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Super Colon Cleanse

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Any colon cleanse is going to be a good start to detox. In fact, Anita just recently sent a reminder about that....and how clearing the colon really should be the first step in any detox, to make sure that the colon is swept clean and nutrients can be better absorbed. I tend to think the liver is also a good place, to make sure it is able to do its job well. A sluggish liver is not going to clear toxins as well. But in any case, a colon cleanse is definitely important! A parasite cleanse along with that is a great idea. PattyGMCLADY98@... wrote: I got an email from a seller of Super Colon Cleanse and it says it helps rid the body of toxins and helps with bloating and helps with losing weight.....is this true ? Is it a good way for us girls with implant problems to detox ? so lost when it comes to this.

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I took it for awhile. It's like a laxitive....I didn't lose any weight and my bloating did not go away, but other than that, it's a good laxative.GMCLADY98@... wrote: I got an email from a seller of Super Colon Cleanse and it says it helps rid the body of toxins and helps with bloating and helps with losing weight.....is this true ? Is it a good way for us girls with implant problems to detox ? so lost when it comes to this.

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  • 9 months later...
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SUPER COLON CLEANSE1. Have 2 capsules of acidophilus half an hour before breakfast. 2. The Super Colon Cleanse is most fundamentally a change in diet.Using Colon Cleanse Formulas #1 and #2 without heavy juicing,raw fruits and vegetables etc. will likely produce results such as 2-3bowel movements each day, better energy level, improvements withheadaches, female problems, male problems, and numerous other benefits,but the colon will still be largely uncleansed.The herbs will work as a great laxative, but used along with a pollutingfood program, the bowel pockets, diverticuli, impacted fecal matter,fungal imbalances and poor tonal condition of the colon will not begreatly improved as they should be. Note that many long term users oflaxatives end up with bowels that don't work and have to have constantenemas.Combine the herbal formulas with the correct diet change and now youwill definitely see

colon cleansing occurring!For the Super Colon Cleanse, combine the above recommendations forintake of Formula #1 and Formula #2 with the following changes in diet:*Breakfast - Nutritional Power Drink #1 *8-16 ounces of freshly squeezed organic carrot, apple and parsley juice(or apple and grape juices for those who may prefer fruit juices in themorning) mixed with 4-8 ounces of water and 1-2 heaping tablespoons ofVital Nutrition Plus Powder - Capsules The differences in volumes given here depend on one's body size - 140pounds or less, use the smaller volumes; much over 140 pounds, use thelarger volumes. For variations on this recipe, you can change the ratioof carrot juice to apple juice and add bananas, berries and other fruits- 1/2 to 1 cup per batch mixed in a blender. If hunger strikes beforelunch, eat fresh, juicy fruit.*Lunch - Nutritional Power Drink #2 *10 ounces of carrot juice; 3

ounces of beet and beet greens juice; 2 ounces of acombination of kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower juice, one ounceof wheatgrass and 2 heaping tablespoons of Vital Nutrition Plus. This makesabout 16 ounces of juice, some of which can be preserved in canning jars if toomuch to drink all at once.Along with the juice, one should have a large salad.Up to one tablespoon of an oil with Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids, suchas Udo's Perfected Oil Blend, Flaxseed Oil or Hemp Oil should besprinkled over the salad or blended in with the Nutritional Power Drink.These are available from health food stores. They must be stored in thefridge. Check the "use by" date, as rancid oil is very bad for you.Include 1/2 to 1 level teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt each day forelectrolytes and other minerals. This is salt which is usually fromFrance and which is dried BY HAND in the SUN. It will look slightlygreyish in

colour. Unlike normal table salt (which is bad for you) oreven white sea salt, Celtic sea salt is good for you and has over 90minerals your body needs.*Dinner - 8-16 ounces of Power Nutritional Drink #2*Another large, green, leafy salad with generous amounts of red or yellowonions.Vary the recipes used from day to day to keep interest up. Don't usestore bought salad dressings.Make your own dressings using extra virgin olive oil and/or cold pressedsesame oil and apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice and herbs likemint, cilantro, oregano, basil and parsley.In addition to the juice and salad, you can prepare baked sweet potato,baked regular potato, cooked rice or other grains, etc. Just be sure thequantity consumed here is not excessive, i.e., not more than 15-25% ofthe total food eaten for the day.*Do not eat or drink:* * Foods containing white (bread making)

flour * Processed foods such as pasta or baked goods * Sugar or food with sugar in it * Significant amounts of meat * Pork * Processed meats * Milk (plain, whole milk yogurt made from organically fed cow's milk is okay) * Peanut butter (this may be continued after the cleanse) * Cheeses (some in moderation after the cleanse is okay) * Eggs (free range eggs may be eaten after the cleanse) * Soy products * Caffeine (which is in coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, chuppa-chups). The problem here is that many people need to take 3-6 weeks to come off caffeine to prevent healing reactions such as

headaches. Do the best you can for now. * The following oils: Canola, cottonseed, hydrogenated oils, margarine, vegetable oil or any oil that does not say it is cold-pressed (Use virgin olive oil or cold pressed sesame oil) * Butter (it is okay to have this after the cleanse) * Artificial sweeteners especially aspartame (nutrasweet * Microwaved food (a convection oven is okay) * Normal table salt (sodium chloride). Use Celtic sea salt (Hand harvested, sun-dried sea salt which is GREYISH in colour) * Monosodium Glutamate * Artificial Colourings (eg as in Gatorade) * Seafood that are garbage eaters (eg oysters)Restrict all cooked food

to fresh vegetables and grains. Some nuts andseeds can be eaten but always in small amounts -- 1/3 of a cup or lessat a time and not frequently.The problem with cooked food is that much of its nutritive value isdestroyed in the heating process. All enzymes are destroyed, about 83%of the vitamins, plus the heat changes many of the protein structuresinto a form that is very difficult to assimilate.When fruit and vegetables juices are consumed, 92% of the nutrients areable to reach the cellular level. This is because the pulp has beenremoved and very little digestive energy is required. This is also trueof Vital Nutrition Plus when consumed with adequate liquid intake.3. Exercise- Start where you are and work up. Have at least two 15minute walks a day. Most people don?t get enough exercise, so if youhave any question whether this applies to you, you could probably domore. The purpose here is to greatly

increase circulation so that yourbody can flush out toxins more easily.4. *DRINK LOTS OF WATER! At least 8 glasses a day, and more than thiswhile you are on the cleanse. If you get any cleansing reactions such asa headache, continue drinking water.*The subject of what water to drink is a big one. Tap water is badbecause of the flouride and other poisons in the water. Some peoplebelieve distilled water is bad because it has had the life energydestroyed in it. We prefer good spring water or water that is filteredby REVERSE OSMOSIS (as this takes out the flouride).5. Snacks between meals suggestion Fresh fruit, salads forvegetable/fruit juices with Vital Nutrition Plus mixed in.*PEOPLE WHO SHOULDN'T TAKE THESE FORMULAS*If you have three easy bowel movements a day, have never had a bowelproblem and have no family history of one, then you probably don't needFormula #1.*If you have

bowels that work too often (eg you have Irritable BowelSyndrome, Crohns Disease or Colitis) don't take Intestinal Formula #1. GO IMMEDIATELY TO FORMULA #2. * *IMPORTANT POINTS FOR EVERYONE**It is essential for everyone to drink at least eight 8 oz glasses ofwater every day. Dehydration is a major cause of constipation and bowelproblems. You don't have to be thirsty to be dehydrated. Water isneeded to CLEAN OUT TOXINS.*If you smoke, have an extra glass of water for each cigarette. If youdrink coffee or tea, have an extra glass of water for each cup. *HEALING CRISES*People who have been involved with natural health for a long time arevery familiar with the term "Healing crisis". These are negativesymptoms which may manifest when the body is detoxifying. An example isthe headache that many people experience when they give up drinking teaor coffee.Sometimes things have

to get worse before they get better. For example,when you spring clean the house, it looks worse before it looks better.Your body is similar in this respect. When toxins that have been storedin your body a long time start to come out, different symptoms mayappear for a while, including headaches, bad skin and tiredness. Begentle to yourself if this happens. Know that toxins are moving out ofyour body. Drink extra water. If the same symptoms continue after a fewdays, you could slow down on the herbs. This will slow down the rate ofdetoxification. If you are still experiencing negative symptoms after aweek, it would be a good idea to see a licensed natural healthpractitioner. Your local health food store can likely give youinformation on local people. Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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