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Re: Update on Kody

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Diane - some thoughts, has he had a KUB in the last day or so? Before going

through the GoLytely course I would ask for

an admitting xray and see if the problem can be focused in on. If the GoLytely

is necessary it may take several liters

to get the job done so see if they will consider an NG tube and putting it in

through a feeding pump. Ask also for

admitting electrolytes so that as things start to empty out you can repeat them

and make sure the GoLytely isn't

stripping away too many nutrients. That's the blessing of Macey's button in her

colon, it starts the GoLytely below the

small intestines and that's were the nutrients are absorbed from food for the

body. Her obstructions and impactions

have been xrayed to be in her large intestines and so that's where we start the


Regarding the chest congestion, impaction or stool retention can cause the colon

to swell and take up room the stomach

normally uses. Then the stomach works its way up where the lungs are trying to

fit in. The lungs are compressed and

don't expand as well and can sound problematic. It's happened to Macey lots of

time. We think she has bronchitis or

something and when they do a stomach palpation they feel stool and we clean her

out and her breathing improves. Also

when her bowels are backed up nothing keeps going through and her stomach

doesn't empty as well. This accelerates her

reflux and we have problems with coughing from reflux and a scratchy throat,

sometimes even sinus problems.

Ursula Holleman

mom to (10 yrs old) and Macey (7 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease,

GERD, Diabetes Insipidus, colonic



Immune Deficiency Foundation's 2003 National Conference


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA



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In a message dated 2/24/2003 8:30:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

uahollem1@... writes:

> Diane - some thoughts, has he had a KUB in the last day or so? Before going

> through the GoLytely course I would ask for

> an admitting xray and see if the problem can be focused in on. If the

> GoLytely is necessary it may take several liters

> to get the job done so see if they will consider an NG tube and putting it

> in through a feeding pump. Ask also for

> admitting electrolytes so that as things start to empty out you can repeat

> them and make sure the GoLytely isn't

> stripping away too many nutrients. That's the blessing of Macey's button

> in her colon, it starts the GoLytely below the

> small intestines and that's were the nutrients are absorbed from food for

> the body. Her obstructions and impactions

> have been xrayed to be in her large intestines and so that's where we start

> the irrigation.


Okay, what's a KUB? I am assuming that they would exray to find out exactly

what we are dealing with, they did one already. I know that electrolytes are

in the plan because the ped told me that Kody would need an IV too. I wasn't

sure how they would do the Go-Lightly, but it makes sense that they would use

the NG tube. And what you said about the stomache pushing up into the lungs

makes sense too. I am just praying that he passes this by Thursday. Not

holding out too much hope though, with Kody he never does anything the easy

way, and the fact that everything we've tried so far isn't working doesn't

bode well in my opinion!

Diane, Mom to Kody age 7, Di Syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Epilepsy,

Asthma, CAPD, VID, Developemental Disorders, also Proud Mom to Arika 15,

Kaila 11, and Sami 9.

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Dear Diane,

Go-Lightly is this awful drink that gives you horrible diarrhea. It's

basically a type of salt (electrolyte) as you know. I've had to take it

before doing a colonoscopy to clean out the entire lower GI tract. The IV

sounds like it is to make sure Kody doesn't get too dehydrated because when

you are taking that stuff you basically have water coming out very quickly.

[i had to stay very close to the bathroom at all times for about 4 hours] It

can cause cramping etc. Poor Kody-please give him a hug for me--I will be

praying that this works for him -- it is pretty strong stuff.


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Diane - We will keep this in our prayers. I hope his caseworker

does this. I agree no more blood work!!!!! I hate when they want

to keep putting these kids through unnecessarry things. Please keep

us updated. Thanks and good luck.

Karin, mother of age 11 Iga Def. and (Sam) age 13.--

- In , withlovefromdee@a... wrote:

> Well, here is the verdict. Kody hasn't pooped enough. So. We have to


> to adult size enemas (oh yeah that will be just FABULOUS), continue

with the

> Miralax, and add Milk of Magnesia. Kody has until Thursday to get


> impaction out on his own. After that he has to be admitted to the


> for 24 to 36 hours, and they will use Go-Lightly. If that don't work

then he

> has to have surgery.  Ugh. And the ped doesn't like Kody's chest


> so if that is the same or worse tomorrow I have to bring him in

anyhow. As

> the ped put it, we don't need complications from that too.


> On a positive note, I received a letter from SSI stating that they


> Kody to see their doctor before they make their decision. This made

me so

> made. First of all, the guy they want him to see is a general

internist. Yeah

> like he has a CLUE about immune deficiencies! And he wants bloodwork

done. So

> I called the phone number to confirm this appointment, seething the


> time, and Kody's caseworker answered the phone. He said that he

thought it

> was dumb for Kody to see this doctor that he felt there was more

than enough

> information in his file to process and approve his claim! So he said

that he

> wants to talk to Kody's psychologist and he is going to talk to his

> supervisor about just skipping seeing this other internist. I told

him I

> would not allow any more blood work. That all of Kody's blood tests

past and

> present are in his file, and that will have to be enough. The

caseworker at

> first said he didn't see any blood work listed but then he said he


> where it did say some was needed. I told him there was NO POINT

since Kody is

> on IVIG they would just be testing donated antibodies and not

Kody's, and the

> only way to test Kody would be to take him off IVIG for 6 months and

I am not

> going to do that for anybody because that would put him at HIGH risk

for life

> threatening infections! So his caseworker said that he would

definitely call

> me back tomorrow! It would be so terrific if this goes through for

us. I

> wouldn't have to do so much daycare, which would limit his exposure


> germies even better. I am feeling pretty hopeful!!!


> Diane, Mom to Kody age 7, Di Syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia,


> Asthma, CAPD, VID, Developemental Disorders, also Proud Mom to Arika


> Kaila 11, and Sami 9.

> Visit my website at: www.geocities.com/schmidtzoo/SNAK.index




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KUB = kidneys, ureters and bladder (but actually it catches the abdomen too and

alot of hospitals refer to their

abdominal xrays as " KUB's " .

Ursula Holleman

mom to (10 yrs old) and Macey (7 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease,

GERD, Diabetes Insipidus, colonic



Immune Deficiency Foundation's 2003 National Conference


Immune Deficiency Foundation - Peer Contact for GA



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In a message dated 2/25/2003 8:20:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

uahollem1@... writes:

> KUB = kidneys, ureters and bladder (but actually it catches the abdomen too

> and alot of hospitals refer to their

> abdominal xrays as " KUB's " .


AHHH...I get it! Thanks! LOL!

Diane, Mom to Kody age 7, Di Syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Epilepsy,

Asthma, CAPD, VID, Developemental Disorders, also Proud Mom to Arika 15,

Kaila 11, and Sami 9.

Visit my website at: www.geocities.com/schmidtzoo/SNAK.index

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In a message dated 2/25/2003 10:24:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

K979@... writes:

> Poor Kody-please give him a hug for me--I will be

> praying that this works for him -- it is pretty strong stuff.


> --Martha


Thanks Martha. I am getting pretty nervous!

Diane, Mom to Kody age 7, Di Syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Epilepsy,

Asthma, CAPD, VID, Developemental Disorders, also Proud Mom to Arika 15,

Kaila 11, and Sami 9.

Visit my website at: www.geocities.com/schmidtzoo/SNAK.index

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In a message dated 2/26/2003 2:50:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lighthouse68@... writes:

> I hope this clears things up for Kody. Do you think that this could be the

> real source of the behavioral changes too? I know that often has a

> difficult time recognizing when his body is uncomfortable. When I see him

> really acting out of the ordinary, extra aggressive or grumpy or whiny,

> I'll ask him if he is hurting or uncomfortable anywhere and he'll say he's

> fine, but later I will find a real problem somewhere, take care of it, and

> - voila! - his behavior goes back to his normal sunny self

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I mean obviously this did not happen

overnight. I'm kicking myself left and right because for MONTHS now he has

told me his tummy hurt. Not continually, just maybe every couple of days or

so. But then he'd eat constantly and well, no throwing up and no diarrhea or

anything so I just dismissed it as nerves. He even told his teacher his tummy

hurt (just before all this happened) and he told me she took his temp, told

him he was fine, and sent him back to his chair. Now I am thinking that all

those times he told me his tummy hurt more than likely was this impaction

forming! Hind sight, ain't it grand?? And now I know I have to educate the

teacher once again too because taking his temp and telling him he's fine just

doesn't cut it with Kody. For one thing, he NEVER runs a temp, if he does it

is a life threatening situation, be it viral or bacterial. So for her to

just assume that because there was no temp he was fine is wrong. I keep

telling him that if he feels sick at school to tell his teacher and she will

call me. And then I find out that he has done this and they didn't call me?!

Grrr. I guess I am going to have to have the psychologist work with Kody on

telling more accurately what is wrong when he feels sick. He never really

shows pain unless it is extremely severe. I can't believe how " normal " he is

acting when he should be doubled over right now!!!

Diane, Mom to Kody age 7, Di Syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Epilepsy,

Asthma, CAPD, VID, Developemental Disorders, also Proud Mom to Arika 15,

Kaila 11, and Sami 9.

Visit my website at: www.geocities.com/schmidtzoo/SNAK.index

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I hope this clears things up for Kody. Do you think that this could be the

real source of the behavioral changes too? I know that often has a

difficult time recognizing when his body is uncomfortable. When I see him

really acting out of the ordinary, extra aggressive or grumpy or whiny,

I'll ask him if he is hurting or uncomfortable anywhere and he'll say he's

fine, but later I will find a real problem somewhere, take care of it, and

- voila! - his behavior goes back to his normal sunny self.

Perhaps this has been some time in the making and will help explain the

behavioral changes. Plus, I'm sure that if there is a blockage there could

be a build-up of toxins in his system that would make him feel basically


Praying for an easily resolved outcome!


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Hey, who knew??? I'm surprised that we moms are not black and blue over

the number of times we beat ourselves up. Sometimes there's just no way to

see a problem before it's a big enough problem to show more dramatic

symptoms. The tummy problems could just have easily been anxiety, and you

were taking the proper steps to take care of that, it just happened that

there was something else going on. I would have suspected anxiety first,

cuz when I'm stressed the first thing it hits on me is my stomach. It's

being dealt with now, and that is what counts.

My daughter's a little older than Kody, doesn't have all of the medical

stuff going on, but it took her awhile to make the connection between

hunger pains and a tummy that had something wrong. I used to worry myself

sick about how every single day she would complain about her stomach

hurting.....until I realized that as soon as she had lunch or dinner, she

stopped complaining. I'm hoping she hasn't inherited her great-grandpa's

tendency to have an acidic stomach - he constantly suffered from

indigestion - and that's the only thing I really wonder about with her.

She used to complain so often about it that a couple of years ago the doc

ordered an upper GI done just to make sure nothing was wrong. Luckily, she

was fine.

Anyway, let us know if he starts feeling better after all of this is over.

You'll probably see a dramatic reversal of the behavioral stuff if it was a

result of all of this.

God bless,


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Thanks Wenoka. It is true that we'd all be black and blue, wouldn't we? LOL! I

did just wrote it off as part of his recent anxiety. They just started

Wellbutrin for him, only been like 3 days so I don't see a change yet. I didn't

want to start any of those types of drugs for Kody, I put it off a LONG time.

But after talking to the ped in depth, the benefits for Kody now outweigh the

risks. Don't you hate that? So now we are very vigilant about watching for more

seizures, a side effect of the drug and he happens to have a seizure disorder,

aye yi yi. But I'm hoping that now that we have finally taken care of his

" bathroom problem " as he calls it and he is on Wellbutrin that I'll have my old

Kody back soon!!!


Re: Update on Kody

Hey, who knew??? I'm surprised that we moms are not black and blue over

the number of times we beat ourselves up. Sometimes there's just no way to

see a problem before it's a big enough problem to show more dramatic

symptoms. The tummy problems could just have easily been anxiety, and you

were taking the proper steps to take care of that, it just happened that

there was something else going on. I would have suspected anxiety first,

cuz when I'm stressed the first thing it hits on me is my stomach. It's

being dealt with now, and that is what counts.

My daughter's a little older than Kody, doesn't have all of the medical

stuff going on, but it took her awhile to make the connection between

hunger pains and a tummy that had something wrong. I used to worry myself

sick about how every single day she would complain about her stomach

hurting.....until I realized that as soon as she had lunch or dinner, she

stopped complaining. I'm hoping she hasn't inherited her great-grandpa's

tendency to have an acidic stomach - he constantly suffered from

indigestion - and that's the only thing I really wonder about with her.

She used to complain so often about it that a couple of years ago the doc

ordered an upper GI done just to make sure nothing was wrong. Luckily, she

was fine.

Anyway, let us know if he starts feeling better after all of this is over.

You'll probably see a dramatic reversal of the behavioral stuff if it was a

result of all of this.

God bless,


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My hubby started taking Wellbutrin about 3 months ago. Because of Sam's

seizure disorder, it really jumped out at me about the cautions regarding

the seizures. There were cautions on the box and the papers in the box,

and when I researched on-line, they red-flagged seizure disorders there

too. I got the impression that they were saying that anyone with a seizure

disorder simply should not use it. And didn't you say a couple of days ago

that you thought Kody had a mild seizure? Had he taken any Wellbutrin at

that point? It may never be a problem, but I would journal any seizure

activity that occurs, especially if you had it under control prior to the


I'm not sure if it has any cross-reaction to other meds or not, so no

comments there. Oh wait, I think you also have to be careful about

over-the-counter cold stuff, but it's been long enough that I don't

remember about that. The seizure thing, though, that stuck with me.

I'm so glad the impaction is out! I'm praying that the continued lack of

control is due to the laxitives still working themselves out of his system.

Also, if the impaction was pressing against some nerves, now that it is

out it may take some time for the nerve/s to get back to normal. Like when

your hand or foot " goes to sleep " and then starts tingling when you move

around again. That is actually due to a nerve getting pinched, not having

your blood circulation cut off (as I was always told growing up).

We'll keep praying for a complete regain of normal function.

God bless,


At 06:20 AM 03/01/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Thanks Wenoka. It is true that we'd all be black and blue, wouldn't we?

LOL! I did just wrote it off as part of his recent anxiety. They just

started Wellbutrin for him, only been like 3 days so I don't see a change

yet. I didn't want to start any of those types of drugs for Kody, I put it

off a LONG time. But after talking to the ped in depth, the benefits for

Kody now outweigh the risks. Don't you hate that? So now we are very

vigilant about watching for more seizures, a side effect of the drug and he

happens to have a seizure disorder, aye yi yi. But I'm hoping that now that

we have finally taken care of his " bathroom problem " as he calls it and he

is on Wellbutrin that I'll have my old Kody back soon!!!


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I know I read all that stuff too, which is why I really didn't want to start

this med. But I don't like watching my little man change like this right before

my eyes either. So we are monitoring the seizure thing (actually, his seizure

was the day before he started the wellbutrin), and both his neurologist and ped

are in agreement on starting the drug, they said that they can always adjust his

seizure meds if need be or simply try a different drug in the same family of

wellbutrin. But the those drugs also have seizure side effects, and I guess

wellbutrin is the one that they like the most to cover all of Kody's problems

he's having? I don't know. I just know I am freakin' out a little!! And watchin'

him like a hawk!!! Nothing so far...

How is your Sam doing on it? Is he having seizures on it??


Re: Update on Kody

My hubby started taking Wellbutrin about 3 months ago. Because of Sam's

seizure disorder, it really jumped out at me about the cautions regarding

the seizures. There were cautions on the box and the papers in the box,

and when I researched on-line, they red-flagged seizure disorders there

too. I got the impression that they were saying that anyone with a seizure

disorder simply should not use it. And didn't you say a couple of days ago

that you thought Kody had a mild seizure? Had he taken any Wellbutrin at

that point? It may never be a problem, but I would journal any seizure

activity that occurs, especially if you had it under control prior to the


I'm not sure if it has any cross-reaction to other meds or not, so no

comments there. Oh wait, I think you also have to be careful about

over-the-counter cold stuff, but it's been long enough that I don't

remember about that. The seizure thing, though, that stuck with me.

I'm so glad the impaction is out! I'm praying that the continued lack of

control is due to the laxitives still working themselves out of his system.

Also, if the impaction was pressing against some nerves, now that it is

out it may take some time for the nerve/s to get back to normal. Like when

your hand or foot " goes to sleep " and then starts tingling when you move

around again. That is actually due to a nerve getting pinched, not having

your blood circulation cut off (as I was always told growing up).

We'll keep praying for a complete regain of normal function.

God bless,


At 06:20 AM 03/01/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Thanks Wenoka. It is true that we'd all be black and blue, wouldn't we?

LOL! I did just wrote it off as part of his recent anxiety. They just

started Wellbutrin for him, only been like 3 days so I don't see a change

yet. I didn't want to start any of those types of drugs for Kody, I put it

off a LONG time. But after talking to the ped in depth, the benefits for

Kody now outweigh the risks. Don't you hate that? So now we are very

vigilant about watching for more seizures, a side effect of the drug and he

happens to have a seizure disorder, aye yi yi. But I'm hoping that now that

we have finally taken care of his " bathroom problem " as he calls it and he

is on Wellbutrin that I'll have my old Kody back soon!!!


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Actually, Sam isn't on it, my husband is. And, I must say, it has had a

major impact on his life. He's always had mood swings, but we've noticed

that they were very cyclical, so finally (not having insurance) we found

out about a clinic that had sliding scales rates. He went in voluntarily

and sure enough, they felt like the problem was related to a chemical

imbalance and put him on a trial of Wellbutrin. What a difference it has

made! He calls them his " happy " pills. He's had no mood swings since

using them and it has been much easier for him to concentrate while

juggling work and school. Before, it was a real struggle for him. So, I

agree that they are very, very effective and we have only had good results

from it.

I'm glad that the neuro and ped have agreed on it for Kody. I'm sorry that

you'll have the extra anxiety of knowing that seizures are a side effect.

Hopefully much of the problems will go away anyway as he recovers from the


God bless,


At 05:00 PM 03/01/2003 -0500, you wrote:


>I know I read all that stuff too, which is why I really didn't want to

start this med. But I don't like watching my little man change like this

right before my eyes either. So we are monitoring the seizure thing

(actually, his seizure was the day before he started the wellbutrin), and

both his neurologist and ped are in agreement on starting the drug, they

said that they can always adjust his seizure meds if need be or simply try

a different drug in the same family of wellbutrin. But the those drugs also

have seizure side effects, and I guess wellbutrin is the one that they like

the most to cover all of Kody's problems he's having? I don't know. I just

know I am freakin' out a little!! And watchin' him like a hawk!!! Nothing

so far...

>How is your Sam doing on it? Is he having seizures on it??


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One more question...how long until you noticed that the Wellbutrin was

working??? Doc said it can take quite a while??


What a difference it has

made! He calls them his " happy " pills. He's had no mood swings since

using them and it has been much easier for him to concentrate while

juggling work and school. Before, it was a real struggle for him. So, I

agree that they are very, very effective and we have only had good results

from it.

I'm glad that the neuro and ped have agreed on it for Kody. I'm sorry that

you'll have the extra anxiety of knowing that seizures are a side effect.

Hopefully much of the problems will go away anyway as he recovers from the


God bless,


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  • 4 years later...
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Kathy -

What great news about Kody!

About 15 years ago I was in a very bad car accident with my

daughter. She was 7 at the time and I was driving a New Yorker -

her head went through one of the rear door opera glass panels. She

had a cut to her face that went in a zig-zag pattern from the middle of

her forehead, all the way down to the middle of her cheek. The ER

called in a plastic surgeon and he spent almost 4 hours working on her

face and stitching things back together.

The plastic surgeon told me the same thing about the sun - my daughter

was not to be exposed to the sun for many months and considering she was

7 and this happened at the beginning of the summer, I knew we were in for

a fight, LOL.

I bought numerous hats and made sure she was wearing some type of hat

that completely shielded her face any time she went out. I sat her

down and talked to her about what she needed to do as far as the sun went

(not sure how much she retained, LOL). I also bought some

pharmaceutical grade Vitamin E oil and religiously applied the Vitamin E

oil to her face, morning and night and a few times during the day.

I did this for months but at the first few follow up visits the plastic

surgeon was amazed. He had never seen healing like she was doing,

considering the amount of facial work he had done. By the time we

finished seeing him about 6 months later, he told me he was taking all of

the pictures he had taken before and after the surgery and all the photos

he took at each appt. and he was writing up a paper about what he had

seen Vitamin E oil do in her case.

I know you won't want to use any oil on the burns for awhile, but as Kody

starts to heal you might think about using it, particularly if you think

the area is going to scar very badly. My daughter had that large

cut that covered half of her face and I won't fault the surgeon - he did

a fantastic job of saving her eye, the eye area and putting her face back

together. If the ER doc had not had the sense to immediately call

in the plastic surgeon while she was in triage I don't know what would

have ultimately happened to my daughter's face. Now, at age 21, the

only remnant of the operation is a small scar on her forehead that is

about 1/2 " long. Everything else disappeared and I agreed with

the plastic surgeon when he said he did good work, but he expected to do

another operation a few years later to remove scar tissue - and there was

no scar tissue to remove. I credit the Vitamin E oil for


Best wishes for a continued recovery for Kody!

At 11:18 AM 6/23/2007, you wrote:


Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and comforting words.

I am very pleased to tell you Kody is doing much better now. We took him

to the Dr. yesterday at UK hospital (3 hour drive) and they were amazed

at how good he looks. He is now allowed to go with out his bandages! I

will send a pic of him if I can get it to go through. He still has a few

places that concern me but we will just keep doing what we are doing and

I think he will be OK - maybe even with out any real scars. The big thing

here now is he is not allowed to be in the sun for the next 6-9 months.

If he even goes outside during the day he is supposed to wear sunscreen


This scares me too - I have recently read some scary stuff about

sunscreen causing cancer. Don't know what to do there.Going to buy him a

big hat for sure. I am very concerned about depression as one of you guys

mentioned. Trying to get as many vitamins as possible down him. He is

still doing smoothies which is what I think has been the main 'healer'. I

have been applying Raw honey/comfrey along with the Silvadine cream the

hospital gave me. I did not have any wheat germ oil to add but after

reading some of the posts about oils I guess maybe I did the right thing

leaving it out. I have been adding oil inside - putting flax seed oil and

EVO into his drinks and lots of honey there too. He does not know what

all I have been putting in his smoothies LOL- he would have refused them

more than likely. He got alot of almond milk that he did not realize too-

he hates it haha - and of course greens.He was able to open his mouth a

little bit yesterday so Dad stopped on the way home from the Dr. and got

him one of his favorites - Sonic burger and FFs.

He tried to pick a fight with his brother last night so thats a sure sign

of recovery.

I am so thankful for all of you.

I love you guys,

Kathy and Kody

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Glad to hear Kody is doing so well.

I've seen depression mentioned here a couple of times and folks have suggested good dosages of b vitamins. I agree with that and would urge you to supplement with a good fish oil as well. I suffer from winter time depression and this last winter I supplemented with fish oil caplets from this company: http://www.drdavesbest.com/ I do not work for this company, it is not a MLM company and I do not receive compensation from them. I just believe in their product.


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Thanks I will have to try to locate some of the Vit. E. I have some here but it is not pharmaceutical grade its just cheap WalMart stuff.

Glad to hear your daughter is OK now. Must have been extremely tramatic for you both.



Re: Update on Kody

Kathy -What great news about Kody!About 15 years ago I was in a very bad car accident with my daughter. She was 7 at the time and I was driving a New Yorker - her head went through one of the rear door opera glass panels. She had a cut to her face that went in a zig-zag pattern from the middle of her forehead, all the way down to the middle of her cheek. The ER called in a plastic surgeon and he spent almost 4 hours working on her face and stitching things back together.The plastic surgeon told me the same thing about the sun - my daughter was not to be exposed to the sun for many months and considering she was 7 and this happened at the beginning of the summer, I knew we were in for a fight, LOL.I bought numerous hats and made sure she was wearing some type of hat that completely shielded her face any time she went out. I sat her down and talked to her about what she needed to do as far as the sun went (not sure how much she retained, LOL). I also bought some pharmaceutical grade Vitamin E oil and religiously applied the Vitamin E oil to her face, morning and night and a few times during the day. I did this for months but at the first few follow up visits the plastic surgeon was amazed. He had never seen healing like she was doing, considering the amount of facial work he had done. By the time we finished seeing him about 6 months later, he told me he was taking all of the pictures he had taken before and after the surgery and all the photos he took at each appt. and he was writing up a paper about what he had seen Vitamin E oil do in her case.I know you won't want to use any oil on the burns for awhile, but as Kody starts to heal you might think about using it, particularly if you think the area is going to scar very badly. My daughter had that large cut that covered half of her face and I won't fault the surgeon - he did a fantastic job of saving her eye, the eye area and putting her face back together. If the ER doc had not had the sense to immediately call in the plastic surgeon while she was in triage I don't know what would have ultimately happened to my daughter's face. Now, at age 21, the only remnant of the operation is a small scar on her forehead that is about 1/2" long. Everything else disappeared and I agreed with the plastic surgeon when he said he did good work, but he expected to do another operation a few years later to remove scar tissue - and there was no scar tissue to remove. I credit the Vitamin E oil for that.Best wishes for a continued recovery for Kody!At 11:18 AM 6/23/2007, you wrote:

Hi,Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and comforting words.I am very pleased to tell you Kody is doing much better now. We took him to the Dr. yesterday at UK hospital (3 hour drive) and they were amazed at how good he looks. He is now allowed to go with out his bandages! I will send a pic of him if I can get it to go through. He still has a few places that concern me but we will just keep doing what we are doing and I think he will be OK - maybe even with out any real scars. The big thing here now is he is not allowed to be in the sun for the next 6-9 months. If he even goes outside during the day he is supposed to wear sunscreen 35spf. This scares me too - I have recently read some scary stuff about sunscreen causing cancer. Don't know what to do there.Going to buy him a big hat for sure. I am very concerned about depression as one of you guys mentioned. Trying to get as many vitamins as possible down him. He is still doing smoothies which is what I think has been the main 'healer'. I have been applying Raw honey/comfrey along with the Silvadine cream the hospital gave me. I did not have any wheat germ oil to add but after reading some of the posts about oils I guess maybe I did the right thing leaving it out. I have been adding oil inside - putting flax seed oil and EVO into his drinks and lots of honey there too. He does not know what all I have been putting in his smoothies LOL- he would have refused them more than likely. He got alot of almond milk that he did not realize too- he hates it haha - and of course greens.He was able to open his mouth a little bit yesterday so Dad stopped on the way home from the Dr. and got him one of his favorites - Sonic burger and FFs. He tried to pick a fight with his brother last night so thats a sure sign of recovery. I am so thankful for all of you.I love you guys, Kathy and Kody

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Kathy I grow it... I'll get some off to you Monday. SuziKathy <vanokat@...> wrote: Hi, Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and comforting words. I am very pleased to tell you Kody is doing much better now. We took him to the Dr. yesterday at UK hospital (3 hour drive) and they were amazed at how good he looks. He is now allowed to go with out his bandages! I will send a pic of him if I can get it to go through. He still has a few places that

concern me but we will just keep doing what we are doing and I think he will be OK - maybe even with out any real scars. The big thing here now is he is not allowed to be in the sun for the next 6-9 months. If he even goes outside during the day he is supposed to wear sunscreen 35spf. This scares me too - I have recently read some scary stuff about sunscreen causing cancer. Don't know what to do there.Going to buy him a big hat for sure. I am very concerned about depression as one of you guys mentioned. Trying to get as many vitamins as possible down him. He is still doing smoothies which is what I think has been the main 'healer'. I have been applying Raw honey/comfrey along with the Silvadine cream the hospital gave me. I did not have any wheat germ oil to add but after reading some of the posts about oils I guess maybe I did the right thing leaving it out. I have been adding oil inside - putting flax seed oil and EVO into his drinks and lots of honey there

too. He does not know what all I have been putting in his smoothies LOL- he would have refused them more than likely. He got alot of almond milk that he did not realize too- he hates it haha - and of course greens.He was able to open his mouth a little bit yesterday so Dad stopped on the way home from the Dr. and got him one of his favorites - Sonic burger and FFs. He tried to pick a fight with his brother last night so thats a sure sign of recovery. I am so thankful for all of you. I love you guys, Kathy and Kody Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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, How long did it take with the vit e for the scar to disappear? I've been using it on my neck. Suzi Landes <L@...> wrote: Kathy -I bought numerous hats and made sure she was wearing some type of hat that completely shielded her face any time she went out. I sat her down and talked to her about what she needed to do as far as the sun went (not sure how much she retained, LOL). I also bought some pharmaceutical grade Vitamin E oil and religiously applied the Vitamin E oil to her face, morning and night and a few times during the day. I did this for months but at the first few follow up visits the plastic surgeon was amazed. He had never seen healing like she was doing, considering the amount of facial work he had done.

By the time we finished seeing him about 6 months later, he told me he was taking all of the pictures he had taken before and after the surgery and all the photos he took at each appt. and he was writing up a paper about what he had seen Vitamin E oil do in her case.

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Great news Kathy!!! Keep going! SuziKathy <vanokat@...> wrote: Hi, Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and comforting words. I am very pleased to tell you Kody is doing much better now. We took him to the Dr. yesterday at UK hospital (3 hour drive) and they were amazed at how good he looks. He is now allowed to go with out his bandages!

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This is GREAT news! Thank you for keeping us up to date.

As for sunscreen, I've read a lot of bad about it. I can't imagine

putting it on the damaged skin.

I don't allow my son or family to use chemical sunscreen. I did some

research, and found that olive oil has a natural spf of around 30. So

I mix it with a little bees wax to make a lotion. We've been using it

for years, have never burned, and have wonderfully soft skin.

I don't know how it would be on Kody's skin, though. Hopefully some

others will chim in.

Peace, love, laughter

--- In health , " Kathy " <vanokat@...>



> Hi,

> Thank you all so much for all your knowledge and comforting words.

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