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Famous Health Quotes

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Famous Health Quotes

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will

interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the

cause and prevention of disease.”

-- A. Edison

"A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable


-- Hippocrates

"If all the materia medica (medicine) were tossed into the

sea, it would be all the worse for the fishes, and far better for


-- Oliver W. Holmes

"The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while

nature truly cures the disease.”

-- Voltaire

"[Medicine is] a collection of uncertain prescriptions the

results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to


-- Napoleon Bonaparte

"Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.”

-- Socrates

" …do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within

you, which you have from God, that you are not your own? For you were

bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body.'

-- 1 Corinthians 6:19

"The thing that bugs me most is that the people think the FDA

is protecting them - it is not. What the FDA is doing and what the

public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day”.

-- Dr. Herbert Ley, Former FDA Commissioner

"The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be

exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day”.

-- , MD, F.A.C.C., Center for

Preventive Cardiology at the University of land Medical Center

"God and nature heals, the doctor takes the fee”.

-- lin

"And we have made of ourselves living cesspools, and driven

doctors to invent names for our diseases."

-- Plato

"Natural healing is not about avoiding doctors. It is about

not needing to go to doctors.”

-- Dr. Saul

"It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We

doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within." (Oh

my, if Dr Schweitzer knew that the Hippacratic Oath has been turned

into the Hippacritic Oath, I wonder what he'd say)

-- Albert Schweitzer, M.D.

"One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other

three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."

(found in an ancient Egyptian tomb)

“Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies,

of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing at


-- Voltaire

"I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether

you do any good or not you still get your money.”

-- Moliere

"Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill. Never own

it to yourself. Illness is one of those things which man should resist

on principle at the onset. If you accept everything that you are told,

you have fallen.”

-- G. Bulwer-Lytton

"If people let the government decide what foods they

eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry

a state as are the souls who live under tyranny."

-- Jefferson

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will

come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship ...

To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal

privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medicle science.

All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a

republic ... The Constitution of this republic should make special

privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”

-- Dr. Rush, signer of the Declaration of


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