with whom Iraq, at that point, was


|> war. So, there was West Nile virus in the United States well before 1985.


|> was shipped in 1985. There are still stocks of such a virus in the United

|> States and the possibilities are two as to where the current outbreak


|> from. 1. Either accidentally from local facilities such as Plum Island


|> was an inadvertent escape of the virus on the mosquitoes or other insects

|> or, there is always the possibility that one of Suddam Hussein's agents

|> returned to the United States and was able to release a quantity of West

|> Nile virus.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Well, I hope everybody's listening because you all have Congressman and

|> Senators and public officials that you might know and you might be able


|> ask them about this and ask them to inquire about where this West Nile


|> went when it got to Iraq. One thing I want to point out, and , you


|> listen to this because this was also recently in the newspaper in New


|> it was in the New York Times on the 5th of December and it's a quote. It

|> says, " The scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


|> Atlanta using scientific techniques, " I'm paraphrasing that, " have also

|> independently determined that the West Nile virus found in New York is


|> close to one isolated in 1998 from a stork in Israel " which is not far


|> Iraq. So, we have another way that it could have come around and rejoined


|> here in the United States because for all we know Iraq found a way to get


|> into Israel with whom they have no friendly relations. In fact, they're

|> still at war with Israel.

|> Don

|> Yes, people who know the migrating patterns of birds can infect that

|> particular type of bird and release it in such an area that they know its

|> migratory pattern would be over a selected country and if your


|> or your senator says, " well, give us some proof " tell them to get out the

|> Riegle Report, published by the Congressional Printing Office and turn to

|> page 47 and check the date, May 21st, 1985 and they will see that lo and

|> behold, West Nile virus was shipped from the United States to Iraq on


|> date.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And, of course, we don't even know whether or not is was possibly even


|> in the Gulf War which is another subject we'll be turning to shortly. I


|> to also point out, that you're the author of the book, the Brucellosis

|> Triangle and so we're going to stop next at another agent, that was


|> to Iraq and you have evidence of that, also, which was the agent,


|> melitensis, and tell us about that, because we also sent that over there.

|> Don

|> Yes, they did. Brucellosis was a disease known for thousands of years

|> actually, but in 1942 Canada, the United States and Great Britain entered

|> into a secret agreement to take the brucellosis bacteria and make it more

|> contagious and more virulent and to weaponize it, make it such that it


|> do serious damage to an enemy and they came up with a variant which they


|> tested in a number of places in Canada, the United States and Britain as

|> well as other countries and they had indeed weaponized brucellosis. And


|> Iraq was at war with Iran, and Iraq wanted biological weapons to use


|> Iran who was winning that war, the United States shipped a supply of

|> brucella melitensis bio type I and bio type III from the American type

|> culture collection in Rockville, land. They shipped that to Iraq and

|> said, here you go, let this stuff out over Iran, it won't kill all the

|> civilians that you're targeting, but it will produce a disease known as

|> chronic fatigue as well as several other serious symptoms. So, in the


|> report, lo and behold, that our research was confirmed. Brucella


|> was shipped to Iraq from the United States and that evidence is found on

|> page 41 of the Riegle report.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Now, just a quick aside. It's labeled as a class 3 pathogen. I presume


|> means it's fairly detrimental.

|> Don

|> Yes, that means it's disabling but not deadly.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> OK, for the audience so that they get an idea of how they classify these

|> things.

|> Don

|> Yes, well Riegle spelled it out on page 38 of his report when he

|> said, brucella melitensis is bacteria which can cause chronic fatigue,


|> of appetite, profuse sweating when at rest, pain in joints and muscles,

|> insomnia, nausea and damage to major organs which includes the heart, the

|> liver and so on. Now, not only are you describing Chronic Fatigue


|> with that description, you're also describing Gulf War Illness. In other

|> words, Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis that had been shipped


|> him against the Desert Storm forces in the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> I just want to ask , where do you want people to contact you about

|> this topic or about your book, the Brucellosis Triangle?

|> Don

|> They can reach me at Box 133, Station B, Sudbury, Canada, P3E 4N5. And


|> this particular show's listening audience, I would like to indicate that


|> they want a copy of the Brucellosis Triangle which details the


|> of the weaponized Brucellosis bacteria, they can send a $20 check to me,


|> , at the address given and that $20 check will get them the


|> Triangle which is regularly $21.95, but I will put in, in addition, a


|> of our new Journal of Degenerative Diseases which covers all of the

|> neurodegenerative diseases and especially in a series on Chronic Fatigue

|> Syndrome, and I will also put in 10 pages of documents on history from

|> congressional records including the June 9th, 1969 congressional meeting

|> that may get to speak about, NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum

|> 200) by Henry Kissinger and pages from the Riegle report, so they can see

|> for themselves why this disease that has existed for thousands of years

|> suddenly erupted in two forms, one disabling, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,


|> one lethal as AIDS. $20 will get you that whole package because we want

|> people to see this for themselves.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> And I can understand your willingness to do this to get it out and it's

|> appreciated. I want to stop you there because I want to talk to you about

|> the reason why, as you had said to me, why the Desert Storm attack was

|> halted after 100 hours of amazing progress against Iraqi forces. What

|> happened there?

|> Don

|> Well, when the Desert Storm attack was launched, they were, of course,


|> great guns. They would have been in Baghdad in another 12 hours, as

|> everybody knows. However, there were a series of scud explosions,


|> close to 24 scud explosions, which did not shower shrapnel down upon the

|> Desert Storm forces, but instead seemed to emit nothing but kind of a



|> haze. Well, those scud missiles, plain and simply were armed with


|> melitensis as well as some other toxic agents. Now the other toxic agents

|> included mustard gas, for example. They weren't trying to kill anybody


|> the mustard gas, they just wanted to make sure that the people being

|> attacked knew they were being attacked. The people in the intelligence

|> branch knew immediately from the 14,000 biological alarms that went off


|> up and down the front that they were being hit by brucella melitensis and

|> they knew that thousands of veterans in the Desert Storm would become ill

|> with Gulf War Illness. However, they also knew something else. They knew

|> that back in 1985 and on other dates, the United States had not only

|> provided brucella melitensis to the Iraqis, they had also provided


|> There were several shipments of anthrax to Iraq for use against Iran and


|> allied intelligence forces knew that when this melitensis attack


|> the next volley of scuds would be armed with anthrax unless Desert Storm

|> stopped dead in it's tracks, and Bush new this. He phoned


|> in the middle of the night and he said " stop where you are, " and

|> Schwartzkof--we've got this in news accounts from the period--said " why


|> that Bob, things are going great, " and Bush said " I can't talk to


|> about it now, but stop where you are, don't move another foot, " and


|> Storm stopped short of Baghdad, left Suddam Hussein in power because if


|> didn't stop, the next volley of scud missiles would be armed with anthrax

|> and at 10% fatality rate there would be 70,000 dead allied troops on the

|> desert within the next week. They stopped Desert Storm dead in its


|> they began to withdraw two weeks later, Suddam Hussein is still in power


|> the leaders of most of the allied countries are out of power.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> Well, that's a certainly striking story and we'd love to hear more about


|> documents or the information as to the phone call, as to what information

|> Bush had gotten from national or military security sources. We just have


|> few minutes here but we need to cover a couple of quick important topics

|> because mycoplasma are found in between 40 to 60% of Chronic Fatigue

|> Syndrome patients and Gulf War patients as well have a huge prevalence of

|> it. Where's the connection here and how does it relate to cancer, Don?

|> Don

|> The mycoplasma is, as you know, a fragment of bacterial DNA and this

|> particular fragment varies with the bacteria from which it was derived.


|> National Academy of Science, in 1995 in Washington, D.C. received a

|> presentation from a group of top line microbiologists who had by


|> determined that there is a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans

|> incognitus strain and cancer. Now, we did not know of this, even though


|> was back in 1995, the report was made at that time, but for some reason


|> other mainstream medicine and the National Institutes of Health and so on


|> not seem to have done very much to make it common knowledge. Now, we have

|> secured, as anybody can secure, and we will provide a copy if you want to

|> write to us--they'd have to pay the cost of copying--but we have secured


|> copy of the report that clearly links or suggest very strongly that


|> a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and cancer. That


|> the National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 1995.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> That's startling and very important. Just quickly, what is the story in

|> terms of the AIDS virus as you see it?

|> Don

|> Well on June, 9th, 1969 Dr. McArthur of Pentagon Biological


|> research branch spoke to several congressmen in a top secret meeting and


|> told those congressmen if they voted him an additional 10 million


|> the Pentagon would have within a 10 year period a new microorganism, one

|> which does not naturally exist and for which, these are his words " no

|> immunity could have been acquired. " In other words, he promised the

|> congressmen that if you give us 10 million dollars and 10 years we will


|> you the AIDS virus and you will be able to use that AIDS virus in


|> warfare, which means such things as reducing the population of certain

|> target countries and that is in the hearings of June 9th, 1969 and that


|> is one of the pages that I will provide to anybody that wants to send me


|> $20 for the Brucellosis Triangle. I'll send them that page and I'll send

|> them other relevant pages so they can see for themselves that AIDS and

|> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were both diseases that were engineered in

|> biological warfare research laboratories. There's no doubt when you read

|> these documents, which are government documents, achieved under freedom


|> information.

|> Dr. Mazlen

|> OK, now one quick thing. On our last show we mentioned about the


|> that were raised and infected. Just very quickly how many mosquitoes were

|> raised back when this happened and infected with these biological agents?

|> Don

|> Yes, the Canadian government agreed to cooperate with the American

|> government, and in Belleville, Ontario, the dominion parasite laboratory

|> back in the 1950's and 1960's and into the 80's the dominion parasite

|> laboratory raised 100 million mosquitoes a month which were transferred


|> certain universities to be contaminated with certain disease agents such


|> the disease agent that causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and these were


|> let out in a controlled way in certain communities so the the community

|> could be studied to see how effective the mosquito was as a vector.

|> Transcribed by

|> Carolyn Viviani

|> carolynv@...

|> Permission is given to repost, copy and distribute this transcript as


|> as my name is not removed from it.

|> © 1999 G. Mazlen, M.D.







|OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and


|alternative self- help subjects.




|This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

|for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

|information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


|own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability


|take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

|hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

|here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

|or health care provider.


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|OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self- help subjects.




|This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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Guest guest


I'm sure Dr. Einstein would be proud to have you representing him!!!!


Re: Gulf War Syndrome

|Dear Matt,


|I like the Einstein quote so much, i have added it to my tag line. Thanks!


|Best of Health!

|Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh


|URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

|email: saul@...


| " The problems of today cannot be solved using the same thinking that


|them " . - Einstein



| Gulf War Syndrome




||> Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS

||> CFS Radio Program

||> Dec. 19th, 1999

||> G. Mazlen, M.D. Host

||> with

||> W.

||> http://member.aol.com/rgm1/private/transcr.htm

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> Our guest is waiting from Canada and be with us shortly. We're going to


||> talking with Don W. , the author of the Brucellosis Triangle.

||> Interestingly enough, was our guest on the year end show in

||> 1998. He was here on the show the 20th of December and we're here again


||> the year end show and we're going to follow up and it's going to be a


||> exciting and interesting follow-up. We're going about basically,


||> diseases for which our Chronic Fatigue Syndrome audience are


||> susceptible, most of them being significantly immunosuppressed and

||> vulnerable to just about anything that's contagious that comes along. So

||> they should be listening carefully. Now, we're going to talk about the


||> Nile Virus, which was present with us here in New York during the late

||> summer. The West Nile Virus appeared in New York and then was found in

||> Connecticut and New Jersey. It's mosquito-borne. It killed 7 people in


||> three states before the summer was over and it's been predicted, and I'm

||> quoting from the New York Times in an article published on December


||> they said " The virus would likely re-emerge next spring when mosquitoes


||> out of hibernation. " This quote is from health experts testifying before


||> United States Senate. So, with that, we're going to kick off and talk to

||> W. because he has some news for our listening audience


||> where this West Nile Virus may actually have come from. We're not saying


||> know it for sure, and we're not documenting it but we want to present


||> with some facts. Hi , welcome to the show.

||> Don

||> Good morning, it's nice to be here.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> And I'd like you to tell our audience something about the information


||> you have from the Riegle Committee with regard to this West Nile Virus.

||> Don

||> As you and many of your listeners will recall, when the West Nile Virus


||> first identified, official government sources said, " well this is very

||> strange because there has never been any West Nile virus in continental

||> United States that we ever knew of. " However, if one turns to the Riegle

||> Report which was authored and supervised in its compilation by


||> who was a senator from Michigan, one will find that on May 21st, 1985,


||> United States had a supply of West Nile virus in the United States and


||> they shipped a quantity of that to Suddam Hussein. And that was in 1985


||> that Suddam could use it against Iran with whom Iraq, at that point, was


||> war. So, there was West Nile virus in the United States well before



||> was shipped in 1985. There are still stocks of such a virus in the


||> States and the possibilities are two as to where the current outbreak


||> from. 1. Either accidentally from local facilities such as Plum Island


||> was an inadvertent escape of the virus on the mosquitoes or other


||> or, there is always the possibility that one of Suddam Hussein's agents

||> returned to the United States and was able to release a quantity of West

||> Nile virus.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> Well, I hope everybody's listening because you all have Congressman and

||> Senators and public officials that you might know and you might be able


||> ask them about this and ask them to inquire about where this West Nile


||> went when it got to Iraq. One thing I want to point out, and , you


||> listen to this because this was also recently in the newspaper in New


||> it was in the New York Times on the 5th of December and it's a quote. It

||> says, " The scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


||> Atlanta using scientific techniques, " I'm paraphrasing that, " have also

||> independently determined that the West Nile virus found in New York is


||> close to one isolated in 1998 from a stork in Israel " which is not far


||> Iraq. So, we have another way that it could have come around and



||> here in the United States because for all we know Iraq found a way to



||> into Israel with whom they have no friendly relations. In fact, they're

||> still at war with Israel.

||> Don

||> Yes, people who know the migrating patterns of birds can infect that

||> particular type of bird and release it in such an area that they know


||> migratory pattern would be over a selected country and if your


||> or your senator says, " well, give us some proof " tell them to get out


||> Riegle Report, published by the Congressional Printing Office and turn


||> page 47 and check the date, May 21st, 1985 and they will see that lo and

||> behold, West Nile virus was shipped from the United States to Iraq on


||> date.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> And, of course, we don't even know whether or not is was possibly even


||> in the Gulf War which is another subject we'll be turning to shortly. I


||> to also point out, that you're the author of the book, the Brucellosis

||> Triangle and so we're going to stop next at another agent, that was


||> to Iraq and you have evidence of that, also, which was the agent,


||> melitensis, and tell us about that, because we also sent that over


||> Don

||> Yes, they did. Brucellosis was a disease known for thousands of years

||> actually, but in 1942 Canada, the United States and Great Britain


||> into a secret agreement to take the brucellosis bacteria and make it


||> contagious and more virulent and to weaponize it, make it such that it


||> do serious damage to an enemy and they came up with a variant which they


||> tested in a number of places in Canada, the United States and Britain as

||> well as other countries and they had indeed weaponized brucellosis. And


||> Iraq was at war with Iran, and Iraq wanted biological weapons to use


||> Iran who was winning that war, the United States shipped a supply of

||> brucella melitensis bio type I and bio type III from the American type

||> culture collection in Rockville, land. They shipped that to Iraq and

||> said, here you go, let this stuff out over Iran, it won't kill all the

||> civilians that you're targeting, but it will produce a disease known as

||> chronic fatigue as well as several other serious symptoms. So, in the


||> report, lo and behold, that our research was confirmed. Brucella


||> was shipped to Iraq from the United States and that evidence is found on

||> page 41 of the Riegle report.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> Now, just a quick aside. It's labeled as a class 3 pathogen. I presume


||> means it's fairly detrimental.

||> Don

||> Yes, that means it's disabling but not deadly.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> OK, for the audience so that they get an idea of how they classify these

||> things.

||> Don

||> Yes, well Riegle spelled it out on page 38 of his report when he

||> said, brucella melitensis is bacteria which can cause chronic fatigue,


||> of appetite, profuse sweating when at rest, pain in joints and muscles,

||> insomnia, nausea and damage to major organs which includes the heart,


||> liver and so on. Now, not only are you describing Chronic Fatigue


||> with that description, you're also describing Gulf War Illness. In other

||> words, Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis that had been shipped


||> him against the Desert Storm forces in the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> I just want to ask , where do you want people to contact you about

||> this topic or about your book, the Brucellosis Triangle?

||> Don

||> They can reach me at Box 133, Station B, Sudbury, Canada, P3E 4N5. And


||> this particular show's listening audience, I would like to indicate that


||> they want a copy of the Brucellosis Triangle which details the


||> of the weaponized Brucellosis bacteria, they can send a $20 check to me,


||> , at the address given and that $20 check will get them the


||> Triangle which is regularly $21.95, but I will put in, in addition, a


||> of our new Journal of Degenerative Diseases which covers all of the

||> neurodegenerative diseases and especially in a series on Chronic Fatigue

||> Syndrome, and I will also put in 10 pages of documents on history from

||> congressional records including the June 9th, 1969 congressional meeting

||> that may get to speak about, NSSM 200 (National Security Study


||> 200) by Henry Kissinger and pages from the Riegle report, so they can


||> for themselves why this disease that has existed for thousands of years

||> suddenly erupted in two forms, one disabling, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,


||> one lethal as AIDS. $20 will get you that whole package because we want

||> people to see this for themselves.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> And I can understand your willingness to do this to get it out and it's

||> appreciated. I want to stop you there because I want to talk to you


||> the reason why, as you had said to me, why the Desert Storm attack was

||> halted after 100 hours of amazing progress against Iraqi forces. What

||> happened there?

||> Don

||> Well, when the Desert Storm attack was launched, they were, of course,


||> great guns. They would have been in Baghdad in another 12 hours, as

||> everybody knows. However, there were a series of scud explosions,


||> close to 24 scud explosions, which did not shower shrapnel down upon the

||> Desert Storm forces, but instead seemed to emit nothing but kind of a



||> haze. Well, those scud missiles, plain and simply were armed with


||> melitensis as well as some other toxic agents. Now the other toxic


||> included mustard gas, for example. They weren't trying to kill anybody


||> the mustard gas, they just wanted to make sure that the people being

||> attacked knew they were being attacked. The people in the intelligence

||> branch knew immediately from the 14,000 biological alarms that went off


||> up and down the front that they were being hit by brucella melitensis


||> they knew that thousands of veterans in the Desert Storm would become


||> with Gulf War Illness. However, they also knew something else. They knew

||> that back in 1985 and on other dates, the United States had not only

||> provided brucella melitensis to the Iraqis, they had also provided


||> There were several shipments of anthrax to Iraq for use against Iran and


||> allied intelligence forces knew that when this melitensis attack


||> the next volley of scuds would be armed with anthrax unless Desert Storm

||> stopped dead in it's tracks, and Bush new this. He phoned


||> in the middle of the night and he said " stop where you are, " and

||> Schwartzkof--we've got this in news accounts from the period--said " why


||> that Bob, things are going great, " and Bush said " I can't talk to


||> about it now, but stop where you are, don't move another foot, " and


||> Storm stopped short of Baghdad, left Suddam Hussein in power because if


||> didn't stop, the next volley of scud missiles would be armed with


||> and at 10% fatality rate there would be 70,000 dead allied troops on the

||> desert within the next week. They stopped Desert Storm dead in its


||> they began to withdraw two weeks later, Suddam Hussein is still in power


||> the leaders of most of the allied countries are out of power.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> Well, that's a certainly striking story and we'd love to hear more about


||> documents or the information as to the phone call, as to what


||> Bush had gotten from national or military security sources. We just have


||> few minutes here but we need to cover a couple of quick important topics

||> because mycoplasma are found in between 40 to 60% of Chronic Fatigue

||> Syndrome patients and Gulf War patients as well have a huge prevalence


||> it. Where's the connection here and how does it relate to cancer, Don?

||> Don

||> The mycoplasma is, as you know, a fragment of bacterial DNA and this

||> particular fragment varies with the bacteria from which it was derived.


||> National Academy of Science, in 1995 in Washington, D.C. received a

||> presentation from a group of top line microbiologists who had by


||> determined that there is a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans

||> incognitus strain and cancer. Now, we did not know of this, even though


||> was back in 1995, the report was made at that time, but for some reason


||> other mainstream medicine and the National Institutes of Health and so



||> not seem to have done very much to make it common knowledge. Now, we


||> secured, as anybody can secure, and we will provide a copy if you want


||> write to us--they'd have to pay the cost of copying--but we have secured


||> copy of the report that clearly links or suggest very strongly that


||> a linkage between the mycoplasma fermentans incognitus and cancer. That


||> the National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 1995.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> That's startling and very important. Just quickly, what is the story in

||> terms of the AIDS virus as you see it?

||> Don

||> Well on June, 9th, 1969 Dr. McArthur of Pentagon Biological


||> research branch spoke to several congressmen in a top secret meeting and


||> told those congressmen if they voted him an additional 10 million


||> the Pentagon would have within a 10 year period a new microorganism, one

||> which does not naturally exist and for which, these are his words " no

||> immunity could have been acquired. " In other words, he promised the

||> congressmen that if you give us 10 million dollars and 10 years we will


||> you the AIDS virus and you will be able to use that AIDS virus in


||> warfare, which means such things as reducing the population of certain

||> target countries and that is in the hearings of June 9th, 1969 and that


||> is one of the pages that I will provide to anybody that wants to send me


||> $20 for the Brucellosis Triangle. I'll send them that page and I'll send

||> them other relevant pages so they can see for themselves that AIDS and

||> Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were both diseases that were engineered in

||> biological warfare research laboratories. There's no doubt when you read

||> these documents, which are government documents, achieved under freedom


||> information.

||> Dr. Mazlen

||> OK, now one quick thing. On our last show we mentioned about the


||> that were raised and infected. Just very quickly how many mosquitoes


||> raised back when this happened and infected with these biological


||> Don

||> Yes, the Canadian government agreed to cooperate with the American

||> government, and in Belleville, Ontario, the dominion parasite laboratory

||> back in the 1950's and 1960's and into the 80's the dominion parasite

||> laboratory raised 100 million mosquitoes a month which were transferred


||> certain universities to be contaminated with certain disease agents such


||> the disease agent that causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and these were


||> let out in a controlled way in certain communities so the the community

||> could be studied to see how effective the mosquito was as a vector.

||> Transcribed by

||> Carolyn Viviani

||> carolynv@...

||> Permission is given to repost, copy and distribute this transcript as


||> as my name is not removed from it.

||> © 1999 G. Mazlen, M.D.







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The message from Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...> contains these words:

> Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis against the Desert Storm forces in

the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

======= (:>)

Just a thought but didn't Dr Trocho (Spain) and others do some

research on GULF WAR syndrome and point out that diet drinks left in

the hot sun on pallets heated up to the point that Aspartame

(Nutrasweet) E951 decomposed into its constituent ingredients

producing formaldehyde. I believe that Dr Trocho described Aspartame

and derivitives as a " self-embalming kit "

check <www.dorway.com> for more details on how any diet chemical

sweetener like aspartame can seriously damage your health.


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> The message from Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...> contains these words:


> > Suddam Hussein used the brucella melitensis against the Desert Storm forces

in the Desert Storm attack of 1991.

> ======= (:>)

> Just a thought but didn't Dr Trocho (Spain) and others do some

> research on GULF WAR syndrome and point out that diet drinks left in

> the hot sun on pallets heated up to the point that Aspartame

> (Nutrasweet) E951 decomposed into its constituent ingredients

> producing formaldehyde. I believe that Dr Trocho described Aspartame

> and derivitives as a " self-embalming kit "

> check <www.dorway.com> for more details on how any diet chemical

> sweetener like aspartame can seriously damage your health.

> ^JJ^

It does not take heat to make the body metabolize aspartame to the

baddies. The more recent thing I read that fits Gulf War Syndrome

is the vaccine theory with mycoplama?? which would explain how the

gulf veterans could spread their illness to their families. The

nutrasweet explanation would not cover that. Deb

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Ozone is legal medication in all 50 states since 1905 and has been used

in all 50 states. The Tesla Ozone Co. sold more than 50,000 ozone

generators before Nikola Tesla died in the 1950's. No Dr. or ND can be

arrested for using ozone so they resort to charges like " Selling illegal

vitamins " .

Del Snow

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  • 3 months later...

I was in the Army from '86 to '92. When the Desert Shield deployment

started to get into swing, troops started getting " nerve agent pills " they

were supposed to take to build some sort of immunity to Sarin, GX and other

nerve agents. They were not approved by the FDA as they hadn't undergone

enough (any?) testing as to their efficacy or safety - they were produced in

the Netherlands as I recall. From what we were told, they contained small

doses of nerve agent. Many refused to take them. If atropine and 2-Pam

chloride auto-injectors wouldn't do the trick, then why bother?

I served in special weapons units and did quite a bit of reading on the

subject. One thing that struck me was that British soldiers who were

exposed to even microscopic levels of nerve agent during research at Porton

Downs had major problems later in their lives, with symptoms appearing

anywhere from years to decades in the future. (1) Some of the symptoms were

actually symptoms of nerve agent poisoning, while others evinced problems

related to nervous system damage and many problems that were similar to

" Gulf War Syndrome. " While this correlation certainly isn't conclusive, it

certainly is compelling, particularly in the face of DOD refusal to

acknowledge the existence of the syndrome until it absolutely had to.

Smells like spin control.

Other environmental problems abounded over there, from the burning oil to

who knows what else. The supposition that Iraqi ordinance is the culprit

doesn't make much sense to me. Even older nerve agents like Sarin have

catastrophic effects on deployment, so even minimally effective (sic)

deliveries are quite spectacular, likewise with Phosgene (though Phosgene

also causes delayed mortality quite spectacularly...), blood and blister

agents. It's easy to put the assertion forward that the OPFOR was the

culprit, as many delivery systems - particularly artillery - are difficult

to discern in the heat of battle. To a soldier " pop and no boom " isn't

necessarily a threat, but a blessing.

It pains me to think that our government poisoned its soldiers again, but at

this point I truly feel that is what occurred. Hopefully we will have some

answers in time. The real tragedy here is that if the syndrome is caused or

exacerbated by a nerve agent, there is no cure - treatments are only

symptomatic, and depending on the problem may be wholly ineffective.

1. and Paxman (1982) A Higher Form of Killing. New York: Noonday


Zillah, Washington

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Not to mention depleted uranium ammunition " shattered and scattered " all over

the battlefield after use, corrosive chemical rocket propellant and explosive

residue, etc. that line troops were exposed to. I had several friends develop

GWS after deployments to Southwest Asia even after the initial conflict.

One of my duties was teaching Self Aid and Buddy Care - " Field Medicine for

Dummies " - to deploying personell, which included chemical response. Did you

know that the 2-Pam Chloride's only purpose is to keep the Atropine from killing

you? 2PC acts as a counteragent to the Atropine, which theoretically counters

debilitation from nerve agents. That is why it is critical to inject both in

sequence. I can't remember what the pills were, but I am thankful that I was

never ordered to take them...

Shafer, E-4, USAF '90-'96

Converse, TX

----- Original Message -----

From: and Terri

I was in the Army from '86 to '92. When the Desert Shield deployment

started to get into swing, troops started getting " nerve agent pills " they

were supposed to take to build some sort of immunity to Sarin, GX and other

nerve agents. They were not approved by the FDA as they hadn't undergone

enough (any?) testing as to their efficacy or safety - they were produced in

the Netherlands as I recall. From what we were told, they contained small

doses of nerve agent. Many refused to take them. If atropine and 2-Pam

chloride auto-injectors wouldn't do the trick, then why bother?

I served in special weapons units and did quite a bit of reading on the

subject. One thing that struck me was that British soldiers who were

exposed to even microscopic levels of nerve agent during research at Porton

Downs had major problems later in their lives, with symptoms appearing

anywhere from years to decades in the future. (1) Some of the symptoms were

actually symptoms of nerve agent poisoning, while others evinced problems

related to nervous system damage and many problems that were similar to

" Gulf War Syndrome. " While this correlation certainly isn't conclusive, it

certainly is compelling, particularly in the face of DOD refusal to

acknowledge the existence of the syndrome until it absolutely had to.

Smells like spin control.

Other environmental problems abounded over there, from the burning oil to

who knows what else. The supposition that Iraqi ordinance is the culprit

doesn't make much sense to me. Even older nerve agents like Sarin have

catastrophic effects on deployment, so even minimally effective (sic)

deliveries are quite spectacular, likewise with Phosgene (though Phosgene

also causes delayed mortality quite spectacularly...), blood and blister

agents. It's easy to put the assertion forward that the OPFOR was the

culprit, as many delivery systems - particularly artillery - are difficult

to discern in the heat of battle. To a soldier " pop and no boom " isn't

necessarily a threat, but a blessing.

It pains me to think that our government poisoned its soldiers again, but at

this point I truly feel that is what occurred. Hopefully we will have some

answers in time. The real tragedy here is that if the syndrome is caused or

exacerbated by a nerve agent, there is no cure - treatments are only

symptomatic, and depending on the problem may be wholly ineffective.

1. and Paxman (1982) A Higher Form of Killing. New York: Noonday


Zillah, Washington

eGroups Sponsor

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<...2-Pam Chloride's only purpose is to keep the Atropine from killing you?

2PC acts as a counteragent to the Atropine, which theoretically counters

debilitation from nerve agents.>

Yep - the 2PC basically stops your heart, and the atropine gets the

ticker running again. With any luck. Another wonderful bit of NBC trivia -

did you know that atropine is also the active ingredient in some flea

collars? " Gee - I've got quite a buzz, and no more aortal fleas, either!!! "

When I was stationed in Schwaebisch Gmuend (Germany), we had a cerebrally

challenged generator mechanic get hold of an auto-injector set. He thought

in his little pea brain that the set of injectors was a training set, and

plucked out the 2PC injector. No doubt thinking that he was going to be the

life of the party, he then whacked the thing center mass on his forehead.

The inevitable happened - the injector deployed, giving him a healthy dose

of 2PC in a growing blister on his forehead. When the needle shot into his

head, it bent at a 90 degree angle when it caromed off of his skull, leaving

the autoinjector waving around from his forehead like some OD green

appendage. Luckily it was the 2PC - the atropine probably would have killed


Long story short, the NBC sergeant had to haul him up to the aid

station, where our mightily amused physician's assistant refused to remove

the offending object until we sent one of the privates upstairs for his

camera - Polaroids of the event were mandatory.

For those not in the know, aside from the sheer idiocy of the whole affair,

training and war equipment in the military are color-coded. While the real

deal is OD green, training materials are bright yellow. Not that hard to

differentiate, for the vast majority of people.

Be all you can be.....

Zillah, Washington

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  • 4 years later...

Weird as it sounds, chelations IV might help. Even though heavy metal may not be the primary problem, heavy metal toxicity might aggravate it. They can even dump in various remedies which support the person into the IV mix.

Marty Milner's clinic on 39th and Hawthorne does this at last check.

(Dr. Abrahamson, D.C.)315 Second St.Lake Oswego, OR 97034phone (503)635-6246website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro

Gulf War syndrome

Hi everyone. I have an unusual female, 35 yr old patient. Ex GI with, I think, Gulf War syndrome after exposure to neurotoxin in an air raid. She has MS type symptoms, transient numbness, burning pain with no relation to dermatomal patterns. Ovaries shut down. Chronic Fatigue, rapid onset osteoarthritis, cognitive difficulties etc. I've heard of a viral test HHV-6 by Wisconsin Viral Research Group Ltd. The site says HHV-6 is a herpes like viral infection that accounts for MS symptoms. It can be treated with anti-viral drugs. Anyone have experience with this?Minga Guerrero DC OregonDCs rules:1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.

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Minga- Funny you should ask. The anti-viral I just mentioned to , Virox, is known to work on all herpes viruses. What follows is how to get more info, etc. jk

It is Virox from Biogenesis. It is a patented extract from the herb Larrea tridentata also known as creosote bush, chaparral or Shegoi. There is actually some good research on it at www.larreamed.org/.

You can talk to or order it from Hanning (Biogenesis) at 503-860-4740.

M. Kalb MS DCThe Wellness Chiropractor and Health Coachwww.DrKalb.com 541.488.3001/888.488.3001

Gulf War syndrome

Hi everyone. I have an unusual female, 35 yr old patient. Ex GI with, I think, Gulf War syndrome after exposure to neurotoxin in an air raid. She has MS type symptoms, transient numbness, burning pain with no relation to dermatomal patterns. Ovaries shut down. Chronic Fatigue, rapid onset osteoarthritis, cognitive difficulties etc. I've heard of a viral test HHV-6 by Wisconsin Viral Research Group Ltd. The site says HHV-6 is a herpes like viral infection that accounts for MS symptoms. It can be treated with anti-viral drugs. Anyone have experience with this?Minga Guerrero DC OregonDCs rules:1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will be tolerated.2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

The Economist has an article that says that the Gulf War Syndrome may

be caused by chemicals that are commonly found in pesticides. I'm

wondering if the aches, tiredness, and lack of concentration may be

related to our usual start fighting this thing by spraying and bombing

our houses with many pesticides, of course, the constant battle may be

similar to post war trauma where being constantly on one's toes wears

on our nerves: http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?


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Guest guest

That makes a lot of sense....one has to be " on their toes " constantly

to stay ahead of battle. Of course the disruptive sleep doesn't help


Lady Dee


> The Economist has an article that says that the Gulf War Syndrome may

> be caused by chemicals that are commonly found in pesticides. I'm

> wondering if the aches, tiredness, and lack of concentration may be

> related to our usual start fighting this thing by spraying and


> our houses with many pesticides, of course, the constant battle may


> similar to post war trauma where being constantly on one's toes wears

> on our nerves: http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?

> story_id=10843161


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  • 7 months later...

Yes and skin rash was one of the most terrible parts of the "Gulf War Syndrome"


.....what the gov. did to these men and their families was horrible and it's still being swept under the rug. Rita

Re: something new

yes ma'am...and they are still affected.> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> Is everyone aware of this new show?> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> Here's the description: "STRING THEORY"> > >> > > >> A woman feels a profound fatigue and sleeps up to 18 > hours a> > >> > day.> > >> > > >> Soon she feels as if invisible rats are crawling over > her..> > >> > > >> These "invisible rats" seem to leave strange sores. When > the> > >> > woman> > >> > > >> puts her sores under a microscope…the > mystery > > >> deepens> > >> in ways> > >> > she> > >> > > > had> > >> > > >> never thought possible.> > >> > > >> Here's the link to the schedule: http://health. > discovery.> > >> > com/tv-> > >> > > >> schedules/series. html?paid= 62.15335. 123677.30743. 1> > >> > > >> The name of the episode (#8) is "Nothing to Sneeze at", > but> > >> > there> > >> > > > are> > >> > > >> 2 stories in it; the Morgellons story is the first of > the two> > >> > > > shown.> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> Next date is Nov 16th at 5 pm & Nov 16, 1:00 pm> > >> > > >> (60 minutes)> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> Bessie> > >> > > >>> > >> > > >> > >> > > >> > >> > > Adam > > >> > > Rumblers C.C.> > >> > > www.myspace. com/irishbandido> > >> > >> > >> >> > >>> > >> > > > > Adam > > Rumblers C.C.> > www.myspace. com/irishbandido> >>

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