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From Jimmy to Tom

Hi Tom

those five shocks you had in March Was it in a matter of minutes hours or

days can you comment please



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Hello Tom,

My name is Alan and my father in law (also called Alan) goes for a

personal defibrillator a week on Monday. You seem to have done well

since yours. What are the rules with you about driving? Over here in

Scotland it seems that it's either a minimum of 1 year off driving if

you're lucky or else never driving again.Can you describe what it's like

when the thing goes off?



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  • 3 years later...

Hello All:

My name is Melody. I am a 37 year-old housewife/mother of two. Both

my kids and my husband are skinny as can be. I sometimes feel like

when we are out that other people look at me and think " That fatso is

eating all the food in her family! That's why everyone ELSE is so

skinny! " .

I just quit smoking 3 1/2 months ago, but my weight is the highest

it's ever been. I have been on the Slim-fast program for a week, and

I am starving to death. I wanted to try the

Foodmover thing, but I can't afford it. So ladies, any tips on how I

can do this? I am walking every day, so far I am only up to 20

minutes a day, but I am working on it!

By the weigh (small pun!), my weight is 245 pounds, (I actually lost

5 pounds, a week ago I weighed 250) and my height is only 5'3 " .

Heart disease runs rampant in my family, and I am scared to death I

am going to die before I can lose the weight. My blood pressure is

high, I have skipped heartbeats, what else can go wrong? I am too

young to be falling apart like this!

I hope to get some good advice from this group, make some friends,

and BE a friend to anyone who needs it. Feel free to email me.


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> my kids and my husband are skinny as can be. I sometimes feel like

> when we are out that other people look at me and think " That fatso is

> eating all the food in her family! That's why everyone ELSE is so

> skinny! " .

LOL It *does* feel like those eyes are staring at you sometimes, doesn't

it? The strange part about it with *our* family is that *they* are the ones

eating the junk food and *I* eat the veggies and whole grain stuff.

Hubby could eat an entire package of fig bars, half a pizza (with

everything), 2 cans of coke, and a half a bag of cheeze doodles on a daily

basis and not gain an ounce. I just *make* the pizza and gain a few pounds

before even putting the dough in the oven. :(

> I just quit smoking 3 1/2 months ago,

I few people here were doing that many months ago, but then they vanished

without a follow-up.

> I have been on the Slim-fast program for a week, and

> I am starving to death.

What are the details of the Slim Fast program - a drink or bar for 2 meals,

low calorie for the third? If so, I can see why you're hungry.

I wanted to try the

> Foodmover thing, but I can't afford it.

Very simple - look at the USDA food pyramid and follow it.


If it helps keep track, make up index cards, a chart to fill in, or some

other manipulative. Check out the old web site

http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4195/rich.htm and look for the

Deal A Meal page or the Move Groove and Lose page and print out the cards

you need.

So ladies, any tips on how I > can do this?

Eat right and exercise. :)

Start with small changes - cut out the sweets, the salty snacks, the

munchies that you eat without thinking and plan on three meals a day and 2

or 3 snacks. Measure out your servings and eat only what is there - no going

back for seconds. Eat more fruit and veggies.

Drink loads of water - work up to a half ounce per pound of body weight, so

your 225 pounds would mean your body needs 122 1/2 ounces of water a day for

adequate hydration. Avoid coffee and colas - they dehydrate you.

> By the weigh (small pun!), my weight is 245 pounds, (I actually lost

> 5 pounds, a week ago I weighed 250) and my height is only 5'3 " .

Right now I'm up to 262, after getting down to 245 over a year ago from 292.

At age 48, hormones are currently against me because no matter how healthy

and low al I eat I'm still gaining. :(

> Heart disease runs rampant in my family, and I am scared to death I

> am going to die before I can lose the weight.

My mom died at age 44 of a heart attack. Even though she was around a

hundred pounds lighter than I now am, she as unhealthier because she smoked

3+ packs of cigarets a day, drank about 5 pots (yes - POTS) of regular

percolated coffee, and couldn't eat without putting 2 sticks of butter and

some heavy cream in her mashed potatoes. She also never got any exercise

except running to the bathroom after all that coffee.

My blood pressure is

> high, I have skipped heartbeats, what else can go wrong?

Don't ask!!

Does your doctor have you on salt restrictions because of the high blood

pressure? And the skipped beats could be anything, from too much coffee to

heart disease to too much stress in your life. Only an EKG done over a 24

hour period will tell for sure, or experiment on your own by cutting out all

the caffeine, getting exercise (I see you alkready started walking) and work

on reducing the stress in your life, or at least find ways of coping with

it. If the irregular beats go away, you found your cause.

I am too

> young to be falling apart like this!

I'm afraid to ask if the weight has gotten to your joints and you have the

beginnings of arthritis, neuritis, or bursitis like I do.

> I hope to get some good advice from this group, make some friends,

Welcome to the group. Things have been a bit quiet during the summer, as

many mailing lists are, but now that kids are headed back to school things

*should* pick up again.

Sue in NJ

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> Hello All:

Welcome Melody!


> I just quit smoking 3 1/2 months ago, but my weight is the highest

> it's ever been. I have been on the Slim-fast program for a week, and

> I am starving to death. I wanted to try the

> Foodmover thing, but I can't afford it.

My first suggestion is to ditch the Slim Fast. They're great for those

times you just don't have to prepare a meal, but as a lifestyle? It

just blows! Right now I'm eating MORE than I used to, basically every

hour and a half to two hours, and I've lost 35 lbs. since February.

When you get right down to it, 's Foodmover isn't much different

from the ADA's exchange plan or weight watcher's similar plan. (I seem

to remember someone posting that he'd even admitted this.)

If you'd like a list of exchanges at various caloric levels you can

check out www.diabetic-lifestyle.com/articles/jun02_whats_1.htm (I

think that's right, if not, I can forward you the article.)

Remember that food pyramid from grade school? That's your real guide,

with modifications. (Depends on if you're wanting to go low-carb or

not. For me, I've found moderating my carb-intake does wonders for my


Buy the best QUALITY food you can to make up for the fact that you'll

be eating less QUANTITY. Your pantry should be stocked with foods that

are as close to 'whole' (Unprocessed) as your lifestyle can handle. The

less processing they've undergone the more nutritious (and often

filling) they are.

Be sure to add fiber to your diet by switching from processed white

flour products to wheat whenever you can (assuming you can eat wheat

and like it. If you don't like something -- DON'T EAT IT!) Fiber will

not only help keep you regular, but is good for lowering cholesterol

(RE; you're heart disease) as well as just keeping you fuller longer.

Several of us here use fitday.com to help us keep track of food intake,

calories/fat/carbs/fiber as well as exercise.

> can do this? I am walking every day, so far I am only up to 20

> minutes a day, but I am working on it!

Sounds great. I've gone from being sedentary back in February to now

doing up to 4 miles a day walking/jogging and 1/2 mile swimming while

training for a half-marathon for next year. Keep it up, that's all it

takes is starting slow and building from there!


> By the weigh (small pun!), my weight is 245 pounds, (I actually lost

> 5 pounds, a week ago I weighed 250) and my height is only 5'3 " .

> Heart disease runs rampant in my family, and I am scared to death I

> am going to die before I can lose the weight. My blood pressure is

> high, I have skipped heartbeats, what else can go wrong? I am too

> young to be falling apart like this!

Before I started, my BP was running up around 135/85 or so. The last

time I had it checked it was 110/80! That's with only 35 pounds off of

me, but getting regular exercise 4+ times a week (Some weeks I go for

all 7 days, most I settle for 5). Keep it up and you'll be where you

need to be.

> I hope to get some good advice from this group, make some friends,

> and BE a friend to anyone who needs it. Feel free to email me.


> Melody


303/270 (Yes, I really need to stop eating out *GRR*)/ 190-200

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