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Re: Re: Is this birdmites? Do ozone machines work? They are biting my eyelids-help

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I am so glad to hear from you again, I had a hunch that you were super busy in tackling this incredible challenge of beating this 'life altering affliction'.

Great advise, thank you. I will take it to heart and put in practice. As soon as I move again, this time, letting go of more, going for the air mattress, etc,

You mentioned steamer,you also had asked previously about the Lady bug one, did you get it ? I am seriously consider that purchase, especially since I reduce my rent by 50 %. ( no use to stay in luxury or semi luxury places, when one lives like a pauper and a leper).....

Also, what about your electronics? I can not get rid of the car, a job requirement.

Will invest in CO2 tanks some more once situated and regaining financial composure.

One more thing, please tell me about your skin treatments and internal immune support if any, or any concerns about sequelae such as Lyme, thanks.

Really appreciate your sharing with us, thanks .


From: <amandatheclimber@...>Subject: Re: Is this birdmites? Do ozone machines work? They are biting my eyelids-helpbird mites Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 6:05 PM

I would agree with Rita on the controlling your environmentcompletely. A good cleaning routine is crucial. I'm on the tails endof this thing....hopefully. ..and it is mainly due to a routine. Fourmonths isn't that bad and this could be gone a lot faster than what Ihad to endure. I sent my cat to live with my friend until this isover. My cat felt them but never hosted them (meaning got bitten). Every living moving thing is a vector and must be treated, even ifthey are not getting bitten, doesn't mean they aren't on them. Breaking their life cycle is best and can be done easily but it justtakes time. You basically have to catch them out in the open. Iwould establish a good cleaning routine and AFTERWARDS go onIvermectin, if you haven't. Ivermectin is high effective but can't dothe trick alone. Had I gone on Ivermectin after a good cleaningroutine I probably would be done with this by now. They

unfortunatelydevelop a resistance rather quickly and once that resistance hastaken place in the population Ivermectin is useless.With a cleaning routine it takes time but you eventually learn shortcuts and it doesn't take that long. Mine 30 minutes top a day. I putborax on my floors at night sweep them up in the morning. It needs tostay powdery. Then I steam clean when I have the time. I also have adehumidifier and mop my bathroom and tub after showering everymorning. Clothes I submerge for at least 24 hours in water and useold bottles to weigh them down. I do believe your environment is moreimportant that treating yourself. Advice:1. Minimize your stuff as much as possible. Put in storage untilafterwards.2. Find a good routine (clean what you normally use stuff andenvironment) . 3. Find a home for the pets for a while or give them up.4. Treating the bed, floors, and car will reduce

your problems by75%. I bought an air mattress, clean my floors regularly, and sold mycar and started taking public transportation.5. Don't give up.>> Your story rings true and is very familiar to everyone on this site.I'm so sorry that this mess is still spreading. I had two little dogsthat caught this also. Our home was very heavily infested. We caughtthese "things" from our bird feeders and we suffered to the point ofexhaustion with them for 2 years. I learned early on that Clorox killsthe things. We tried to save our carpeting but it was impossible. Weripped out all our carpeting, put down hard surface flooring and everypiece of furniture that had fabric on it we had to throw out. This wasa devastating ordeal and

I don't think I will ever get over it. Afterwe emptied our home and wrapped two little twin beds in plastic for usto sleep on the horrible ordeal of cleaning started. Vacuuming theceiling, walls and floors every day. Putting a clean trash bag on ourpillows every night. I would then spray a Clorox and water solutionall over everything that could stand it. After that dried I wouldspray an Epsom salt water solution on top for the Clorox. I have sincelearned that Raid ant and roach killer sprayed every day will controland kill the things. Since the concentration of the raid is weak I hadto spray every day. I found that controlling the environment was veryimportant. Nothing that I put on my skin would work very well as longas my house was full of the things. Our vet believed us because hecould see the rash on our skin and see our little dogs itching andshaking their heads. I'm sorry to report that we could

not get thethings off our precious little dogs. After $7000.00 in vet bills wehad to give up.> > We began soaking everything that touched us over night, completelysubmerged in water weight down with Clorox bottles that we had filledwith water. Our bedding was ripped off every morning and placed in toa tote and soaked over night. We started soaking our cloths and shoesover night. We used plain water but we added Clorox when we could. Wealso started rotating our cloths. As we started seeing improvement inour skin we would throw the cloths away that we were wearing and buynew cheap ones. This nightmare has been devastating. All our clothsand furniture are gone. Our home is empty so cleaning can be done fastand easily. There was no easy way out for us.> > For our skin was would wash with dawn dish soap to remove all oilfrom the skin and then lather up a wash cloth and squirt

straightClorox on to the wash cloth and wash with that. We added more Cloroxto the wash cloth as we washed. We had to stop using towels, thecotton just seemed to harbor the things and spread them on to ourskin. So after showering we would then pour one pint of water that had2 cups of Epsom salt dissolved into it. We had to us very hot waterfor the salt to completely dissolved. We found that a small Listerinebottle holds about one pint of water and it was easy to shake up thesalt and hot water in this Listerine bottle. We would then pour thesalt water over our skin and jump out of the shower an blow dry thesalt onto our skin with a hair blow drier. The faster the salt driedthe better it seemed to work. I have to admit that there were timeswhen we had the rash and the pain so very bad that we would touch therash and bite marks with a qtip dipped into the raid. It kills themand didn't burn like the

Clorox did. We have also learned that alotion called Lubriderm advanced therapy for extra dry skin puts sometype of barrier on the skin that stops the things from being able tomove or live on the skin. The lotion leaves a type of wax-likecovering on the skin that the things don't like. Completely coveringthe scalp with it and sleeping with a shower cap on will stop thethings from infesting the scalp. Men can wear this lotion sort of likegel during the day but women have to wash it out for the day unlessthey cut their hair very short and wear the lotion like a gel also.The Lubriderm placed over the eyes at night really helped stop thethings from getting on the eyes and in the roots of the lashes. I hadto wash my eyes very well with the Clorox and dawn on the wash clothat night.> > We tried taking all types of things by mouth. I never took poison bymouth, I have a friend who is a nurse and

she made me promise not todo that because of some irreversible effects. We over loaded oursystem with zinc, garlic, B complex..... you name it we tried it andthese did not work. We stumbled onto the 1 tablespoon of plain tablesalt by mouth and at least 2000 mg of vitamin c a day. This seems tohelp. Also taking 2000 mg of seabucthorn gel caps a day helped. Wediscovered that if were trying something internally or on the skin,that if we gave the substance 3 months and it wasn't working by thattime, then it was time to move on to something else.> > We went to a welding supply store and bought our first can of CO2which is expensive but to refill it is cheap. We would release a canof CO2 into our car twice a month. We then started spraying the carwith raid ant and roach spray every time we road in it. If you use CO2be sure to hold your breath when you release the gas and then afterletting the

car sit for a long as possible (ours would sit for 3 daysbut one day should be enough to kill the things) open the car up andlet it air out well. We let our car sit for one day with windows openbefore we rode in it.> > I have been told that my way of dealing with the things is drasticbut I tried many different ways to try kill the things over a two yearperiod. Nothing was working until I started using the routine above.We are now free of the things but we have found that closets withcloths we didn't throw out, our basement where we stored items andtotes we tried to store cloths in are contaminated by these demonsfrom hell. It is truly a night mare to live like this but we can nowlay down at night and sleep without the things biting and crawling on us.> > I didn't use an ozone machine but a couple of people have said theyhad some luck with them. So after two years of pouring

everything fromammonia to motor oil on and trying to kill what ever this is the onlyitems that worked for what we had in our home was, Clorox, salt, Raidand Lubriderm lotion. I do wish you luck and will add you and yourfamily to my prayers. Don't give up, keep trying. If you are goingthrough hell....don' t stop.....keep going. Good luck and God bless. Rita> > Is this birdmites? Do ozone machines work?They are biting my eyelids-help> > > My husband and I live in Sun City, and our house, our cars, our dog, > our cat and our bodies and hair have become infested with some kind > of unknown pest. We've spent thousands of

dollars on an > exterminator, vets, MD's, a dermatologist, and over the counter > products to try to eliminate this problem. We've been told that it's > delusional parasitosis, but are our animals also suffering from this > when they are frantically itching? Finally, when we returned to one > of the vets who had suggested it was all in our heads, he was able to > see the bug under the microscope and told us that we did indeed have > something, but it was no cat, dog, bird or human parasite that he was > familiar with. In trying to figure this out on our own, I came across > the website called birdmites.org. We have tons of quail and pigeons > in our neighborhood and thought this might be the problem, but both > vets told us that these mites don't infect people or other species. > After reading the birdmite site, I found it hard to believe the > vets. We have been

dealing with this problem for over 4 months and > are at our wit's ends. We have tried to be careful not to spread > this, but we are not going to stop living our lives either. We even > abandoned our home for almost 3 weeks right after the exterminator > used commercial bug bombs in our house. The night before we left our > house we bombed our car, sprayed our suitcases and laundered all of > our clothes in water over 130 degrees with borax and vinegar and > dried them for over an hour. We also treated ourselves with sulfur > cream. When we were in the hotel, we went to a Laundromat and washed > our clothes again, had our bed linen and towels changed everyday and > treated ourselves daily. We were still being bitten. We redoubled > our efforts. We treated ourselves and did our laundry again on the > day we were coming home. As soon as we walked in the door, we were

> bitten. It seemed that it was worse than before when we were daily > vacuuming, washing clothes and washing our floors with vinegar. > Anyway, they are little black specks. Now, they are even biting my > eyelids. How can I treat that? We are thinking of buying an ozone > machine, but we don't know if it is effective for killing pests and > aren't sure what size we need for 1600 square ft. Any help would be > greatly appreciated.>

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