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I am very interested in learning more, since I am pretty sure my son has

trouble with certain foods. It is very difficult to keep a 9 yr. old off

of milk and cheese, though, let alone wheat/gluten. How do you all do it?


> Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:29:58 -0400

> From: " Connie " <craji@...>

>Subject: Re: new to list


>Welcome Rosemary. I have nothing to offer on the Claritin question, but I

>would be interested in comments others may have. Have you tried taking your

>son off cow's milk? I think this may excerbate asthma. Some of us on this

>list have children on gluten free and casein free (GFCF) diets. Casein is a

>protein in cow's milk.


>There is an interesting little book called Don't Drink Your Milk, by

>Oski, who is (or at least was when the book was published) the Director of

>the Department of Pediatrics at Hopkins (not a quack).


>Hope this is not all old news to you.



> new to list




>>I just joined the list...so, to introduce...our family lives in Western

>>Colorado and our 9 yr. old son has been having alot of difficulty with

>>focus/concentration issues with schoolwork. A trial with Ritalin proved

>>unhelpful. He has been diagnosed with an audio-processing problem and he

>>also has alot of allergies (sinus/eczema/borderline asthma). We have found

>>that the anti-histamine, Claritin, helps him to think more clearly on his

>>studies; his doctor is puzzled by this since Claritin does not cross the

>>blood-brain barrier, though she feels it may be acting as a stimulant.


>>I am searching for clues/answers about connections between immune system

>>deficits and neurological functioning and also for nutritional

>>possibilities to try to help my son.




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