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Re: Your Own Perfect Medicine

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Yes... and if anyone is interested just do a search on "urine therapy" there is alot of info out there.

I once read an interview with Jubb who wrote The Lifefood Recipe Book. It has some good recipes in it but when they asked what he ate he said he didn't really eat food anymore and had been living on drinking his own urine for years. Kinda turned me off at the time;-).


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I have heard of that therapy before, but I think I would

have to be dying of thirst before I tried it.

I’m sure I would throw up before I got it down. I’ve always thought of urine as waste,

like your bowel movement, with all the impurities that your system has picked

up throughout your body and is now flushing them out. Interesting!


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That is what everyone thinks.. but actually not true... I've known this (not to the extent of this article) to be good... but it is like when you get "athletes foot" .. peeing on yourself will get rid of it.... Our bodies are a marvelous wonder. SuziCarol Minnick <carol@...> wrote: I have heard of that therapy before, but I think I would have to be dying of thirst before I tried

it. I’m sure I would throw up before I got it down. I’ve always thought of urine as waste, like your bowel movement, with all the impurities that your system has picked up throughout your body and is now flushing them out. Interesting! Carol

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Basic rules: 1. Midstream urine should be used, the exception being in a fast where urine is being passed every ten to fifteen minutes. The first flow should always be midstream. 2. Urine should be sipped like tea and not drunk like water. This will prevent excessive problems in the form of loose stools and other eliminative processes. 3. The first flow of the day is the most important and the best time of the day to drink it is between three and four a.m.. 4. Drink at least one liter of water per day. 5. Pungent and salty food as well as excessive protein should be avoided. 6. Urine passed during the night before three a.m. should not be used. The quantity used is left up to the individual. Initial adjustment phase: 1. Prepare the mind by making a resolve to

at lease attempt the process and examine your reactions, thoughts and feelings. 2. When you feel mentally prepared to attempt the actual practice, collect some fresh urine and start by rubbing your hands with it. Feel its texture, smell it, and see whether it can actually clean your skin as well as some people claim. After about five minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether the urine has had an effect. Do not use soap after rubbing. 3. The next phase of adjusting the body and mind is to put one drop onto the tongue. Taste and smell play an important part in assessing its nature. 4. Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body and mind. Then you will be ready to start more advanced curriculums.

Gayla <aeranch@...> wrote: That's quite an article. The unanswered question is how much does one drink? Suzi List Owner What is a weed? A plant whose

virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://360./suziesgoats

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Yes... and if anyone is interested just do a search on "urine therapy" there is alot of info out there. SuziSV <shavig@...> wrote: Actually urine therapy is huge in Europe and has been for many hundred years. "Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes." From: http://www.universal-tao.com/article/urine_therapy.html Shari Suzi List Owner What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://360./suziesgoats

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"4. Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you

can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body

and mind. Then you will be ready to start more advanced curriculums."

I wonder what the happy heck "advanced curriculums" are?! After a full glass what else is there?


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Feeling neutral in body and mind is a challenge. I have a friend who was lost in the desert who survived by drinking his own urine. I know in Mexico there are practitioners of this too.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

4. Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you

can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body

and mind. Then you will be ready to start more advanced curriculums.


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Here is more on this Shari, Auto Urine Therapy- AmaroliThe Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar, IndiaAmaroli author: Swami Satyananda Saraswati publishers: Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, India info: e-mail: yoga@... web: www.yogavision.net Amaroli is the ancient tantric and yogic technique which incorporates the use of urine for fulfilling vajroli kriya. Amaroli comes from the root word amara which means "immortal, undying, imperishable". Amaroli was therefore a technique designed to bring about immortality. It was used in conjunction with tantric kundalini kriyas in an attempt to purify the

body so that consciousness could expand to its original and cosmic state. Because amaroli was originally a spiritual practice rather than a method of treatment, it was accepted and widely used by the yogis and rishis of old, but not by the general populace, and hence it fell into disuse. Recently, however, as Yoga and Tantra have gained worldwide acceptance and esteem, amaroli has reemerged as one of the most useful techniques, and many people are now interested in its particular application. At the Bihar School of Yoga they have been watching this revival with great interest and have noticed that generally the therapeutic aspect of amaroli is being practiced without its previous association of vajroli. Since the first contemporary book "The WATER OF LIFE- A TREATISE ON URINE THERAPY was written by J. W. Armstrong many others have followed. This is especially so in India where the connections

between amaroli, Sanskrit and yogic texts, as well as the need for inexpensive yet effective medication, was quickly recognized. In 1967 R. V. Karlekar wrote Auto-Urine Care and this was followed in 1973 by R.M. Patel's Manav Moolra. Just recently a magazine entitled Auto-Urine Therapy has commenced publication in Bombay. The publisher of this magazine, Acharya Jagdish B., has also recently printed Practical Guide to Auto Urine Therapy- Treatment and Diet. These books and magazines present a sizable number of case histories and some amazing claims, for example, the cure of cancer, gangrene and tuberculosis, which have a considerable impact on the public. Many people have experimented with this technique, some with good results and some with bad. However, the subject still remains wide open; as yet no conclusive proof has been offered that amaroli works or that it does not work. With these thoughts in mind Swami

Satyananda Saraswati decided to pool the resources of the IYFM Research Coordinating Centre in an all out effort to fully research this important subject and to re-introduce amaroli as part of our ancient yogic heritage, bringing it back into its true perspective. Using the expertise of doctors, scientists, psychologists, natural therapists and other specialists, Swamiji initiated various research projects in both the theoretical and practical aspects. This work culminated in a seminar on amaroli in which the opinion on non-scientifically oriented people was also sought. Swamiji's inspiration and presence in all these spheres was the focal point of everyone concerned. Whether the interest shown by all those involved in this research and by the general public grows into a revolutionary phase in the evolution of our society (the healing professions in particular) is in the hands of time and those proponents who not only have the courage and

conviction to partake of their water, but also to scientifically research its beneficial effects. Having utilized these techniques ourselves, we feel that the time has come to accept that amaroli is probably a valid therapy and to scientifically investigate its effects as a healing agent as well as a spiritual practice. Practice programs The method of amaroli had lain untouched, shrouded in mist for thousands of years until its recent discovery. Because of this, little has remained of its practical aspects. Therefore we will attempt to fill in this gap by providing some concrete and practical programs for everyday use, which are now being recommended by the proponents of this technique. Please note, however, that we do not take any responsibility for the techniques laid down here. As yet there is no scientific evidence that aramoli works, and no

standards as to quantity and quality of urine have been laid down. If you wish, you wish you may select the aspect that applies to you, follow the recommendation laid down and examine carefully the results you obtain. Any changes in the regime should be noted and the results observed. Here at HPS On-Line we shall be pleased to receive the details of such experimentation for our own records. Eventually this compilation will be made available to others. All particulars will remain confidential, and it is not necessary to send your name and address if you do not want to. The following information is given as a guideline only. It has been extracted from personal experience of the aspirant, the advice laid down by proponents of amaroli with the proper understanding of the science, and the handful of books available on the subject. Advise and precautions During any

form of internal use of urine, the following should be observed: Amaroli should not be started if medical or any other form of treatment is being used. Two days should intervene between the stopping of medication and the commencement of amaroli. People with liver, kidney or heart disease, in whom protein intake and water balance is a problem (for example if there is swelling of the tissues of the legs, abdomen, hands, etc., with water), should consult an experienced therapist or doctor before starting amaroli. Pus filled urine should not be used in amaroli. Only those people with great faith and experience would attempt to treat infections of the kidney, bladder or urethra with amaroli. Diet for the most intense forms of the internal technique (that is three or more glasses per day), should be low in protein and salt. Refined, processed

and synthetic foods should be avoided, for example, white sugar, refined flour, tinned food, and so on. Spicy food may make the urine pungent and difficult to drink. Some proponents recommend that milk consumption be stopped too. Intake of alcohol and tobacco should be reduced to the barest minimum, or preferably avoided totally if possible. A healing crisis is said to be a sign that the body is purifying itself very rapidly. These crises may take the form of loose stools, skin eruptions such as pimples and boils, vomiting, fever of unexplained origin, cough, general weakness and debility. The advocates say that there is no need to panic and take drugs for any of the above mentioned processes. They usually occur because the body systems are now strong enough for the elimination processes to handle the deeply ingrained toxins and poisons. These other methods (eg. healing crises) are then employed by the

body to dispose of the excess, and as a result, strange and perhaps as yet un-experienced manifestation may occur. If this happens the best way to handle the situation is to reduce the intake of urine or to stop completely and rest the body. Complete rest and fasting may also help, or a fruit diet can be instigated, depending on the manifestations that occur. Please do not run to your doctor and start taking medications to suppress the healing crisis's. Let them unfold naturally and according to their own sequences. The following are the most common manifestations of the healing crises and their recommended treatment: Loose stools: fasting and complete rest for one day is probably the best measure. Plenty of boiled or distilled water and lemon juice is suggested. The toxins of the body that have been loosened by amaroli then have a chance to be eliminated. The second day one should eat some boiled rice and curd, or some boiled rice with

mung beans. By the third day all manifestations should have subsided and amaroli can again commence. Skin eruptions such as pimples and boils can be treated in the following ways. In the early stages rub the lesion with urine and leave the urine on for one or two hours before washing if off (in cold water without soap) to stop the process. If they continue to cause trouble or if boils develop, urine packs can be applied. Fomentation with warm water, cotton wool and Dettol or salt should be applied at night before sleep. Boils should never be lanced, squeezed, pressed or touched by the hand. These manifestation usually disappear after three to seven days. A light diet of fruit only will help the process. Please remember that boils and pimples are the bodies natural way or expelling overloads of toxins. They usually excrete from the skin if the other filtering and eliminative channels (lungs, colon, liver) are not functioning optimally.

Once the toxins have been excreted the boils should disappear for good. Vomiting may occur when the urine is especially bad tasting and smelling as in fevers, jaundice and other illnesses. The urine of such dis-"eases" may seem totally unpalatable, yet if the patient has steeled his mind to drink it, then copious supplies of water will help to dilute the urine and make it easier to drink. If you can hold down the first flow, then the second should be more dilute and better tasting, and so on, until clear pleasant tasting urine finally comes.Vomiting is good in that it cleans the stomach just as kunjal kriya does, Therefore, it should not cause any undue worry. After vomiting, the nausea is usually relieved and you feel better. If vomiting persists and dry retching occurs, you should seek professional help. After vomiting urine, you should rest and take some light fluids such as lemon water or some other fluid replacement. When

fully rested, try amaroli again. Mild fever of unexplained origin can occur as a reaction of the body, designed to burn up the toxins. It is one of the most thorough of the eliminative series and requires nothing more than complete rest and constant fluid intake. After the fever, fruit and a light diet should precede the commencement of amaroli. NOTE: regular checking of the body temperature should ensure that it does not go too high. In such a case the head should be cooled down with cold water application and the feet massaged with ghee. If the temperature still stays up after one hour, aspirin may be taken only as a last resort. Cough and cold may appear and indicate elimination of mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages. again reduce or stop the intake of urine and start the practice of kunjal and neti kriyas once or twice a day. Neti using half water and half urine is good to relieve all

discomfort and to help wash out mucus form the nasal passages and sinuses. The diet should exclude milk and milk product and all mucus producing foods such as fats and excessive starch until the cold is finished. General debility may be felt as a result of the excess toxins, and in such a case plenty of sleep, rest and good food will help. Fasting may be too difficult for some people, especially if they have been suffering from a chronic illness for considerable time, for example, low blood pressure, heart disease, and so on. These people should proceed very slowly and gradually. They may prefer to start with one meal a day fasts or fruit fasts before trying the more complete water and urine only fasts. This rule should be applied to all people, for the slow approach usually ends up with better and faster results than one in which we jump into the most advanced practices and, finding that we can not

swim, have to stop in order to resolve the problems we have inflicted upon ourselves. In some diseases the urine becomes dense, pungent and seemingly unpalatable. It is advised that you attempt to utilize this urine even though it may be difficult to do so. Dense and scanty urine may contain mineral salts and other body components of value. Wash it down with plenty of water. Pregnant woman can use amaroli with the following restrictions. The first flow of the day (on arising form sleep) should be completely discarded. Then water, tea, milk, or any beverage can be consumed and the second or third flow can be used. However, the urine should have a light color and should not be too pungent or concentrated. Each person is different, so the results of your friend's experimentation may not apply to you. Age, constitution, physique, diet and disease all lead one on a

different path to the same goal, that of good health. Different modes of amaroli Amaroli can be divided into two main categories: 1. Internal use which spans the range of drinking one glass per day, to drinking every

drop passed while fasting. 2. External uses which ranges from rubbing fresh urine on cuts and bruises, to massage or packs with specially prepared urine. We will present here practice programs and the rules and regulations for each. These programs are merely a guideline and you may have to change them according to your body's demands. Every person is his own best judgment of what his body needs and this is the best criterion on which to judge the timing and quantity of intake. Basic rules Midstream urine should be used, the exception being in a fast where urine is being passed every ten to fifteen minutes. The first flow should always be midstream. Urine should be sipped like tea and not drunk like water. This will prevent excessive problems in the form of loose stools and other eliminative processes. The first flow of the day is the most important and the best time of the day to drink it is between three and four a.m., especially if one is doing yoga sadhana. Drink at least one liter of water per day. Pungent and salty food as well as excessive protein should be avoided. Urine passed during the night before three a.m. should not be used. The quantity used is left up to the individual. Initial adjustment phase Before amaroli can be fully utilized, an initial period of adjustment is usually required. During this period a few obstacles must be overcome. For some courageous and broad minded people this first step will be easily accomplished, whereas others, still opening to the potential therapeutic value of urine, may be a little slower. In either case

adjustment is necessary, and the best way to commence the adjustment phase is as follows: Prepare the mind by making a resolve to at lease attempt the process and examine your reactions, thoughts and feelings. When you feel mentally prepared to attempt the actual practice, collect some fresh urine and start by rubbing your hands with it. Feel its texture, smell it, and see whether it can actually clean your skin as well as some people claim. After about five minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether the urine has had an effect. Do not use soap after amaroli. The next phase of adjusting the body and mind to amaroli is to put one drop onto the tongue. Taste and smell play an important part in assessing its nature. Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you can drink a full glass of midstream

urine and feel neutral in body and mind. Then you will be ready to start one of the next programs outlined in the internal practices section. Most people have little difficulty in accepting the external use of urine It has been part of many cultures for millennia. However, it takes time to understand and become fully competent in all the phases of aramoli. Internal practice This can be divided into three basic programs: 1. Once a day. 2. Three times a day. 3. Fasting. You may wish to modify the following suggestions, for example, drinking two glasses or four glasses. However, these basic rules and suggestions which have been gained from experience should remain as your guiding light. Once a day Use the

midstream of the first flow of urine, discarding the first and last ten milliliters. Collect the rest. The best time for this from three to four a.m.. Before drinking the urine, perform you morning ablutions such as cleansing the teeth and mouth. The urine should be sipped like tea. This is performed every morning so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. You may wish to try this for one or two weeks in connection with some disease, or for an indefinite period in order, as some suggest, to enjoy even better health. There are no dietary restrictions to this program, however, a low protein, low salt diet will make your urine taste and smell a lot better. Do not commence amaroli if you're under medical treatment. Three times a day Midstream urine is drunk at the following times: 1. The first flow of the day (preferably from three to four a.m.). 2. At twelve noon or hone hour after the midday meal. 3. One hour after the evening meal. Diet: this is a more potent form of amaroli and requires a low protein, low salt diet. When urine is passed one hour after eating, it is said to contain more enzymes and valuable body substances. If elimination problems of the healing crisis type start to occur, then follow the instructions given and decrease the intake to one glass per day. Over the years, urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Most urine therapists, some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades, have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof. You too can join the growing legions of urine drinkers. Follow the above logical rules and you

will see a marked improvement in your health. SV <shavig@...> wrote: "4. Eventually you should build up the quantity you

take in until you can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body and mind. Then you will be ready to start more advanced curriculums." I wonder what the happy heck "advanced curriculums" are?! After a full glass what else is there?

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That is hard for me to believe. Your body uses stuff up so simple recycling into a closed system does not work. You loose things through sweat, feces, breathing etc. Nope, too much loss.

Gayla Always Enough RanchAcampo, Californiahttp://bouncinghoofs.com/alwaysenough.htmlBill Barnhill is our Inspiration! Go Bill!!!aeranch@...

Re: Re: Your Own Perfect Medicine

Yes... and if anyone is interested just do a search on "urine therapy" there is alot of info out there.I once read an interview with Jubb who wrote The Lifefood Recipe Book. It has some good recipes in it but when they asked what he ate he said he didn't really eat food anymore and had been living on drinking his own urine for years. Kinda turned me off at the time;-). Gloria**************************************Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tour

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