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Re: Antiparasite thing

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Zmooks, thanks for the input. I'm super excited to get that

antiparasite thing! I probably won't get it until Tuesday. The

funny thing is since I have started taking garlic tablets and

changing my diet, small red things have been coming to the surface of

my skin. Not that many, maybe about four or five so far, but I think

it is a good sign. One large one on my stomach is completely gone:D

If it is one of the mites, I don't know. I find it weird that I can

see these ones and not the others but then again they have complete

access to a whole load of blood supply. Two were at the roots of a

hair. I think they had climbed down there but now do not like

things. Either that or they are liver spots (which I doubt).

> > > >

> > > > Right on!!!!! There has been a lot of talk about the walls


> > > ceiling. It took me a year to finally decide that I had to


> > > everything away. This was thousands upon thousands of dollars

> out to

> > > the curb. But, once I reach this point and had realized that I

> had to

> > > look at this as a major infestation problem things started to

> slowly

> > > and I mean slowly get better. We slapped paint every where we

> could

> > > and then sprayed Clorox and salt every where. Our rooms are


> but

> > > it's bug free now. It's a true nightmare and what we have had


> do

> > > to rid our skin of these things is like nothing I have ever

> heard of.

> > > I was co2ing my car but I spray it with the cedar oil now. I'm

> like

> > > you.....I'm too afraid to stop treatment. I will have to have a

> year

> > > under my belt to feel comfortable in letting up with the salt

> and

> > > Clorox. What an ordeal........hang in there and keep pouring it

> on

> > > the little demons from hell. Rita

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one point I

was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work for me.

As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong in our

house when they got too close to me :)

The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little capsule,

after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so impressed

that a couple of capsules had an effect.

about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like rita

mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things right

before this ended.

By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you have

taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same day we

heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help us



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The first time I got Ivermectin from a dermatologist. The second and

third time, which were taken about two days apart, I got from a horse

supply shop. I used the paste and put it in capsules that I got at a

pharmacy. I would avoid it if you can. I became very depressed on

it and noticed some changes in my mental ability.




> Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one point


> was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work for


> As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong in


> house when they got too close to me :)


> The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little


> after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so impressed

> that a couple of capsules had an effect.


> about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like rita

> mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things right

> before this ended.


> By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you have

> taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same day


> heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help us

> though.


> z


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Lady Dee

I do still take a parasite cleanse every night....I probably will for

a few years yet :) we may be past the mites but not the phsyological

scaring and paranoia :) thats something everyone has to look forward

to. Plus I do believe I actually had something else on top of the

mites, a vectored parasite, possibly Morgellons. (by the way does

anyone know how Golfingnut is going?)

The parasite cleanse I take now is one I get from my naturopath.

But the only one I took while enduring the mites was revoxil.

And yes it did work for me BUT obviously your environment and all the

other things that you use that help need to be continued. The revoxil

was just one more bullet in the chamber.

I recall Lucy Lu actually speaking with the doctor who makes this

product. She can correct me if I have muddle this up - but he told

her that this product would help with bird mites. Lucy if you read

this could you verify this for me.....it was a while ago now.

God bless Lady Dee, I know each and every person on here will

eventually be rid of this, your time is approaching.....


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  • 7 months later...

Could I get some recommendations on anti-parasite cleanse pills?

I know someone just recommended one, but I cannot find the post. And

KJ is taking one. What did you take, Zmooks?

The Vaxa one looks good but pretty similar to the other ones I tried

(that had no effect). (And i really dislike paying 7.50 for ground

shipping for a little bottle of pills.)

thank you,





> Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one point I

> was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work for me.

> As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong in our

> house when they got too close to me :)


> The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little capsule,

> after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so impressed

> that a couple of capsules had an effect.


> about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like rita

> mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things right

> before this ended.


> By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you have

> taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same day we

> heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help us

> though.


> z


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One of the most important weapons in my " arsenal " has been taking the

internals - I've noticed alot of relief as if I'm really eradicating

them from the inside... much less itching, fewer outbreaks, no more

bites....and I've been on the capsules for 40 days so far. I plan on

taking them for the full 60 days. The directions say you take them

for 30 days... or 60 days (if you feel it's necessary). The parasite

cleanse I use is Parasitin made by Vaxa. You can call Vaxa to order

at (800) 248-8292 or order online at vaxa.com and... when it asks,

who referred you put " Trisha Springstead " and it seems to give a

discount... because she has inadvertantly sent them alot of customers

and vaxa is trying to work out a deal for those she refers.... Well,

anyway, I think they are trying to cut a break because when I

Ordered 3 extra bottles in late Jan I got a discount on my order (it

came out less than it should have been?) I decided to also do the

whole Parasite cleanse program that included 2 Parasitin bottles, a

Colon cleanse bottle and a Reflora bottle. The colon cleanse is so

that it thoroughly removes the dead things from my intestines... no

use having dead things clogged in the body.

I have also seen cleanses at Good Earth or the Granary (health food

stores). If your budget is tight maybe those are cheaper.

But if ya want testamony to the effectiveness of the parasitin (and

price is no object) then I recommend the parasitin- at least in my

case its making a big difference! So are the Ph capsules that vaxa

sells! - But at least there are cheaper ways to lower your Ph...

drinking lemon h2o.... hope that helps - ss/chicken

> >

> >

> >

> > Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one

point I

> > was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work

for me.

> > As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong in


> > house when they got too close to me :)

> >

> > The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little


> > after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so


> > that a couple of capsules had an effect.

> >

> > about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like


> > mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things


> > before this ended.

> >

> > By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you


> > taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same

day we

> > heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help us

> > though.

> >

> > z

> >


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Chicken -

That confirms my own observation (and that of others) that putting

the primary focus on your body - internally and skin - and then the

environment will give longer-lasting and better results.

Again, I am speaking for myself. But if anyone here is having only

marginal results going crazy with the environment and some attention

on the skin, try changing the priorities for awhile.

If we are the HOST and " breeding ground " (including the colon - or

should I say PRIMARILY the colon) then it only makes sense to clean

up the " internal environment " and skin. Don't ignore the

environment, but first things first.

I am going to repeat this: I know other people have had other

experiences. I am not dictating anything, just sharing what has

worked for me and others.


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one

> point I

> > > was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work

> for me.

> > > As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong


> our

> > > house when they got too close to me :)

> > >

> > > The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little

> capsule,

> > > after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so

> impressed

> > > that a couple of capsules had an effect.

> > >

> > > about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like

> rita

> > > mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things

> right

> > > before this ended.

> > >

> > > By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you

> have

> > > taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same

> day we

> > > heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help


> > > though.

> > >

> > > z

> > >

> >


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These are the two I've heard recommended the most on this group:

Parasitin http://www.vaxa.com/693.cfm




The Revoxil used to be called something else in 2007, when a number of

people were taking it.


> >

> >

> >

> > Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one point I

> > was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work

for me.

> > As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong in our

> > house when they got too close to me :)

> >

> > The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little capsule,

> > after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so impressed

> > that a couple of capsules had an effect.

> >

> > about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like rita

> > mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things right

> > before this ended.

> >

> > By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you have

> > taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same

day we

> > heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help us

> > though.

> >

> > z

> >


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I'm taking 3!

Vita Logic Parasite Cleanse (local company)

Not Nice to Toxins from safe2use.com

Para Free (forget who makes it, comes in drops or caps)

Plus standalone antiparasitics oregano oil caps, pomegranate caps,

and the papaya enzyme caps, which are sweet and tasty so I save 'em

till last for vitadessert!


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thats good that you noticed some change with garlic. At one

point I

> > > was taking 350 caps of garlic per day and it didnt seem to work

> for me.

> > > As you can imagine people definately knew something was wrong

in our

> > > house when they got too close to me :)

> > >

> > > The parasite cleanse pills really pack a punch into a little


> > > after taking such a rediculous amount of garlic I was so


> > > that a couple of capsules had an effect.

> > >

> > > about the red spots, I didnt have any of those, but just like


> > > mentioned I did get a pouring out of specks and other things


> > > before this ended.

> > >

> > > By the way how did you find the ivermectin? I noticed that you


> > > taken that a few times....we took that once a week, on the same

> day we

> > > heated our house. I know its poison for the body, it did help


> > > though.

> > >

> > > z

> > >

> >


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