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Fwd: Health & Nutrition Newsletter Vol. 2 issue 1A - Eating Disorders

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an interesting read A DIFFERENT TOPIC There are many things that can be discussed in a

newsletter. So many issues arise every day that to really figure out what to write about is rather difficult. Every day I do consultations either here at the office, or over the phone. The reasons are many that people contact me. Lately, I have heard a lot from people with eating disorders. Many people think of this just as anorexia, or bulimia – Over-eating also is a major issue that we have been addressing. By the way, over eating junk food is not the only way to have a problem, just because it’s “low fat – organic – natural” ya know what, when ya eat too much of that stuff ya get more pounds than you may want in there. We’re here in a modern world. You turn on the television and see models that look as though they have to run around in the shower in order to get wet. Standing inline at the

check-out and there are the tabloids that talk about this one and that one that has an eating problem. Or you see a photo of some chubby thighs, the face is blocked and the caption reads “guess who’s…” We have “fat actress” and “rail-thin models” Then there’s the articles in the newspaper showing the opposing view given by a model stating that they’re not anorexic, and that this is an issue that starts in the home, rather than looking at the fashion magazines, (I sometimes wonder when I look at a mannequin and wonder why they made it look like it hasn’t ever had a meal. Hey you know what I mean!) This is just a wee bit confusing to some of the people out there. They wonder how it is that they’re supposed to be. And for some, that are still trying to figure out who they are, or who they want

to be, this can be, unfortunately a deadly game. For this reason, I have decided this week to be about eating. THERE ARE REASONS For just about everyone, there are reasons for the way they are. The reason they are nice, or nasty, chubby or slim, whatever the condition, there is a reason. Some of these reasons are totally out of our control. It would be a tremendous thing if we were all strong enough so as not to be affected by the things that are said to us. Some of us had a person we respected or feared tell us that we weren’t good enough, not perfect, that we would never amount to anything. Some people go through life for a time thinking that “if only if…” they just can’t seem to get hold of what actually may be happening. “There has to be a reason” is the battle cry. “I’m not good enough…My boyfriend would love me if…I don’t care what people say about me…” There are the distant memories of faded voices that created the who we are now people. Some of us are not pretty enough because we’re too fat, and they’ll love you if you’re thin, and thin is never thin enough. Rejection hurts so much that walls are created with cookies as the bricks and frosting as the mortar. That picture on the wall is not level enough. The floor needs to be vacuumed again. The leaves need to be raked again. The street needs to be

swept. Then the children are told that they’re eating too much, and there is the comment for them. The list is rather endless, and we need to look at the things we do and say that may affect others. Our legacy should be something beautiful, not something negatively affecting those around us. There are many different types of therapy out there. So many counselors for different issues, and doctors in the bottle in the form of a pill that one can pretty much go through life without ever taking care of anything actually! “Just take this pill three times a day, and you’ll be fine.” And this pill will do exactly what? Will it be you, the who you want to be that is projected out there, or will it be some sort of emotionless androidal type of being that shuffles about looking the part of human yet reacting to nothing. They are the stoic ones, staring off into some place that is a million

miles away from where they stand. The converse of course are those that waddle slowly when their legs still support them. The sides of their shoes are blown out and stretched, and shiny cracked skin peaks out above a constricting sock with blue black splotches on the surface. Heavy breathing whistling through flared nostrils as they slowly walk. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT… …how it must be for some of these people? The ones looking in the mirror not seeing the fact that they are just a wisp of a person, and still thinking they’re fat They exercise and sweat, and run around trying to make everything perfect, eating maybe a cracker the entire day, or a celery stick, or a carrot because this is the thing they

can control when everything else in their lives has spun so out of control and something from the past triggered something in their minds, and, and, and can I take a breath now?! You have seen them walking in the mall, or at the beach and some people have cruel comments like “look at that skeleton…Hey Annie (short for anorexic)” I don’t think I need to say any more about this name calling that doesn’t do anything to improve anyone’s condition, and perhaps will even stoke the fire or resolve to stay that way! The bulimic consumes tremendous amounts of food – Gallons of ice cream, cake, cookies, loaves of bread and huge sandwiches. They excuse themselves from the table if in a group and go into a room or the bathroom and proceed to vomit what it is that they have just eaten. They have little

garbage bags filled with their regurgitations stuffed in a closet or under their beds, or where ever, and no one would think that they do what they’re doing because they hide it so well. All you have to do is look at someone’s fingers and see the cracked tips and strange looking finger nails, and perhaps their teeth have gotten eroded away from the stomach acids reacting with the enamel. It’s all good because they can control what stays in their bodies, they may not be able to control the amount they are eating, but they certainly can do something about what stays in! And then there’s the last group of people I want to look at, the people that get the most severe of verbal abuse, the morbidly obese. We

have all seen these people, and it breaks my heart! It hurts because I can’t imagine these people actually being happy having great difficulty getting off of the furniture that is still in one piece. Their shoes are either slip on, or have Velcro closures because they can’t reach their feet to tie the laces. Breathing is always labored because of the pressure of the fat against their lungs. They just can’t stop eating because the pain they feel is so great this is the only that that makes them feel good, and how good do you think they feel?! So many of us stare with mouths agape and wonderment in our minds at how these people can all be the way they are. How many of us have thought about what we can do to help, or even want to help. PREVENTION IS THE KEY I won’t go into greater detail about these conditions. You have read about them before, you know what they are, I don’t have enough room in a newsletter to get you totally educated…BUT! The best way to handle these situations is to prevent these conditions from being created in the first place. It’s an amazing thing when you think of the things we can do without even realizing that we can. Here’s a cool quote, and since we’re talking about eating – Perhaps, food for thought: “Our deepest fear is not that

we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates

others.” A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles = nne on So you can see that if we subscribe to a belief in the above, that we are great, that we can in fact do great things because we are powerful! The responsibility that comes with this is awesome! You have the power to create or destroy, so choose your words and actions well! We have the power to create, and let it be great! Last week, I talked about meal time and family. I told you of this great family I know and how meal-time was something that Joyce wanted to be special. A time of togetherness where the whole family could talk, and laugh,

and maybe cry. To let each other know what was going on in each other’s life. They truly got to know each other. Society has gotten such that time is so scarce that no one gets any, and we all become cheated by this phenomenon. Since time is so precious, it might as well be spent wisely. I will always give someone my time. I will always treat the elderly with respect because they’ve earned it. I will always love children, even of others because they deserve to be loved and given the best shot they can get. I will love your children as I love mine. YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS It would be easy to be egotistical and actually think that I can teach any of you

anything! You all have the answers within you. The problem is, that you’re mostly looking for the answer from some other place, so savior, or prophet, or someone greater than you – Well you are that great one, and you all can do something great! There is very little I can ask most of you to do for you to get the people with eating disorders to get well, that’s my job, or the job of some other professional. Your job is to help prevent it from happening in the future. You can all do something about this! Think of kind words to say to your children and those of others. Validate them. Tell them how much you love them. Let them know that they are perfect. At times they may not appear to be, but they are. The best they can do today is the best they can do. So stop expecting! It’s unfair to expect

something from anyone that they are not prepared to, or can’t deliver. You can however tell them that you appreciate that which they have done. You can tell them you’re proud. You can tell them you love them. If you do this, the seeds you have sown will grow into beautiful individuals that will pass this on into the future, and the legacy of greatness will have been your gift. Don’t be the one that is the mother of the less than perfect daughter standing in a psych ward in a hospital gown as her children are crying and she can do nothing about it, because she is a crying child herself! Don’t let that happen!

Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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