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Vitamin D

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Vitamin D as a Source for Overall Health Vitamin D works in partnership with several other vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy and strong. However, out of the essential vitamins, Vitamin D is among the most difficult to obtain the daily requirement through naturally occurring sources. Many Vitamin D-conscious folks rely upon Vitamin D fortified foods and dietary supplementation to achieve sufficient daily intake. Important in bone heath and strength, Vitamin D is crucial in calcium absorption, increasing levels of absorption by 30% to 80%. Rickets and other diseases that cause bone weakness are a great risk for those who consistently are not getting enough Vitamin D. Recent scientific research has found that Vitamin D, in addition to

being beneficial to the immune system, plays a significant role in cell growth and differentiation. This means cells take on their specialized characteristics necessary to perform tasks in specific parts of the body. In order to have a sufficient intake of Vitamin D, adults older than 70 should have 600 International Units -- IU -- per day and those from 51 years of age to 70 should have 400 IU each day. People from 14 years of age to 50 years should have 200 IU daily, and children should have a daily Vitamin D intake of 200 IU. Sunlight plays a role in making Vitamin D useable in the body, and it is one the most important natural ways of obtaining daily intake requirements. As lifestyles have evolved, people are not getting the same degree of sun exposure today as they have done in the past. Hitherto, in certain

geographic regions, sun exposure is reduced for a good part of the year thanks to winter weather conditions. This means there is a significant portion of the population who are at risk of a Vitamin D deficiency. For example, people who live in the northeast, who work inside, and who may be older and have health problems that keep them inside most of the time may suffer deficiencies. People who have a high melanin level, perhaps with darker skin tones, may also not be getting enough Vitamin D; the melanin that offers certain protections also interferes with Vitamin D production. For those folks especially, Vitamin D supplementation should be considered. Simple and safe, it is a fine option. Breastfed babies also may experience problems from

Vitamin D deficiency. However, with the nearly immeasurable benefits of breastfeeding, a simple oral supplement or natural sourcel is the best option. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient. Changing lifestyles and geographic locations, in addition to other natural factors, can make it difficult to obtain the proper amount of Vitamin D one needs a day. However, using a safe and simple dietary supplement containing Vitamin D can be an excellent part of maintaining your health. Suzi List

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