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Latest _GENUINE_ THREAT TO SUPPLEMENTS ANNOUNCED: S.1082 Exposed By Byron s of Truth in Wellness: Radio Show Tonight]

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Call, write, protest, petition - get off your butt and DO something or we don't

have ASNY thing safe to eat or drink on our planet if the FDA takes over.

If they kill DSHEA it's time to MOVE to another country!


> From: " IAHF.COM " <jham@...>

> Date: 2007/04/25 Wed PM 03:32:32 CDT

> vizual@...


Byron s of Truth in Wellness: Radio Show Tonight



Photo 1: Hammell With Byron

s- Author of Fight For Your Health- Exposing

FDA's Betrayal of America

Photo 2: My Canoe at Lightening Lake- Manning

Provencial Park- British Columbia Canada- A Good Place to Forget About the



List: Byron s called me yesterday with news of a horrific new bill

that we've got to stop in Congress or DSHEA will be blown sky high and

our health freedom will be shreaded via a variety of different means. In

the 18 years that I've been earning a living fighting the FDA, this is

the WORST BILL I have EVER seen!!

Please read Byron's article about S.

1082, the Food and Drug Administration Revitalization

Act at http://www.wellnessresources.com/news/042407.php

Please ALSO listen to Byron on the radio

tonight (Wednesday April

25th) at 9:30 PM pacific time for

½ hour on Extreme XM talk channel 152 which you can hear over

your computer by going to http://www.thepowerhour.com/news.htm see the link to the

Satellite Feed on the Right (http://www.gcnlive.com/listenlive.htm

If you want to read

S.1082, the Food and Drug Revitalization Act in its entirety, you can do

so here: http://help.senate.gov/Hearings/2007_04_18_E/S1082.pdf (p




Its a trojan horse bill

that PRETENDS to address SAFETY ISSUES, while in REALITY it puts us all

far more at risk of being harmed by dangerous biological drugs that

have had little or no safety testing and INCREDIBLY it even turns

the FDA itself into a DRUG COMPANY!

It contains

specific language that shreds DSHEA, and unfortunately the bill is

GUARAN-DAMN-TEED to come to a vote on the Floor of the Senate because it

renews the Prescription Drug User Fee Act- (which expires this year.)

Heres what s has to

say about this: PDUFA allows Big Pharma to pay

the FDA fees to speed the approval of its drugs. The new Kennedy bill will

increase these FDA bribes to 380 million dollars in 2008, well over 50% of

the FDA budget for new drug approvals. This is like paying the mob for

protection. Kennedy, by replacing the existing PDUFA law with this new

bill (S1082), is ensuring that his twisted legislation is the one that

will be put before the Senate for a vote.

See this excerpt from Byron's article: " It

is astonishing that the FDA will now manage a full scale business activity

that uses a “non profit” foundation as a shield to avoid

international patent problems, protect proprietary rights of its

commercial drug-development enterprise, and massively expands FDA

regulatory powers to quickly remove anything from the market that is

competition to its own products and licensing agreements. " He goes on

to say that this Drug company located inside FDA would be called

the " Reagan-Udall Foundation for the Food and Drug

Administration "

(Our tax dollars would be used to create an actual

DRUG COMPANY inside the FDA that would aggressively ATTACK any products

that interfere with its PROFITS! This is the

worst damn thing I've EVER seen in my 18 years of fighting these




In Byron's words:

" Furthermore, the new bill seeks to allow

a massive expanse of FDA regulatory power through this new foundation. For

example, on pages 106-107 the bill states:

“The purpose of the Foundation is to

advance the mission of the Food and Drug Administration to modernize

medical, veterinary, food, food ingredient,

and cosmetic product development, accelerate innovation, and enhance

product safety….The Foundation shall [take] into consideration the

Critical Path reports and priorities

published by the Food and Drug Administration, identify unmet needs in the

development, manufacture, and evaluation of the safety and effectiveness, including post approval,

of devices, including diagnostics, biologics, and drugs, and the safety of food, food ingredients, and


Through this foundation the FDA is seeking broad

new regulatory power that it currently does not possess. This will

include the authority to attack any dietary supplement (which are food

ingredients) as unsafe based on its use of “Critical Path”

technology. This means the FDA will use proteomics (the advanced study of

proteins in biological systems) to assess changes in biomarkers (the

change in the state of a protein at the molecular level) in order to

establish whatever it wants to consider as a risk. The FDA can slant this

technology, based on their own personal opinions, to make anything they

want appear as a risk – including your favorite dietary supplements

that you use to stay healthy.

IAHF Note: DSHEA does not allow FDA to use risk

assessment as a basis for removing dietary supplements from the market,

yet FDA illegally DID use a very biased " risk assessment " (which

totally IGNORED the many health BENEFITS of ephedra) as the

" basis " for banning ephedra.

The Circuit court reversed the FDA's ban,

but then a higher court corruptly upheld it and this is now being appealed

to the US Supreme Court which could hear the case in October. I have read

the Nutraceutical Corporations Writ of Certiorari which was filed with the

Supreme court on April 5, 2007.

What you need to know, however is this: even if

the Supreme Court were to find in Nutraceutical's favor, if this bad

bill of Kennedy's were to pass into law, FDA would be re-armed with

the same power that the Supreme court would have (temporarily) stripped

them of (assuming Nutraceutical were to win its case), and THAT would put

us back to square ONE!!

So we MUST pull out ALL the stops to try to KILL

this bill!

Call Byron 's article to the

attention of every health food store in your area!

Send copies of his article to the ceo of every

Vitamin company whose products you use!

Call it to the attention of the pharma dominated

vitamin trade associations and put PRESSURE on them if you are a member so

that they don't attempt to IGNORE this (as they are given to


Call Byron 's article to the

attention of Senators Hatch and Harken (who I don't trust at all any

more due to recent corrupt actions and due to the huge amount of

pharmaceutical money now flowing to them both) but since they were the

Sponsors of DSHEA back in '94, if they get ENOUGH CALLS, LETTERs,

FAXES, and PERSONAL VISITS about this--- at least in THEORY they MIGHT go

to bat for us and try to get the DANGEROUS LANGUAGE in this bill changed


You can reach ANY member of Congress via the US

Capital Switchboard at 202-225-3121.

Tell your own Senators to vote NO on S.1082, The

Food and Drug Revitalization Act and tell Hatch and Harkin (and your

own Senators) you want to know what THEY are doing to CHANGE the

bill to make sure dietary supplement consumers are protected! Call Byron

s article to their attention!

I am going to ask Life Extension Foundation to

create a Cap Advantage alert on their site against this bill so that with

one mouse click you'll be able to flood every member of the Senate

with complaints about this bill, and will tell you when they've done

that, but for now, please join IAHF in spreading the WORD and

simultaneously, please also carefully read ALL of Byron's article at

the link above.

Also, please continue urging more people to sign

IAHF's petition calling for Congressional oversight on FDA's

Trilateral ation Charter- see http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body

A lot of people have been seriously distracted

from where their attention should have been by the scare campaign started

by controlled opposition group " Natural Solutions Foundation "

which diverted attention away from getting congressional oversight on

FDA's Trilateral ation Charter by instead focusing people's

attention on a non issue- a recent FDA Guidance Document. The sky is not

falling due to that Guidance document, but it WILL FALL if people

continue utilizing NSF as an information source. See the past 5 alerts at

http://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?jham for

clarification and make sure everyone you know signs on to the IAHF email

distribution list for updates at http://www.iahf.com because there is

safety in numbers.

Donations needed to send IAHF to Capital Hill to

lobby against S.1082 and For Congressional Oversight on FDA's

Trilateral ation Charter- I'd like to go very soon if possible

like middle of May- the Hotel on Capital Hill that I stay

at isn't cheap so please give generously for airfare and hotel to

help IAHF continue to defend your access to supplements- if you have a

friend in DC who can crash me at their house that would be good info to


IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd.

Point WA 98281 USA

or via paypal at http://www.iahf.com/index1.html

For Health Freedom,

C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point , WA 98281-8702 USA



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