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Can't find the post that inquired about DGL. think t was Angie.

Any way, here is what has helped me to control it to some extent.


Here's Dr. Spreen...

before you read Dr Spreen's artical, read this about mucous membrane (mucosa):

" n.

A membrane lining all body passages that communicate with the air, such as the

respiratory and alimentary tracts, and having cells and associated glands that

secrete mucus. Also called mucosa. "

Kicking out the purple

This is so sorry an issue that it gives me reflux. I can't tell you how many

times I've stopped 'heartburn,' 'reflux,' 'acid indigestion,' whatever...now

it's called 'GERD' [Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease] to make it really

official! If everyone would just give me $1500/year to stop it, I'll pay for the

supplements myself and retire a VERY wealthy man with what's left (and improve

the patient's digestion at the same time).

The solution is ridiculously simple (and cheap). Using readily available

acidophilus and digestive enzymes I stop over 2/3 of all cases. The more

difficult cases (that may include overt ulcers, etc.) may involve a more

aggressive approach, but omitting really serious GI illness the results are

nearly always extremely positive.

'Reflux' (or any of the other scary sounding names) is nothing more than acid

slipping past the junction of the stomach and esophagus. The stomach is designed

for it, the esophagus is not...hence a trap door (sphincter) at the intersection

(called the GE, or Gastro Esophageal junction) set in place to keep the two

areas separated.

Acid essentials

People act like (from propaganda on TV) stomach acid is some kind of mistake on

mother nature's part. How many times in my practice have I had to repeat that


Here's the kicker: if you 'kill it off' (using antacids, acid blockers, etc.)

the body, in its wisdom, saves the energy required to protect the esophagus from

the stomach's (normally) more acid environment and weakens the GE sphincter.

This allows any remaining acid to sometimes slip past and irritate the

esophagus. So, you take an antacid (or whatever...we have so many choices these

days) and you feel better, because you lessen even more what little acid remains

that has been irritating your already sensitive esophagus.

The above association reinforces that you need more antacid next time, since it

helps in the short term. So look what's happening - the short term 'fix' assures

that the problem will continue (and even worsen).

Is that not the most beautiful trick? The 'cure' assures its own increasing

necessity...it's positively brilliant (and diabolical). And don't think for an

instant that I'm the only one who's figured it out (and I make no money on the


Acidophilus & enzymes

Acidophilus supplements (powder form, the liquid tastes awful) protect the

esophagus without killing acid (while killing the pain almost immediately). The

hassle is, you have to keep it handy and take it often if you don't solve the

whole problem, which involves tightening the GE sphincter. That can be done

using the English herbs (Potter's Acidosis) or by improving the environment of

the stomach, which then tightens the junction on its own but requires a bit more


When the stomach is low on acid it tends to also be low on digestive enzymes.

Believe it or not, the solution (along with acidophilus protection) is to ADD

acid and digestive enzymes at the same time. Remember, it isn't acid that's the

problem (you need it desperately for digestion); it is acid reaching the

esophagus. Proper digestion allows for higher concentration of acid while

tightening the GE junction and protecting the esophagus. I do that using Super

Enzymes by TwinLab, two capsules at mid-meal. I hate to push just one company,

but it's one of the few enzymes that includes betaine hydrochloride, a

plant-based form of acid like what's in the stomach (you hope) - plus it's

available everywhere. I'm sure there are others.

A trick with acidophilus capsules is that, with reflux, you must open the

capsule and let the saliva carry it down the throat to the stomach. Dose is no

problem, as the supplement represents a sample of the billions of 'good guy'

bacteria that you want in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract (and in which most

people are woefully deficient). Look for caps measuring at least 1 billion (with

a 'B') cfu (colony forming units).

Licorice stick

Occasionally the combo of acidophilus and digestive enzymes isn't enough

(that's uncommon), or there is actual stomach trouble from low acid (the

stomach's defenses weaken over time, too, with decreased acid, such that

irritation there can form and progress to an ulcer...see how these things are

connected?). Then, I add DGL, a form of licorice that has one component removed

(DGL means De-Glycerrhizinated Licorice). I use Enzymatic Therapy brand but

there are other good ones. Chewing or sucking on one 20 minutes before eating

can be very helpful in difficult cases. Avoiding refined sugar and white flour

products also seems to help.

The Potter's solution can be very effective; just bear in mind that it is a

'fix' that does not repair the altered state of the gastric environment. Killing

off acid, however it's done, is a serious mistake with long term consequences if

pursued over time. Poor digestion is the genesis of all sorts of problems, in my

opinion...but that's just me. Good Health, Allan Spreen, MD


hope this helps you as much as it is helping me.

Granny lee

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