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Colon cleansing and why

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All right. It's a dirty subject. But what if no one talks about it? More people have problems with their colon than most people realize. Did you know that the average person stores between 5 to 25 POUNDS of waste accumulated over the years in their colon? Waste build up causes bacteria and toxins to spread throughout the body resulting in sickness and even death. Besides the poisonous effect this has on your body, waste build up hinders nutrient absorption your body so badly needs. Did you know that some health experts say that 90% of all sickness and diseases are related to an unclean colon? By not eating healthy foods, and not exercising on a regular basis, our system has a tough time digesting foods properly. Liquid Vitamins: The Wave of the Future If your digestive system is not working properly, it also makes it very hard to lose weight because your body's not breaking down and excreting all the food you eat. For a system to be "regular", it should produce 2-3 bowel movements a day, shortly after each meal. Internal cleansing is more important than external cleansing. The Regeneration System Colon Cleanse System is an all natural, safe way to keep your system clean and healthy. Many people shy away from a colon cleanser because they're afraid they'll have an inconvenient laxative effect. But this product is NOT a laxative. It's herbal ingredients work gently together to simply aid in the digestion of your food and to cleanse the colon of stored waste. Keeping your system clean leads

to a lifetime of better health. Doing the Colon Cleanse Program can help you ... *Detoxify*Remove Parasites*Prevent Toxicity*Aid in Weight Loss*Prevent Sickness and Deadly Diseases*Prevent Colon Cancer Complete Colon Cleanse Since "Death begins in the colon," your nutritional program should begin with a good Colon Cleanse program. Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous! No wonder Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually. Your colon is one of the largest muscles in your body and should be exercised

regularly. Of course, physical exercise is beneficial for the colon, but water and fiber is even MORE important. Fiber is a bulking agent that gives the colon the resistance it needs in order to remain firm and active. If the colon is inactive, it will soon grow weak, just like any other muscle. Colon inactivity may hinder the movement of waste material along the intestinal track to be eliminated from the body. Eventually, this waste material builds up along the colon walls and prevents the absorption of water and electrolytes. At 98 degree's temperature, the waste material begins to rot and decay, sending toxins and poisons into the blood stream and throughout the body. The complete Life Force Regeneration Colon Cleanse Program should be your FIRST step to any health or weight loss program you undertake. Our

Colon Cleanse program will effectively: * Breakdown hardened waste from intestinal walls withHerbal Tabs. * Attract and hold toxins that have accumulated in yourbody with Activated Charcoal. * Sweep the toxins, fat and cholesterol from your body withIntestinal Tone. Consider this: More and more people are dying of Colon Cancer than ever before. And yet most people still think "it won't happen to me". I had a friend who died recently of cancer – she died screaming in her husband's arms. No longer are people just passing away peacefully in their sleep. Unfortunately, an early colon problem such as constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a warning sign of colon cancer years down the track. Wild animals who are living as nature intended do not get these problems. These problems are not caused by accident. They are caused by our living away from nature. You owe it to yourself to LEARN about how you can prevent and even heal these diseases. There is no "one way", no "magic bullet. But there are ways that work. The best methods include nutrition and cleanse. These are the very things that your doctor won't tell you about – because they never learned them. No one makes any money telling you to drink more water, which is essential for a healthy colon. To learn more about nutrition, read ``A Secret of anti aging". In addition to learning about nutrition, many people have had great results from doing an occasional herbal cleanse, of the colon, kidney and liver. The MOST important cleanse to do is a

Colon Cleanse, because if you have a dirty colon with impacted fecal matter, this will create extra toxins which the other organs then have to continually detox. Famous herbalists such as Dr , Dr Jensen and Paavo Airola, ALL believed that a major cause of most disease was a dirty bowel. Complete Colon Cleanse The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is increasing at an alarming rate. Here are its figures for diverticulosis for people over 45 years old: 1950 10% 1955 15% 1972 30% 1987 Almost 50% The #1 CANCER AMONG MEN AND WOMEN TOGETHER IS COLON CANCER. Modern natural

healers prefer to talk about nice, clean things like vitamins. These are important, but are often money down the toilet because many people are rotting from the inside out because: They continue to ingest toxic substances (including caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, microwave food, hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods. They don't eat enough good food, or DRINK ENOUGH GOOD WATER. They have impacted fecal matter in their colon. A doctor named Schulze believes that some of the methods for colon cleansing don't work any more. This is because our diet is now so far removed from what it should be. Our diet is generally now full of food which has been changed in many ways from what nature intended. Chemicals are added, nutrients and fiber are removed, heating processes change the molecular

structure of the food and destroy any life energy. In addition, we now get hardly any exercise, whereas our forebears used to walk everywhere. And then there's the added stress of today's style of living, and electromagnetic stress (from computers, mobile phones, cars, etc.). Believe it or not, Schulze and others have had people in their clinic who had only ONE BOWEL MOVEMENT A MONTH! Incredibly, Schulze even had clients who had a bowel movement only once every two months! In fact, his record was a lady who wrote to him who had only one bowel movement every six months! So where did all that food go? These people had their bowels frozen solid. Their other organs were being squashed by all the extra material down there. Schulze said these people would come to him

with big piles of drugs and herbs that they had bought – but they still couldn't have a regular bowel movement. What is needed today for many people is a superior type of Colon Cleanse. Schulze describes babies and old people, who had fecal matter backed right up inside them – and he was able to get them all going to the toilet within days. How often should one have a bowel movement? Schulze traveled the world in search of the perfect bowel movement. He traveled to the jungles of Central America, China, India, Africa and Asia so see the bowel habits of people living simple, natural lives. All of these people had two or three bowel movements a day, without straining. They eat, and within fifteen to thirty minutes after their meal they wander off, squat and easily have a bowel movement that is usually

unformed and light in color. One of the real problems of today is that the doctors themselves are so unhealthy. Have a listen to the "Dead doctors don't lie" tape. In it Dr Wallach says that the average age of doctors is only 58 years old! Over ten years less than the average person! Doctors don't study health. They study sickness. "Health insurance" should be called "sickness insurance", just like we have "fire insurance" and "flood insurance". Having health insurance won't make you healthy. One person in Dallas told me that many of her friends have a bowel movement only once every five days. It may be average – but it's not meant to be that way. Schulze said that the average American has one bowel movement every two to five days! More and more people are finding colonics can be of

assistance. However, be careful. I went to a colon therapist in Sydney who regularly sends her clients to other clinics to see how NOT to do it. She herself would give a person only 3 treatments. Many colon therapists prefer to give 10 treatments – and I once had a client who had been going every week for years. This is not good. In addition, the colon therapist should remain with you and tap the tummy to help remove matter, not just hook you up to a hose and wander off. Ultimately, you need to get your bowels working by themselves. Schulze says that herbs can do MUCH more than a colonic can. They can not only clean and scrub, but also draw out old fecal matter and toxins, stop bleeding, disinfect, kill and expel parasites, destroy and remove cancer, kill Candida albicans overgrowth (which is a major contributor towards Irritable Bowel

Syndome and Crohns disease), regulate and balance intestinal flora, remove toxic metals (such as lead, mercury, radioactive metals) and strengthen the muscles of the colon to promote normal bowel movements (and therefore heal spastic colon). Schulze says that often problems that don't appear to be related to the colon often improve with colon cleansing. After all, when you step on a cat's tail, it's the other end that screams. Simply put, pain and disease are caused by toxins. And a dirty bowel is full of toxins. In addition, lots of extra material inside puts pressure on all of the other organs. One of Dr Schulze's cases was a woman who had migraines so bad that she would even go blind during some of the attacks. Sometimes she would fall to her knees in public or even blackout. She tried many avenues – her doctor, a chiropractor, an

acupuncturist, a rolfer and a herbalist. Each person helped her –but the migraines came back. It turned out she had a bowel movement only once or twice a week. Although she initially couldn't see how a migraine could be related to her bowels, she tried Colon Cleansing. After a few days, she phoned and said her migraines had gone, right after an amazing experience on the toilet. Over the following months she did many cleanses, and her migraines stayed away for at least 13 years. Another woman had been out of work, literally flat on her back in pain for three years, every day. She could not even do housework. The doctors wanted to fuse her spine. Again, this woman was constipated. Within a week of the Colon Cleanse program all of her pain was gone and never returned. The woman was shocked at how easily she was healed. A man discovered that he had colon cancer. He had 35 cancer

polyps in his colon. The doctors wanted to cut at least 12 inches off his colon. It is very hard to heal something, if it has been cut out – to say the least! And once something is cut out, it is even harder for the body to function properly, and the person will likely end up with another serious problem not long after. The man asked the doctor to delay surgery for a few months while he did a Colon Cleanse. Naturally, the doctor said he was nuts. He said that herbs could be dangerous. Hundreds of thousand of people every year die from drugs, and many more are damaged – but it is likely that if JUST ONE person died from herbs, the herb industry would be shut down. The man took an intestinal formula for over 8 weeks, plus 8 cloves of garlic a day. When he went back to the doctor the doctor was furious with him for taking so long to come back. But he was amazed to see that all 35

polyps had disappeared! Schulze said that about 80% of his patients got more than relief, no matter what was wrong with them, by doing a Colon Cleanse program. Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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This is very interesting.... I noticed when I'm really backed up I gain weight very easily.... never could figure out why. Well.... the food wasn't going anywhere!!! it just keeps getting digested and re digested so you can bet I'm getting every single bit of fat in the food I eat!!!

And also I'm always hungry. Like every half hour I'm hungry. Always thought that was strange.

An ex boyfriend said "You eat more than I do and I outweigh you by 120 pounds!" True. I always just thought I had a big appetite. Well, my body probably isn't getting any nutrients cecause my intestinal walls are caked in old crap so it keeps telling me to eat more!

I've learned so much from Dr. Schulze. I really do believe he saved my life.

I've been fairly regular the past couple days so I'm still gonna go get those prunes and if they make me go I'm starting on Formula 2. I need to get that old crap out of there, have been going once a month to once every two months for well over 10 years!!!! I can't even imagine what is all in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Colon cleansing and why

All right. It's a dirty subject. But what if no one talks about it? More people have problems with their colon than most people realize.

Did you know that the average person stores between 5 to 25 POUNDS of waste accumulated over the years in their colon?

Waste build up causes bacteria and toxins to spread throughout the body resulting in sickness and even death.

Besides the poisonous effect this has on your body, waste build up hinders nutrient absorption your body so badly needs.

Did you know that some health experts say that 90% of all sickness and diseases are related to an unclean colon?

By not eating healthy foods, and not exercising on a regular basis, our system has a tough time digesting foods properly.

Liquid Vitamins: The Wave of the Future

If your digestive system is not working properly, it also makes it very hard to lose weight because your body's not breaking down and excreting all the food you eat. For a system to be "regular", it should produce 2-3 bowel movements a day, shortly after each meal.

Internal cleansing is more important than external cleansing. The Regeneration System Colon Cleanse System is an all natural, safe way to keep your system clean and healthy.

Many people shy away from a colon cleanser because they're afraid they'll have an inconvenient laxative effect. But this product is NOT a laxative. It's herbal ingredients work gently together to simply aid in the digestion of your food and to cleanse the colon of stored waste.

Keeping your system clean leads to a lifetime of better health.

Doing the Colon Cleanse Program can help you ...

*Detoxify*Remove Parasites*Prevent Toxicity*Aid in Weight Loss*Prevent Sickness and Deadly Diseases*Prevent Colon Cancer

Complete Colon Cleanse

Since "Death begins in the colon," your nutritional program should begin with a good Colon Cleanse program.

Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous!

No wonder Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually.

Your colon is one of the largest muscles in your body and should be exercised regularly. Of course, physical exercise is beneficial for the colon, but water and fiber is even MORE important.

Fiber is a bulking agent that gives the colon the resistance it needs in order to remain firm and active. If the colon is inactive, it will soon grow weak, just like any other muscle.

Colon inactivity may hinder the movement of waste material along the intestinal track to be eliminated from the body. Eventually, this waste material builds up along the colon walls and prevents the absorption of water and electrolytes.

At 98 degree's temperature, the waste material begins to rot and decay, sending toxins and poisons into the blood stream and throughout the body.

The complete Life Force Regeneration Colon Cleanse Program should be your FIRST step to any health or weight loss program you undertake.

Our Colon Cleanse program will effectively:

* Breakdown hardened waste from intestinal walls withHerbal Tabs.

* Attract and hold toxins that have accumulated in yourbody with Activated Charcoal.

* Sweep the toxins, fat and cholesterol from your body withIntestinal Tone.

Consider this:

More and more people are dying of Colon Cancer than ever before. And yet most people still think "it won't happen to me".

I had a friend who died recently of cancer – she died screaming in her husband's arms. No longer are people just passing away peacefully in their sleep.

Unfortunately, an early colon problem such as constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a warning sign of colon cancer years down the track.

Wild animals who are living as nature intended do not get these problems. These problems are not caused by accident. They are caused by our living away from nature. You owe it to yourself to LEARN about how you can prevent and even heal these diseases.

There is no "one way", no "magic bullet. But there are ways that work. The best methods include nutrition and cleanse. These are the very things that your doctor won't tell you about – because they never learned them.

No one makes any money telling you to drink more water, which is essential for a healthy colon. To learn more about nutrition, read ``A Secret of anti aging".

In addition to learning about nutrition, many people have had great results from doing an occasional herbal cleanse, of the colon, kidney and liver.

The MOST important cleanse to do is a Colon Cleanse, because if you have a dirty colon with impacted fecal matter, this will create extra toxins which the other organs then have to continually detox.

Famous herbalists such as Dr , Dr Jensen and Paavo Airola, ALL believed that a major cause of most disease was a dirty bowel.

Complete Colon Cleanse

The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is increasing at an alarming rate. Here are its figures for diverticulosis for people over 45 years old:

1950 10%

1955 15%

1972 30%

1987 Almost 50%


Modern natural healers prefer to talk about nice, clean things like vitamins. These are important, but are often money down the toilet because many people are rotting from the inside out because:

They continue to ingest toxic substances (including caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, microwave food, hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods.

They don't eat enough good food, or DRINK ENOUGH GOOD WATER.

They have impacted fecal matter in their colon.

A doctor named Schulze believes that some of the methods for colon cleansing don't work any more. This is because our diet is now so far removed from what it should be. Our diet is generally now full of food which has been changed in many ways from what nature intended.

Chemicals are added, nutrients and fiber are removed, heating processes change the molecular structure of the food and destroy any life energy.

In addition, we now get hardly any exercise, whereas our forebears used to walk everywhere.

And then there's the added stress of today's style of living, and electromagnetic stress (from computers, mobile phones, cars, etc.).

Believe it or not, Schulze and others have had people in their clinic who had only ONE BOWEL MOVEMENT A MONTH!

Incredibly, Schulze even had clients who had a bowel movement only once every two months! In fact, his record was a lady who wrote to him who had only one bowel movement every six months!

So where did all that food go? These people had their bowels frozen solid. Their other organs were being squashed by all the extra material down there.

Schulze said these people would come to him with big piles of drugs and herbs that they had bought – but they still couldn't have a regular bowel movement. What is needed today for many people is a superior type of Colon Cleanse.

Schulze describes babies and old people, who had fecal matter backed right up inside them – and he was able to get them all going to the toilet within days.

How often should one have a bowel movement?

Schulze traveled the world in search of the perfect bowel movement.

He traveled to the jungles of Central America, China, India, Africa and Asia so see the bowel habits of people living simple, natural lives. All of these people had two or three bowel movements a day, without straining.

They eat, and within fifteen to thirty minutes after their meal they wander off, squat and easily have a bowel movement that is usually unformed and light in color.

One of the real problems of today is that the doctors themselves are so unhealthy. Have a listen to the "Dead doctors don't lie" tape. In it Dr Wallach says that the average age of doctors is only 58 years old! Over ten years less than the average person!

Doctors don't study health. They study sickness. "Health insurance" should be called "sickness insurance", just like we have "fire insurance" and "flood insurance". Having health insurance won't make you healthy.

One person in Dallas told me that many of her friends have a bowel movement only once every five days.

It may be average – but it's not meant to be that way. Schulze said that the average American has one bowel movement every two to five days!

More and more people are finding colonics can be of assistance.

However, be careful.

I went to a colon therapist in Sydney who regularly sends her clients to other clinics to see how NOT to do it. She herself would give a person only 3 treatments. Many colon therapists prefer to give 10 treatments – and I once had a client who had been going every week for years. This is not good. In addition, the colon therapist should remain with you and tap the tummy to help remove matter, not just hook you up to a hose and wander off.

Ultimately, you need to get your bowels working by themselves.

Schulze says that herbs can do MUCH more than a colonic can. They can not only clean and scrub, but also draw out old fecal matter and toxins, stop bleeding, disinfect, kill and expel parasites, destroy and remove cancer, kill Candida albicans overgrowth (which is a major contributor towards Irritable Bowel Syndome and Crohns disease), regulate and balance intestinal flora, remove toxic metals (such as lead, mercury, radioactive metals) and strengthen the muscles of the colon to promote normal bowel movements (and therefore heal spastic colon).

Schulze says that often problems that don't appear to be related to the colon often improve with colon cleansing. After all, when you step on a cat's tail, it's the other end that screams.

Simply put, pain and disease are caused by toxins. And a dirty bowel is full of toxins. In addition, lots of extra material inside puts pressure on all of the other organs.

One of Dr Schulze's cases was a woman who had migraines so bad that she would even go blind during some of the attacks. Sometimes she would fall to her knees in public or even blackout.

She tried many avenues – her doctor, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a rolfer and a herbalist. Each person helped her –but the migraines came back.

It turned out she had a bowel movement only once or twice a week. Although she initially couldn't see how a migraine could be related to her bowels, she tried Colon Cleansing. After a few days, she phoned and said her migraines had gone, right after an amazing experience on the toilet. Over the following months she did many cleanses, and her migraines stayed away for at least 13 years.

Another woman had been out of work, literally flat on her back in pain for three years, every day. She could not even do housework. The doctors wanted to fuse her spine. Again, this woman was constipated. Within a week of the Colon Cleanse program all of her pain was gone and never returned. The woman was shocked at how easily she was healed.

A man discovered that he had colon cancer. He had 35 cancer polyps in his colon. The doctors wanted to cut at least 12 inches off his colon. It is very hard to heal something, if it has been cut out – to say the least!

And once something is cut out, it is even harder for the body to function properly, and the person will likely end up with another serious problem not long after. The man asked the doctor to delay surgery for a few months while he did a Colon Cleanse.

Naturally, the doctor said he was nuts. He said that herbs could be dangerous. Hundreds of thousand of people every year die from drugs, and many more are damaged – but it is likely that if JUST ONE person died from herbs, the herb industry would be shut down.

The man took an intestinal formula for over 8 weeks, plus 8 cloves of garlic a day. When he went back to the doctor the doctor was furious with him for taking so long to come back. But he was amazed to see that all 35 polyps had disappeared!

Schulze said that about 80% of his patients got more than relief, no matter what was wrong with them, by doing a Colon Cleanse program.


What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.




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Atta girl Candace.. Get yourself cleaned out and you'll be feeling a whole lot better.Candace <candaceandbrock@...> wrote: This is very interesting.... I noticed when I'm really backed up I gain weight very easily.... never could figure out why. Well.... the food wasn't going anywhere!!! it just keeps getting digested and re digested so you can bet I'm getting every single bit of fat in the food I eat!!! And also I'm always hungry. Like every half hour I'm hungry. Always thought that was strange. An ex boyfriend said "You eat more than I do and I outweigh you by 120 pounds!" True. I always just thought I had a big appetite. Well, my body

probably isn't getting any nutrients cecause my intestinal walls are caked in old crap so it keeps telling me to eat more! I've learned so much from Dr. Schulze. I really do believe he saved my life. I've been fairly regular the past couple days so I'm still gonna go get those prunes and if they make me go I'm starting on Formula 2. I need to get that old crap out of there, have been going once a month to once every two months for well over 10 years!!!! I can't even imagine what is all in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Candace

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