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Carrot juice: Key to rejuvenating the liver

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10Aug2007 This issue contains several articles

Source: http://proliberty.com/observer/20070506.htm

From the May 2007 Idaho Observer:

Carrot juice: Key to rejuvenating the liver

Now that we know that a healthy liver is essential in obtaining vibrant health (Back to Basics, The IO, March, 2007), what are some of the lifestyle habits that we should incorporate in order to ensure we have a fully-functioning, healthy liver? This is what this month’s column, the third installment on the liver and gallbladder, will focus upon. We have found that nearly all diseases can be "cured" by improving the functioning of the liver, our body’s chemical factory and organ of detoxification. Naturally, one must change one’s eating habits from the Standard American Diet (SAD) that created the problem in the first place to a diet rich in living foods. The most important kitchen tool to have is a fruit and vegetable juice extractor. The second essential kitchen item is a ceramic or Corningware teapot for infusions or decoctions of herbs that can be imbibed daily instead of beverages that actually harm the liver, such as coffee, soda pop and alcoholic beverages. But first we are going to focus on why raw fruit and vegetable juices are so therapeutic with specific emphasis on carrot juice.

By Ingri Cassel

Fruits and vegetables grown organically in healthy soil contain all the elements needed for nourishing the human body. By extracting the pure liquid locked up in the cells of plants and drinking this juice immediately, we are getting essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals into our bodies in the most easy-to-assimilate form possible.

Freshly extracted juice can be compared to a blood transfusion from the plant to the human body. When the juice is taken within a few minutes of it being extracted, the energy and vital nutrients of the plant goes directly into the bloodstream. Today there are many health retreats, therapists and living foods "coaches" who specialize in creating specific juice combinations for cleansing and rebuilding various organs and body systems.

Dr. Benedict Lust once said, "There is something more behind these health, raw juice cocktails than simply satisfying the palate. They satisfy and nourish the twenty-six thousand billion cells of the body. When people form the health cocktail habit, they put liquid life into their bodies."

Even the famous naturopath Bragg was quoted as saying way back in 1935 that "[t]he continuous and persistent practice of getting the liquid life of fruits and vegetables into our system is one of the secrets of keeping young. They revitalize the bloodstream, giving sparkle to the eye, color to the lips and a spring to the step."

These raw juices are very rich and should be sipped slowly and even "chewed" like solid food, swishing each mouthful so that it is thoroughly mixed with saliva before swallowing. According to Dr. , 1 ½ pints of saliva are available for digesting each meal and it is the saliva that stimulates the production of the other digestive enzymes such as hydrochloric acid.

Juice of a carrot

In general, fruit juices are more cleansing and vegetable juices are regenerating and ideal for building healthy cells. While all fresh, raw juices are excellent for restoring health, I have found that organic carrots are fairly easy to obtain and the juice from these carrots provides the most immediate results. When someone I know is in a health crisis, I make sure that a juice extractor is on hand along with a large 25 lb. bag of organic carrots.

Ragnar-Berg, an early diet reform advocate with a scientific background, said this about carrots:

"They have some protein, are rich in carbohydrates, potassium, sodium and calcium, there is a high alkali excess, a trace of iodine and a good proportion of all vitamins. They constitute a powerful cleansing food. A large amount of carrot carbohydrate is one of the most effective means of changing the intestinal flora from a putrefactive to a non-putrefactive type."

Carrot juice as nutritional support

Carrot juice is the richest source of vitamin A that the body can assimilate. It also contains an ample supply of vitamins B, C, D, E, G, and K. Carrots are an aid to digestion, promote a healthy appetite and are recommended to nursing mothers to improve the quantity and quality of their milk. Carrot juice is a specific for calcifying poor teeth and can correct faulty circulation.

In the treatment of disease it is important to alkalinize the body and carrot juice has been demonstrated to rapidly achieve this objective through cleansing of the liver and improving the quality of the blood. Carrot juice is very effective in correcting chronic infections such as tonsilitis, colitis and appendicitis. It has also been used in the treatment of anemia, blood poisoning, ulcers, rheumatism, acne and all forms of cancer.

Drinking carrot juice

The recommended dose is one to six pints of fresh carrot juice daily. If the skin develops a yellow, "jaundiced" hue, this is due to the congealed bile breaking up to be eliminated. According to Dr. R. , "Whenever the liver and gall bladder are in malfunction, and we drink carrot juice or other herbs to assist the organs to cleanse themselves, the yellow will show until the liver and gall bladder are cleaned out. As soon as this job is done the yellow fades away from the skin and the eyes, and a new, fresh, healthy complexion appears. Then drinking even more carrot juice will cause no further yellow tinge to the skin as long as the liver and gall bladder are in a good, healthy condition."

The late Dr. became well-known as the Father of American Herbology due to his faith in the power of God and Nature to heal us from all manner of maladies. If he was unsure of how to treat someone’s illness, he would pray about it and would receive the correct herbal and dietary procedure that would work for that specific case. The following stories are from his newsletter, The Importance of Fresh Juices (originally published in 1982):

Snowbound and healthy

There is a little town in Idaho which had its main crop in carrots, and they did so well there that every farm was in carrots. This was still in the "horse and buggy days" and the area was quite isolated, so when fall came, the people would harvest the carrots and take them down to a larger town and trade for supplies as staples for the winter. But one particular winter they got snow-bound before they could take the carrots down, so they had raw carrots, fried carrots, grated carrots, juiced carrots, carrot salads. That is about all they lived on. And, you know, that was the first year in the history of that town that there was no sickness; not even a case of sniffles! Well, the next year, being pretty smart people, they didn’t take the chance of the repeat performance of getting snowbound again, so they hurried down early to get their usual dietary staples and, of course, they had their regular sickness, and they kept their local doctor happy by keeping him in business.

Switching diets with the farm animals

One day in our naturopathic offices in ton, Wyoming, we received a call from over in Woodruff, Utah, from a rancher who complained that he and his wife and children were all rather "sickly." We visited them and learned that the rancher claimed he could only ride the range about a half hour and then would have to get off the horse, sit or lie on the ground a while before being able to ride longer. His wife said she would have to lie down after breakfast to gain enough strength to do the dishes, and would rest this way several times each day, always feeling weary. The children were cross and sickly and were receiving poor grades in school.

After walking around the barns and sheds with the rancher, we went into the house and sat down to talk with the family. I was, of course, very curious about their diet so I asked what foods were stored up for the winter, and they told me about the thousand pounds of enriched white flour, bags of sugar, canned fruits and vegetables they had. Having seen the whole grains he had stored in the sheds for his registered livestock, I made him this proposition: It was that he would for ninety days trade his food with that of the animals! His family would use the whole grains, we explained, and get a juicer and juice at least a pint a day of fresh carrot juice from the ton of carrots he had for the animals, and then let his prize stock eat their flour and foods.

Immediately he snapped back with: "What do you want to do, kill my cattle and horses?" then stopped abruptly and said, "You really tricked me on that one – I never thought of it that way. The very idea of feeding my expensive animals the foods that are probably making us sick! We will try your program."

They did – he found he could now work twelve to fourteen hours in a day without tiring; she had pep and energy, and the children got well and their grades improved.

Carrot poultice good for man or beast

A few months later on one of our calls to their ranch we found they were quite concerned because one of their favorite horses, a family riding horse and pet, had torn its leg on barbed wire. The veterinarian could not kill the infection and advised them to shoot the animal. The children were broken hearted, so the father asked me what to do for the horse. He seemed rather embarrassed, as he thought it rather silly to ask an herbalist and N.D. about an animal. He was informed that all animation was of God and that herbs are good for man or beast. The instructions were to make a poultice of freshly ground carrots, wrap around the infected leg and fasten securely. The poultice was to be replaced daily with a fresh one as soon as it became dry, keeping fresh poultices on until the infection was cleared. The horse was to have plenty of water, oats and fresh carrots to eat as well as green alfalfa if obtainable that time of year (very early spring.)

On our next visit a few weeks later, we saw a frisky horse romping around the field and were informed that this was the poor old infected family horse that they were told would have to be shot. The carrot poultice and carrots to eat had cleared up the infection, gave the horse new life as well as a glossy shining coat. This man and his family later sold their cattle ranch, bought a small fruit and garden farm, and he became an herbalist and reflexologist. He said he wanted to help other people to learn the "good way of life."

Incidently, carrot juice is one of the best remedies for failing vision and cataracts. We have heard from many subscribers to The IO that they are having more problems with their vision than ever before. Al Frye from Garden Valley, Idaho has written an excellent testimony regarding the use of Dr. ’s eye wash formula for correcting damaged eyes and improving vision (see page 21). But as Al reminds us in his letter, the eye wash must be used in conjunction with a healthy diet of living foods, and drinking carrot juice daily will insure much more rapid and long lasting results.

Next month we will discuss several herbs that are specific for cleansing the bloodstream and liver. Most cancerous conditions can be overcome by simply focusing on the liver and blood. Even dandelion root, a well-known liver cleanser, was featured in the Feb./Mar. 2007 edition of Nexus magazine as a cure for a "prostate cancer sufferer who was instructed by an inner voice to use dandelion root and how to prepare it, when nothing else helped."

Dr. ’s Herbal Lecture Series

Dr. , the father of modern American herbology, left us in 1983 at age 74. But before he died, he bequeathed to us a wealth of herbal knowledge. Azure Standard, a truly wonderful, family-based, healthy food distributor out of Dufur, Oregon, has the entire collection available on CD. This priceless collection sells for $45 +s/h. and can be obtained by calling 541-467-2230 or ordering online at www.azurestandard.com.

Disk 1 - Intro to Series; Elimination: maintaining a clean colon as the

basis of sound health

Disk 2 - The Bloodstream: The River of Life; Herbal blood purifiers

Disk 3 - Liver and Gallbladder; Lungs and the importance of oxygen

Disk 4 - Stomach overcoming digestion/assimilation problems; The Heart

Disk 5 - The Pancreas; Nerves; Insomnia

Disk 6 - Kidneys: Herbal Diuretics; Pregnancy; The Skin

Disk 7 - Allergies; Reporductive Organs; Obesity; The Mucusless Diet

Disk 8 - Eyes; Pyorrhea; Varicose Veins; Hair

Disk 9 - The Cold Sheet Treatment; The Incurables Routine

Disk 10 - The Incurables Routine (cont.); Comfrey paste; The Plague Remedy


From the April 2007 Idaho Observer:

Source: http://proliberty.com/observer/20070407.htm

Gallstones: Purging them naturally...

By Bob Nicholson

Pictured are gallstones after they have dried out. One can also find gruesome photos of excised gall bladders opened with scalpels revealing them to be packed full of stones.

If we wish to have optimal health, the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder is essential to achieving that goal. Digestive disorders are one of the most common ailments in America.

Recent statistics reveal that one in 10 Americans suffer from gallstones with over 500,000 people undergoing surgery every year in the United States to have their gallbladder removed. It is believed that 70 to 80 percent of people have gallstones but do not know they have them, showing no symptoms for years.

The liver produces 1 to 1.5 quarts of bile per day which is necessary for digestion, especially the emulsification of fats. Bile travels from the liver through the common bile duct and is stored in the gallbladder. Consumption of meals high in fats or protein can trigger the gallbladder to squeeze itself dry of the bile after 15-20 minutes, traveling through the cystic duct to the common bile duct and then to the intestines. However, since many people, including children, eat diets excessively high in fats and protein, their gallbladder and biliary tubing are choked with gallstones and digestive problems prevail.

People who eat a diet of processed foods low in fiber, excessive meat and not enough raw vegetables experience an excess of cholesterol in their blood. It is from the coagulation of cholesterol that gallstones are formed. As the stones grow larger and become more numerous, the back pressure in the biliary tubing causes the liver to make less bile for digesting fats and, subsequently, less and less cholesterol leaves the body.

As time goes on, poor digestion results which then leads to constipation, which then provides an environment for bacteria and toxins to collect, which then leads to poor absorption of vital nutrients and vitamins, which then can lead to chronic fatigue. And these stones, being porous, also harbor bacteria and toxins from the filtering process of the liver, which are being constantly absorbed back into the body.

The combination of these factors severely compromises the immune system, leading to chronic and degenerative diseases.

The result of a lifetime of neglect

Over a period of time you begin experiencing some abdominal pain, along with a bloated feeling. Constipation is becoming an increasing problem. You go to the doctor. The doctor says you need to change to a high fiber diet. You do this and it helps for a while, but a year or two down the road the pains start coming back.

Finally, the constipation and pain is so bad you end up in the emergency room. They decide to do exploratory surgery. It is determined that you have gallstones and they tell you that you need to have your gallbladder removed. So you decide to do this – anything to relieve yourself of the pain.

Now, removing the gallbladder will stop much of the pain and discomfort from gallstones, but stones will continue to form – and now directly in the liver. With no storage reservoir for bile, poor digestion of fats will persist, along with all the problems associated with it. Bile will now continuously drip into the intestine, causing irritation and diarrhea. Complications from surgery must be considered, too.

Note: Do not become alarmed if you have already had your gallbladder removed. People are known to have lived past 100 with their gallbladder removed years before.

My testimony

Approximately five years ago I began experiencing abdominal pains that were different from any pains I had felt before. They were not sharp pains nor were they anything like a belly-ache. I had recently lost my father to cancer who had also been having extreme abdominal pains. This all concerned me to the point that I went to the doctor who then scheduled a colonoscopy. Thankfully there was no sign of cancer or polyps.

Up to this point I had been living on a typical diet that had no focus on "proper" nutrition. Discussions with various people led me to improving my diet substantially and the pains seemed to subside. After a year or two, though, they began coming back, and now constipation and bloating were a problem too.

The pains were the most extreme when I would have a meal that had meat. Of course this led me to shying away from meat, other than eggs, for protein. Eventually, I began using epsom salt as a laxative every time the pain would become stressful. This worked for the next few years. Doctor visits would yield the same advice for more fiber... more fiber. I tried that, too, and it actually seemed to make the constipation worse. Finally, one day with the now ever-present pain, I felt something move and the pain subsided. Hmmm, I thought to myself, I wonder if I have kidney or gallstones?

The Internet searches began and the puzzle started unfolding for me. Everything I was experiencing was described in the symptoms of gallstones. I figured there’s only one way to find out. So I began preparing for a liver and gallbladder flush following Dr. Hulda ’s schedule from her book, The Cure For All Diseases.

On the day that I began my "first" flush I had oatmeal for breakfast and then only drank carrot juice until 2 p.m. in the afternoon. This would allow bile to build up by not eating any fats.

At 5 p.m. I drank 1 tablespoon of epsom salt mixed in 8 oz. of water and the same dose again at 7 p.m. At 9 p.m. I drank ½ a cup of extra virgin olive oil mixed with ½ a cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and then went to bed, lying on my right side.

In the morning at 6 a.m. I drank another dose of the epsom salt and then two hours later, at 8 a.m., I drank another ½ a cup olive oil mixed with grapefruit juice. Then the final dose of epsom salt mix at 10:00 a.m. Throughout the flush, your body will definitely let you know when you need to go to the bathroom.

Did I ever get a surprise the next day. I passed about five "marble" sized green stones, 20-30 pea-sized ones and a hundred or so of various sizes on down. Wow, it is absolutely amazing when you see these things floating in the toilet, knowing they just came out of one of your organs. If stones this size, and an amount that Dr. claims can be as many as 2,000, are choking our liver and gallbladder, how can our body possibly function properly? This led me to reflect on, not only the last five years, but could this have been affecting my health for as many as 10 or 20 years? The one thing that stood out in my memory was experiencing fatigue for a number of years.

I began my first flush in December, 2006, and have done one every other week since then. As of April 10th I have passed approximately 1,200 stones: About 50 marble-sized ones, 200-300 pea sized and the rest in sizes on down to that of the size of a sesame seed. Usually for a day or two I feel better than I’ve felt in years and full of energy, but then more stones move down causing the same symptoms as before. Between flushes I will pass tan colored stones that are pea sized and look more like cholesterol balls.

Following the flush I take either oregano oil or black walnut before my first meal and probiotics after. Also, every time a stone gets stuck, I may get a foul taste in my mouth, and mucus in my bowel movements. I’ve also experienced a toxic reaction after some flushes, leaving me either feeling drained or somewhat nauseous.

An enlightening adventure

It must be noted that these cleanses are not particularly pleasant, but it is fascinating when the stones begin to pass, knowing the havoc they been wreaking on your health—and now they are leaving.

If you wonder whether you have stones yourself, there is only one way to find out for certain. I believe that a very high percentage of us do. Conversations about gallstones, liver and digestive issues have opened my eyes wide to how many people have either had their gallbladders removed or suffer acute and chronic digestive disorders of some form or another.

In my opinion it is entirely worth the 6 months to a year that it can take to get through this, leading me to conclude that cleaning up the liver and gallbladder is absolutely central to regaining, and then maintaining our health.

To find Hulda ’s directions on how to flush one’s gallbladder of gallstones, go to www.curezone.com/cleanse/liver/huldas_recipe.asp

Most reputable health food stores carry her excellent book, The Cure for All Diseases. [Note 1 from SunToads: It is best to phone the publisher of Dr Hulda 's books so that you will get the most recent edition: 800-519-2465. www.newcenturypress.com ]. If you don’t have access to the Internet and would like to try this gallbladder flush program, send a self-addressed envelope and $1 to The Idaho Observer and we will mail you a copy.


[Note 2 from SunToads: Request SunToads Health News issues 85 and 223; both discuss ways to achieve a healthy liver]

Source: http://proliberty.com/observer/20070305.htm

From the March 2007 Idaho Observer:

Your Liver – The body’s chemical factory and detoxifier

Although it has been nearly five years since we have devoted a column to the importance of maintaining a healthy liver, it is imperative now more than ever for us to make sure our liver is in good functioning order. If people truly understood the vital bodily functions their liver performs, they would also understand that a constipated liver that continues on unchecked for several years will lead to immune system disorders, neurological diseases, chronic fatigue, cancers, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, sexual dysfunction, eyesight problems, diabetes, and every digestive disorder from constipation to indigestion.

by Ingri Cassel

We are currently living in a toxic world of poisoned air, food and water. In order for your spirit’s vehicle, your body, to not be overwhelmed by the daily toxins our body is continually processing, we must 1) minimize the amount of toxins our body must process, 2) do periodic gallbladder/liver flushes and 3) incorporate carrot juice and herbs into our daily routine that optimize liver function.

The adult human liver normally weighs between 3.7 - 6 pounds, and is a soft, reddish-brown "boomerang shaped" organ. It is the second largest organ (the skin being the largest organ) and the largest gland within the human body. The liver is considered the most important organ in our body carrying out the most active and extensive operations of our entire anatomy. It is located on the right side at the top of the abdomen behind the diaphragm. The liver lies on the right of the stomach and makes a kind of bed for the gallbladder, where bile is stored (see diagram).

The liver performs a variety of functions. Some of these functions are: To produce substances that break down fats; convert glucose to glycogen, produce urea (the main substance of urine); make certain amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), filter harmful substances from the blood (such as synthetic drugs, pesticides, household chemicals, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc.); storage of vitamins A, D, E and K, folate, vitamin B-12 and minerals such as copper and iron; and maintain a proper level of glucose in the blood.

Chemical processing factory

Hepatic cells or hepatocytes make up about 60 percent of our liver tissue. These specialized liver cells carry out more chemical processes than any other group of cells in our bodies. They change most of the nutrients we consume into forms our body’s cells can use. They convert sugars to glucose and store it as glycogen before converting it back into glucose for releasing into the blood as needed, thereby regulating our blood sugar level.

Other functions of the hepatic cells are to: Produce bile that breaks down fats and produces cholesterol; remove ammonia from your body (converting it into urea for excretion by the kidneys); produce blood proteins, including blood clotting factors; and detoxify our bodies from ingested toxins such as synthetic drugs and alcohol.

A second important group of liver cells are the Kupffer cells. They remove damaged red blood cells, neutralize pathogens and clean up debris from dead cells.

Because our liver fulfills so many vital functions, we would die within 24 hours if it stopped working. The most well-known sign of a damaged liver is jaundice, a yellowness of the eyes and skin. This happens when bilirubin, a yellow breakdown product of our red blood cells, builds up in our blood.

However, most people in today’s world suffer from a damaged liver. We have found that by simply doing a seven-day colon cleanse followed by a gallbladder/liver flush and changing one’s diet to one of primarily raw foods consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds that are organically grown (what Dr. R. referred to as the mucusless diet), people’s illnesses are reversed.

By understanding how our bodies actually work, we can then understand how our drug-oriented system of medicine suppresses the symptoms of a denatured diet and the resultant accumulation of toxins, overwhelming the liver (and all organs and body systems in the process.)

The late Norman W. wrote a number of books on the value of raw vegetables and fruits, juicing, and colon cleansing. In his book, Colon Health: The Key to A Vibrant Life, he describes the miraculous ability of the liver to convert our food into nutrients and molecules that are utilized for the proper functioning of our bodies:

Consider the many atoms that vitamins are composed of. Below are a few chosen at random:

C = Carbon H = Hydrogen O = Oxygen

Cl = Chlorine N = Nitrogen S = Sulfur

Vitamin A = C20, H29, HO

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) = C12, H17, Cl N4, OS

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) = C17, H20, N4, O6

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) = C8, H11, NO3

Vitamin C = C6, H8, O6

Vitamin E (a/tocopherol) = C29, H50

Vitamin K = C31, H46, O2

The vitamin department of the liver cannot utilize any vitamins as whole, composite substances. The nutritional activities of the body do not function this way. The volume of vitamins in grams is so microscopic that only a miraculously intelligent system, working perfectly within the anatomy, could deliver the correct proportions of nutrients to a 150 pound adult or a small child. For example, one pound of peeled bananas contains on an average less than ¼ of a milligram (mg.) of thiamine and only about 0.29 mg. of riboflavin. When we realize that there are 28,350 mg. in one ounce and 453,370 mg. in one pound, we can understand more clearly the amazing chemical factory the liver actually is.

Another example is vitamin K which is known to prevent hemorrhage among other vital functions. The liver manages to gather 31 carbon atoms, 46 hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms to form the Vitamin K molecules -- thousands of which are needed to prevent one from hemorrhaging. These complex chemical processes stagger the imagination. This is why it is so important to nourish our bodies properly, keep our colons clean and our minds elevated—so our God-given livers will take care of us.

Master Herbalist and Naturopath Dr. Schulze has this to say:

"Although your medical doctor would like you to believe that they have figured it out and got it all down, the reality is that your liver is the most metabolically complex organ in the entire human body, more than even your brain. It has numerous different microscopic functional units and is as complex and infinite as outer space. One of the main reasons I know God was a natural healer and NOT a medical doctor is the liver itself. It is so incredibly complex you know it’s best to just leave it alone and create a healing lifestyle for it."

Norman W. believed that the concept of consuming a "complete protein" was based on ignorance of how the liver functions. He describes it this way: "The so-called complete protein must first be emulsified into a heterogenous mass called chyme and mixed with everything else in the small intestine. In such a state, all molecules in the chyme, whatever they happen to be, are gathered by the villi and passed by the bloodstream to the liver. So what was originally sugar and starch is likewise broken down into their respective molecules and these, in turn, are disintegrated into separate atoms composing them and reassembled to form glucose."

Norman understood how the body works. He knew that by eating mostly raw vegetables and fruits, nuts, sprouted seeds and raw vegetable juices, we can get all the vitamins the body needs. Norman never took any vitamins since he found that by keeping his colon clean and eating properly, the atoms needed by the liver to make up whatever vitamins his body required were obtained from the raw foods and juices he consumed.

Liver function in our modern world

We live an incredibly toxic world being exposed to more deadly chemicals than at anytime in history. Dr. Schulze sees the harm from Americans’ over-consumption of animal sources of protein. This is because when animal food is digested it forms ammonia which is absorbed in your intestines and transferred to your blood to be, hopefully, converted into urea by your liver.

Americans, being the highest consumers of animal food on the planet, have a constant over production of ammonia gas in their intestines. This in turn weakens the liver, being the cause of hepatic coma or paralysis of the liver. High protein fad diets put an incredible amount of stress on our liver. And if you think it is okay to take a couple aspirin now and then for headaches or pain, try this experiment: Take two aspirin and place them on a spoon. Hold the spoon over a candle or the stove until the aspirins melt. The resultant smell will be ammonia gas and will tell you how easy it is to over-stress your liver.

Next month we will discuss specific herbs and foods that assist in detoxifying the liver as well as gallbladder flushes that have helped countless people regain their health when many other "remedies" failed.

Milk Thistle Seed – Friend to the Liver

Milk Thistle (silybum marianum) originated in Europe. It has been widely cultivated for its food value and now grows wild throughout the warmer areas of the world. Like other thistles, it will spread rapidly and cover vast fields, preferring sunny well-drained soil. Milk thistle gets its species name of "marianum" from an eastern European myth about the white streaks in its dark green leaves. The story goes that was collecting herbs while nursing the baby Jesus, and spilled milk on its leaves.

Milk thistle seed has been used for centuries by herbalists to restore proper liver function, but has only recently been revived by modern-day herbalists and naturopaths. Milk thistle seed has unique properties that not only protect liver cells, but can actually regenerate damaged liver tissue. In one European test in the 1970s, 60 patients suffering from severe amanita muscaria mushroom poisoning were treated with a special extract of milk thistle. They all survived when the normal death rate would have been 30 to 40 percent. In other studies, and in clinical practice in the U.S., patients with usually irreversible cirrhosis of the liver have been returned to relative health with milk thistle. Milk thistle is likewise helpful in cases of hepatitis, for which there is presently no other effective treatment. Silymarin, the chief constituent of milk thistle, is currently listed in the Merck Index, the bible of conventional medicines in the U.S., as a protectant for the liver.

Milk thistle seed is also one of the only known substances that can protect the liver against damage by some environmental pollutants (think chemtrails). Since spring has sprung, it is important to realize that common allergies are the result of impaired liver function since the liver is the source of natural antihistamines in the body and hayfever and pollen allergies are a sure sign of an impaired liver.

Dr. Schulze considers milk thistle seed the most important ingredient in his liver/gallbladder and anti-parasite formula. In the May, 2002 edition of his newsletter, "Get Well!" Dr. Schulze stated the following: "The silymarin from milk thistle actually binds to and coats the liver cells and protects them from damage, like a protective plastic shield. It protects the liver cells and the liver from any further damage due to toxic poisons and inflammation. This was discovered by many medical doctors quite by accident when researching why people who ingested lethal doses of deadly poisons weren’t affected and didn’t get sick. The doctors discovered that these same people ingested milk thistle seeds prior to ingesting the poisons, and it protected them."

For recovering alcoholics, former drug users, workers exposed to occupational chemicals, people taking prescription medicines, or people living in heavily polluted cities, milk thistle may be a valuable food and medicine. Milk thistle seeds have no known toxicity – Mice love these seeds as a food and even thrive on them.


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If you don't receive at least one newsletter during any 60-day period, thatcould mean that we have lost some of our data. Feel free to ask us to confirm yoursubscription status. Thanks.

This newsletter is for those who want to know more about:

1. Current serious health threats even though you may not be sick now.2. Suppressed cures.3. Sources of info so you can do further research.4. Controversial health information, typically non-mainstream.5. Alternatives. Bits and pieces.

Our Archives list can be emailed to you ONLY IF YOU FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS exactly

because we are not automated. We delete emails when we don't recognize the subject.

1. In the Subject line of your email, type: SunToads Archives

2. Then, in the Body/Text area of your email, type: your email address

3. E-mail your request to: jfeb@...

Please send us similar health info you are aware of and include references,if possible, so others can do further research. Since our staff volunteersits time and we do not charge you for our efforts, we are therefore unableto pay money to writers.

Feel free to forward this material to those who may have an interest in better health.

SunToads Health News emailings are on no particular schedule.

We don't claim to be experts or doctors, we just search for suppressed andlittle known information. Any statements made by SunToads are solely ouropinions and in no way constitute medical advice.

Opinions expressed in material written by others are their opinions, notnecessarily ours. Sometimes other writers may say something we are sure isincorrect. For example the writer may say cow's milk is great and parasitesare bad. SunToads happens to think that neither cow's milk nor parasites are greatfor humans, but we won't torpedo the entire article if the overallinformation is helpful.

We inform you of what we find, we do not practice medicine or guarantee theaccuracy of what we find and forward. From the huge amounts of material wereview, we select material that we feel is likely to be largely accurate. Wedo not pretend to be infallible. As more valid research becomes available,today’s best information often goes on tomorrow’s junk pile. We continue tolearn just like you do.

We are aware that there are often volumes of intentional disinformation andmisinformation on many subjects. You too need to be aware that deliberatelies are frequently promulgated (especially by government, politicians, and

pharmaceutical interests). Sorting it all out is not always easy. Wehave seen web sites that claim to expose lies and truths. Some of thesesites have a dark agenda and/or are run by poorly informed people. We try toforward info to you that will give you a wider perspective, and willhopefully be mostly true given the current knowledge base. We will NEVERintentionally mislead you.

Occasionally we are blasted by a venomous reader shrieking nasty remarksabout something he/she doesn't agree with, and always he/she fails to offerevidence or research to help us determine if we have forwarded incorrectinformation. This behavior is unproductive. It sends a barb to our hearts,and in no way helps anyone. We are pleased when this type personunsubscribes….. and we may even drop he/she from our list without theirrequesting it.

YOU decide what is credible and if you wish to use the information weforward.

We do this newsletter because we have personally had health successes andknow of many others who have. We do this because we care about you, not forany personal gain........ well, maybe......... we learn from you guys too.

All information is for educational purposes only and is not intended todiagnose, treat, or cure any disease. For clarification and/or professionaladvice, you should seek the opinion of an appropriate licensed professional.

We never rent, loan or sell our e-mailing list to anyone.

You may subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your email address ONLY IF YOU FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS exactly

because we are not automated. We delete emails when we don't recognize the subject.

"Let food be thy medicine andlet medicine be thy food"http://vanokat.wholefoodfarmacy.com/2005/ga_home.asp

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