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Re: Fwd: Diabetes - The Largest Killer in the World Health and Nutrition Newsl

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i have diabetes II and what u have written is the best i have read to

help me to understand the disease. i do have a protuding belly which

has bothered me a lot, as it makes me look pregnant. no one has

brought this up in things i have read. i do not crave sugar. i DO

love bread, however, now only eat spelt bread...1-3 slices daily. i

stay off grains. i do eat quinoa. u said to eat yogurt. how about

kefir instead? i have access to the grains and would prefer to eat

that instead. i do drink water kefir and love it a lot, but wonder if

the sugar in it is harmful, even though they say that it's for the

kefir and gone (which i doubt) by the time it is fully brewed. i just

got a vita mix and will begin to juice with it. and for the garlic,

what is the easiest way to eat that many cloves each day? i do have

sciatica, and had an mri which showed it was from my lower back. i'm

seeing a chiropractor who is now treating me with a decompression

machine of a sort...only 3 sessions so far. i do not take any

medication, only homeopathic magnesium sulfate, which helps the pain

some. one thing i notice is that it is so sweet. what is your

opinion on that? thanks for any help.





> Diabetes - The Largest Killer in the World



> Health and Nutrition Newsletter: Vol. 17 Issue 5c

> 12 May 2007



> Diabetes is a condition in the body in which the pancreas has become

completely exhausted and no longer can control the blood sugar level

of the body.


> When the blood sugar goes too high the person can go into a coma and

die. The person has horrible mood swings and has a very difficult

life. I'm sure you have heard about toes, arms and legs being

amputated and people going blind in the advanced stages of this condition.


> How does this condition comes about in the body?


> When a person has had too many antibiotics, preservatives in foods

or has been exposed to too much chlorine, the body loses its ability

to absorb food, especially protein. The chlorine kills the helpful

bacteria in the intestines. These bacteria keep the intestinal walls

clean and help break down the food. The protein is broken down by

these friendly bacteria and then can be absorbed and used by the body.

When the cleaning crew, the good bacteria, are killed off by the

chlorine, the intestines become impacted (coated and clogged).


> As the food sticks to the side of the intestine wall the body loses

its ability to absorb food. The person becomes unable to digest

proteins and starts to crave sugars in order to get his energy. Sugars

go into the bloodstream too fast; the pancreas then puts out insulin

to deal with this excess sugar in the blood. The blood sugar then

crashes shortly, causing the person to need more energy again. The

result: the person now craves and consumes more and more sugar to get

his energy. As the intestines become more and more impacted, the sugar

cravings continue and eventually the pancreas becomes exhausted.


> The person may develop a protruding belly. The pressure of the

expanding intestines presses on the internal organs. This pressure can

then affect the spine and can put the spine out of place. The nerves

going to the various organs from the spine can become pinched, which

results in reduced communication between the brain and the internal

organs. Because the communication between the brain and the pancreas

cannot take place, the pancreas may stop working altogether. This is

why the most important thing to do is stop eating refined sugars and

junk foods, and to clean the intestines.


> Here are some of the things you can do to improve the quality of

your life with this condition.


> 1) Correct your water supply - get all the chlorine out of your

water and do not drink chlorinated water. (Chlorine is added to the

water to kill off all bacteria) The bacteria in your intestines are

the cleaning crew that helps your body to use your food and keep the

intestinal wall clean.


> 2) Do an Colon cleanse and get the trapped rotting food and waste to

leave the body. An Intestinal Cleanse Program can be done for a week

or more with fast results.


> 3) Start eating yogurt every day and take intestinal bacteria to

help recreate the correct condition in your intestines.


> 4) Do not eat refined foods or sugars. (these are cakes, pastries,

candy, any food that has sugar added to it, etc.) Instead if you want

something sweet, drink freshly squeezed fruit juice or carrot juice.

> Always try to make your juices fresh at home. Definitely get a juicer.


> The following fresh raw unpasterized juices are very good to drink:

> Grape Grapefruit

> Apple Nectarine

> Pineapple Mango

> Cantaloupe Watermelon

> Orange Tangerine

> Lemon and/or Lime in water Papaya


> If you are concerned about any particular juice, test your blood

sugar level 25-30 minutes after drinking the juice. This way you will

find the ones that are compatible with your body.

> You may need to switch to vegetable juices.


> You can test the following combinations or create your own:


> Carrots, parsley and celery

> Carrots, cucumber and celery

> Carrots, spinach and kale

> Carrots and small amounts of garlic, onion and ginger

> Tomato, cucumber parsley, celery and broccoli

> Tomato, green pepper, celery, cucumber, parsley and a bit of sea salt


> 5) Test your urine pH daily first thing in the morning. Work towards

getting your pH between 7 to 8. You can achieve this by increasing

your intake of fresh raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing the green

leafy vegetables and adding them to carrot juice is very important.

When you making a salad avoid dressings with preservatives - avoid

them like the plague - they prevent your body from absorbing your food.


> 6) Add COMPLETE NUTRITION to your vegetable juices: its

chlorophyl helps clean the intestinal tract and the the blood; it is

also an excellent sources of protein for it has easily digested amino

acids from spirulina and chlorella, green wheat, alfalfa and barley

grasses and seaweed. In fact is is a superfood, a wholefood source

full of minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients, in addition to its

amino acids. Make sure you have at least 4 tablespoons complete

nutrition a day for vital nutritional support.


> 7) Rub CASTOR OIL on your abdomen at night. This helps the body to

break up the congestion in the organs and allows the toxic waste to

leave the body. You can wrap saran wrap (plastic wrap that you use in

your kitchen) around your body to protect your clothes and sheets.


> 8) Increase your garlic intake. Take 3 to 4 cloves or more a day.

Garlic is a miraculous natural anti-biotic herb, that does not harm

the good bacteria but gets rid of the bad bacteria, parasites and

molds. Also take cayenne every day to improve your circulation. You

can go as far as taking a quarter cup a day.


> 9) Make sure you do some exercise every day. Keeping your body

moving will keep your circulation moving.


> 10) Make sure you test your blood sugar before administer insulin or

any other blood sugar controlling drugs. If you administering the

insulin, and your blood sugar is already normal, it will send your

blood sugar level too low. This can create a very dangerous condition

in your body - many diabetics (and others with blood sugar problems)

end up in mental institutions. What happens is that the blood sugar

goes too low and the brain starts to starve from lack of energy; the

person then becomes mentally dysfunctional. Such people may be taken

to mental hospitals, where they are put on very harmful and dangerous

drugs; often the real, physical (blood sugar) problems are never

identified or corrected.


> 11) Get a full body massage daily.


> 12) If you tend to have a lot of gas and bloating start taking Super

tonic. A dropperful every hour as a digestive aid and may help stop

the gas.





> Suzi

> What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.



> health/

> http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/

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> ---------------------------------

> oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not

web links.


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I would think keifer would be okay... it's like a heavy yogurt... I would sprout my grains. Cut back onthe bread. Maybe a slice a day. Where's your veggies? (raw) Garlic cloves.... I take one and cut it up, scoop it up throw it in my mouth and down it with water. You can also a night take one, slice it longways, coat it with olive oil and stick it up your rectum.before bedtime.I'm not familiar with the homeo mag sulf.... maybe will be better at that one... How is the decompression coming? They started that on me last week for the pain in my hip... they are getting close to having a MRI done to find out what the problem is.... they're trying alotof different things to figure out what exactly is going on.... the bursitis is better but still having spasms or pain.... lol.. the neck is doing pretty good.. working on breaking up scar tissue.. dianamagic2000

<babygirl.di@...> wrote: Suzi,i have diabetes II and what u have written is the best i have read tohelp me to understand the disease. i do have a protuding belly whichhas bothered me a lot, as it makes me look pregnant. no one hasbrought this up in things i have read. i do not crave sugar. i DOlove bread, however, now only eat spelt bread...1-3 slices daily. istay off grains. i do eat quinoa. u said to eat yogurt. how aboutkefir instead? i have access to the grains and would prefer to eatthat instead. i do drink water kefir and love it a lot, but wonder ifthe sugar in it is harmful, even though they say that it's for thekefir and gone (which i doubt) by the time it is fully brewed. i justgot a vita mix and will begin to juice with it. and for the garlic,what is the easiest way to eat that many

cloves each day? i do havesciatica, and had an mri which showed it was from my lower back. i'mseeing a chiropractor who is now treating me with a decompressionmachine of a sort...only 3 sessions so far. i do not take anymedication, only homeopathic magnesium sulfate, which helps the painsome. one thing i notice is that it is so sweet. what is youropinion on that? thanks for any help.

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