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RE: Intestinal formula, cleansing ...

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TerriLynne - please tell me a typical day of food for you. I am also raw and have the same sort of intestines but when I adhere to 100% raw I have no problems whatsoever. But I do not take the intestinal formula, what is in it?


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Hi Shari,

Well, after I wrote that message, I began to wonder if the problem is

the formula I am taking. In the past, I have made my own according to

the formula in the files, and don't recall these problems. But I get so

sick of filling capsules, particularly when I have to take so much of

the stuff. So I purchased a couple of Dr. 's Formula #1 from

the HFS. It appears to have the same ingredients as the formula in the

files, but I'm not sure what proportions are being used.

As to diet, I have to admit that I have trouble eating enough greens. I

don't like them alone, I am tired of making homemade dressing, I can't

get an oil and lemon (or vinegar) vinaigrette to taste good, and I

haven't mastered the trick of making good smoothies which are small

enough for me to finish them off. <BG>

I am drinking about 12 glasses of water a day, and I eat out of hand

apples, oranges, tomatoes, bananas, and zucchini. Some days, I also eat

raw nuts, baby spinach, ... And sometimes I drink apple juice. But

basically, that's about it.


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TerriLynne, it sounds like you have a mild

depression going on. This can make you feel physically yucky as well as

sad and anxious at times. For that you might add some St. ’s Wort. Some people find

relief within 2 weeks to 1 month from this. I am also wondering if you

are taking IC #2? I believe the #2 formula is made to soothe the GI tract

from all the scrubbing the #1 does. It also absorbs any toxins that are

released from the cleansing process so that they don’t go back into your

blood stream. Exercise (preferably outdoors) can do wonders for you as

well. The combination of fresh air, sunlight, and physical activity help

the body rid itself of disease and depressive states. I always start to

get blue when I am slacking off on this portion of my life. I hope you

get to feeling better soon hon.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of TerriLynne

Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007

5:56 AM



Intestinal formula, cleansing ...

Hi all,

I hope this note doesn't discourage anyone else from seeking to improve

their physical health. <BG>

I am having some physical problems, and today I am feeling pretty down

about it. I don't know if the feelings of discouragement are just part

of the cleansing or what. I would like some advice, if you have any. I

am feeling bad, too, that Don isn't around to share his advice, no

matter how extreme it might sound. :-) So here is the situation followed

by my questions.

Background: I went totally raw on February 3rd. And, since my intestines

haven't worked properly since my teens, and I only have a bm about once

every week to week and a half, I have started taking the intestinal

formula #1. I am up to 18 capsules a day.

Now: Some days I have several bouts of the runs, literally, just passing

liquid, and some days, I am still passing nothing. But I have almost

continuous feelings of sickness in the bowel. If I am able to pass gas

or have a bowel movement, the sickness lets up for a little while, 20 to

30 minutes, but then it returns. I am guessing that these sick feelings

are what I have termed to myself " low-grade cramping. " And I have

absolutely no energy. All I want to do is lay in bed. In order to make

myself do anything, I have to take a Vivrin. How is that for ironic, raw

food, intestinal cleanse, and Vivrin? This morning, I started feeling

discouraged enough that I started writing down who gets what when I pass

on. :-)

Besides my physical feelings of illness, I have an overall lack of

motivation to do anything. I have anxious feelings about even making

phone calls. But I have many responsibilities, including running monthly

activities for a youth group, wrapping up plans for an upcoming

convention in May, preparing a program for library users in July, etc.,


So my questions are:

1. Is there anything I can take that will get rid of the constant

feeling of " low grade intestinal cramping? "

2. Any suggestions for a more healthy way to have energy? :-)


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TerriLynne, I feel you have a depression coming on also - I have had bowel problems on and off all my life but never to the degree that you have them - I usually take 1 or 2 of the intestinal cleanse #1 before bed and eliminate in the morning. Do not take intestinal Cleanse #2 before getting your bowels straightened out as it will cause constipation. I also think your body is trying to detox and maybe too quickly and that is causing some of the sickly feeling you have both physically and emotionally. I know that this seems very boring but for a few days try and eat the exact same thing and see if your bowels stay the same every day. You might have something going on with your body trying to adjust to the additional RAW with the capsules you are taking. When I go RAW I have to eat the same thing every day for a few days or a week so my body can adjust to it before I start to vary my diet or I get very very loose stools.

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Interesting, I'm thinking it's probably the formula because by your food it shouldn't be a problem. Are you on any medications? And then there's the proverbial detoxing. For every year we ate cooked/s.a.d. it takes a month of strict 100% raw to detox all the garbage. In other words, if you ate s.a.d. for 36 years, it would take you 3 years to detox (3 x 12 months). Scary, but true.


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Hi ,

Well, I am kind of eating the same thing every day, for the last almost

five weeks. I wish I had very loose stools. I suppose that could get

old, but since I've never really had to deal with it, it sounds like

heaven. :-)


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Terri, Are you cleansing or just taking IC#1. When we need to detox and, depending on the amount of old waste the body has to release, there may be temporary detox symptoms which may include achy joints, flu-like symptoms and fatique. These normally clear out within one to three days (sometimes longer) and are not exactly side effects from the cleanse products as much as side effects of waste and toxicity releasing from the body. Remember, you didn't get this way overnight...With herbal cleanses and juice cleansing it is recommended that you exercise as thishelps speed up the metabolism and forces the body to detox better. If you haven't cleansed in a while it will take more out of you so to speak... Regular cleansing (like once a month or every other) like even a 3 day juice or water fast is good and the toxins etc don't build up as much in your body and blood stream. SuziPS see my answers

below. [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of TerriLynne... Hi all,I hope this note doesn't discourage anyone else from seeking to improvetheir physical health. <BG>I am having some physical problems, and today I am feeling pretty downabout it. I don't know if the feelings of discouragement are just partof the cleansing or what. I would like some advice, if you have any. Iam feeling bad, too, that Don isn't around to share his advice, nomatter how extreme it might sound. :-) So here is the situation followedby my questions.Background: I went totally raw on February 3rd. And, since my intestineshaven't worked properly since my teens, and I only have a bm about onceevery week to week and a half, I have started taking the intestinalformula #1. I am up to 18 capsules a day.Now: Some days I have several bouts of the runs, literally, just passingliquid, and some days, I am still passing nothing. But I have almostcontinuous feelings of

sickness in the bowel. If I am able to pass gasor have a bowel movement, the sickness lets up for a little while, 20 to30 minutes, but then it returns. I am guessing that these sick feelingsare what I have termed to myself "low-grade cramping." And I haveabsolutely no energy. All I want to do is lay in bed. In order to makemyself do anything, I have to take a Vivrin. How is that for ironic, rawfood, intestinal cleanse, and Vivrin? This morning, I started feelingdiscouraged enough that I started writing down who gets what when I passon. :-)Besides my physical feelings of illness, I have an overall lack ofmotivation to do anything. I have anxious feelings about even makingphone calls. But I have many responsibilities, including running monthlyactivities for a youth group, wrapping up plans for an upcomingconvention in May, preparing a program for library users in July, etc.,etc.So my questions are:1.

Is there anything I can take that will get rid of the constantfeeling of "low grade intestinal cramping?" Drink distilled water to help flush your system... and exercise even walking or rebounding.2. Any suggestions for a more healthy way to have energy? :-) Try 3 day fasts every month or so to help keep the toxins from building up in your body. Complete nutrition will also help you... and maybe digestive enzymes.TerriLynne Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

Don't pick lemons.

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Hi Terri

You are in the same boat I am. I have always had constipation problems

for years as far as I can remember,I use to eat prunes 5-6 on Mondays

with a full glass of milk and that did the trick, I had to go and

sometimes barely made it to the bathroom i nearly blow our of me and

that satisfactory feeling of success! And I had enough roughage like

spinach and lots of carrots follwed by a good lunch, anything and

everything even hot chilli etc but my days of carefree ended this last

DeDec when I had my first attack of diverticulitis. and a pain in my

left side that never leaves anymore completely. Yes it goes away if I

cut down on my lunch and a very small snack at night. I had a

colonoscopy and it turn out that my colon " Wasn,t that bad to merit

surgery to resection the colon as my friend went through for 4 years of

hell before she just couldn,t stand the pain anymore, now she can eat

you under the table! I wanted that too but the Doc said he would do a

Cat scan first before considering my pain. well today I got the results

back and it was normal. So surgery is out unless I get

worse...infections and antibiotics etc. So I put myself on a fber diet

with All Bran, a table spoon with a half cup of Post brand cereal and

my fav cup of blanched spinach with bannana cut into the cereal. than

for lunch a fairly substantial lunch of 4 Oz of meat and bread with

some type of veggies or squash. and a light snack at night. The pain

melts away during the first morning BM. with the high fiber breakfast.

and today I had three BM , but some days it still wants to be stingy

with the movement and the pain edges back until I move my bowels again.

I suspect I will be like this from now on. . working with my condition

of poor BM. and was told to have metamucil every day now from my

uroligist or colon specialist. So its a trade-off for keeping my

equipment *intack* verses going under the knife. Sometimes I get

depressed too, but than my integrity of whats around the *corner* of

the next good BM keeps my spirits up! It helps to just not think about

it and let *Nature* follow its course to *Adjusting*




> 1. Is there anything I can take that will get rid of the constant

> feeling of " low grade intestinal cramping? "


> 2. Any suggestions for a more healthy way to have energy? :-)


> TerriLynne


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Suzi asked " Are you cleansing or just taking IC#1. "

Hi Suzi,

I'm not sure how you are drawing the line. I think that taking

intestinal formula #1 is part of cleansing. I also think that drinking

lots of water and eating raw foods is, at this point, the rest of the

cleansing process.

Do you think it should be more?

BTW, I have been exercising, as much as I have been able to. I purchased

a Rebounder, and am up to jumping on it 60 times. :-)

Anyway, something is going on with my spine and rib cage. The first day

I started jumping on it with great enthusiasm, and then it was like my

rib cage sank half an inch and everything hurt a lot. So now I am just

bouncing up and down, and not really jumping, and I kind of have to hold

my body tightly, not relaxedly, in order to protect my mid section. Not

sure what is going on, or who to talk to about it. I am thinking of

going to my massage therapist, but, although she is very good, I don't

think she'll be able to " diagnose " exactly what is going on inside of

me. <BG>


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Hi Terri

I ve been worring about you. You say that you started on an all raw

diet Feb 3rd, That is two days away from when I had a mini attack of

the lower bowels again. it spiked pain enough to make me flinch while

visiting my friends at the mall, how scary is that! I though I was

setting up for another infection but it turned out it was my colon in

distress and needed evacuating quite soon.. after being home it

finally came and I got relief. however like Suzi stresses I decided

to go on a three day liquid diet until that following three days

later of having eye surgery for a cateract. It turned out beautifully

by the way, and after surgery I gradually added alittle meat and

potatoes follwed by my regime of carrots and apples and pears or

anything sweet thrown in my juicer and that constitues my *raw live

vegetables..or as Don used to say " never eat cooked vegetables

because they die when you cook them and just lay in your intestines

and ferment. " Hey I have to have some cooked food or I become very

very *flat* feeling or just not well. I love! love! cooked squash!

And can,t imagine eating it raw~ raw meat!! forget it! I would gag

if I had to taste its blood and tallow spongy meat! ugh!!! No I could

never get used to it either. but most veggetables I could try

different ways in my blender or juicer and probaly enjoy! INcidently

has anyone heard of a herb called Turmeric its a root extract with

curcuminolds in a capsule (full potency) a health store recommended I

take this for my colon 2# a day with a wheatbrand fber in my morning

juice. I tried it (1) that following night and one the next morning.

It knocked the pain right out NOW! I felt like my former self and

could do things I used to do like lifting things and running around

straightning up our house! Than . . .decided to do some checking or

reserach it online. Well!! after going through 50 pages or research I

came upon warnings 'Not' to take it daily for a prolong period or

high doses which this one is geared. because taken for along time

causes stomach distress, interference with other meds like blood

thinners, or should not be taken if you have gall stones, and

compromises the liver. Fact for a prolonged period promises stomach

ulcers. So I abandoned them for any continued purpose..might take one

for just a very short time like a few days if I have to attend an

event or gathering and not have to worry about any colon distress.

Thats my story on how I manage alternate raw food inerspersed with at

least one good small meat cooked. If anyone knows about this herb

Turmeric , please don,t hesitate to inform us with any results or

experience regarding (Turmeric) I know its used for cooking as a

spioe but its quite a different dosage in medicinal use.

Rita-- p.s. lots of water will keep your colon hydrated enough to

produce daily or so.

In health , " TerriLynne "

<terri_lynne@...> wrote:


> Hi Rita,

> You know, I suffered with intestinal stuff for years. Every time I


> pregnant, I had terrible cramps, and the doctors would give me


> & Codeine, or paragoric to deal with it. I had a friend who worked


> eating well, and I used to just say, it isn't worth it. But over the

> years, as I see the negative effects of medical treatments and


> and as I watched both of my parents, who were major medicine

people, die

> VERY slowly (eight years) one of arthritis with accompanying


> and the other of cancer with accompanying neuropathy and

chemotherapy, I

> have come to the following conclusion. The number of years I live

is not

> as important to me as the ability to live a quality life. And, to

me, a

> quality life is not one of struggling with all kinds of symptoms and

> taking multiple types of drugs, which may somewhat alleviate, but


> don't bring real health. I am the adviser to a state group of blind


> visually impaired kids. We do all kinds of fun things throughout the

> year including sledding, skiing, white water rafting, horseback


> Alpine slide (which is taking a slide in a cement track down the

side of

> a mountain), biking, and much more. And I want to have as much fun


> those things as the kids do. Mentally, I am not a sickly old lady,


> so I don't want to a sickly old lady physically.


> I have tried prune juice, and it works for that day. But my body


> felt better, except for that one bm. I desire a real fix, and so,


> me, that is to change my diet and clean out my intestines so that I


> go every day, several times a day, and have my intestines do it


> outside help.


> I believe that there are plants on the earth to heal our physical

> problems, but what can one or ten herbs do against a diet of the

kind we

> all eat today.


> I think that it is okay to eat a little meat. According to Dr. Colin

> , whom I was lucky enough to hear speak last summer, a


> can eat up to 10% protein from animal sources and still maintain


> health. He admitted that he finds animal proteins to be very


> and that it is difficult to calculate an accurate 10% (which is a


> small amount). And so he eats vegetarian foods only.


> We have also been taught all our lives, in health classes, that


> fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than cooked. So, for right

> now, I am eating only fresh. The time MAY come when I feel able to


> some cooked foods,

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Rita, if you're going to eat meat, try to keep it to a minimum. Tumeric is a wonder anti inflamatory... We use it in our complete tonic. Cooked, it loses much of it's potency and effectiveness. Suzi

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Hi Suzi

Glad to know that Turmeric is part of your tonic cleansing products.

The only point I was trying to make is *don,t use it on a daily bases*

unless its at lower, much lower safe portions. I beleive what experts

in both nutritional and even hospitals have to say on it, unless you

have a Iron gut and are looking for relief only.


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Hmm, I've taken it for a couple days as an anti inflamatory - even a couple days with this recent surgery.... never had a problem with it.. I put it into capsules... Suzisnowwolf1779 <snowwolf1779@...> wrote: Hi SuziGlad to know that Turmeric is part of your tonic cleansing products.The only point I was trying to make is *don,t use it on a daily bases*unless its at lower, much lower safe portions. I beleive what experts in both nutritional and even hospitals have to say on it, unless you have a Iron gut and are looking for relief only.

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> Hmm, I've taken it for a couple days as an anti inflamatory - even

a couple days with this recent surgery.... never had a problem with

it.. I put it into capsules...

> Suzi

Hi Suzi

You probably make your own from the files? And at a more neutral

potion. Here's one of the pages I copied on it from the Loyola

University..and I will shut up on the subject ;-)




What is it?

Turmeric is an herbal medicine used to treat inflammation (swelling),

upset stomach, and arthritis. It is also used to prevent cancer,

clogged arteries, and infections.

Other names for Turmeric include: Curcumin, Curcuma longa, Indian

Saffron, Curcuma, and Indian Yellow Root.

Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you need more information

about this medicine or if any information in this leaflet concerns


Before Using:

Tell your doctor if you

are taking medicine or are allergic to any medicine (prescription or

over-the-counter (OTC) or dietary supplement)

are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using this medicine

are breastfeeding

have liver or gall bladder blockage, gall stones, hyperacidity, or

stomach ulcers

have any other health problems, such as high blood pressure or heart

or blood vessel disease


Talk with your caregiver about how much Turmeric you should take. The

amount depends on the strength of the medicine and the reason you are

taking Turmeric. If you are using this medicine without instructions

from your caregiver, follow the directions on the medicine bottle. Do

not take more medicine or take it more often than the directions tell

you to.

To store this medicine:

Keep all medicine locked up and away from children. Store medicine

away from heat and direct light. Do not store your medicine in the

bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Heat or

moisture may cause the medicine to break down and not work the way it

should work. Throw away medicine that is out of date or that you do

not need. Never share your medicine with others.

Drug and Food Interactions:

Do not take Turmeric without talking to your doctor first if you are


Blood thinning medicine (examples: aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix®),

ticlopidine (Ticlid®), warfarin (Coumadin®), enoxaparin (Lovenox



Before taking Turmeric, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or


Patients with liver or gall bladder blockage (obstruction), gall

stones, hyperacidity, or stomach ulcers should not take Turmeric

Do not take Turmeric if you have a bile passage blockage

Turmeric should be taken on an empty stomach

Side Effects:

Stop taking your medicine right away and talk to your doctor if you

have any of the following side effects. Your medicine may be causing

these symptoms which may mean you are allergic to it.

Breathing problems or tightness in your throat or chest

Chest pain

Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin

Other Side Effects:

You may have the following side effects, but this medicine may also

cause other side effects. Tell your doctor if you have side effects

that you think are caused by this medicine.

Bitter taste in your mouth after using Turmeric

Can cause stomach ulcers if used for a long time

Skin problems


1. McGuffin M, Hobbs C, Upton R et al: Botanical Safety Handbook. CRC

Press, Boca Raton, FL; 1997.

2. Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A et al: The Complete German

Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines.

American Botanical Council and Boston: Integrative Medicine

Communications, Austin, TX; 1998.

3. Garg SK: Effect of Curcuma longa (rhizomes) on fertility in

experimental animals. Planta Med 1974; 26:201-300.

4. Fetrow CW & Avila JR: Professional's Handbook of Complementary and

Alternative Medicines. Springhouse Corporation, Springhouse, PA;

1999: 646-649.

5. Stoner GD & Muktar H: Polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive

agents. J Cell Biochem 1995; 22(Suppl):169-180.

6. Srivastava KC, Bordia A & Verma SK: Curcumin, a major component of

food spice tumeric (Curcuma longa) inhibits aggregation and alters

eicosanoid metabolism in human blood platelets. Prostgland Leukotr

Ess Fatty Acids 1995; 52:223-227.

7. Srivastava R, Dikshit M, Srimal RC et al: Anti-thrombotic effect

of curcumin. Thromb Res 1985; 40:413-417.

© All MICROMEDEX Systems are Copyright © 1974 - 2006 Thomson

MICROMEDEX All rights reserved.

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This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor.

Healthwise and Thomson Healthcare disclaim any liability for the

decisions you make based on this information. For more information,

click here. How this information was developed.

Topic Contents

What is it?

Before Using:


To store this medicine:

Drug and Food Interactions:


Side Effects:

Other Side Effects:


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This sounds like there is a tumeric prescription..... as with all things use in moderation.. i.e. lobelia ia safe unless misused as the drug companies did. As with any drug, herb, etc.. do plenty of research, not just one site, and be aware of who is behind the information. If we all do this, we will be okay. Suzisnowwolf1779 <snowwolf1779@...> wrote: Hi SuziYou probably make your own from the files? And at a more neutral potion. Here's one of the pages I copied on it from the Loyola University..and I will shut up on the subject ;-)Rita__________________________________________________________________TURMERICWhat is it?Turmeric is an herbal medicine used to treat inflammation (swelling), upset stomach, and arthritis. It is also used to prevent

cancer, clogged arteries, and infections. Other names for Turmeric include: Curcumin, Curcuma longa, Indian Saffron, Curcuma, and Indian Yellow Root. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you need more information about this medicine or if any information in this leaflet concerns you.

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