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Fwd: Anyone for a Little Sabotage?

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----- Original message -----

From: " Natural Solutions Foundation " <dr.laibow@...>

April 8, 2007

Could It Be That All The Problems Are Coincidence?

A couple of days ago The Natural Solutions Foundation sent out an Action

Alert telling you that the FDA is at it again. Their " Proposed Guidance

on CAM " will classify all natural therapies as " Medical Practices " so

only licensed physicians will be able to practice them. Then the

supplements and products used in those practices become " untested drugs "

which are, in the US and elsewhere, illegal. Not only that, I can tell

you as a physician that deviations from " practice guidelines " or

" treatment algorithms " are increasingly cause for doctors to have their

licenses pulled so few doctors will offer those modalities.

The Comments page ,



I set up for you to use to send your comments electronically to the FDA

during the public comment period (which ends on April 30) was working

perfectly and, at last count, 11,030 people had sent comments to the FDA

using that page.

And then the emails began coming in that said things like, " When I click

the " submit " button, I get an 'Error 404' message. " and " When I clicked

on the link in your email, I got a " Page no longer available " message

and similar emails.

Connect the Dots!


On March 14 of this year our site, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, was

" locked " by our hosting company hours after we made it known that the

huge number of drug-related deaths which are the leading cause of death

in every developed country in the world fit in perfectly with the

explicitly stated genocidal agenda of multinational and international

organizations from the Council on Foreign Relations to the World Health

Organization. We pointed out that this fits perfectly with the apparent

underlying Codex agenda

(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php/?p=322), coming as it does

straight from Nazi Germany. (Check out the Nutricide Video on our home

page, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org if you haven't seen it! Email that link,



A temporary page telling people what happened after our site went down

was mounted by our webmaster. Within hours his server and all of his

sites were off the Internet because of a concerted, organized and

illegal attack on our site and his hosting server. When he took our

temporary site down, the attack ceased almost instantly and his sever

and sites were back on line within minutes.


Our Action Alert on the proposed New York legislation

(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php/?page_id=351) which will

limit access to nutrients and supplements in that state was number 1 in

Google's ranking on the topic one day and suddenly disappeared from the

Internet search engine altogether overnight!


More than 11,000 people have responded to our urgent request that they

file their objections to this latest FDA end run around DSHEA (the 1994

law which says that supplements and herbs are foods and, as such, are

presumed to be safe). Our Action Alert emails on the topic have been

widely circulated and people are using this opportunity to create

another uproar like the one that prevented Congress from taking away our

right to supplements in 1994 and brought us DSHEA!

Dot to Dot to Dot:

Oh Look! There's a Picture!

I think it is reasonable to conclude that our vigorous response and

success is not particularly welcome to the FDA and their friends. And

that means that we need to intensify our successful response right now!

We only have until April 30, 2007 to let the FDA know that We, the

People, want our health products, our health freedom and our self

determination. The FDA also needs to know that we want Public Hearings

on these issues and that we are willing to make our will loud and clear.

Here's Your Part

You have been doing a great job of sending your comments to the FDA and

circulating this information to your circle of influence. It may be hard

to take in but if this " Guidance " goes through, there will be no more

legal natural health and wellness modalities. There will be no more

natural health and wellness products.

Our nutrients, if we are permitted any, will look very much like the low

potency, no impact nutrients permitted in Europe under the

Codex-Compliant European Food Supplements Directive (using any other

nutrients in any other dosages is a crime). Our herbs, if we have any,

will look very much like the very, very short list of herbs permitted

ONLY FOR TRIVIAL COMPLAINTS in Europe under the European Medicinal

Herbal Products Directive (using any other herbs for any other reasons

is a crime). In other words, Big Pharma, like Big Brother at the end of

Orwell's chillingly prophetic " 1984 " will have won.

We are That Close!

We are that close to loosing natural medicine. We are that close to

loosing our health freedom.

It is imperative that you submit your comments to the FDA. If you value

your health or your freedom (or both) you have only a narrow window of

opportunity to raise your voice with all the other voices shouting for

our right to make our own health decisions.

Use this link to access the page where you can submit your comments :



If there is a problem wit the link, write to me with your information at

dr.laibow@... and I will personally make sure that your comments

are submitedfor you. Every one of them!

After you have submitted you comments, the next step is critical. Spend

some time contacting all of the people in your circle of influence and,

with a short note at the top of the email, explain how dangerous this

threat is, how short the window of opportunity is and what the

consequences will be if the FDA and Big Pharma succeed this time around.

Please include the makers and sellers of your vitamins, minerals, etc.

as well as the practitioners whom you know in your emails. Ask people,

practitioners, health food stores, organizations and companies to alert

their customers, patients, suppliers, friends, etc. We need millions of

responses and we CAN get them if we all work together on this.

Oh, and please, don't forget to write to me to let me know if you have

any further problems with the links or the sites. We will fix them if

you do.

Actually, I take heart from these attacks: if we were not effective,

there would be no need for sabotage!

Remember, the FDA's goal is simple: through a " Guidance " about the

regulation of " CAM " (which they conveniently define as " Complementary

and Alternative MEDICINE " instead of " Complementary and Alternative

Modalities " the FDA hopes to serve the interests of Big Pharma by

eliminating all CAM practices and products. ALL of them.

Criminalizing Natural Health

The FDA is using a legal ploy to make all natural health criminal in

either one way or another. You can't engage in it if you are not a

physician and you cannot use the products even if you are. That's very

similar to the laws recently introduced in Australia (5 year prison

sentence for using, providing to another person or teaching the use of

nutrients) and India (illegal to practice or teach acupuncture, energy

healing, sound therapy, etc., etc.). Neither law passed but they will be

back in Parliament again. It's the same process: marginalize, then

criminalize all competition to the deadly, expensive and oh-so-useful


In your email to your circle of influence, please remember to Include a

link to the Natural Solutions Foundation website

(www.HealthFreedomUSA.org ). Tell them that we are protecting their

health freedoms and ask them to lend their support to the health freedom

battle which threatens to criminalize natural health! Let them know that

when you click on this link,



your comments will be automatically registered on the FDA site.


That's our goal. Two weeks, five million comments to the FDA, all

asserting our fundamental right to control our own health.

Manufacturers, distributors, health food stores and natural

practitioners pay close attention: the FDA is in the process of

regulating your business out of existence. By April 30. If you value

your work and your livelihood, ACT NOW!

Here's the link:



We are collectively doing a GREAT job. That's the reason efforts to

silence us crop up. We won't be silent because we are right: our health

and our freedom are worth speaking out for and we are doing it!

We ARE the Ones

We Have Been Waiting For!

Oh, yes. One other thing: The lawyer who wrote this comments document

did it for free. Our other legal consultants work for free. I work for

free. General Stubblebine works for free. Our wonderful volunteers and

Board Members accept no compensation. Everyone else who is providing

services wants to be paid for the work they do for us. And rightly so,

by the way. So don't forget to feed the health freedom kitty by making a

tax deductible donation

(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) or shopping at

our all-organic store! Thanks for all your wonderful support.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation




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