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Re: Re: Stress/Bridget

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Hi Bridget, I know where you come from. You get real creative mixing

things normally not mixed to come up with a new hotdish.

I had a friend who shopped Mcs after closing, getting into the

dumpster after they closed. One day he brought a huge bag filled with

an assortment of burgers and passed them out to a room full of card

players and onlookers, who thanked him and went on abouit knowing how

poor he was, shouldn't be spending money them. His reply was, " Who

spent any money, everything was free. " . Our first thought was he robbed

the place. He told us how he aquired everything. People scattered,

looking for bathrooms, sinks, anyplace to unload their burger. I

laughed. They were all wrapped individually just like you get in the

store, and all wrapped up in a bag which was closed up and placed inside

the wooden fence around the dumpster. The food was fine. They won't

let employees take it home.

One day I was driving down the road and I spotted an old woman in a

vacant lot picking leaves off a bush, into a cooking pot. I smiled, I

recognised the plant. Pigweed. It's concidered a wild edible, even

though it was once cultivated here and still is in other places. It's

very good and nutricious. My fater told me growing up on a farm during

the depression the family gathered these wild edibles to live on. First

time I saw anybody actually doing it. I stopped to talk with here, but

was unable as she was a Russion refugee from someplace and didn't speak

any english.

A person could supplement their diet with wild edibles. Most folks walk

on a few everyday and never know it. A person could also grow a garden

if they have some land or maybe a community garden if they don't.

Potted plants can help also. Plants like lettuce and chives can be

trimed and allowed to grow continuoulsly.

It doesn't make since who much is wasted when there is so much need.

Profit over people. My father made certain I allways cleaned my plate.

I get so angry when I see people leaving food on their plate. I've been

hungry, I've had to go without. My plate is always clean. One reason

I'm way to big now.

I wish you well Bridget.




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I don't know if this still their practice, but 's fast food

restaurants won't allow any food to sit under the heat lamps more than

one hour. If it is baked potatoes, especially, they will put the

food in a sack, usually place that sack in another sack, close it or

staple it shut and toss it in the dumpster.

Had a niece who was a manager at a 's and she always had a fit about

the food waste.

I have been in Panera Bread before, right before they closed, and if you

ask they will sell any bakery items they have left for pennies.

Anything left over they do donate to a local food bank but if you stop in

and ask them they will sell you the remainders cheap. Don't settle

for the first price they give you - dicker with them and offer the bare

minimum, LOL. I do that from time to time and give the bagels,

tarts and cookies to an elderly gentleman here in town.

At 05:54 PM 7/20/2007, you wrote:

Hi Bridget, I know where you

come from. You get real creative mixing

things normally not mixed to come up with a new hotdish.

I had a friend who shopped Mcs after closing, getting into the

dumpster after they closed. One day he brought a huge bag filled with

an assortment of burgers and passed them out to a room full of card

players and onlookers, who thanked him and went on abouit knowing how

poor he was, shouldn't be spending money them. His reply was, " Who

spent any money, everything was free. " . Our first thought was he


the place. He told us how he aquired everything. People scattered,

looking for bathrooms, sinks, anyplace to unload their burger. I

laughed. They were all wrapped individually just like you get in the

store, and all wrapped up in a bag which was closed up and placed inside

the wooden fence around the dumpster. The food was fine. They won't

let employees take it home.

One day I was driving down the road and I spotted an old woman in a

vacant lot picking leaves off a bush, into a cooking pot. I smiled, I

recognised the plant. Pigweed. It's concidered a wild edible, even

though it was once cultivated here and still is in other places. It's

very good and nutricious. My fater told me growing up on a farm during

the depression the family gathered these wild edibles to live on. First

time I saw anybody actually doing it. I stopped to talk with here, but

was unable as she was a Russion refugee from someplace and didn't speak

any english.

A person could supplement their diet with wild edibles. Most folks walk

on a few everyday and never know it. A person could also grow a garden

if they have some land or maybe a community garden if they don't.

Potted plants can help also. Plants like lettuce and chives can be

trimed and allowed to grow continuoulsly.

It doesn't make since who much is wasted when there is so much need.

Profit over people. My father made certain I allways cleaned my plate.

I get so angry when I see people leaving food on their plate. I've been

hungry, I've had to go without. My plate is always clean. One reason

I'm way to big now.

I wish you well Bridget.


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Hi Bridget. You're doing good - the fact that you have realized your health is a big step..and even if it is not organic.. fruits, veggies etc are still better for you than all that sugar, etc. There are many on this list that do not have access to all the organics that some do.. You do the best you can with what you have available. Even if you don't eat just raw, you can make better choices for yourself with what is available... and that is a startBridget <fishbach1951@...> wrote: >> Hello Suzi, I guess uncounsciously I found a way to relief some of my stress when I "dumped" on the group a few days ago. Thank you so much for encouraging me not to despair. I did not know that it was so obvious - I

thought all considered I'm holding it together. I have been following all the views and inputs on the Siko movie and now on the donating food stuffs etc. I so value Shari's feelings of "don't get me started", as well as Gloria's advise of "accept/can not change". There is a wirlwind of thougts in my head. You see, I had to go to food banks and churches for help. Between Sardines, Ketchup, sugary cereal (EXPIRED since month!), and moldy Fig Newtons I made up my mind that this in not an answer, not even for the time being. So, I eat .10 Chinese soups 3x a day for weeks on time. My mouth watered seeing milk, fruit and produce on the shelfs. Excess produce and/or fruits are in dumpsters, locked up tight and to high for an old woman to scale! So my hope is for myself and all the other poor people, that eventhough you are just as frustrated on the other side, PLEASE, PLEASE keep on finding ways to get your pricious fresh,

wholesome foods to the needy people. My brother had send me some money from overseas and I spent it on supplements and have been gorging on fresh fruits and vegetables (not organic, the finest store I can go to shop is Wal*Mart). Knowing this would end soon I wanted to will myself healthy on the spot with the infusion of a few good healthy meals...... Not meeting once basic needs, no health insurance, no AC in Texas is no fun and that stress is real hard to overcome. Oh, and by the way, only by the grace of my employer, which allows me to use the computer (internet), am I able to even have you all as my friends.To much of subject? Please see seperate posting for Sweet and Tangy

Sick sense of humor? Visit TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.

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