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Thanks Frito

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Hi Frito,

Thanks for explaining the " herx " reaction. I am the one who had a

lot of nausea with the cleanse. I will cut back on the dosage and

try it again to see if that works. I am on a sugarfree diet now

which has helped a lot. I still have my carbs, though! (I am

underweight and don't want to lose a lot of weight!) It is tough to

make such major lifestyle shifts suddenly but these mites give us no


I am sorry to hear about the job. Maybe the time inbetween jobs will

give you the rest and time out needed to get your health back on

track. I will pray that happens.

Thanks again for all your helpful information Frito!

Lady Dee


> Hi there.  I am sorry I haven't posted to your inquiry.  When

starting out if you use those oils I mentioned and mix with a topical

antifungal such as clotrimazole or tolfante ( WalMart or Target). 

Also when doing the candida cleanses, I also take EVCO capsules by

NSI and ACV capsules by NSI.  Found at iHerb or vitacost dot com.  I

use both sites for my " stuff " .  These capsules will help normalize

the pH in your body in conjunction with the candida cleanses.

> Someone mentioned not feeling well while doing the cleanse.  This

is called a Herxeimer reaction referred commonly as a Herx.  This is

a reaction of the body purging toxins into your system.  It is why I

recommended the use of a good fiber supplement.  The fiber will bind

those toxins and help transport the toxins emitted by the fungal die

off, out of your intestines.  It prevents the toxins from candida

into going to the bloodstream from your intestines.  A Herx reaction

does not mean you are doing something wrong or the product you are

currently using is wrong.  It means it is working.  The tendency of

newer cleansers is to stop doing something when they feel bad. With

candida, you may very well feel bad.  Headache, nausea, joint aches,

the d-word.  Normal die off.  Keep going, it means you are doing

something right.  Not everyone will Herx, nor will they be of the

same intesnity.  If you feel your Herx is severe, then cut the dosage

> for a couple of days and work back up, but don't stop.  After a

month of cleansing, add a probiotic with FOS.  This will add good

bacteria back into the intestine.  Don't waste your money doing it

right away though, you are killing normal gut enzymes allowed to go

bad by overgrowth in the intestine.  the cleanse is killing all

those, and will also kill the probiotic.  Once you start normalizing,

the addition then becomes helpful.  It may even be more than a month

for some of us.  It was actually three for me.  Judge your own body


> Additonally, instead of salt, which unfortunately did not work for

me, I use Kaolin clay with a smidge of bentonite.  I mix with EVCO to

make creamy and sleep in that all night.  The clay cuts the mites,

smothers, immobilizes, and drys bite areas and lesions.  I tan with

EVCO.  When I bathe I may add some EVOO and a cup of clay and take

mud baths.  You can find clay at Rose Mountain Herbs or soapmaking

sites.  Currently, RMH is out of the 5#.  To my mudd baths I also add

my choice of essential oils targeting at parasite killing.  I may add

a few or just one.  I have found cinnamon to be very potent.  It is

also a virucidal.  Peppermint, TTO, Cloves, Thyme, etc.  If i use

soap, it is Azure Sulfur soap.  good, high dose, not bad smelling,

cheap, sulfur based soap.  There is a good cinnamon spray with the

above used for mites in dogs and puppies.  Nature's Gaurdian at

WalMart or Target as well.  I like to put that in my hair and scalp. 

> Smells yummy and seems to be working.  I also frequent our sauna. 

I use EVCO in that as well.  I don't do all this in one night.  I

rotate but use the same things over and over.  The cinnamon spary is

also good to clean your mattresses and pillows encased in painters

plastic.  They don't like it and don't bother me at night. Ii sprayed

my wood table with it and left it for a little bit due to something

interrupting me.  when I went back I had a bunch of black specks come

up from the grain of the wood.  FYI, beware of wood.  I am also known

to bathe in Hartz puppy shampoo for fleas and ticks.  This contains

pyrenthians. Also using coal tar, which is very helpful in sloughing

dry skin.  They use it for psorasis but there are cautions against

its use.  Remember, the good essential oils can also be toxic as

well.  I am imrpoving steadily over time.  I am nowhere near what I

was six months ago.

> I also acquired some sort of other parasite of which I do not know

what, but it made me sick enough to end up losing my job.  I have

done numerous parasite cleanses as well.  Same thing as the candida

as in Herx reactions but I have had really good results.  I can't

expound on how much better I am doing physically.  I thought I was

going to die.  Again, I am nowhere near that.

> After all this, I will say that these alone will not cure the mite

issue.  It will help your body to fight them and take a lot of them

down, but you will still need to combat the environmental issue.  In

that aspect it is a matter of personal preference based on what we

know to have helped others and again a balance between the

forces. (toxicity issues)

> Sorry so long, going to bed now.  Been burning a long three day

candle.  God Bless all, please keep fighting, and all of you are in

my thoughts.  I'm glad some of you are finding it helpful.  I really

believe if you can help your body fight it will help you fight

everything else that comes with it.


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