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Chronic constipation

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I don't know if any of my suggestions would apply to your friend's son, but

what helped my son a whole lot was treating for yeast, which can cause

constipation. It would be my guess that if the boy often goes 8 days without

stooling, that he does have a yeast problem. Whether yeast would be the cause

or the effect in his case, I don't know. I do know that doctors kept telling

me to push fruits and juice on my son when he was constipated, and this

seemed to make things worse. In retrospect, I suspect it's because I was

feeding the yeast.

Another thing that helped my son was going gluten-free. Again, I was steered

wrong by several well-meaning doctors who told me to keep pushing bran and

gave me pages of recipes which all included wheat and oat bran. I loaded my

son up on all this stuff (along with plenty of water), and he went 9 days

without stooling, his longest ever. Years later, I had read that gluten can

cause constipation, and it is true that when my son went gluten-free, his

problems lessened a whole lot.

But all is still not completely perfect for my son, though it's 99% better.

If he starts to have problems now, I give him a little of a product called

Benefiber. The only ingredient is guar gum. It seems to help keep things


I would strongly recommend that your friend NOT use Miralax, a prescription

laxitive which does truly get thing working, and is widely used on kids

around where I live (Texas), but has been possibly linked to some

neurological disorders. My son was on it for 14 days, and began blinking

constantly around day 12 or 13. We asked the doctor if Miralax could be the

cause, and he said absolutely not. Yet as soon as we stopped the Miralax, the

blinking went away, never to return. Based on what I've read about other kids

on Miralax, we were really lucky.


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In a message dated 7/15/2002 2:51:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, tk2001@...


> Senna is a stimulant and can cause

> dependency if used long term, short term it is ok.

Yes, and my son's colonoscopy showed laxative overuse (can't remember the

technical name right now) and we were using a homeopathic formula that

contained senna. Our pediatric GI told us that magnesium citrate will do the

same thing and wanted us to use 1 tsp. mineral oil in the a.m. and p.m. It

did work as he had a massive bowel movement today!


Representative for Unlocking Autism in South Carolina


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My son also has chronic constipation. I give him fruit-eze every day. Helps

keep things softened up. It's a blend of fruit that works as a natural

laxitive. Here's the web site: http://www.fruit-eze.com/Product_info.htm

Also, sometimes you have to use a laxitive or something to get a good clean

out so things can start moving on its own. Hope this helps.


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People on high protein diets can become constipated, high simple

carb diets can cause this also. More fiber and water would be where

I would start first if possible, including more fruits and

vegetables. Remember if you add more fiber to add it slowly with

adequate amounts of fluids or you can make things worse. Prune juice

does work well for some. Senna is a stimulant and can cause

dependency if used long term, short term it is ok. There are also

fiber cereals : Kellogg's All Bran & Fiber One which can be used.

There are other options also: other fiber supplements, enzymes, stool

softeners, Magnesium.

Under the current conditions you describe I personally would start

with the Magnesium (either as supplements or Milk of Magnesia

(without mineral oil)) and fluids to soften thing up and get things

moving again. Magnesium can take a couple of days to start working.

Magnesium is stimulant free and does not cause dependency, it can be

taken long term without problems. Then start adding fiber slowly to

the diet to keep things soft and moving. As you progress you can

eliminate the Magnesium.


> Hello All.

> I have a friend with a five year-old boy who seems to go to the


> about once every 8 days and is constantly doubled up. As this has

never been

> a problem for my own child I don't know what to advise her. She's


> liquid paraffin for 3 weeks and seen little improvement. She uses

senna (?)

> and I've suggested pulped prune juice.

> She doesn't want to go down the suppository or hospital routes if

at all

> possible. Has anyone any ideas to help, please? He mainly eats

meats and

> carbs and I've told her this can't help, but the child won't eat


> Thanks for your help.

> Eileen, UK

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Hello-- his problem is that he has been backed up for SO long that at

this point, he needs total clean out to start over. He probably has

something called megacolon, which means that there is so much stool

backed up that it has stretched out the shape of the intestinal tract

to a balloon shape at the rectal area. You have to do major

cleanout, then keep things flowing DAILY, for a long time-- probably

six months to a year, to allow the colon to return to normal shape.

Thank goodness Miralax is NOT available in the UK. If it ever

becomes available, say NO to it. My son is one of the ones who was

on it two months and his leaky gut was absorbing this poison daily...

who knows what long term damage it has done to his system. My friend

has uncovered a study showing polyethylene glycol (which is what

miralax is) causing cancer in rats. Avoid this product.

To get the cleanout happening-- give a lot of magnesium citrate. How

much-- I don't know... she needs to just start giving it and give it

to the point of diarrhea and check to see that all the pellets have

come out. Pellets are the sign of old impacted fecal matter coming

down. She may need to repeat the cleanout in a month or two.

She should give him a smaller amount of magnesium citrate on a daily

basis... just how much --I don't know. It will depend on the child--

give whatever amount is small enough to keep the stool soft, formed,

and moving through on a daily basis.

One product that a friend's child would have daily movements on is

something called Juice Plus gummi bears. They are available over the

net, but are a bit pricey, but hey, when the alternative is getting

so backed up that the child starts vomiting food, then who cares what

the cost is, right? So that is one thing to look into.

Have her try some of the suggestions from people on the board, and to

steer clear from the GI doc as much as possible, who may likely

recommend surgery down the road if nothing (that he/she prescribes)

seems to help. Surgery is a no-win situation.


> Hello All.

> I have a friend with a five year-old boy who seems to go to the


> about once every 8 days and is constantly doubled up. As this has

never been

> a problem for my own child I don't know what to advise her.

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A few of the children I have worked with have had chronic constipation which

looked to me like fecal retention, a combination physiological/behavioral

syndrome. Initially, the child becomes constipated from a lack of

sufficient fiber resulting in a large, hard bowel movement which is painful.

The child associates pain with bowel movements and begins to try to retain

feces which only makes the problem worse. Often, this is accompanied by

what appears to be diarrhea, which is actually leakage of loose stool around

the blockage.

One child that I worked closely with was having painful bowel movements

about once every 5 to 7 days, with occasional leakage. We began a daily

regimen of mineral oil to soften and natural fiber supplements to add bulk.

It is important to soften the stool so that the child has some normal, not

painful movements in order for the child to no longer associates bowel

movements with pain. Within about 3 to 4 weeks of this regimen, the child

began having normal sized, soft bowel movements about every other day.

Within a few months after this, he began to have regular bowel movements

usually daily.


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-- you should do a google search for a board called ffr and

chronic constipation--if you scroll down and read old posts, you will

see that there are many parents concerned that they can't seem to get

their kids off of miralax once they have been on it. Meaning, after

miralax, the bowels stop right up. My concern is whether or not the

miralax, polyethylene glycol, is like a toxin or a poison to the

body, and what is it doing to the body. My friend whose child also

appeared to absorb the miralax through leaky gut, she found a study

online linking polyethylene glycol with causing cancer in rats. Not


One thing that I have used to help my son with clean-out, which is

basically what the miralax is helping to do, is a tea called Smooth

Move by Traditional Medicinals. they have a website


I have only had to have him use this maybe every 4 months or so to

clean him out. About a quarter cup in the evening produces diarrhea

the next day in several rounds, eliminating a lot of the impacted

fecal matter. It is an herbal stimulant laxative tea--it has

licorice root, fennel seed, orange peel, and a few other things, as

well as some senna.

Anyways, whether you choose this tea or something else from the

health food store-- my point is that there are other alternatives out

there to using miralax.

If you choose to continue it, I would not advise using it for very

long, due to the concerns that the kids with leaky gut are absorbing

it into their system. Can the alternative med. doctor that you have

used for chelation help with the constipation?


> Hi, all!


> So glad this has come up tonight. My daughter, , has been

fighting this battle for years.



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-- also, another mom on a different board reported that her dd

began having frequent urination while on miralax, which I think is a

sign that her body is absorbing it because on that constipation board

I mentioned, I just came across another mom who posted that question

to the Dr. (Dr. Hyman) and asked if it could be a side effect-- he

never responded to her.

I never noticed my son having frequent urination while on the

product, but did notice his sensory behaviors getting worse, and over

time, an intense look in his eyes. It's like he was slowly being



> -- you should do a google search for a board called ffr and

> chronic constipation--if you scroll down and read old posts, you


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In a message dated 7/15/2002 9:40:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

tsteinbach4@... writes:

> I was still reflecting on the information that came out in the last

> congressional hearing on autism and vaccines about autistic enterocolitis.

> Dr. Krigman's testimony was quite clear that those kids that he treated

> that were autistic and had g.i. problems all had colitis. I believe he

> also said that he found measles anti-bodies also, but I don't remember

> exactly, especially as my connection wasn't working perfectly throughout

> his testimony.

My son Hunter is a patient of Dr. Krigsman and he too has active Colitis. He

isn't checking for measles at this time.

Dr. Krigsman is my hero, he's on a mission to get to the bottom of what is

wrong with our kids and is putting himself on the line. He's the most caring,

sincere, and personable doctor I've met (besides Dr. Holmes). I don't think

anyone even realizes how much he's working for us behind the scenes.


Representative for Unlocking Autism in South Carolina


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In a message dated 7/16/2002 10:21:47 AM Eastern Standard Time,

maryandphilip@... writes:

> But basically, the

> concern of long term use of mineral oil has to do with nutrient

> absorption--it interferes significantly with it.

I'll ask Dr. Krigsman about this and get back to you.


Representative for Unlocking Autism in South Carolina


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I heard you should never use Mineral Oil longer than 10 days?


Jay Goldwein wrote:

> A few of the children I have worked with have had chronic

> constipation which

> looked to me like fecal retention, a combination

> physiological/behavioral

> syndrome. Initially, the child becomes constipated from a lack of

> sufficient fiber resulting in a large, hard bowel movement which is

> painful.

> The child associates pain with bowel movements and begins to try to

> retain

> feces which only makes the problem worse. Often, this is accompanied

> by

> what appears to be diarrhea, which is actually leakage of loose stool

> around

> the blockage.


> One child that I worked closely with was having painful bowel

> movements

> about once every 5 to 7 days, with occasional leakage. We began a

> daily

> regimen of mineral oil to soften and natural fiber supplements to add

> bulk.

> It is important to soften the stool so that the child has some normal,

> not

> painful movements in order for the child to no longer associates bowel


> movements with pain. Within about 3 to 4 weeks of this regimen, the

> child

> began having normal sized, soft bowel movements about every other day.


> Within a few months after this, he began to have regular bowel

> movements

> usually daily.


> Jay




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Mineral oil interrupts the absorption of food and vitamins. When we

had used it with Ethan, our doc told us we needed to supplement

vitamins in larger amounts... I can't remember which vitamins -- I

think it was A and D. But also, mineral oil is petroleum based,

which if you have leaky gut, the idea of some of it being absorbed

into the body/bloodstream is kind of scary. But basically, the

concern of long term use of mineral oil has to do with nutrient

absorption--it interferes significantly with it.


> In a message dated 7/16/2002 9:45:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> przybysz@c... writes:



> > I heard you should never use Mineral Oil longer than 10 days?


> Can you tell me why please?


> Jo

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My son has been on Miralax for almost a year now. It is working well

for him. He gets two teaspoons a day.

What are your reservations about the Miralax? Is there anything I

should be concerned about?


> Hi, all!


> So glad this has come up tonight. My daughter, , has been

fighting this battle for years.


> In the past year we have been fighting the yeast battle, chelating

with Chemet (and adding ALA recently), using high doses of pure

ascorbic acid (Vit. C) and magnesium taurate (citrate when I ran out

of taurate), and it has been the pits.


> The last time I chelated, she did not pass bowel movements well, so

I haven't chelated since so that we could work on the constipation.

Previously, chelating always helped with bowel movements.


> Well, things all came to a head the night before July 4th.

Suddenly, my daughter started having seizures (she has basically been

seizure free for a couple of years) and spiked a very high fever

(103.8). I did not know what was going on, and just worked on

stopping the seizures with Ativan (sucks, poison). We got to the

doctor on Friday, and decided that she might have a urinary tract

infection. The next day I decided not to wait for the results and

started antibiotics feeling completely sure that this was it. Once

the seizures stopped, the UTI showed itself full blown.


> By Sunday, she was complaining about flank pain, so we went to the

ER to see if she had a kidney infection. Her urine was clear from

the anti-biotics having been in her for 24 hrs. They took an x-ray of

her abdomen, and sure enough she was full of fecal matter. The ER

doctor felt that she probably didn't have a kidney infection, but her

pediatrician says she probably did. Bottom line is that her chronic

constipation has resulted in a condition called encopresis, where

liquid forms along the sides of the bowel which drains a little at a

time creating staining in her undies from it. Apparently, girls who

develop encopresis are more likely to get UTI's because of the

staining. Great.


> I was still reflecting on the information that came out in the

last congressional hearing on autism and vaccines about autistic

enterocolitis. Dr. Krigman's testimony was quite clear that those

kids that he treated that were autistic and had g.i. problems all had

colitis. I believe he also said that he found measles anti-bodies

also, but I don't remember exactly, especially as my connection

wasn't working perfectly throughout his testimony.


> Of course, in the ER the doctor prescribed Miralax. I wasn't real

keen on using it, but since the Vit. C and magnesium wasn't helping

anymore, I figured that drastic times call for drastic measures. I

am also using Dulcolax suppositories every couple of days to keep

things moving (and they are). My daughter is already on a special

diet, and she has eaten a wide variety of foods for many years,

especially vegetables. However, she has been on Tranxene for her

seizures since she was seven, and I know that this has made things

much worse in terms of constipation because it is also a muscle

relaxant. I have been withdrawing her successfully for the past

year, but it is going to be at least another year until she is off it

completely. Ugh.


> I am waiting to get her in to see the head of pediatric

gastroenterology at Yale (we live near New Haven). I just want them

to diagnose her, and possibly treat depending upon what the diagnosis

is. I have been taking her to an alternative med. doctor who is in

private practice for the chelation, so I do have a lot of support



> I haven't liked what I have seen lately in terms of behavior, but

it is hard to tease out what is what. Tomorrow we start Nystatin to

undo the anti-biotic damage (yes, those yeasty beasties). I want her

off the Miralax ASAP, but tomorrow is another day...






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My son has had chronic constipation his whole life. It is always a

battle. WE have tried so many things. Right now we are using MCT oil

and just started enzymaid to see if that helps. We still have to give

suppositories at least 2 times a week. YOu have to try things to see

what works. Some folks have good luck with miralax, but that didn't work

for us, neither did the creon.


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Do you have all the ingredients for the smooth move? My son has lots of

allergies and I am wondering if he could take this. Does it have a

strong taste? My son only drinks water and I could mix it into water or

his dinner if the taste wasn't really bad. We didn't have any luck with

miralax and use rectal suppositories several times a week.


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Anyone know how much magnesium citrate to give for constipation. One child

is 35 lbs and the other is 50lbs. Also would this need to be given

proportionate to calcium since magnesium and calcium work together? Thanks.

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Hi -- basically the amount to give is whatever works-- not so

much as to produce diarrhea (unless your aim is to clean-out old

stool first), and just enough to produce a daily stool. Everyone is

different in the amount needed. You don't have to give it

proportionate to calcium from what I understand... calcium needs

magnesium to work but not the other way around (I hope I got that



> Anyone know how much magnesium citrate to give for constipation.

One child

> is 35 lbs and the other is 50lbs. Also would this need to be given

> proportionate to calcium since magnesium and calcium work

together? Thanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


i use liquid paraffin for constipation along with psylium seeds and it is

working ok i'll like to know if this oil is the same one that you are talking


thanks for info


Roxanne & Ed Przybysz <przybysz@...> wrote: I heard you should never use

Mineral Oil longer than 10 days?


Jay Goldwein wrote:

> A few of the children I have worked with have had chronic

> constipation which

> looked to me like fecal retention, a combination

> physiological/behavioral

> syndrome. Initially, the child becomes constipated from a lack of

> sufficient fiber resulting in a large, hard bowel movement which is

> painful.

> The child associates pain with bowel movements and begins to try to

> retain

> feces which only makes the problem worse. Often, this is accompanied

> by

> what appears to be diarrhea, which is actually leakage of loose stool

> around

> the blockage.


> One child that I worked closely with was having painful bowel

> movements

> about once every 5 to 7 days, with occasional leakage. We began a

> daily

> regimen of mineral oil to soften and natural fiber supplements to add

> bulk.

> It is important to soften the stool so that the child has some normal,

> not

> painful movements in order for the child to no longer associates bowel


> movements with pain. Within about 3 to 4 weeks of this regimen, the

> child

> began having normal sized, soft bowel movements about every other day.


> Within a few months after this, he began to have regular bowel

> movements

> usually daily.


> Jay




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Hi Silvia

I saw Wakefiled present at AiA Confernece in UK 2000. He specifically

mentioned that what we Brits call Liquid Paraffin is known as Mineral Oil in

the States.


Mandi in UK

> hi,

> i use liquid paraffin for constipation along with psylium seeds and it is

> working ok i'll like to know if this oil is the same one that you are

> talking about.

> thanks for info

> silvia

> Roxanne & Ed Przybysz <przybysz@...> wrote: I heard you should

> never use Mineral Oil longer than 10 days?


> Roxanne


> Jay Goldwein wrote:


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doctors here advise me to use it , 2 to 3 spoon if necesary so i am worry what

is the true about it. did you use it.

thanks for info


Mum231ASD@... wrote: Hi Silvia

I saw Wakefiled present at AiA Confernece in UK 2000. He specifically

mentioned that what we Brits call Liquid Paraffin is known as Mineral Oil in

the States.


Mandi in UK

> hi,

> i use liquid paraffin for constipation along with psylium seeds and it is

> working ok i'll like to know if this oil is the same one that you are

> talking about.

> thanks for info

> silvia

> Roxanne & Ed Przybysz

wrote: I heard you should

> never use Mineral Oil longer than 10 days?


> Roxanne


> Jay Goldwein wrote:


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  • 3 years later...
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Wow, your family isn't stressed or anything is it!? Goodness. Your

brother is on a

lot of heavy-duty psychiatric medication and I'm sure your doctor knows the side

effects. I

found " abdominal cramping " as an occasional side effect of Ativan (which I think

is what

you mean by Adavant--it's another tranquilizer in the same class as Xanax), but


constipation. However, at least one case of fecal impaction was found with


rare but does happen. I think the magnesium, in reasonable nutrition-style

amounts, or

as a little milk of magnesia, is a good idea because one of the side-effects I

read about is

that one of these drugs is dangerous with low magnesium.

I would start with some enzymes but I wouldn't be so sure that he isn't having


problems. Many people do without having diarrhea. Many people have neuro


from the gluten without having any intestinal ones.Some actually have

constipation. If you

could manage to get a stool test and HLA done by Enterolabs.com you could rule


celiac. They are throwing in the anti-casein for free with their celiac panel I

think still.

That could be extremely helpful. It's very hard to tell if a person is having

trouble from a

particular food if they eat it every day the was most people do wheat in this


You could easily also give him a couple of grams of buffered vitamin C a day

without any

harmful effects because he is surely under high stress. When I say a couple of

grams I

mean up to 2000-3000 mg/day. That would probably help the constipation too. Get


to drink lots of water with each one--time released would be good.

After the magnesium, and high vitamin C for stress, Zyme Prime I would say is

the first

one to start with, then AFP Protease IF he isn't celiac.

Then you can try the No-Fenol. I think you would have noticed if those kinds of


were a problem, though. That's just a suggested plan. I'm not a doctor but I do

have a

background in nutritional sciences. I used to work with a medical doctor who did


on nutrition/medication interactions.


Kathy E.


> Ok you were all so helpful with my question about my dd I hope I am

> not reaching the question asking limit :)!

> My brother is 27 he is officially dx as CP but DRs have said he

> would also be considered autistic but at this point there is no real

> incentive to keep piling on the diagnosis. He takes Tegratol 2X a

> day for seizures,Geodon 2X a day for mood, and Xanax 1X a day

> (sometimes 2)for anxiety and Adavant (sp?) as needed for the rages

> he has. He is considered profoundly mentally and phsycally disabled.

> It is very furstrating trying to find info on adults as disabled as

> he, or to connect with other families that have a family member that

> is like him still living at home. Here is my question. He has had

> for a long time chronic constipation we have been giving him Colon

> Cleanse 1X a day sometimes 2X a day and it helps to a degree. The

> problem is it never gets or keeps him regular. He eats a healthy

> diet and drinks at least 8 oz. with each meal, but gets a limited

> amount of exercise. He sits in his wheelchair for meals and

> occasionlly in the afternoons but prefers crawling and laying around

> on the floor. The problem is he gets constipated, his tummy hurts

> and he rages, screams, hollers, hurts himself and so we have to give

> him an Adavant or what we call a chill pill. Which calms him down

> but I think worsens the constipation. Having recently discovered

> enzymes while researching stuff on my dd I am wondering if they

> would help him.He also has a lot of anxiety and with the CP muscle

> tightness and I want to give him the magnesium. He doesn't seem to

> have a problem with any certain food so would you start with a

> general enzyme or would you still do the Low n Slow method that I

> have read on here?

> Sorry for this being so long. Hope someone can wade through it all

> and help.

> Thank You,


> bethysmama@...


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> for a long time chronic constipation we have been giving him Colon

> Cleanse 1X a day sometimes 2X a day and it helps to a degree. The

> problem is it never gets or keeps him regular.

Constipation ideas


>>Having recently discovered

> enzymes while researching stuff on my dd I am wondering if they

> would help him.

Very possibly yes.


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  • 1 year later...
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Knowing Chronic Constipation Constipation has become a chronic, everyday problem for many Americans these days. Being regularly constipated will lead to a wide variety of other health problems, diseases and conditions in your body. A person with a healthy colon will have an easy bowel movement at least twice each day. Usually the first one occurs within about an hour of waking in the morning, and the movement is very easy. There should be no straining or waiting for things to happen. A good bowel movement also releases a lot of solid waste material at once. When your colon is healthy, that first of the morning bowel movement is generally three or more feet long. If you do not have a bowel movement at least twice each day at a minimium, you're constipated. Likewise if you do not eliminate several feet of waste material at once, you're constipated. If you have to sit on the toilet and wait for your bowels to move -- or worse, you sit on the toilet and strain hard for your bowels to move -- you're constipated. And when you're constipated, there can be any number of other physical things wrong with you. The colon is the primary method the human body uses to get rid of toxic materials, bacteria, and wastes. That colon is approximately five feet long, and it touches every area of our body through nerve endings. So if waste materials are backed up inside your colon, this can cause you to be sick, generally not feeling well,

or have any number of so-called syndromes and conditions which are so common in society today. The colon is where solid waste material ends up in our body, and the colon's job is to keep that waste material moving until it is expelled through a bowel movement. The liver, however, is what actually starts the waste creation process. The liver filters and processes our blood, removes the toxins and bacteria that is harmful to use, and creates bile from the filtered materials. That bile is then sent on through to the colon for disposal. When the colon is backed up, though, the liver is not able to do its job as efficiently as it has no place to send the waste material it's creating. So it must wait until the colon clears before it can continue doing its job. And that's the primary problem, because when the liver is not able

to filter toxins from our body, we start getting sick. The second problem occurs within the colon itself. When you're constipated, that waste material is just sitting there in the colon, and it's leaking the toxins and poisons back into your body through the thin colon walls. Essentially, the waste material is slowly poisoning your body, and that's the second reason we start getting sick. A complete colon cleanse is in order. Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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